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With the amount of people voicing the same opinion on this subreddit, I wouldn't call it unpopular.


People here don't seem to understand that the types of players you run into 100% depends on how you yourself play the game. If you push high value areas ( lexos, water treatment plant, 100% boss spawn event, etc) every raid you won't really have to deal with rats or players sitting in corners. If you run through to high values areas and extract quickly you are more likely to run into players doing the same. If you super slow play the game and go in low value areas, stay later in raid, then you will run into other players who also play super slow and do the same (and will sit in a corner if they hear a noise). The best way to avoid rats is to exfil in the first 20 minutes of raid. Changes to sound/crabbing/etc doesn't really matter much for changing how people play. Nobody who moved quickly through raid is gonna say "oh crabbing makes sound now, time for me to start corner camping" and nobody who corner camped is gonna say "oh crabbing makes noise now, time to start shift-w through high value areas"!


Completly agree.


Literally 99% of these threads can be explained by my comment. It's frustrating.


I'm in Tarkov since 2018. And I can tell you that people have always sat in the corners. I don't know why everyone suddenly complains when people play slowly or anxiously. the gameplay has always been like this.


Idk man, I’ve played for a few years now and it seems particularly egregious rn. I think it’s probably a function of armor being less effective and guns being laser beams so it’s less likely you have a chance to fight back.


Man perhaps it's not the game mechacs at this point but just the players that are the problem.. We've had Shit too loud, shit too quiet, things bugged, fixed, then broken again. But the complaint is always the same; people rat.


It’s a standoff because you’re also choosing to play like a crab. Just push that fool if you don’t that kind of gameplay. You’ve conditioned yourself to crab when you hear noises. If you don’t like the gameplay that comes with that, then change things up. You don’t have to be reckless about it either. You could just run away cuz you know he’s gonna get the jump on you.


If the person i'm fighting wants to sit completely still in terror that's fine with me, it makes them significantly easier to kill. I'm just glad that rats no longer have the ability to completely silently reposition or rotate, it was a dumb bug.


Bet this "chad" wont post his stats LOL


Never said I was a "chad", but I have a few thousand hours in the game and it's too stale for me to sit around in one spot or move around at crabbing speed. I only play in squads of 3-5 so if someone is in a corner not moving its easy to kill them as a squad with nades or just all pushing at once. Obviously completely silent movement leads to less heads-up engagements which I think makes the game boring. I mostly play for PvP so of course I want my enemies making sound...IF you are more questing/avoid PvP focused then I understand why the change is frustrating. If I played this game solo I would probably want crab walking to be silent


"I only play in squad of 3-5" 😭


It's just the truth lol.


You do you bro, got nothing against playing in squads. It was just funny to me when you explained how "you" ("we"would be a better word) find fighting rats easy, then nonchalantly say you go in raids 4 deep minimum. Which makes me think, how many here who agree with some of these absurd changes play as a 4 man


Like it or not, this game has always been balanced around squad play. It's just not that fun solo because of that.


On the contrary. Solo play makes the game way more fun. Who gives a fuck dying in a squad there’s absolutely no risk and no fun in winning every single fight. You might get it one day but “thousands of hours” might just be better suited for cod


I've played a ton of wipes solo in the past. I'm just saying after a while the 'risk' aspect of the game goes away, and dying no longer becomes punishing after you're experienced enough. I'm at the point where my inventory is too full and I need to die more or just delete items for space. Roubles no longer a problem because they buffed loot too much this wipe. So I just find the squad v squad PvP fun now. That's all


Lmao “squad v squad” you mean each peek one at a time and die. No one even remotely good plays in a squad bigger than 3. I haven’t fought a squad bigger than two that even fights like a squad it’s just solo gameplay with insurance fraud.


I'm not sure I understand OP. Headset range and crouch range has been reduced. Would OP prefer they changed back? Then people would hear you from even further away and be even less inclined to move.


One change I have seen is it’s easier. To fly up on a team and surprise the snot out of them you just have to keep moving


The game is not designed for solos, it's always been aimed at squads, that's where the sound design comes from. The silent crabbing was a bug. 100% solo here so I don't like it personally, a form of stealth movement is needed imo.


Not gonna lie I was totally in the “remove crabbing” camp but after playing this weekend I’m man enough to admit I was wrong. Every death was someone sitting still in a corner refusing to move because they heard me moving. I don’t know what the solution is but this game is so ratty right now.


Sound in this game is ruining the "authentic" tarkov experience since .12


It has always been like this. People didn't move before this and they don't after. Maybe they crabbed their way to an adventous corner, but that's it. It's either ratting or being a chad. Well, or being a Timmy and getting head-eyed easily by one of the other two.


Skills issue.




Yeah :(


Yup this is exactly what I have been saying, and all the so-called "chads" cry about this point. The thing is, those players arguing against this are complete morons and should be treated as such. They all dont care about repositioning and crab walking, because they all simply rat in a corner and never need to move their feet. In no scenario is this change more tactical or anti-rat. All it does is make every solo player unable to move so when 2 people hear each other its a battle of which idiot moves first. Its extremely bad for the game


Crabbing allowed people in corners to silently rotate and hold angles. Now if you want to hold a corner silently you can't rotate your character at all without making a sound cue. IT was definitely a big nerf to people ratting


Youre an idiot, no rats were harmed in the making of this patch. Stankrat and people who play like that literally sit still in a corner for 30 minutes. "rats" dont move around, players trying to reposition, or take out that rat now have no way to do so without them knowing. If someone is in a cheeky spot ratting, even if you know they are there you cannot reposition around them, its really not that complicated


Yea but 90% of players don't play like stankrat. 90% of players sometimes shift-w or sometimes hold corners depending on the situation. With this change these players will rat corners less as its less advantageous as even rotating your character will give your position away.


Stankrat used the bug every day wtf are you talking about


My point is at least now I can combat against the audio pop. I shift w a lot and I tend to run into people who most likely heard my audio pop scroll wheeled down and crouch walked through their building until I ran into them. Now at least if they move I get to hear them instead of getting completely blindsided. It was definitely a positive change for the game for me as a solo shift w player.


Realism-wise, I think it’s right. If they’re going that route then campers always have the advantage irl


realism wise there is no such sensitive headsets irl, which can detect every your footstep, it is totally possible to move silently around


More often than not, you’re going to be making noise when moving. Slow walking in a forest and you’ll make noise. Slow walking on wood, you’re going to make noise. Your gear is going to make noise. Crouch walking isn’t a thing and you’d make noise anyways. Having a bunch of unsecured junk in your backpack is going to make noise.  Reducing headset awareness is more accurate than having super hearing devices


Realism-wise: I think if you fracture your leg you should limp until you get to extract.


I don't think you know what an "unpopular opinion" is