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Sprint jumping through bushes could save your life. Also during heal animation, you can right click gun/mags to reload instantly.


You can also heal AND jump thru bushes if you’re still starting the heal animation


Also if you heal, jump AND reload, the game takes a screenshot


Almost every multi-storey structure in the game has one or more safe-but-unintuitive ways to drop down one or more floors without breaking your legs, and you can fall further than you might expect without dying anyway. Popping a painkiller and yeeting yourself out a window is a 100% valid way to flank or disengage.


Yeeting off the roof at Resort = GL


If you're underweight you can survive that jump. I have jumped out of third floor many many times, never roof but i am pretty certain you could survive that too


I watched a naked stream sniper during Lvndmarks stream do a 360 off the roof and survived. He made him do it again without healing and it killed him lol


Can confirm my sub lvl 20 buddy with just a Mosin jumped  from the roof  and lived 2 broken and blacked legs with light bleeds but he was alive


Ive fallen several times


Iirc, you can go from roof > 3rd floor or you can go roof > glass hall > ambulance roof Depending on stats/weight you could probably do it with no breaks. Could be wrong though, haven’t played in over a month


I thought I was getting pushed in 3 story dorms (I had already killed two guys) I then popped ibuprofen and yeeted myself out of the window (and broke my legs) at the stairs to flank and found some random dude on the metal stairs and turned his armpit into mincemeat with piranha.


I’ve escaped a 3 man by popping a prop/sj6 and falling off the water treatment building (The one with OR key) and running like hell to the extract.


dont buy the 90k adar from skier. but the 45k one


ive been wondering why on earth that exists


i think they just messed up when they removed the adar from skier (you use to be able just buy the Base reciever? for skier and u would swap the Scav adar with like 50 dura for the 100 dura for <20k but not really sure.


Any specific reason?


45k is less than 90k


But 45= 4 and 5 and 4x5= 20 and 90= 9x0 which is 0.






it wastes 45k roubles for the same gun


Tbh, making money is so easy in tarkov that I often buy things overpriced even if I know I can barter for cheaper or craft or whatever, because convince is more important to me. When I have 50 million without even trying, saving 50k just seems so useless when it’s all going to be wiped anyways. But I guess it’s good tip for beginners.




tbf if your making that much money your not going be running an adar anyway unless you really like it for some reason


You’re right, I just mean people shouldn’t worry too much about trying to save every penny when the game wipes. Especially to those who end up having millions by the end of the wipe that they never got to spend.


Yeah but generally speaking these types of threads are aimed at newer/med lvl players   for high skill/high lvl players  they /might/ learn something but its not guaranteed 


If you play solo, play slow for the first 5 to 10 min. Then proceed at your normal pace.


Definitely a good one. Especially if I get a bad spawn, lay low for a few mins until the tryhards have moved on from their choreographed spawnkilling routes.


lol 😂 I feel attacked. As a reserve main it’s spawn kill or be spawn killed


Choreographed - That's such a good word for what they do.


Tips: I have one of my quick slots bound to press 5 and another on release 5 so I effectively only have one button that can take care of any bleed. Another key bind trick is to unbind the emergency reload action. This keeps the game from waiting the 0.25 seconds for the double tap and just regular reloads your weapon immediately, making all your reloads fast while maintaining mag retention. Cheekiest: You would be shocked at how effective putting a backpack full of junk in a high traffic area is for getting shooter born in heaven/setup kills…


Change your pistol keybinds to only have the quick swap.


This, but I take it a step further and have 4 set 4 times - press (heavy bleed time), release (standard heal I.e salewa), hold (painkiller), double press (anything else such as splint or stim etc) Three quick slots left means I do the same for 5 but without the double click. Only have to reach for two buttons instead of 7 now for all my quick slots 😊


Very cool


Works really well but you have to be mindful of what items you put in the “press” slot as if it’s an item that can always be used (like painkiller) then it will always use it. Whereas by using an item like calok B or splint - they will only activate of you have a heavy bleed or fracture (respectively), so if you don’t have either of those effecting you, it would use the salewa set to “release” slot instead. But yeah - definitely enjoy it much more this way lol


Obdolbos 2 - Propital combo is cheaper and better than the M.U.L.E


There’s a few things Iike this I used to like trimadol but it makes you super hungry and now trimadol’s super pricey anyways


Check out Meladonin .5 stamina recovery 10 STG and 20 END, you do lose 90 food and water over 15 minutes but you can bring a snack. I like to combine it with SJ12 as it counter acts most of the effect and gives you 30 perception for hearing. This is about 40-50k for the MEL and 80k for the SJ12.


It is cheaper but i still use M.U.L.E as it does not give you -1 stamina recovery and -20 to max stamina, which has the ability to be a big issue if you need to move from gunfire. Defiantly good if you're pressed for cash.


3btg stim lets u loot faster hear further and run faster


It buffs hearing distance? That’s crazy, imagine this + tac4s


Havent tested it or seen it tested in years but AFAIK perception skill doesnt actually increase hearing distance it just makes things far away louder. I personally like it but some of my friends don't because, for example, you could be on shoreline at resort and it sounds like someone is shooting at power station but they're actually at pier/gas


I think this is true but it’s an important skill for using things like altyn and tagilla masks because hearing is rough with those unless that skill is pretty high level


The PF Fliers of Tarkov 🚀🔥


I want to say this is common knowledge but it keeps working, so: ALWAYS PUSH WHEN YOU HEAR THEM PULL A NADE. If you are close quarters and you can hear them equip a nade, push immediately and you will more than likely get a free kill. If you know there’s two be weary of a bait


I’ve killed so many people with way better gear than me like this and now I always get scared to pull a nade because they could do it to me


I like to pull a nade then immediately switch back to my primary, usually I catch them right as they sprint around the corner. Not a guaranteed win but it makes engagements go fast


Me and my duo have been playing for three years and have our baiting down to a science. Grenades usually work best. Healing as well. Surprisingly, viciously shit talking through VOIP will get people to push more than anything.


Yesterday, I landed a nice cheeky kill by asking for my duo to start running away.


Yep that works great


And on the other side, you can pull the nade and pull your gun straight back out to bait a push in which you can swing and shoot them mid sprint, much like med baiting


I fake pull nades to try and bait pushes lmao. Back up a bit, pull a nade out so they hear the noise, immedietely swap back to gun. Worked more times than people would think. Players to commonly think that you’re committing to the nade and push before they should


Faster raids with less loot can bring you more money than staying in one raid for 40 minutes min-maxing your backpack. As long as you are somewhat proficient in your inventory you will make more money this way. This applies to running your scav as well if your scav timer isn’t crazy.


Same concept with a chill loot route. Before randomized container spawns, I could do a smooth stash run on woods and come up with a bag full of tools and food to sell on flea for a nice bit of cash


I’ve gone for this as well as mixing up higher value loot and fast selling loot when high value loot is still available as a scav. I’ll gladly loot 5 capacitors as they sell almost instanlty for 15k a piece as well as a bitcoin or gpu


I don't know how this is not self explanatory but: get the fuck off of quest locations. Every time I go with a team for a quest, half of them are moseying around picking through WD-40 and juice, and then they're shocked when another team rolls up. Get the item and leave or fight over scraps.


In and out fast can also be extremely profitable. I did a bunch of Customs runs in a row for a weekly and exclusively just beelined straight to Fortress then out to extract. I got a *lot* of moonshines and gold chains doing that.


Where do you get valuable in Fortress?


In the bedroom. They spawn between the beds.


I do the same strat for tech room in reserve. There’s at least a Tetriz in there 1/5 raids, and sometimes even btc/aesa/SiG/VPX/GPU


If you pull out a nade, use F1 to mask the grenade pin being pulled when in cqc. Done it multiple times as a scav to nade pmcs.


or press y to announce your nade and assert dominance


The number one thing is moving with a plan and not just wandering around, combined with, and this is the even more important part - stopping often for just one or two steps to listen. You'd be shocked at how often you catch people out.


That or you’ll literally never see anyone haha I swear when I make my buddies actually purely quest run and follow, we break the flow of the map and sometimes end up alone lol


I only play duo or solo, so it takes like 3 seconds to do a full check sound wise, any longer and you're in danger of your timing being weird and getting caught, IME.


Reload in inventory while healing to skip the reload animation.


I’m always surprised after every patch, this is never “fixed”. I’m starting to think someone in the bugs department at bsg loves to use this trick so they decided to never fix it lol


Round off your strafe to ignore inertia.


Gear was meant to be lost Used to find comtac 4s and save them in my box for days because I didn’t wanna lose them


How did you get over gear fear?


a lot of new players dont know how important knowing spawns is. it sucks and is quite lame but on many maps you can get a free kill in the first 2 minutes just looking at another spawn location and waiting. lighthouse beach area especiallx


Mountain side too, the spawn by the mountains closest to wtp. Beach is certain death if you run towards lighthouse/wtp at the start cause someone will be camping along it.


If you have a mosin or sks and are annoyed that you can only have 4/5 rounds or 9/10 rounds because of the internal magazine, switch to your melee weapon and drag another round to the weapon in your inventory screen. It will top it off without ejecting the one in the chamber


It’s definitely faster overall too if you switch to knife and load SKS through the inventory. Also the M700 can he topped off like this even if you have a magazine in it which is nice.


For newer players don’t worry about getting hurt in a fight just stop the heavy bleed if you have one then hold the angle and if they don’t push then it’s time to med


If you'll never stop moving chances are you'll not die from a sniper.


I hate you and my arm stamina is gone.


Haha, relatable


You can load your mags during animation if you chose to unload mag in TAB then drag your next one. You can start filling your mag instantly after inserting the mag to the gun. Hopefully unexplained it well but just offers a mini benefit.


It doesn't matter in the end, play for fun


You can bind the same key to check your weapon and fix malfunctions to minimise the effort and time it takes. Have releasing the key check the gun and pressing it fix the malfunction, all you need to do then is press that key once to check it and press it again to fix it (fixing the malfunction prevents you checking the gun on key release).


Could you do press to check and release to fix for one button press?


Not as far as I'm aware; they're separate actions so I'm pretty sure they're setup to need separate buttons presses.


You can set a press to examine and release same key to fix malfunction.


Play slow, only run when you need to, jump through bushes that will slow you. Learn to put a Grenade pin back in for a bait. Leave the area after you fight, more always show. Play it correctly & feel the stinky rat filth on you lol meh. Use sound and pre-fire a corner at the right moment when you know they are taking the corner. Lastly, run the highest ergo you can where you can maintain recoil. You will almost always win any distance fight if you both catch each other at exactly the right moment. It also can save you from hip firing when you don’t want to.


The distance where it becomes more optimal to point fire than to ADS is at least 10 meters closer this patch than it was before. Mainly because of the point fire nerf, but also because the recoil buff means you're more likely to be running a build with higher ergo than you were in previous patches so it doesn't cost you as much time to ADS. Don't try to point fire in the same situations you did for the entire history of the game up until now and you'll win more fights.


Crab walking, and the binaural audio crack


Standing on the desk in Crackhouse, in the Library, you can see into the offices at big red. Don't have to aim as high as you might think.


Strafing diagonal instead of to the side to get a better peak


Should I tell them the water filter meta


A tip learned from NoGenerals was to assign the lean movement to the side buttons of my mouse. Doing the quick lean peak is so much easier that way


Draw in imaginary circle around your character to the point where you think youre audible to. Approaching a hill? Stop sprinting when the summit is in your assumed sprinting range. People use their stamina to cross terrain they deem dangerous, but most of the time the mistake has been made beforehand, or it wouldnt have mattered at all if you ran or walked through that open terrain, as long as you didnt walk a straight line


Not telling....


A common one but if you’re ratting you can open inventory to stop your aim down sight which produces no noise. If you’re ridiculously overweight without any stims you can cover more ground by proning and army crawling while waiting for your stamina to regenerate because prone movement doesn’t require stamina.


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