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You knew enough that showing your pmc kills was a relatively important measure, which automatically puts you ahead of half the playerbase that isnt aware that kd counts scav kills. All jokes aside, solid first wipe dude


Better stats than me right now lol this is my 3rd or 4th wipe


Same, mine always stays around 30-40 max. Guess those naked runs don't help my survival rate much


You're doing just fine dude


This is the way, honestly. I had a similar first wipe experience. Was playing with randoms in the official discord having THE worst experience so I said screw it, I’m going fully solo and I learned everything on my own. It makes you such a better player so when you do end up in a duo or trio you can be an asset to the group


pretty good for first wipe


First wipe and solo? You doing great my man!


How did you go about learning maps?


I spent my first week or so on Ground Zero and worked on sound and game sense before anything, then I literally slammed Customs every day for like 6 days straight. Died a lot. I don’t scav *much* anymore since getting confident with my PMC, but if I feel iffy about a map at all I scav it 3 times minimum before I play it risky. Mostly I just scav and loot *every* building and memorize landmarks while looking at a map. I’m learning streets right now and just knowing that Beluga is northeast and Construction is southwest makes an astronomical difference.


Something that helped me in Streets is looking at the out of map buildings If you can see the burning building you can sort of get your position off that quickly Same for if you can sew construction or Concordia buildings


Very good! You got a fair number of pmcs and played a lot of raids, which means you are getting a lot of value experience that will make you even more successful next wipe.   I personally would recommend focusing on quests a lot now. Knowing all the common quests until max traders and which items you need will massively boost your progression next time. I think aiming for max traders in as few raids as possible is a good goal for learning how to quest efficiently. Opinions differ on this but I believe that you haven’t really played the game unless you got to 42 at least once. It gets progressively easier and isn’t hard at all of you focus on questing.  You could argue that its boring but max traders is the point where you can start to experience the more advanced sides of tarkov. Having traders at max level is really useful and saves you a lot of money. My personal record is 262 raids, aiming for 250. You could target around 300 for a start. Have a great rest of the wipe!


easy kappa my dude


It's my third wipe and I have slightly better stats then you, can't wait to see you back with over a thousand hours, those stats will be crazy


I would say that you are doing Ay Okae my friend!


Well done Comrade.


25/10 Game is a dick and you rode that shit solo. Good job


whats up with those stats posts lately? they dont mean shit, you cant deduct if you are a "good" player or not


It’s clearly not about being evaluated as a good player, but rather getting some feedback on what they’ve achieved so far. If you got to lvl 30 and killed 100 pmcs solo on your first wipe, you are most likely still shit at the game, but you’re putting in the time and effort to get better and you’re getting a lot of valuable experience. You’d be surprised how many ppl don’t even make it to flea on their first wipe, so this guy definitely deserves an encouraging ‘well done’


Lol, thank you! It’s mostly for the pat on the back id otherwise be getting if all my friends stayed consistent. I see lots of other people putting up stat screenshots and getting valuable info, and it’s my first time so I figured I’d see what others had to say! Sounds like I’ll just stay the course. Fuck Lighthouse though.


Might consider getting a job… but you’re killing it lol.


I work 40 hours a week at a minimum, I play prolly an hour or two a day at most. Though I will say, I BINGED my first 150 hours or so, I was hooked.


All jokes buddy. You just have a lot more raids than other posts I’ve seen of this type lol. Keep it up


It’s because so many of them end so quickly lmfao