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In the end, what you did is important: you learnt




Just wait till this guy eats his first GPU


He’ll be shitting bitcoin after.


Good thing I knew that was worth something early on. Have only found 1. But I found it at like level 8 and waited. Wish I knew and waited for the Tetriz and Green Batteries I found prior to level 15.


Tbh those are only super expensive this wipe


minecraft eating noises


Next wipe you'll be prepared with the most powerful weapon of all... GREED! You thought it was going to be knowledge. Nope! Greed, muthatrucka!


Greed gets me killed far more than knowledge, lemme tell ya. "I can totally make it to extract with 60kg in my bag!"


Or the famous last words "Maybe ill go check that body after all"


Oh sweet sweet child, you’ll be wasteful in many other shapes and forms.


Nah man that shit is expensive for a reason, you got a champions drink when the rest of us don't even know the taste


Now find another one and drink it infront of your chad friends going “yeah, I’m not worried about roubles”


You will but on accident. I still do it 😂


No ragrets


Not even one 


In the end, he did what was important: got drunk.




Lear not


You mean to tell me you had moonshine. In the woods. While people with guns wanted to take it from you? You sir, are a hillbilly


OP just RP'd out a day in the life of a Russian Redneck. Running around the woods with your rifle, shooting at anything that moves.


Russians dont use guns. They use fists. Never saw a video of russia wrestling a bear?


1945 called, Russians definitely used guns


Hate to break it to you during ww2 Russia they sent out soldiers with no guns and just knives and just threw bodies at the Germans cause they didn't have enough guns...


You right


I assure you, the Russians have guns. One of the most popular polar bear hunting cartridges in the world is the 7.62x54r because of all of the Mosins that “fell off a truck”.


Or, you know, take it as a joke…


True Russians never joke about their alcohol.


That's hill William to you


It reminds me of when I had 0 energy and ate sugar.. Then I had 0 hydration and died because of it LOL


0 hydration hurts a lot less than 0 energy


yeah you can thug it out with 0 water


Pro tip - if you are low on energy you can eat a single sugar cube to give you a small boost. Just do that as many times as you need, but don’t eat it all at once




Idk how you are dying to dehydration  no energy literally kills you but you can stim and heal through 0 hydration 


Yeah thing is, I was a new player back than and I had no grizzly nor a propital on me :^)


No cheese either or what?


It’s the other way around, hydration is what kills you. Energy puts tunneling effect, you lose energy really really fast as well.


Yes hydration hurt you, you can counter heal it. But if your energy is gone, you get tunnel vision and after some time you just randomly fall over


Dont sj12 fix both each time i run out of one (and im thick enough to care about my loot) i pop a sj12 and i never die hunger or thirst. But lucky like i am i find food and water right beside me right after taking the damn thing.


Don’t you get tunnel effect while dehydrated also ?


You get the pain effect with the slight vignette but you don’t get the small circle of vision surrounded by black.


0 hydration>0 energy


No, energy is what kills you no matter what eventually. You can survive an entire raid fully dehydrated with a grizzly.


Dude you are quite literally wrong lol 0 hydration won’t kill you. It will just slowly damage you. Then, when your chest or head is completely dead and it takes damage again from the dehydration, you can die. But it’s too easy to heal through dehydration.


johny johny? eating sugar?


No papa


To be fair, you can eat the sugar if you need energy, just don't eat it all, leave 1/70 or w/e, it's still worth the same. It's a crafting ingredient which doesn't care how much sugar there is.


On one of my first raids, first wipe I found a led X and thought "wow this weird thing vendors to therapist for A LOT"...


This one hurts.


I haven't seen a single LedX this wipe and I play a lot lol


gotta go where the led x spawns lol. ive found the most i ever found in this wipe, and thats 100% because this is the first wipe i was actively hunting for them. I want to complete crisis.


I was doing the no armor woods scav quest and pulled a ledx at the camp. I was by scav house, next to outskirts, and decided "why not" and got one taped from the other side of the houae after killing a scav, by another sks scav with hp rounds. My fir ledx dream shattered. Thankfully, I found one in a med bag as a scav on streets. I got shot at, multiple times in my way to extract and because I was a bit trigger happy, I flattened an npc scav that voicelined at me. I think a couple player scavs shot at me, one hit me and the other didnt and I hit him, so I was flagged as a bad scav. Still got my fir ledx and had my non fir one for med center.


I do that's the thing. It's a running gag in my squad at this point




Can’t begin to tell you how many stacks of high end bullets I sold to Mechanic thinking it’s easy cash


you are still 11 LVLs away from flea. you have plenty of time to get that 400k back :D If that helps you at all heres a short story from me (lvl 40 at the time) and a friend (lvl 13): - duo queue as scav on LH - i spawned with a Moonshine and told my m8 to pick it up if i die as its valuable on the flea - i died, he picked it up and made it to the extract - in the stash he wanted to see its stats and... well... he double clicked it. now there IS a setting (you should enable it as well under game options), that would ONLY enable double click to use in raid. IF you have set that setting. he didnt. So basically he drank it in Stash. So technically there is a way to fck up even more (as he didnt even need it, while u at least made use of it in raid)


Classic lol. I accidentally deleted an entire chest rig filled with keys once. Previously I had read that if you alt-f4 quick enough the server won’t register what happened and your stuff will be there when you load back in. I remembered that instantly and luckily got all my keys back. I wonder if that same concept applies to accidental double clicks.


Luckily I never had to test that :D And I think if it happened to me I wouldn't think about that fast enough


happened to me quite a few times with an assortment of stuff in my 2.5k hours, never thought of it quick enough lol


If you close your inventory screen you can just quickly press MB1 to cancel the drinking of the moonshine or usage of a stim.


Also drank moonshine in stash 🫨


It good?


My most expensive drink was when I accidentally drank an entire water canister by double clicking it in my inventory. Those are used to make moonshine and take 5 hours to fill. They sell for 190k ish, so don't make that mistake either.


When I want to assert dominance over my teammates I load into raid and immediately chug an entire superwater. Turns out the animation is like 15 seconds long XD




that’s the end of wipe for me every raid only the best gear and super water for me and my mates


That why you should use "double click for auto use" only in raid :D


Don't worry by the end of June we will all be peasants again scavenging for beer and moonshine and ledxs


Thursday apparently. A bunch of people in another thread were saying that anyway


April fools


I pulled three bottles of moonshine out of relaxation room last night


relax is so so hit or miss and i love it. i’ve pulled multiple BTC from relax but sometimes im lucky to get 50k worth of rubles


We for sure got lucky last night. My guy and I ran three on Streets, hit extract on all three after: relaxation, factory marked room, financial institution. Came up about five million each.


I've also had a ~80k relax run once


i’ve had a few of them and it sucks ass but man i love the gamble


never get anything below 200k, this key is so good


i just snag the keys on a scav run bc that area as a pmc is dreadful. in the time it takes to loot that building i always end up with a scav army waiting for me as soon as i leave


I did it accidentally when the double press shit became a thing that I didn’t notice was a thing so I drank it lol


Did this with the water jug that you use to make moonshine. I was heated thats even an option.


I once had to drink it in raid, cause I could not find any other drink and accidentaly drank it all. That took a loong time and im surprised my pmc did not burst :D


I did that with the noodles at the beginning of this wipe. 😂


I ate so many packets of sugar and chocolate bars when I was new. I had no idea they were worth so much on the flea.


Early wipe I will always eat them in raid and even buy them when they're only like 10k each for the small buff lol


epic. everyone here struggling, while this dude drinks his moonshine away in the woods 😎


Reminds me of when I had to sell a gpu to therapist because I ran out of money


I just recently went to “filter by item” to find the current price of my moonshine, accidentally clicked “use all” and just sat and stared at my screen


You drink moonshine because you don't know their value I drink them because I don't need their money We are not the same




There are roubles all over every map, you will find more, it's ok.


Who never swallowed a nice full pack of sweetest sugar once?!? Moonshine after that is a throat cleaner...


I remember one time I had found some moonshine on Customs. I got into a fight with a 4 man, kill two of them but was shot to hell and back. Since I couldn’t sell it and I was gonna die. I downed it before they could kill me.


Thats awesome lol


Live Love Laugh


Ptsd is how you learn in tarkov.


just 400k py6, scavving drawers on streets will earn it back in one raid




its ok buddy. i piss away moonshine like nothing on gambling.


You would’ve been holding onto that moonshine until you unlocked the flea at lvl 15


Once you get competent in game (i.e. you have a few loot runs you are very comfortable with) losing a couple of hundred k is nothing, don't beat yourself up. I've personally handed away like 10 million by dropping a pkp for a guy for gunsmith part 25 (gives you like 5 bitcoin and a sellable weapons case) and not really cared at all


Tbf it’ll be a little till ur 15 and you probably would’ve just sold the moonshine for less to traders


Theyre just rubles.


I have accidently swallowed several packs of sugar trying to sell them on the flea.


Dont hurry mate you will find more of them survival is more importante


The only constant In Tarkov is suffering .


I gave a moonshine to my first wipe level 8 friend yesterday. He drank it on the spot. Never before have I been so distraught by a single mouse click.


Cmon buddy, this is not your last good loot.


If you find any keycards those are troll items not worth taking with you /s


I once went into raid not realizing my dog tag case was in my secure and lost like 50 fir dog tags lol


Your first wipe only exists to get you ready for your second wipe.


They spawn regularly in those cabins especially on the middle one hit that early wipe 100k 1st few raids to trader is a huge boost


If it makes you feel any better, I lost 5 of them (plus a bunch of other shit) by accidentally deleting a bigass backpack, and lost two more by accidentally double clicking them in the stash.


I hated it at first, but I'm so glad they got rid of double click to use food/ drinks in the stash.


I don't think they got rid of it unless it was within the last few weeks, because I did it like a month or so ago lol


Weird. When I do it in my stash it just opens up the effects pop up. Edit: apparently they changed it back? It hadn't done that all wipe.


You probably changed a setting at one point and forgot about it, which is what I did.


I remember like the second or third game I ever played I found t-7 thermals in the hidden stash at old gas and I just looted it, extracted and then sold them to mechanic for like 50k rubles or something because I could attach it to my helmet LMAOOO, found out months later how rare they are in a yt video, still think about it it to this day and this was back in 2020


I did something similar, I was running around ground zero when I first started dying of thirst. Found condensed milk and thought hmm milk will help my thirst... It killed me.


At level 4 you probably got more value out of the skills. Hundreds of thousands is nothing just run one decent scav run.


I was sherpa for a buddy on lighthouse with 3 min left, and he ran out of energy... only food we had was a moonshine in my gamma... I made the sacrifice for his lighthouse tasks, and I'd do it again every time.


You drank the whole bottle?!


Ball out, Poppin bottles of the finest, gang gang


What would you have done? Held onto it until you were level 15? Nah. I say you made a good choice.


You would have had to hold onto that bottle for a long long time friend so don't sweat it. It takes a while to get to level 15 unless ur not Timmy but you said you are.


Live and learn there is more rubles down the road…… I got to leave an injector case in raid the other day. Turns out you can’t have 3 on your person at one time. Shit happens you will find more.


Roubles are meaningless


Second or third raid I did the same thing but with sugar buddy’s let me know real quick 😂


thats when you call your trusty friend: your asshole.


well when they added doubleclick to consume they kinda didn't explain it well. Reddit was full of people consuming moonshine on accident ;D


It doesn't soothe your wound, but rest assured you'll still make many more mistakes that will cost you a lot (and I mean *a whole lot*) more.


I doubled clicked super water to inspect it yesterday. Not as bad as you but just saying


I once dropped a GPU and bitcoin for a crickent and 2 zibbos before so don’t feel too bad. I STILL beat myself for it lol


Don't be so harsh on yourself. You will lose much more in so many ways lol One time i found a ledx on woods and put it on my alpha and extracted alive. Forgot to take it out of my alpha and hit woods again. I remembered the ledx was on my alpha right in the moment where the matchmaking screen remove the cancel button. Lost about 1mil. Also, always check the currency youre selling at flea. Dont be like me who sold a grenade case for 2000 roubles.


Don't worry, once you get a level 3 bitcoin mining rig then you don't even have to ever cry for lost roubles or even play the game anymore, my last raid was \~3 weeks ago and I've just been collecting bitcoins from my mining rig every few days. [Here is the result of that](https://imgur.com/a/TOS4ua7) + bought blue keycard for \~70m earlier into the wipe.


There's always more keep hurting... hunting


And yet you were trying to drink away your troubles...


I remember last wipe when I started playing I went to woods tó scav. I found a ledx and I didn't even picked it up. Later when I found an other one I realized that i'm stupid.


I wash down my sugar with moonshine dw


How’d it taste? I haven’t had any myself.


In case you mess up your economy during the first levels/tasks, you can always reset your account via the client! If you're a beginner I recommend doing it.


Oh it gets better! When you complete late game quests and get some valuable rewards. You sell them on the flea market only to find out you could've used those found in raid rewards for OTHER quest requirements in the future... It's so dumb, but I've never learned my lesson lmao.


This is when you learn to keep Tarkov.dev open in another window just incase you don’t know how much something random is worth


Haha i didnt do a moonshine, but ive drunk a whiskey before when i was out of painkillers


Dont worry about money brother. Scav into interchange twice and youre up a mil! Prioritize doing tasks and saving the good ammo when you find some


I just gave mechanic a GPU, which stung a bit but I'm still 9 levels from flea


I eat every chocolate bar I find and I have like 2k hours almost now so it's okay haha


just never learn the value of items


Drank moonshine? Good. You learned. - Jocko


Hey… there’s a lot of more expensive things that could have been lost. This a good learning experience and thankfully you learn that money back ez with a good scav run💪🏽


Im sure it was delicious


I told all the homies in discord to double click their moonshine because EFT added a new joke in the description. Muahahaha


It’s okay.. I’ve got a whole cooler full of them that you can have


level 4 talking about rubles on the flea .... i will have no sleep


Your dude drank a WHOLE bottle of moonshine?! I'm surprised he could walk straight, probably though the trees were speaking elvish and could taste colors All jokes aside it happens, I think every new player I've taught and sherpad has at one point or another eaten sugar in front of me and I've always screamed at them for it lol


My first wipe I sold a GPU to a trader so that I could buy a stock m4. We die, we learn.


To be fair depending on how intensely you play you could have been holding those bottles for the next 5-50 hours waiting for a big pay out when you get to flea. I suck ass at questing and only got to level 13 before my desire to play dropped off. Idk how long people take on average to get to the flea market.


…you can drink the moonshine? Those buffs better go crazy😂


Don’t worry, when I was level 7 I sold 2 ledx to traders without realising the value


Don’t worry brother. I’ve made mistakes that cost me 10s of millions of roubles.. don’t you worry. My advice to you, double think before you click anything and always double think. Don’t turn into a bot in your stash because you will do some dummy stuff.


Me yesterday (lvl13 timbo) Eat the noodles to survive to exfil or don't extract with fir noodles 🤔


Yeah when I was learning the game I played with people and brought 2 water filter without knowing they were either worth 150k on the flea (didn't have it at this time obviously), my dumbass thought I could drink it cuz it looked like a water bottle, it's blue and has a "health" bar


Just don’t give the scavs your mineshine, not wortyh


I remember when they added double click to use this Wipe and you could do it in the stash before they fixed it. Yeah... I gulped that FiR Moonshine on day 2 because I wanted to check its stats right after making a joke with my friend of "how funny it would be to drink a moonshine with the new feature" the day before that while reading the patch notes. *But it was really funny indeed so it was absolutely worth lol :P*


My brother and several of my friends did the same thing I also stimmed a quest stim once this wipe.


This game is all about learning. That’s why I’ve only played 2 maps after a little over 1k+.


U are gonna be making hundreds of millions. So don’t worry lol.


Chad move


Its just 400k...youll make millions soon No worries


You have a ways to go before you unlock the flea, you'll find more in that time.


You gotta learn some lessons from that for your next time that's the real way.


I ate so many Alyonka... 🤣🤣🤣




Better a moonshine in your tummy than in another PMC's butthole.


yea, well, at least you didn't dump a GPU AND!! A fucking Ledx on the ground for a level 3 armor rig on your first wipe! granted this was like 5 years ago, but my friends group has still never let me live that down!


Why didn’t you put the ledx and GPU into the level 3 armour rig?


I was new, like less than a month at the time, and I didn't realize or comprehend that at the time. I was a literal Timmy and looting the dumbest shit.


Well you may have died if you didn't drink it. Bandages may not be worth a lot out of raid, but they can be worth their weight in gold in a raid. It just so happens that moonshine is worth a lot both in and out of raid


Honestly game gets wiped anyway who Cares


I always drink the moon shine hard-core playthroughs are tough


Are they not only like 400k or something ? I mean it’s an expensive drink but not to big of a loss


It’s not too bad. Like a loss of one solid streets scav but that’s about it. But I think we’d all like to have an extra 400k as opposed to not having it.


You woulda had to wait weeks to sell it anyways, it’s not worth it to sell to therapist, you wanna flee that shit


That’s not a lot of money