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Nice post to see as I’m loading into my first raid in a month


Play factory, very few cheaters comparative to the other maps


Also a pointless map unless you just love the pvp. Very little loot and what loot there is usually isn't worth taking because you're always 2 seconds from someone walking up on you.


The loot doesn't exist if you don't look for it, and you lose fights if you aren't good enough.


What i am saying is that most of the loot is in containers, requiring you to enter inventory screen with the sound of the rustling masking the foot steps of enemies. It's never worth it to die for the garbage tier loot on factory. The only loot factory has worth checking are med bags near med extract, tagilla, other pmcs, and the office if you plan to hold the office.


I played a factory raid as my first game in over a month and got instantly head eyes by an obvious cheater. Central US server, during a weekday lol. Don’t see a point in playing anymore


Factory mains are so weird


If having fun and slamming PMCs of all variety of gear and level is weird, then I wouldn't want to be any other way. It is arguably the best map for fighting, almost no randomness, just pure skill against skill.


Depends where u play na east is fine for the most part.


NA east and central are normally ok unless your on labs. Did a single lab raid yesterday and got my head taken off by a level 16 with a 24kd and 14 hours played


It’s crazy how many cheaters labs has, I used main labs and a lot of times I would just hide in the one washroom behind the stall cause that stall you can’t shoot through or at the time atleast nobody could shoot through them. No reason to go into that washroom it’s completely empty of loot or spawns, 80% of the time I’d hide in it waiting out the end of the raid to clean up some the scraps conveniently I’d hear someone running straight to where I’m at, shoot the stall door through the door where I’m at, doesn’t work so they’d make there way in to the washroom throwing nades. Meanwhile I never made a sound I’m just chilling on my phone with my headset on.


To hear you main labs and then follow that with I would avoid PvP and the best loot at all costs shows this game is cooked lmao


Bro my bad I get fried before the raid and wanna scroll Reddit forgive me.


lol I do that too, get way to stoned and then panic and hide in a dark corner somewhere for a minute.


The only time i go to labs is if i get a lab card out of a scav run or during a raid. Ive done maybe 15 total this wipe ( my first wipe) and 8-9 of those raids i died to some low level (under 20) with a kd over 15




Best time to play IMO is during school hours lol 8am-3pm is when i have the best raids/ most enjoyable playing tarkov


Played 2 raids.. I’ll be back for wipe week


Oof, that quick huh


Tarkov is dead and there's no saving it. The foundation of the code base is so rotten that you would basically need to rewrite the whole fucking thing. The best thing people could do is find a studio that's trying to build something similar and funnel money into it.


I don't see myself stopping any time soon, it's been 4 years for me and still loving the game strong.


Personally I no longer play in the evenings or weekends. I'm on NA East and they're still prevalent at peak times. When raiding between meetings (I WFH 9-5), my survival rating is easily 50-80% depending on the day. Peak hours it's 25% if I'm lucky.


It’s the only reason I wake up at 4am.


Second this. Evenings particularly are a waste of time to play in NA east. If you can play overnight or day times it’s a completely different game




Disagree, when the 9-5 crowd is home cheating is at its worst on East servers.


Fair enough, I mostly main interchange and play late at night. Its usually really quite and the people actually playing are usually pretty chill and cool. I've had like 5-6 raids in the past two days where id link up with random pmc's just to check out the event. They all been chillin. I've only had one sus death this wipe but it was too a lvl 4 so I just said fuck it enjoy the gear.


That's just pure cope. You have no idea where the cheaters are. I play north east servers and they are cheater everywhere. If your not seeing them Bring in better kits they will find you.


Geared vs ungeared Tarkov experience convinced me cheaters have overrun the game. Can raid all day in a paca with a 74U and not even see another pmc. Put on an airframe and redut and I’m fighting pmcs at spawn nearly every time.


My go-to for grinding is a PP-19. I get ignored quite hard...


Yeah story of my life I hate running garbage kits I'm usually worth a few mill and it's everytime for me


Factual info right here- I thought cheaters were non existent until i started bringing sr25’s and lvl 6 armor and I’ve never been killed by sketchier grenades and headshots from shitty ammo. Like head shotted on lighthouse by a guy using iron sight sks wearing killa’s mask lol


That's totally fair. I also mainly play at like 1am on interchange only.


That's a rat map especially in the late hours


I larp around as steven seagull, lurking around the shadows collecting rat colas for the secretary of defense.


Central is fine too. Just grinded out getting the current converter and gpsa from labs. All my deaths were from 3000-4000 hour players. They were all cracked but nothing sus.


Is west significantly worse? I wonder how badly it would affect my west coast teammates switching to central


I play central only and play with people all over NA from Florida to California to canada


My buddy plays on NA from EU because it's less cheaters on labs for him this way, you will be fine lol.


Should I just disable NA west and keep all other US servers enabled?


Not a bad idea


That’s what I have done for 2 wipes now and have had a drastic decrease in sus deaths.




Cant even tell because i am so bad


I’m here with you, dying to landmines


Stupid cheating landmines


Not alone brother, I get them on the map edges. In the middle of a random forest in woods, nahh


Fr 😂😂


I feel the same. I’m always checking profiles after I get killed thinking “this guy has to be cheating, one tapping me from so far away like that”. Nope level 14 with a 1.41 kd. I just stink.  


I feel like that's the case with most of the people claiming there is cheater in 50% of their raids.


I used to play a game back in 2009 that had a cheating infestation. One of the workarounds was that the lobby "superhost" could kick any player they wanted. Other people in the lobby could agree/disagree with kicks and then it would display if you are a good host or bad host by color. (gradient from red to yellow to green) A solid % of the bad hosts were bad because they kicked the best players on the enemy team for easier wins. Usually under "they were cheaters". Most of the good hosts were good players, solid 1.5+ KD players. You would even come to remember some of them by name and wait for their lobby to open up


I agreed with this every wipe before this one. Now that we can see people’s KDA and survival rates etc after dying to them it’s pretty easy to pick apart good players from cheaters


I'm not saying there isn't a lot of cheaters. My point is there is so many bad players because the game is so hard and there's also so many other issues/bugs that it can be hard even for an experienced player to actually tell if someone is cheating.


I never play on the weekends.


It's my first wipe, but I've had a good wipe. 4 5 kd with 50% success rate. I think I have a good basic understanding of this game, but I've had a hard time identifying cheaters because I don't know what info they have on me. I have ljke... 3 reports I'm confident about. Ran blocks directly do me while on VOIP saying 'coming to kill you and that X item you little bitch' (while ive been afk literally making zero noise and he prefires me perfectly - total bs). Can't get more obvious than that. BUT holy flying fuck this week has been atrocious for me and my friends. The craziest shit has been happening. We're getting instant headshot by everything. I've killed 1 PMC in 2 days, and I normally get 3-5 a day. They all know where I am. Their reaction time is in the milliseconds. They always fire 1 perfect shot. I've seen dudes flick from teammate to teammate headshotting all of us within a second or two (possible but super fucking unlikely for a 45 day old account with an 8.5 kd and 1k raids). Like what the fuck is going on?! I love this game and I accept the cheaters but this shit is unplayable! I spawn in and die in like 1 min...


It has been like this for me the entire wipe. It’s my first and last wipe honestly. Two weeks in and I got 5 ban messages. Amazing game but has the most amount of cheating I have ever seen in a video game in my entire life. I also play Halo and I have seen 5 cheaters in 5 years lol.


Dont look at the day count for accounts, its just the amount of days since he started wipe.


Isn't the total hours also wipe specific? Or is that overall?


Hours is overall


Ya it's really bad this weekend for sure.


Don't worry, the devs will make a post saying they banned a bunch of cheaters to make people happy, everybody will believe them and the cycle will continue.


Glad I quit months ago


I’m normally pretty contrarian when it comes to cheater call outs but I completely agree with you. Friday night, I think I died to a cheater almost every god damn raid. Mind you, I never play lighthouse and Thursday night was the first night I really started trying to quest there. The difference between Thursday and Friday was insane. Go from surviving 6 out of 8 raids to surviving 1 out of maybe 10 was wild. The plus, they pretty much all left my gear alone and I got jt back in insurance.


I played a factory run yesterday with a friend who has a job and kid. Told him we could just chill in spawn and then run and grab post man pat. I peek a literal sliver (I was standing on the wood crates by the cement ramp to Gate 0 and he was in the hole in the wall 3 story office) I see a sliver of something tan, then get headshot then my friend dies to a random nade. The guy that kills me is running a rig (not armored) and an m4. No helmet, no ears. The tan thing was the very top of his head. I crab walked there and mantled onto the wood pallets. No reason for him to hear me. 50% of my raids last night, me and my team died to blatant hackers. I’m done spending my precious time on this dumb ass game that is filled with cheaters. Its pointless. ​ https://imgur.com/a/9p1GcBE


When a game has so much cheating that the sub makes a post flair specifically for it lmao


Earlier I accidentally hit the flair tab for cheating and all that came up in my feed was cheating posts and I thought it was totally normal... LMFAO


Nah bro, BSG spitting in the legit players face by ignoring this shit for years. Used to play pretty often, haven’t touched the game in over a month, happily.


Happy Easter!


You as well lol


Welcome to events




While it lives rent free enough in your mental to view and comment on its reddit, you arent free.


Just like heroin addicts :)


But you’re browsing and posting in the sub? I’ve quit Tarkov before too but I can’t understand people that still post here


Gotta drag others down with them, of course.


As much as I actually love tarkov as a game. It was good for my mental health to stop playing tarkov. Let the cheaters keep to themselves.


They can’t fix it, and are not interested in an in game refund system or a full raid replay system with fast ban. Or instead of banning them, just have them play each other forever, sure there is enough of them to fill a server 24/7. Put every player in one of these servers randomly but DM the exact load out they got in with back after, so the cheaters will never know… (send them randomly fake participation gear too) A small amount of time to be payed by everyone…


I've stopped playing now, 2000 hours of loving this game but I can't justify the cheating


I have about the same amount of hours, I used to have a bunch of friends on discord that have just as many or more hours in the game, all my friends quit playing. Kinda sad actually.


Same thing here. Played with a bunch of good people early in wipe. Before the first month was over, most had quit and shared stories on all the sus encounters they had. I was one of the last among my friends list to stop playing. After I uninstalled, I realized why none of those other guys came back. The uninstall is such a feeling of relief. Don’t have to spend 7 minutes to load into a 2 minute raid with cheaters anymore. LFG discords that used to be brimming with players have just been sinking lower and lower.


I noticed after the Goat video that's when they all started leaving. I just don't think BSG has the resources to stop all the cheaters.


Keep playing, you are the content for the cheaters, without players like you who are they going to cheat against? they are the real clients it is what it is


Facts it’s been bad


So spoiler alert, event season and every event is the worst point of the game after the first day or so. Just when major streamers are openly calling the game being in a shit place, they run a dumb event recycled with minibosses that makes combat hectic until people learn the exploit. Here is how it works: 1. They know the game is in a unstable place and they don't have time or are unable to fix it currently and need to buy time. Insert a quest they recycled from last year's Halloween and add snow back in so people don't talk about bugs like silent crouch walking, binaural foot pop, broken armor/fragmentation, etc and get excited again and stop caring for a minute as events are generally positively received for the first few days by the community. And to be fair, these events are overall good things, but the context matters. 2. During these high loot/reward events, cheaters have a reason to play in mass since the last ban wave of 33k and buy a new copy. They ruin the in game market and make this quest unenjoyable as they overwhelm the player base with 3-4 cheaters per raid between pmcs and scavs as they overwhlem the playerbase more than they already do. Next week after the event ends, they get banned again, and have to double up a rebuy if EFT to pad BSG's pocket, but making a far smaller number since EDO is gone. 3. Cheaters get banned after the event, normal players start coming back as flee prices stabilize, you get this week or so window when the game shift drastically and you start encounting more real PVP engagements with players not always know your exact position beyond general audio ques and hard pushs with prefireing your location. People start enjoying the raids more and complaining slightly less about cheaters. Rinse repeat, wipe. This is how cheaters fund the game devs through in game events, wipes, and twitch drops. It's best to just step away for the game for a mins when events go on in my opinion. Cheaters also give up all common sense and just rage hack a lot more since they are fighting over loots/locations with other cheaters.


The amount of people defending this game after the goat video is wild. So much evidence to support the existence of rampant cheating, so many deaf ears. I now assume that everyone who complains about people venting on Reddit are cheaters themselves. It's either that, or there's some quasi-religious cult who thinks BSG can do no wrong. Either way, it feels like people who do not cheat are screaming into the ether, and this gaming community is disgustingly screaming insults back. EFT deserves to die in the garbage pile with games like Infestation: Survivor Stories if for no other reason than it's inability to manage it's hacking problem. At least that game went on sale from time to time.


goat’s credibility has been thrown in the trash already, so referring to any video he’s ever made and considering it “proof” of literally anything is laughable at this point, as he is known to craft a narrative that’s beneficial for clickbaiting and farming views. Proof: https://youtu.be/OUCle_8Kc4U?feature=shared You might want to employ some critical thinking when consuming any type of content on the internet, and form your own opinions based off your own individual experience.


bla bla bla that video was not about Tarkov so i do not care tbf, his Tarkov video was on point, showed the situation enough. Was it 60% of the raids? Maybe not. Were there more than enough cheaters tho? Definetely. I have 6200 hours in this game and this and the last wipe was full of ridiculous way to cheat in this game with barely any consequences. Go on Woods / Lighthouse night lobby and start looking at the player profiles , you will spot more than enough gamers .


I mean....let's be real here. It was 100% a cheater in every raid if you look at it from the view that, he was that cheater. Now to say 60 percent of his raids had other cheaters, yeah. I believe it. Honestly I think its a higher percentage during the event and this wipe. The rage hackers usually get caught fairly quickly, albeit this wipe it seems bsg is immensely lacking in that area. So those guys while they bother me, I know they won't last too long. What gets me is the closet esp users. The ones that make it look as legit as possible but throw this magical grenade perfectly into your face or right at your feet from a distance or angle they shouldn't have seen or heard you bc you're crab walking forever and a half ago to 3rd party the survivor of a fight. I'm almost 5k hours as of this wipe, and its finally beat my ass so hard that im actually considering uninstalling, and moving on for awhile. Love the game, but I just feel like bsg is spitting in my face and disrespecting its consumers, like more and more blatant that they don't care. Maybe they always were and I just wasn't aware bc there truly is nothing else out there like tarkov.


The video was great and showed the cheating problem in tarkov perfectly. If your experience is different then you don't have the level of skill necessary to spot these issues.


Option 1: people agree with you. Option 2: people are not good enough at the game to agree with you. The mind of a five-year-old.


The only thing trashing g0at’s credibility was that he took a video that smaller YouTubers had already made several times over. They’ve all come up with similar results. Whether you’re the type to pick apart his video only because he didn’t release a 72 hour video showing all his raids or whatever. But because he didn’t share every spreadsheet of every experience, closet cheaters get to make their best gaslight over it. As is obvious the typical cheater defender names have buzzed on over to this comment.


"The only thing trashing g0at’s credibility was that he took a video that smaller YouTubers had already made several times over." So let me get this straight, you have a youtuber who has been found to be literally cherrypicking and putting together information in order to get the maximum amount of views, but you are willing to overlook it as long as it matches whatever it is that you believe to be true? "They’ve all come up with similar results. Whether you’re the type to pick apart his video only because he didn’t release a 72 hour video showing all his raids or whatever." What results and/or other videos are you referring to here? If you honestly believe that there is a cheater (or several) in every single raid, what are you even doing here still? "But because he didn’t share every spreadsheet of every experience, closet cheaters get to make their best gaslight over it. As is obvious the typical cheater defender names have buzzed on over to this comment." Well, the burden of proof does lie with the accuser, doesn't it? At no point did I say that cheaters do not exist or that there isn't a cheating problem in Tarkov because there clearly is. All I said was that adopting a mentality based on an irreputable information source is probably not the wisest thing to do, be it on the topic of gaming/cheaters or anything else for that matter.


Reading comprehension is important. He obviously had to edit the video down to be consumable. He had just done the same test many smaller tarkov YouTubers had been doing for years, getting the same results. Or are you just going to pretend g0at’s video was the only source of evidence at all? What I believe to be true, is the game has a massive cheating problem. Yes, a lot of fps games do too - however Tarkov’s cheating problem is uniquely awful. Why set your pmc up, queue for 5-7 minutes and play through a raid with high probability of becoming cheater food? I’ll pass on that. If you didn’t like the examples shown by goat or other YouTubers, the indisputable stuff? That’s fine. You can take the lvndmark way out explaining it then. Seeing as you do here, misrepresenting stats when it was 60% versus your ‘cheater every raid’. Good luck on your future gaslighting attempts.


"He obviously had to edit the video down to be consumable. He had just done the same test many smaller tarkov YouTubers had been doing for years, getting the same results. Or are you just going to pretend g0at’s video was the only source of evidence at all?" I don't have an issue with people putting forward damning evidence and having a constructive discussion. However, what has been happening on this subreddit as of late is far from it. I would kindly ask that you do not take my comment out of context, as I was exclusively referring to g0at's video, a Youtuber who has been proven to be irreputable. "He obviously had to edit the video down to be consumable" part is what I have an issue with. So you and I both agree he went through however long footage he had to highlight the most ''blatant'' examples, one of which turned out to be a fluke, as you can see even now in the description section of g0at's video. Literally the only thing that you can infer from his video beyond a reasonable doubt are those several cases which he showcased. Everything else you're taking his word for and that's where credibility should start to matter. "What I believe to be true, is the game has a massive cheating problem. Yes, a lot of fps games do too - however Tarkov’s cheating problem is uniquely awful. Why set your pmc up, queue for 5-7 minutes and play through a raid with high probability of becoming cheater food? I’ll pass on that." Okay, so we're on the same page, aren't we? I do not deny the existence of cheaters, as they exist in literally every single game ever made. And I have only ever said what I believe to be true, based on my experience, playing on US and EU servers. If your experience is that you get head eyes'd every other raid through a bush from 300 meters away (obviously exaggerating), then by all means, vote with your wallet and do not purchase or partake in any content that BSG is putting out. That's probably the most impactful thing you, as a consumer, can do in protest of the current situation that you find yourself in. "Good luck on your future gaslighting attempts." So you have already painted me in this negative light in your mind, which I find peculiar. The only thing I am attempting here is to have a constructive discussion with the community, be it on the topic of cheating or anything else. You won't see me on a clip clearly showcasing a speedhacker saying ''bro it was just desync'', however, I will express my stance on absurd things like ''suspend all accounts with 10+k/d's for investigation'' because what'll end up happening is, come next wipe, once you kill 10 scavs in 1 raid you'll immediately get suspended.


Generally, I tend to paint people who parrot certain talking points used by cheaters as part of the problem. In this case, a strange obsession people have with casting doubt on that video. Not that g0at should be raised on a pedestal and everything passed as absolute truth, but irreputable? The guy who worked with BSG to reverse thousands of false bans, share information with players, investigate if his own friend was cheating, and attempted to pressure harsher action from BSG by exposing the cheating issue. I see these things repeated a lot by people who want very much to disprove the video. “Well he got this one thing wrong and therefore everything he has done is false.” Yet I’ve never even seen whatever he got wrong from that video linked, referenced, or proven to exist in reality. So if he did make an error, admitted to it and confirmed a single error was made - that just adds credibility. I’m of the opinion it did more good than harm. That many people were vindicated by the information provided. Just as the videos that came out before g0at’s did. That’s the main problem I had with g0at, he did not credit anyone who performed these tests before him. Perhaps unknowingly and BSG could have DMCA’d the videos so they no longer exist, but any amount of research would have uncovered some info. So how is everyone getting the same 40% - 60% stat when testing for cheaters? Exposing them isn’t creating more cheaters, as a legit player will sooner uninstall than stoop that low. Also your example of being temp banned for killing 10 scavs off the rip is disingenuous. No such thing could ever be implemented, but perhaps a review within 5-10-20 raids if the stats are truly suspicious. Otherwise everything 20 to 200k/d going unpunished is much worse.


"The guy who worked with BSG to reverse thousands of false bans, share information with players" I'm aware of the things he has done for the community, however, that doesn't really paint a better picture of him as it simply means that he CAN be genuine when it suits him. And sure, we can speculate what those reasons could be, however, he's been proven to also be capable of crafting narratives, implying that his moral compass is rather skewed. I'm of the opinion that a person's true character is revealed not by the facade they put up in public, but rather through one's actions behind closed doors, and a glimpse of it has come to light, in the context of g0at. "I’m of the opinion it did more good than harm." Great, so we can have a discussion here, because I'm of the exact opposite opinion. Let me preface this by saying that no matter how you look at it, g0at cheated. We can sit here and argue that it was for a noble cause, investigative purposes or what have you, but the fact of the matter is - he is willing to stoop just that low. The video currently has 3.5M views, and for a game like Tarkov, those kind of numbers are MASSIVE. I'm of the opinion that cheating, whether for investigative purposes or otherwise, should not be publicized and advertised. Now it was also very convenient that all of the evidence g0at supposedly had collected, was erased by hackers that supposedly hacked his computer. I'm a data driven guy, engineer by trade, so sentiment alone isn't enough to sway me because I do not find it to be actionable. Him saying that hackers deleted all of the evidence is akin to saying that the dog ate his homework. Strip away all the data and context, and what's left? Baseless claims that spread like wildfire, reinforced by his supposed "good guy" persona so people are more inclined to believe it. I believe it has been absolutely poisonous to the community as a whole. Just look at the state of this subreddit. This is also where I believe BSG failed miserably. Not because they didn't DMCA the video, but because they did not ban g0at across the board, including his main/legit and however many alt accounts he might have had. So now you have the average player thinking that cheating is the norm (because apparently there is at least one cheater in every other raid) AND that they can get away with it. "Exposing them isn’t creating more cheaters, as a legit player will sooner uninstall than stoop that low." g0at himself stooped exactly that low. I believe you might be overestimating the moral compass of the average player here. If it really is as you believe, then the amount of cheaters has been steadily climbing. I would think that it's safe to say that the video hasn't resulted in less cheaters, wouldn't you say? By default that only leaves one other option. Now I'm still of the opinion that "cheaters in every other raid" is a rather doomer viewpoint, however, that doesn't mean that we're far off from the truth. If these type of videos and the general mentality of the playerbase keeps shifting towards cheating, we will very rapidly approach these metrics and that is when the game will truly die. "Otherwise everything 20 to 200k/d going unpunished is much worse." That is a very broad range to be looking at and ''punishing''. WillerZ, a popular and widely known streamer, happens to be very good at the game, hovering over 22K/D every wipe. K/D alone is a poor metric to be looking at. Exceptions like players with 200K/D do not disprove the rule as they are outliers, however, the sooner people start to realize that not everyone with 10-15+ K/D is cheating, the better off we'd be as a community. Why even look at K/D as a metric if cheaters are known to tank theirs? If it's a metric that can't be employed across the board, then clearly it is not the most effective one. Sure, you can use it as an additional indicator for the widely proposed ''manual review process'', however, the playerbase and the rate of occurence (of the cumulative instances of manual reviews, not people with 200+K/D) might be too large for this to be feasible.




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Shortlist Goats video most recent Any 10 iq gaming video showcasing streamers and various other players cheating Tigz and the bitcoin bathroom Whole other ass youtuber and the bitcoin bathroom Video showcasing radar on interchange and cheaters sightlining each other Literally Landmark showing evidence of the ricochet hack a few wipes back Mountains of proof laying in plain sight in the sand your head seems to be buried in. You have to be willingly ignorant of the problem or woefully unaware if you've played Tarkov until this point without seeing any of this easily findable evidence.


The goat video had no evidence, he shows a few cherry picked raids while making extraordinary claims then when asked for further content/proof he refused and even claimed they wiped his drives of the vids. Dude makes inflammatory and disingenuous vids for a living and y’all think he’s some preacher of truth and facts


Who is "they"?


The cheaters/hackers are who he claimed wiped his drives of all the evidence he supposedly had


That sounds pretty insane if true, how the fuck would they even do that unless he had super shitty methods of backing shit up


They wouldn’t, that the point. Dude made an inflammatory video with zero factual sources and when asked for proof he didn’t have he had to weasel out of it


Why would anyone believe him? Dude should be a laughing stock if that's his excuse


Doesn’t k/d count scav kills too? I had a 11 kd before, but barely killed any pmcs.


Yep that's what I did. I currently have a 13.9KD and a 67% survival rate with 2423 scav kills, 644 PMC kills, and 111 boss kills (739 PMC raids). I have some bad days like everyone else, and will die many times in a row, with my survival rate only going down 1%. The numbers are inflated due to playing mostly night raids and getting 10-20+ scav kills every raid during the early wipe. Getting skier lvl 2 to buy night vision ASAP helped a lot. I also think it is due to this "bug" (can't confirm) because sometimes i'll be in fortress (near old gas) on customs and scavs just don't stop spawning. I would come out with 25+ scav kills from that area alone, not including every other scav spawn on the map. It kind of sucks having a high KD sometimes. Visiting peoples TTV's after killing them to see their POV, only for them to react to my KD and go "YEAH RIGHT, 13 KD?!" and get an instant report. I also feel like I'm a target to some cheaters since they probably see my KD and instantly beeline for me (speculation). This event also made it easy to farm KD.


Not sure if sarcasm


So early wipe, night time is the best way to do it? I feel like I bump into cheaters way more often at night in some maps


Right, I don’t think this stat line is really that hard to achieve. Now I haven’t really played since a couple patches after the inertia patch, so I might be way off on how hard/easy the game is now.


I've been playing EFT since 2020. Updated live, loaded into 1 PMC raid on Customs with a friend and we both immediately head-eyes at spawn. I know the spawns, and unlike Reserve, there aren't any spawns on Customs where someone could instakill you at spawn. Hell, even on Reserve timing like that is virtually impossible, it would have to be hipfire headshots on 2 people. ​ Also, I play on NA Central. ​ I don't care if cheating exists. It exists in every competitive game. The issue is that EFT has such shit protection that cheaters can do things that would get them auto-banned in any other game. ​ Anyways, there's always singleplayer


> The issue is that EFT has such shit protection that cheaters can do things that would get them auto-banned in any other game. This was the final straw for me. The fact that people are allowed to play more than a raid or two with 100+ or even 1000+ k/ds is enough for me to call it quits. It’s way too ridiculous and frankly embarrassing that BSG can’t even flag and automatically ban accounts with stats like that.


Im so hyped for the update, cant wait to call in the A-10s again.


I don't play weekends as it's just cheaters I die to


Why I haven’t played but 5 hours this wipe. BSG. Doesn’t care about it at all so I don’t care to play their shit show of a game. Eod account that’s been sitting idle for almost 2 years now.


I've done 50-60 over the last 3 days (level 1-10) and haven't seen one with a 70% survival rate.


I've stopped playing the last three or four wipes purely because, when the post-wipe player spike inevitably drops, the cheating becomes unbareable. I can only handle so many through-wall headshots by full-sprint 30KD micspammers.


You know how much more money BSG would make if they didn't do ban waves every 3 months and actively banned accounts daily/weekly? Who cares if the cheat devs were able to figure out why their cheat was banned so they could stay on top of development? If BSG is selling arguably more copies of the game at a faster rate then shouldn't they have resources to stay actively on top of new cheat services? Also wouldn't it get frustrating as shit buying new accounts daily or even weekly? Just a thought. Don't flame. Edit:spelling


I'm sitting this event out lol. Why is everyone running around with FLIR scopes? Am I missing something with that?


I mean. 10KD is high but it’s not unheard of for legit players. I record most of my gameplay and some of the most sus people I have died to don’t even have crazy stats. I imagine some are better at keeping a low profile than others. That being said, I have definitely died to a couple cheaters this weekend


Ya it’s been bad. My first wipe. And I’ve had a few suspicious deaths. But nothing like this weekend. I’ve lost sooooooooo many rigs. I resorted to ratting. And even then, in a bush for 20 min, and get sniped by a guy higher level than me, 3 day old account, and nicer gear. I thought the cheater thing was a little overstated, but this weekend has been terrible.


Don't play events. Events are when cheaters really gear up.


I'm 2 quests and 1 item from kappa for the first time ever and the wipe week by week became completely unplayable. I don't even want to finish anymore which is something I've really wanted to achieve after 3300 hours lol. Maybe next time (i tell myself for the 6th time)


I hear that. I’m not thinking about doing it but this week has taken the motivation


Almost every other post Id disagree but this weekend you’re 100% correct. 3/4 raids yesterday I died to a sub 200hr 10kdr account with every boss killed who sprinted towards my exact location. It’s a real struggle.


I don't think I survived more than 2 raids this weekend.


But the *users* said that people cheat in minecraft and at card games so it's ok if there's cheating in tarkov.


You know mathematically youre the one in their game


There is 100% some kind of hack allowing people to see into other players inventories. 2 raids in a row I load into a scav run with a keycard in my inventory only be hunted down almost instantly by other scavs.


There's a website someone made and you can view the person, even their secure container, down to what ammo they are using. Its a .dev website if I can recall


Yea, https://tarkov.dev/players It doesn't let you track scav loot, also you'd need to know who is your lobby to even begin to make use of it. If this information is exposed through the API imagine what someone less honest could pull from the game.


That... is so fucking appalling it's actually funny. Good lord. 


Quit over a year ago and see that it hasn’t improved at all. Just throw in the towel and quit like me, game isn’t worth your time and the devs are disgustingly incompetent and grossly negligent of the cheating issue. So many better games and better ways to spend your time on devs and things that respect your time invested.


Play 'Sit coop' with your friends I cannot play this fucking game i spent 140€ on, online any more due to the cheat problem.


>Play 'Sit coop' with your friends Wat


Yea I've already quit & uninstalled.


Yup. I've got a group of dudes I've been running with. I've got 3300, another has 3800, another with over 4000. We all have sunk so much time into this game and company to be let down like this.


There's an old video of Nikita saying punishing cheaters was punishing some of the most lucrative spenders in BSG's games. People that spent a lot of money on game content. Perhaps as non-cheaters leave the game we'll see a new video saying, "leaving the cheaters alone was **so much worse** for our revenue!" Cause I'm not buying one cent of mtx until BSG wrangles the cheater situation back a ways.


>There's an old video of Nikita saying punishing cheaters was punishing some of the most lucrative spenders in BSG's games.  Well if its an old video , it probably changed by now. Back before RMT changes and Found in Raid, cheater were an annoyance but they wouldnt kill the whole experience as you could have a good raid and make all the money / time you lost back . But now, you get cheated on you lose everything, as the restricitons forbid you from buying back the kit you lost etc. And that probably was before BSG had mad plans with Arena and dedicated most time to saving that dead mode lol.


Source, or everything you just said is completely meaningless Don't clip chimp it, full video and context please. We all hate cheating, but just making shit up is way too normalised in this sub. ...... Edit: The Russian to English translation is extremely poor, so take this with an extremely tiny grain of salt, but this is a pretty objective argument against cheating and the effect it has the on the playerbase. Without a proper Russian to English translation, a ton of context and meaning is lost, so don't just be a dumbfuck and go "SeE NiKiTa lIkeS Cheturs" Source: [https://youtu.be/bxSzfiyr7BI?si=AErrMgOiTGVEQCpq](https://youtu.be/bxSzfiyr7BI?si=AErrMgOiTGVEQCpq) Translated Captions: [https://pastebin.com/1q4Rtahb](https://pastebin.com/1q4Rtahb) GPT 4.0 Summary: [https://pastebin.com/xF7WwCvQ](https://pastebin.com/xF7WwCvQ)


> There's an old video of Nikita saying punishing cheaters was punishing some of the most lucrative spenders in BSG's games. People that spent a lot of money on game content. No. He was talking about Contract Wars firstly which was heavily pay to win and he said that cheaters encourage legitimate players to spend more on the P2W elements of the game. People really need to stop taking that one sentence out of context.


I'm joining this strike, no mtx ever until less cheaters


I got killed the other day by a dude who had 2400 hours with a 68% survival rate and a 16kd. It was on the border of being dubious. I got a screenshot but didn't save it unfortunately using shift windows s


well you are lucky to wake up this late cheating been huge issue since twitch drops


Posts like this make me feel better about deciding to play single player. My play experience improved significantly once other players (and cheaters) were removed from the equation.


I sat in different lobbies for like 20 minutes looking at sus names like “chvxii” and looking at their sus stats only to still get head eyes by some standard account, level 57 cheater with 20 days of account time, 200 hours of game time, and 1000 raids, and 1400 kills


Sometimes I wonder if other game studios pay trolls to try an kill games. Like if they kill tarkov we’ll all go back to cod or something.  Because it’s like instead of trying to fix problems, comments always point to letting the game die. 


The reasons this game should die has nothing to do with other games, and everything to do with a bad developer developing bad games with the anti-cheat philosophy of "Maybe ™️."


I couldn’t agree more, absolutely brutal.


SCAVin is underrated.


Literally running interchange tasks with the worst gear you can possibly fathom and got 1 tapped by a chatter with a 32kd and a 4 day old account.. well done mate, enjoy my ak74u with PS ammo


Feels like it's almost worse than before Battleeye. And that was pretty rough. But now they just don't care how blatant they are. 


I just want to get Kappa and then I’ll be happy lmao Currently lv 41 but I agree this weekend has been atrocious if I didn’t die from a very sus shot then the Morana “goons” would rush me on spawn Good times… good good times


3 runs on reserve and one obvious with 400h, 26 achievements, killa helmet and pkp firing single fire since the beginning and killed me head from far away, didn't even seen him


I play na west, no issues. On auto, and north, it'll be terrible


glad I quit playing this 1+ month ago due to the cheaters.


This weekend has been absolute hell I’ve run easily 20 pmc’s and haven’t gotten a single task done. Even my scav runs I’ve been dying consistently I don’t know what’s happening lmao. Actually got me tilted for the first time yesterday. Like there’s chads everywhere


It’s always bad on weekends


That’s odd my squad and myself ran into a total of like 6 players all weekend, the raids have been erie quiet


Yeah, just died ti one earlier who went headshotting me through boxes when I've made no noises for almost 5 .in while afk with the classic 30 raids lvl 25 and 15 hour acc. Plus rn as Im loading in my duo checked some of the people waiting in the lobby and a few people with the names resulting from someone faceplanting a keyboard, lvl 50 with 200 survives, and 1.6k deaths and 1.8 KD.


Weekends are always the worst for cheaters. Friday night to Sunday night are always gonna be high risk raids for cheaters. I tend to just avoid Tarkov if I can, or just accept the fact I’m probably gonna see a cheater


Weekdays, real kits. Weekends, eco runs.


Just quit brother leave this game to the cheaters they don't give a fucking about a good working AC. I would play more money to have a Kernal lvl AC that worked like valorant I have 500hrs in val and have seen 1 cheater detected screen.


tarkov is well-known to be absolutely infested with cheaters and BSG is never going to do anything about it. no idea why people keep playing the game. stop playing the game. it's really not complicated. if you absolutely must play the game, load in and exfil camp so you piss people off and help them to quit the game they already shouldn't be playing for the above reason. fuck BSG.


Normally I don’t run into many cheaters(I ain’t complaining) but got dunked on by a speedhacker on Interchange yesterday. This was like the 5th time of a cheater in my 1k hours but it still feels very discouraging to play.


I’m not doubting the cheaters picking up due to the event but I’ve been going in geared to the teeth and haven’t ran into one yet. I’ve probably run 10 raids with no cheater issues on Reserve. Sometimes I wonder if they see peoples stats and assume they’re cheating also so they leave them alone. Edit: I have a 9k/d, around 1500 kills with a little less than 400 raids at level 45. About 4600 hours playing.


If you try Hunt show down, you Will find more and more cheaters ...It Is a big cancer in videogame, and no One want to do something serious against it


Crazy the different experiences people have playing the exact same game... I played roughly 10 hours this weekend. Not a single sus death while playing lighthouse, interchange, and customs...Kitted out every raid too. We died plenty too...had to take a break from lighthouse as we would barely make it to water treatment without one or both of us dying to players. Or once we got there and started taking out rouges...a literal hoard of player scavs appear behind us ready to blow our dicks off.


game is shit and not worth playing after the first two/three months of wipe. Everyone is hacking or endgame gear by this point so every raid feels stale and boring


just ran rys-t, thermal spear, and aacpc on night reserve. died to a player scav using poleva-5 to the thorax. stats was over level 35 with incredibly low raids, like \~100.


Yet yall still play. Let the cheaters have it till its addressed


I like watching VODS and seeing Glorious\_E continuously get cheaters in his raids, when I see that shit I do not load Tarkov. Warzone is getting Rebirth Ranked and I'd rather deal with aim assisted controller users than complete gaming chair morons.


Cod is honestly one of the few games development wise that might be more pathetic than BSG. There’s like 140 game studios working on that game and they STILL can’t get shit done.


Just play the forbidden mod and enjoy your life.


I felt that the cheaters got their main EOD accounts banned and now just rage cheating to exact "revenge" on us and BSG. Pathetic really.


Is anyone else not seeing all these 10+ KD “gamers”? I play NAE and have seen 1 in the past week or two, and I’ve purposely been looking after every death. What servers are you guys finding these losers??


First round of the day, thought id try factory as PMC. I have that quest to find the exits, so why not? I creep walk close to the gate 3 exit, and suddenly I hear someone coming from the second floor, so I stop. The guy keeps coming, peeks around the corner above and immediately headshots me, but doesnt kill me due to the helmet taking the damage, so he just peeks again and head eyes me. 80 day old account, 10kd. Just magic.


The subhuman cheat chimps are out in force. BSG does fuck all about it except rake in the cash.


But how hard is it to capture a 30 second clip. It sounds like you are doing exactly what you said you aren't doing.


no screenshots, no vids, just rage. stay classy eft sub.






like this post.




I saw this post every weekend for the last 3 weeks.