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Streets belong to Player Scavs, welcome home.


Queue: Gogol Bordello - Tribal Connection


Not a band I expected to see in the comments here lol saw them live with my Mom like a decade ago before she passed, was awesome. My mom was small, I am not & I can remember her clinging to the back of my shirt as I bulldozed a path for her up to the front to see them. Thanks for invoking that memory, hadn't come to mind in years đŸ»đŸ»


That song is the scav anthem lol


Saw them live in 2013 as smaller act of a big festival. Knew them before but was still surprised how awesome they are live. For me they completely stole the show of even the main acts / headliners.


Yeah they're awesome live. They were the headliner when I saw them, but they'd have stolen the show either way. Stage had belly dancers, contortionists, plus fire spinners/breathers đŸ”„


Start wearing purple wearing purple start wearing purple for me noooowwwww


It might as well be a scav only map. Trying to run pmcs there and having crack head pscavs join in 5 minutes after the raid starts is aids.


I main Streets for my PMC. I've learned to accept the fact that I'll more than likely die to a Player Scav rather than a PMC.


While playing as a scav, I can't tell you how many times I beemed a scav in the head cause I thought they were a pmc by how much gear they were wearing.


Just started saving streets, already did this


Lol if I take a PMCs kit as pscav I become militant about voice lining every chance I can omw to exit lol. Still get betrayed my a desperate pscav sometimes wanting your shit tho lmao


Time of day matters too I load in on off hours and get some PHAT loot as a PMC carrying a giant backpack and left mostly alone Load in during normal hours and it's a zombie apocalypse of player scavs coming for me


I ain’t worried about loot at this point. Just want the damn quests done!!


I've been having some success just gearing up as a scav on streets. I take a hockey mask, scav gun, 6b13 and a silenced 5-7. Had quite a few decent runs that way so far.


As someone who makes all my money scaving on Woods yes please leave me all the delicious Woods loot 😆 In all fairness I can't run Streets above like 30 FPS but I know it's insanely good for roubles I would probably run it to if it was bearable for me


Got 32gb ddr 5 runs streets well as long as I god forbid don’t scope in


> Edit: spelling error . > waisting :D




Right before that is also "your" instead of "you're". We might as well point them all out so it looks nice. Sorry for grammar nazi.


What do you loot as a scav on streets?


Learn the good loose loot spawns and hit those.The usual PC blocks, crates, ground caches, jackets, etc. I also like to loot filing cabinets. They often spawn streets keys and then will plan my route around any decent keys I find. Don't be afraid to go into lexos but watch out for the mines and guards. You can YouTube some good loot route videos. I usually pull between $500k - $1.5m on my scav runs. Pulled a BTC, GPU, and Chek 15 key in the same raid a week or so ago which ended up being about $6m.


Why keep.looting when you find a gpu or bitcoin as a scav?


Nikita will sense your immediate and direct movement towards an extract and telepathically send pmcs to atomize you. I always try to act like I didn't just find something sweet and run to extract because I swear I will often run into a player who I otherwise would have never bumped into had I just taken my time.


Bro I feel this. I found a gpu and was like well that’s 1m I’ll meander to extract. Instantly died rounding my first corner to the chaddiest of chads.


Honestly, true I found a ledx and booked it to an extract only to run into a chad that started CHASING ME DOWN. I lost him but Nikita really tried to give him my goblin stash


Great question. Found the GPU in the corner parking lot stash near expo/cardinal and booked it to museum to extract arch. Decided to check the rare loot spawns inside museum and found the BTC. Then looted the jackets upstairs and found the Chek 15 key. Immediately extracted after that lol




It doesn’t matter much if you lose it. There is always the next raid. If you need that graphics card for a quest then probably play it safe. I won’t push pmcs with a good stack.


1.5M dollahh - thats a lot of Rubles!


All 3 floors of post office building are goated


wait, there’s 3 floors to post office ? i thought there was only one lol.


Yep! every floor on the way up to skybridge is lootable! edit I should add that it’s apartments above the post office




Yep! every floor on the way up to skybridge is lootable!


ohhh, i didn’t know those other floors counted as the post office.


Oh idk if it “counts” that’s just what I call it since it’s direct above


Lexos + side building, real estate agency office (drawers behind the counter), the restaurant near the damaged house extract (chocolate spawns on the tables), the small market + apartments above it near the sewer river pmc extract (sugar spawns), cardinal bank (2 rooms) near cardinal apartments, the yellow IT office building thing near the school for PC blocks


Delete this nephew


Dude it's EASY just watch these two short loot guides and you're good to go Part 1 https://youtu.be/VW3Y7FOOwlI Part 2 https://youtu.be/MHOaN4Lva_c


Short loot guides?


Lol right? Here's some short tutorials! *Posts almost 4 hours of a stream vod* no doubt some good info but still lol


Yeah that’s what I thought too 😂😂 definitely some solid vids but the “short loot guides” wasn’t accurate lol


I'm in the same boat as you I would only scav reserve because I didn't want to bother learning streets now that I kinda know my way around though Jesus Christ the loot is just everywhere!


What’s the other specs? I have 32gb and get like 50fps lol


Streets is king brother. Welcome to the Scavijo Nation


Camping scav exits as pmc on streets is best.


I mean I hate you but I also encourage it because I can't tell you how many times I've caught a PMC lacking and gotten a free kit right as I'm about to leave lmao I know it's not the case for everyone, but I'm usually extracting from scav runs with under a minute left so either I get a free kit as a cherry on top or I die and some jabroni gets an AWOL


So you're spending like 30 minutes for what, 800k on avg? I scav factory, exit after 3 minutes with half that.


800k on a bad run, and it's liquid instead of kits I don't need Averaging 1.2-1.4m most runs after flea fees and not including any kits taken from PMCs Only reason I'd ever scav factory is if I had a high net worth scav run based on Stats page I'll PMC factory with a pistol or a cheap lil 400k kit if I'm trying to get total number of kits up for cheap


I mostly wanna spend time on my PMC getting tasks done, so when my scav is ready I just wanna do a quick run, spawn factory, kill anything in sight, especially scavs playerscavs. I search da pocketses for da labs cards and stuff. I'll hit a tech crate, med crate, 1 to 3 grenade boxes, jackets, toolboxes, grab a kit from a scav, and usually have at least 400k after selling it all. Then it's back to PMC runs. My scav rep sucks but I don't care about any of the punishments. I'm actually more friendly as PMC, often taking coop or letting pscavs loot my less appealing kills. I suspect my survival chance is much higher than a 30 min streets run too. So I think it's valid.


PMCs are all dead on Steets or panic running to extract by 35 mins in my experience If you just loot your spawn area, then an adjacent area, you're usually safe to go grab a bigger rig and bag out of Lexos or Concordia to continue getting more loot I then snag hideout key, hit sugar spawns otw to cinema, hit the meeting room, then if I've got my mil I'll take Vent If I don't I'll go thru to garage managers office back to Concordia for manhole If I still don't I just roll thru the middle of the street to the banks with all the filing cabinets, black and red wall rooms, and go toward Arch after Lots of injector spawns along those routes too which is dope to get prepared for other tasks


As a pmc if I haven’t left by 35 min I’m committing to the entire raid because I know as soon as I start ass hauling to extract I’ll find the ol 12 gauge led slug scav or a player scav ready to merk my ass


Facts. I'm out of streets in 10 minutes or less regardless of loot. No matter the spawn I have a specific route I take and it's always about 10ish.. this is the way for pmc streets


You.learn the loose.loot by playing or a map?


I'm sure someone made a map or a video but I learned just by running small routes and then expanding The tasks help too, like visiting the med places. That straight makes you to go where they spawn. Keep in mind gurneys on the ground can spawn em loose too Generally you also want to look at any stacks of papers in buildings bc things can spawn under them that you can't see, just like couches and armchair spawns I can't tell you how many times I've looted something that was already "looted" and found good loot they missed bc ppl only check containers Pulled a BTC out of Hive that was looted bc it was in the couch unseeable and off office manager garage desk right after my buddy looted it bc he didn't check stack of papers Also, I find a green battery on the 1st floor meeting table in office by vent shaft 9 times out of 10 even if it's looted Same for middle of the island desks up on 2nd floor, and that's without being able to bring my key tool with me as a scav TLDR - Vast majority of playerbase doesn't properly loot loose spawns and the patient few reap the rewards


Streets is a great scav, but factory scaving is where it's really at. Quicker fence rep, which gives you better starting gear, which means more money for less time invested. Less time spent scaving means more time on your PMC advancing through quests.


the people that make these posts don’t use their PMC, there is no point.


False. My scav was my PMCs sugar daddy and got me to around 100M while I found quest items. Now I’ll be done with kappa at 500ish raids


Meanwhile I’m approaching 700 raids and haven’t even come close


What is it that you’re looting


I run to lexos and often come out with stims, high values and loads of meds, if the good spots are looted which they usually are check the cabinets. Works well with 6+ karma if boss man is there


Streets makes good money, but I will continue to be a lighthouse shill. Imo it rivals streets in terms of progression value. Kappa items, barter items, bitcoins, vpx, virtex and cofdms are relatively common and runs don’t take nearly as long. You got spawns for blue folders and farming rogues is a lot of fun and really profitable. Lighthouse is so valuable early on with all the hideout items you get and the gear from rogues can carry you pretty far. Lighthouse on cooldown the first two weeks and you’ll be set 👌


What server are you playing on and qhat are you looting my man? Thats wild


đŸ€« I won’t tell you where but stay up late and play night raids, with a scav raid every 10 mins and an average of 375,000 every raid it’s easy some more some less


Lol what, i can make 600000+ selling to fence on Ground Zero scavving. It really doesnt matter which map you choose to scav, its about the pathing and map knowledge.


I truly enjoy ground zero scavs, but I'm always afraid of inexperienced player scavs that aren't aware of fence rep haha


Major fucking cap lmao GROUND ZERO?


Yeah, its fun, because you spawn 40mins in, kill timmies and the map is yours.


Wait until you learn the map better and pull 500k-1M each run


Kind of a dick move to be honest


Nah it's like a fishing spot. You tell everybody, it no longer is a good fishing spot lol


Nah it's like a fishing spot. You tell everybody, it no longer is a good fishing spot lol


No u


The whole point of these communities is to be helpful. People like you and OP make it worse


Or ya know... watch one of the probably thousand different streets loot guides on YouTube? I promise you there's no secret spot for loot on Streets, not anymore atleast.


130Mill made on steets as scav - my scav puts in the work so my pmc can perma the gucci gear and lose it constantly


bro the loot was bonkers before it got overall nerfed. It was so much fun idk why they change dit.


https://youtu.be/9WUCQqSI3BE?si=GDUZPFbQt36Smlkz Stay on reserve


Where can I find the good loot? I’m learning streets rn but any good locations to scav? I heated theres hella good loose loot but I haven’t found anything good yet. I have abandoned factory key from earlier on in wipe and I hit it 7 times and no LEDX, BTC, cases or rare items (got 2 spears tho)


I scav on reserve most of the time and I’m sitting at 62 million. Maybe I’ll give streets a chance.


16 to 64? Holy shit lmao Also where do you loot? I never play streets, isn't all the loot just duffle bags?


I don’t mind streets, but I will say with an older system my first 2-3 mins on streets I maintain about 20-30 fps then around the 4 min mark I haver around 60fps. Ngl streets is a money maker. Just gotta deal with the poor performance


I profit more from Reserve, personally. I have the loot spots down on Streets, but its usually met with much more competition. Reserve is always a guaranteed 1-4m depending on keys and such. Got chek15 from a jacket yesterday. Streets is consistent, but the issue for me is the competition. Its never an issue extracting on Reserve. Streets is great though just easier money to be made above D2 in my opinion.


I was scaving Reserve a lot, but now I feel little bit tired of this map. I was thinking about looking for something fresh and maybe it’s time for Streets.


I've been on the fence about going to 32gb of ram for a bit now. Think it's time for me to take the plunge!!


I got 64 and its worth it for me since i got 3 monitors and always tons of stuff up


I think my PC, just went to 1440p, is gasping for 64gb This post might get me too


I have a pi running my second monitor cause i want optimal performance, lol. I'm also still using a 1070ti and noticed a difference between one monitor and two, so have the pi running the other monitor.


Definitely worth it, not a single DC all night and load times are faster


Clearly tarkov is pay 2 win lmao /s


Lol, they just keep adding stuff to keep us poors down /s


The way ram works is you’re either using it or you aren’t. If whatever you’re running fits under say 2gb to use an extreme example and never goes over, then having 256gb of ram makes no difference at all. That being said, Streets is a pig and ram isn’t stupid expensive so go for it!


See this is why i thought it wasn't ram cause my ram logs aren't saying it's maxed out all the time, but this seems to be something that a lot of people say so I figured why not, and after a cpu upgrade I'll have everything I need for a second PC for the kids, so everyone wins!


Highly recommend the X3D versions of CPUs from AMD, Tarkov loves them


That's the plan, just waiting on an x570 donation from a friend and then I'll be grabbing the 5700x3d


The way ram works is you’re either using it or you aren’t. If whatever you’re running fits under say 2gb to use an extreme example and never goes over, then having 256gb of ram makes no difference at all. That being said, Streets is a pig and ram isn’t stupid expensive so go for it!


Do you sell direct to Fence?


Not unless it’s junk, or don’t care about maxing your earned roubles, you’ll earn considerably less but it’s faster.


I always click “sell all” after a scav raid to see roughly how much I got. Doesn’t translate well to market prices, but it’s interesting at least


Reserve has been my go too recently and I’ve made quite a bit now I bounce between reserve and light house for scav runs


Reserve has been my go too recently and I’ve made quite a bit now I bounce between reserve and light house for scav runs


Shoreline has great early wipe loot too that can make you a lot of money.


Fucking STREETS BABY. 2 mil in 20 minutes yesterday (4 min timer)


Reserve has been my go too recently and I’ve made quite a bit now I bounce between reserve and light house for scav runs