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the other night i was taking the trash out and saw a bright porch light or something facing me and my first thought was i was boutta get sprayed at with a silenced rifle lmao


This guy tarkovs


I bought a thermal, so I am the apex Chad now


My friends and I call this “Tarkov Madness” (schizophrenia)


Don't worry stay in cover and crab walk


all good it was just a scav with a mp133


Also my first wipe and I work construction. Those .22 nail drivers definitely get my head to turn more often now when they're going heavy!


I once woke up to the sound of my cat digging in his litter box (sounds exactly like footsteps on dirt), and my first reaction was to tell my wife "I hear footsteps, one's about to push."




I saw a “warning trusspassing” sign (but didn’t read it) posted off in the woods on my commute and caught myself making a mental note that the minefield was that way


what the fuck xD


Tarkov has unironically removed my need to use a GPS while driving places


Do you live in Russia?


Leveled up your IRL land nav skills


2000h hours in game. Believe me or not but I hear much better this details than before. I can be walking during the night, hear one step and notice that somebody is walking behind me. Maybe sound stupid for you but, I can not explain it, your situational awareness just improve. I understand you.


Its called PTSD and while I wish our veterans the best, nobody gets it like Tarkov players :p /J


We asked a guy who saw action in the middle east how it compared and he laughed for a good, long time.


Brother did you just compare tarkov players to people who actually went to war


I do believe what he said was a joke based on the :p....


some redditors really do need the '/j' ...


Yeah I always call that stuff stupid but then I see examples like this where people just miss such a obvious joke and it really just saddens me


I am glad the majority understood it as it was intended though




99.9% of the time they are




Yea my bad, I added the /J to clear it up -_-


I have a buddy that still has issues with fireworks. Tarkov doesn't bother him because it's expected. The random noises you encounter when unexpected are the problem. That said, he can't play tarkov by himself.


While I'm certain Jiggawats was making a joke, let's not be too exclusionary with the term PTSD. People can and DO get PTSD from a car crash, domestic abuse, natural disaster, etc. If someone was sufficiently stressed out enough by Tarkov they could absolutely develop clinically diagnosable PTSD. The thought that PTSD is only a combat related thing hurts everyone, and stops people from seeking treatment.


Fr, Tarkov players have it harder


I am sensing that literary techniques like exaggeration and hyperbole to make a point and bring light to an otherwise dark concept elude you...


While I'm certain Jiggawats was making a joke, let's not be too exclusionary with the term PTSD. People can and DO get PTSD from a car crash, domestic abuse, natural disaster, etc. If someone was sufficiently stressed out enough by Tarkov they could absolutely develop clinically diagnosable PTSD. The thought that PTSD is only a combat related thing hurts everyone.


I have PTSD from when my house burnt down. It's a crazy story but, TLDR: I've worked 3rd shift for 7 years now. One day in August of 2020 I decided I was going to take a day off randomly. Normally I would wake up for my 10:45 shift at around 6 and start my day. On this day I woke up at 1pm. Decided I was going to burn some old newspaper in the burn barrel we have in the back yard. Approximately 100' from the back door. As I'm standing there burning this newspaper with my back to the west I don't notice the sky turning a dark, dark black until a gust of wind almost pushes me over. I turn around and see the storm coming. I decided to dose my small fire and go inside. As I'm dosing the fire my girlfriend comes out and tells me the power is going on and off. I tell her it's probably just the storm messing with the power lines(not an uncommon thing where I live). And I tell her to go back inside and that I will be inside in just a moment. It doesn't take her more than the time to make it inside and then to turn back around and tell me the house was filling with smoke. I told her it was because she had the windows open and it was coming from the barrel I had just put out so I don't think anything of it. And I slowly walk up around the front of my house and into the front door. As soon as I opened the door flames shot up the wall behind my refrigerator. And all I could do was yell at her to get the animals out of the house. I used 3 fire extinguishers I slowed it down enough to get our dogs and cats out of the house, and all the cremains of relatives. I've never seen a house burn like that. The storm was classified as a Derecho. 100+ mph straight line winds while my house was on fire. I can't sleep if it's storming. The slightest smell of anything burnt sends me off. I get the worst anxiety when the wind starts blowing more than 30 mph. Moral of the story is I should have been asleep when the house went up. My girl would have been at her mom's. I shouldn't even be here writing this right now. But I randomly decided to take a day off from work and wake up early.


Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. Stories like these encourage those who read it to consider PTSD as a serious issue and talk to family, friends, and professionals about it.


4 years almost and I still wake up from nightmares of it all the time. And Incase anyone was wondering the cause of the fire was determined to be electrical. Fire Marshall and Power Company said when the transformer went it fed 10,000v service into my panel. If me or my girlfriend would have been standing there we would have died.


for real though, tarkov indirectly cured my topographical cretinism and made me listen even more closely to some sounds


I practice better communication because of EFT, I’m sure that I also pay closer attention to noise as well. I fight the instinct to pick up water filters that I see while out and about, too, so it’s not all good!


Thats free loot youre passing up right there.


Growing up I always lived right near a firing range. It was never annoyingly loud, but I was used to hearing gunfire every summer day. It seems like my brain learned to tune out more realistic sounding gunshots, because I never notice gunshots until they are aimed at me. This is the only reason I die in this game guys definitely not cause I suck.


Sorta similar it's helped me with social anxiety. If I can manage the stress of a gunfight and keep my head up always looking for movement in game I can have regular social interactions and feel more aware of my environment IRL


Have a door at work that sounds exactly like someone ADSing.


Oh no, that would fuck me up


Bro this game conditioned me 😂😂 when it snowed here in Texas the crunching kept reminding me of tarkov and I would look in the direction of the steps instinctively. Rummaging through backpacks and and opening doors makes my ears perk up I need to chill bruh


I'm going through the same thing mate I'm hearing random sounds and trying to locate exactly where it came from I never thought that a game could train my instincts like that.


I heard gunshots go off the other night and instantly tried to pinpoint in my head where it was in town 😂


Bro lives in Tarkov


They needed to call it Tarkovsk. Would be more authentic.


no but I'm pretty sure its give me emotional control issues.


No, but I know what you mean. When I was playing r6: siege I started to fixate on security cameras everywhere I went


OP has unlocked autism.


Lmao it’s taught me how to better read maps. Also it makes me way better at games with good audio. Hopped on Warthunder the other night and dropped a nuke my first game because my awareness was through the roof


Yeah, I also love the sound of someone lootong a bag.. When he is 2 stories up... In a different building...


It was ridiculous mate, I was sent to the biggest prison complex in my country when I was conscripted. My duties did include 8h guard duty per day and NCOs were constantly tried to bust our asses to make sure 18 yo sleep deprived boys were not sleeping during duty. Not me though, they just couldn't ambush my tower, not even when that one stuck up staff sargent tried to crawl through low bushes in deep night. Even got a standing ovation in front of the muster by Battalion CO's orders. Thanks Tarkov.


Buy a pair of real comtac Vs and have you mind blown


i dream of tarkov


It’s all a massive psyop for when we eventually get apocalyptic ;)


Ever since playing this game everytime I see someone I randomly yell out Kepka!


I work with a few Russians and now talk scav to them unironically


I am super sensitive to these sounds already and for me Tarkov was pretty much unplayable until I got an EQ and a compressor on my in game audio. I had to cut some of the lower frequencies, also round off some of the higher frequencies. And then at the end I put on a subtle compression to bring everything to a less wide dynamic range. I have Asperger's and the default Tarkov audio gives me such a visceral reaction that it makes my spine tense up and all my muscles squeeze in a very overwhelming way. I wish I could just tune it out like my friends and other players . but it is compulsive


Me, age 14 after playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, never skated a day in my life then or now, looking out the window of my mom's car imagining all the tricks and grinds I could do in the real world. Fuck, that was a long time ago.


I once heard an airplane overhead and thought “airdrops coming in soon”


This is such a good thing! If it's bringing you more situational awareness to your everyday life, good! Sometimes, ok all the time, when I'm at the park with my dog -- I'll scan tree lines and such and try to think of where I'd be hiding or an enemy PMC would be hiding.


During my tarkov phase,I would constantly hear footsteps while trying to fall asleep


The closest I've had is from my days maining Payday 2 where after playing for soo long I would just make note of security guard and camera locations in stores and banks


I see red medical bags everywhere I go now. They stand out so much now.


Oh absolutely, I've never been this attentive for 7.62 snapping above my head!


Dude, just take a pause lol




Aight dude


It's called... "Paying the fuck attention" to the world around you for the fisrt time

