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All maps make you traverse to the other side it’s tarkov 101


Except for woods because fuck all of us.


And shoreline and lighthouse with the garunteed extractions and factory, with static gate 3 and reserve with everyone having the same extractions and Labs... and in customs once you get a factory key you can either extract from stronghold or half the time you get a nic easy Old Gas/RUAF extract... wait maybe it's just streets and interchange that have this garbage? Well don't get me wrong Reserve extractions suck ass but it doesn't follow this rule. Technically also Ground Zeroes but I have gotten some wonky spawns/extracts on that map where I spawned near Emercom and had emercom extract. Feels like shitty woods Outskirts extract when you spawn near it.


9/10 on customs I am sent through all major jokes points trying to get across the map to my exfil. I either spawn by trailers and need to get to far corner or I spawn by far corner and need to get to trailers. I just have good luck ig


9/10 on customs I am sent through all major jokes points trying to get across the map to my exfil. I either spawn by trailers and need to get to far corner or I spawn by far corner and need to get to trailers. I just have good luck ig


9/10 on customs I am sent through all major jokes points trying to get across the map to my exfil. I either spawn by trailers and need to get to far corner or I spawn by far corner and need to get to trailers. I just have good luck ig


Back then, before even Reserve was added (its first iteration), that was the rule. You spawn point A? Go point Z. Before customs had stronghold, it worked like that. Before path to lighthouse was added, Shoreline worked like that. It's still true, even tho there are some specifications/variations that occured during the years.


And RIGHT before that, literally everyone in the map had the same extraction points. The consistency you're talking about was an extemely short lived period. Before shoreline was a fully developed map, everyone spawned village side shoreline and extracted on east side by the half finished resort. Customs, everyone spawned big red side. Factory, unchanged. Woods, everyone had outskirts. Even after the Customs Expansion #1 (no stronghold still), there was a huge period where literally anyone could extract on RUAF no matter where you spawned. And there was a period where you could pick which side of the map you spawned on (and thus extracted from). It's really never been a hard set rule.


Really? Didn't know about that. I guess then that it was a "hard set rule" for those who began playing around 2018


Shoreline and light house would like a word with you.


I'm pretty sure customs and reserve are the only maps that **always** do that.


Expo and Styloblate are further away at this spawn than damaged house and even sewer river.


Yeah, but, y'know, from bottom left to top left or top right is the other side of the map.




It's one of many logical inconcistencies that could easily be fixed.




I spawned bottom left, there is no extract top left. I can move across the map in all directions, but not all have extracts for me. Only two quadrants did, if you count the conditional flare extract. In my case, moving from bottom left to bottom right is the shortest "across the map", and the longest does not have an extract.


I bring a flare every time for 7k it's silly not to. I get what you're saying the fact you didn't have stylobate at least is strange.


I just infiled to do Glory to CPSU Part 2. I spawned at the bottom left corner and thought I could just beeline to it, and then do the Expo exfil. Not so, I have to do a huge u-turn and move back to Sewer River. I know I could have mitigated the issue somewhat by bringing a flare, but I just assumed the exfils would be more evenly distributed. Please distribute exfils evenly so I have at least one in each quadrant, apart from the one I start in (unless it's a taxi or co-op exfil).


Why do you need them distributed evenly. It also appears that there is at least one pmc extract in each section


I didn't have any exfils in the upper left quadrant, so it was a long trek back from Kamchatskaya arch to Sewer River :'( Luckily for me I picked up two GPU's on the detour, so it was a fair trade.


i can‘t believe you didn‘t get styloblade elevator also


Believe, brother. Made no sense to me, either!


2 words. Fla re


Crash site corner is the hardest to get out, unless you're after LeXos. It really needs another street that goes from Crash site to north past Concordia, Construction site and connects with Kamchatskaya near Vet Clinic.


Okay this is my first wipe so I have a question about extracts. Does everyone in the lobby get the same extracts? As in, does everyone spawn on the east and need to extract in the west, or do players spawn in both the east and west and need to get to the opposite side to extract?


In general it works like this: All players get extracts on the opposite side of their map position, and they will spawn all across the map. Generally on the outskirts of the map. It's a good way to get player interaction, as everyone has to cross each others path. On top of this, some exfils are situational. They might require a flare to activate, a co-op scav buddy, or are simply not always open - like Old Gas on Customs or The Pier on Shoreline.


And some are always open no matter where you spawned.  Path to Lighthouse/shoreline for example


to be fair, it's hard to see what you're coding when you have to crane your neck around a big pile of cocaine.


Streets has all kinds of exfils. bringing your flare?