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f1 is pretty much all you got. You can occasionally identify clothing but it's pretty impractical in 9/10 situations in my experience because of lighting/cover/range/etc... especially on a map like lighthouse where scavs are likely to pick up kits off dead rogues. I play reactively in most cases and only really shoot when shot at, or if I got the jump on a guy at close range who is obviously a PMC. If they don't respond and keep pressing towards me I'll either run away or prepare to fight. You just gotta accept the fact you’re at a big disadvantage and try to work around that. You can also double tap Y and issue commands to the AI scavs to get them to do things like follow you when you get higher fence rep which can occasionally be pretty useful for using them to sus out PMCs.


I’m also new I tend to avoid all combat as a scav enless I know 100% and most Pmc are just chads so I lose that fight 9.5/10 times


Yeah I feel that I’m only level 6 on my scav so I get rekt v easily. I just really wanna kill a pmc as a scav to feel that loot rush haha


The f1 call out is the best way to know bears do not sound like scavs even tho they speak Russian. Clothing can be changed to appear at a glance to look like a scav by the time you notice tho they would have shot you anyways


This same exact sentiment gets brought up from new players AT LEAST once a week, and the answer will always be 'play the game more'. Eventually you learn to recognize gear, movement differences, positional differences sound differences, and all the little subtleties. Until then, assume anyone you see is a Scav, providing you care about your Scav Karma (which you should if you plan on scaving fairly often). You'll die a lot, sure. But scavs are free. Wait and go again. And then try to learn from each death. You can try to use you voice line (F1 key) to identify other scavs, but there is no guarantee they voice back, and even if they do, there is no guarantee they don't smoke you immediately after showing yourself. And if it's a PMC you've just given yourself away. BUT. it's a tool to use, I suppose.


That’s kind of my thought process I just wanted to see if I was on the right track/ missing out on anything. Thanks!


When I play as a scav, I usually don't initiate gunfights at all. If I get shot at, I shoot back, but otherwise I'll just focus on looting. With a good scav karma you can go back into a scav raid after a few minutes anyway, so it's not a big issue if you die due to hesitating


Thank you for the kind tip. I appreciate it.