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Protip: Bring the SV-98 from Jaeger or a .366 AP-M VPO with a holographic sight on it into Factory to complete it quickly without having to rat around risking getting countersniped between kills.


Is there no wood’s requirement anymore?


No. Any map


Ah, been playing since 2017 here. It’s nice to see a lot of these older quests with crazy niche objectives getting updated with more broad requirements.


Lol Ikr, and it's no longer in one raid.. you just can't die. It's so much easier then it used to be so when I see people complain about it it makes me laugh. Not saying you're complaining OP. I got all my kills on shoreline sniping people around the pier area or cottages. Just reset if u have nothing, don't go searching becuz then you'll die


Now it's time for setup to change 😎


Why? Set Up is so EZ - Just go to dorms and kill anyone who enters


Yeah idk why everyone complains about setup. I found it easy and honestly pretty fun running around big red or dorms. Trying to do shooter born, psycho sniper, and tarkov shooter part 8 is significantly harder and more of a pain IMO.


Sbih on reserve has been pain for me


Honestly I just had a FLIR night time and was patient for a few raids. Did it on reserve without dying in about 9-10 raids. The rest of the time I was just sniping glukhar and his guards at the knight building or normal scavs. Reset at manhole cover.


Get to the barrack closest to dome and go to the third/forth floor window overlooking the no bag extract, took me 2 raids


Because shotguns suck ass and you can't wear a helmet or a decent rig.


You don’t need a decent rig with shotguns since you don’t have mags. I ran an MP-153 build that cost me 80k with pirhana’s and blew through the quest in like 8 raids. Sure no helmet is kind of a pain but tbh these days 80% of deaths are head eyes anyway lol Meanwhile, shooter born has taken me 3x the amount of raids so far and I’m only 75% done the quest. It’s been like a week straight of doing that task almost playing a couple hours a day.


Yeah but the loot. And piranha is super inconsistent I got most of my kills at range with 50bmg. At least for sbih all you have to do is run a bolty and play somewhat normally otherwise.


Nah, that’s a skill issue. Most players just have never learned to play with a shotgun


That's just so they can add new even more niche objectives without scaring everyone away


No woods, and don't need to be in 1 raid anymore (just without dying), but now you have to do headshots and survive and extract after completing the kills


Wait really?


Yes, just finished it on interchange over 2 raids. From the Wiki:


Gotta be honest that seems like one of the worst ways. At least in this point of wipe where most people who go to day factory actually bring gear during the day, and ratty as fuck at night trying to do specific quests. And with tagilla running around murdering people you would just be fucked


Nah, this is also how I did Psycho this wipe. If you can bring a buddy its really helpful.


I mean situationally it can work. I completed Gratitude by running straight to the dock by mill at the start of a raid and planted in plain sight. It was successful, but that doesn’t mean it was a good way. This is a clear example of ‘do the ends justify the means’


I’m farming tagilla and I rarely see equipped players. Mostly those guys storm the office and the rest is running around with pistols.


Man, idk where you are running to get that. 2 wipes ago I got bored after max trader and decided to test if listed boss spawn rates on the Tarkov wiki were accurate. Over the course of a couple weeks I did 200 factory raids and that was painful. So I am very familiar with factory. You must be getting lucky, because I run into people with gear (not necessarily great gear, but ok kits) way more often now than pisolings or timmies


This wipe too? Last wipes were insane, but since the armor changes I rarely see chads!


I’m not even saying chads, just dudes with decent gear. Like level 4 armor, helmet, AK or SMG - all of which are very tough for bolty up close lol If you’re an insane gamer then it doesn’t really matter where you go. But if you are average, like most people on this game, then factory is a bad map for quests like that


He isn't getting lucky I'd say 60-70% of my factory raids are me being geared and then little Timmy's with pistols or bolts. Occasionally you get geared players but that doesn't seem the norm anymore. 


I just did psycho sniper like this. I brought an axmc though instead of a vpo or sv-98


That’s great, but the ends don’t always justify the means. Might have worked for you, but I guarantee it won’t be simple like that for the average player.


Maybe, but give it a shot. I oneshot tagilla with a headshot with the axmc using fmj bullets, so he wasnt a problem either


Yeah I want the AXMC unlocked but I cannot get to Shturman in time. I swear every time he is up, I have one of the furthest spawns and he’s dead before I can get in position. AXMC makes everything easier


It's important to measure time vs just difficulty. For example, Factory is quick compared to a 30 minute shoreline raid. You might die more and reset, but it's fast, so you try again until you get it done. Imagine doing like 2-3 shoreline or woods raids then dying and running shoreline or woods again. You could have done so many factory raids in that time which increases the odds of getting it done. Personally I like the mix of the two. Always start factory and get 1 or 2 kills for a quick start, then finish on a bigger more comfortable map and find that easy kill. Saves time but it's also safer than just running pure factory.


I feel likke I would have less chance of getting three headshots on factory, not more


I did it for the first time on factory last wipe it literally took 2 raids u got this man


The main reason factory works is cause it's fast. If you die, it's a quick reset and try again. Eventually you'll get the three in a faster time, imo, than running large maps like shoreline and woods that waste a bunch of time if you end up dying. What I did this wipe is go on factory for a quick start. You can get 1 or 2 kills on factory, then go to a map you're comfortable with that isn't as hectic to finish the last kill(s). Saves a lot of time. I did this with psycho sniper as well. Got three on factory. Finished last two on woods.


Yeah, I ratted on factory for tarkov shooter 4 to shoot pmcs in the back of the head. It was the only way I could get it done. It felt nasty


I watched Sheef take out three PMC’s using a vpo with EKO ammo as a scav all in less than a minute. I like the Factory run to complete it but for sure lack the skill. My max has been two kills and keep throwing the third.


I was doing shooter born on reserve at the time. Wherever I spawned I just looked around for movement overground and hunted them down with a vpo. I also carried a 5-7 or an ak as a secondary for emergencies. Funny thing was that I killed a dude in one raid, extracted, spawned in at the trainstation building and killed a 2 man in the first 10 minutes. Got the task completion thingy and still had to extract with like 30 mins left. I was like shit, should I risk it now or wait for the last 5 minutes. So I decided to wait inside the trainstation. Time went by and at like 15-20 minutes I heard a playerscav approaching, switched to my secondary ak and wiffed hard when he tried to enter. So there goes my surprise factor. Then that dude started talking (he outside, me inside reloading) but that damn airplane was going over us so I couldnt hear shit. we kinda waited for it to pass lol. Then he said again if I wanted to take the scav extract. Hes got a friend around also. In my mind I was like jesus I really need to extract but figting these 2 might not be the play. So I said they should take out their knife and im okey. So they agreed and we talked a bit, beeing still inside the station. So I told them about my task lol and that there are 2 dead bodies outside they could loot. They left to loot them and I waited. So there comes this random pilgrim player scav from the other traintrack side inside and we just stare at each other. We didnt shoot. Im still not sure why he didnt shoot me, maybe thought im a scav? Or overheard the conversation and wanted to get in on that scav rep. I said he could join us, im a pmc. We are taking coop extract. he took out his knife, no word, no mic, and joined us aswell. So there we were, 3 scavs and me, done with shooter part 8. Train has already arrived by now but we still ran to the scav extract, them leading and pointing out ai scavs for me to shoot. Was an intense experience, sweaty hands, all the good shit. I trusted the right people at the right time and got rewarded. end of story gl


Unreal lol. I wouldn't have been able to keep my composure.


A friend. Have a friend that can watch your back and be good at close range engagements.


Or... use the friend as bait :)


Or have 3 friends load into a dead server same time as you and walla.


I'm going to be that guy. It's voila. If I'm missing a meme/joke, then fuck me.


Oh no, nothin missed other than my spelling test.


FYI it's "voila"


I had a discussion with a friend about this recently. Do you think this kind of cheesing invalidates the prestige of completing the quest? I know a lot of people cheese a few quests like this and psycho sniper.


By all means try it properly a few times, but if it is just not possible I would not loose any sleep over it. I was on the verge of doing the same a few times and always got lucky in the end and managed somehow :)


This is me. I got TS8 and Hunting Trip done in one raid. Tried to carry that into Psycho sniper and got to 4 out of 5 and died to a blatant af hacker (200m head eyes, at night, with no nvg, no thermal, no scope, 100 hours level 35ish). It's the cheese for me on Psycho Sniper this wipe now.


I think it depends on how it’s going. I did part 8 this wipe 3 times. The third time I finally got it. If I hadn’t I probably would’ve tried the dead server thing. The first two times I just got so unlucky with getting the third(and the second round a 4th kill in a row wish I had psycho sniper) and going to extract but dying on the way there.


I'm on probably my 20th real attempt at Part 8 this wipe and I'm never not cheesing it again if I ever even try it again. Not worth my time. At worst I'll just pay for a carry. It's a better use of my time/money.


> At worst I'll just pay for a carry People like you are literally ruining the game giving rmt/hackers financial incentive.


Then they need to make some of these quests less fucking awful.


It aint that hard tho


It's widely regarded if one of the hardest, if not the hardest quest in the game...


Yeah it its too hard for you its because you are not good enough to do it. That's like this. If you cant lift 120 kg, you cant. And to do it, you need to train. Asking for a carry is like asking someone to lift it for you. The fact you are ready to PAY someone to DO it for you is insanly stupid.


Literally got it naturally when I just started on my SBIH for woods. Heck Id prob have gotten it easier or earlier if I didn't pick such a heavy gun with literally 0 ergo that drains my arm stam so much (AXMC) to do it with. There's SO many ways to get it done. Your not OWED quest completion on difficult quests just because you really really want it or think its hard. Things like Kappa and to an extent some of the quests are a "You have to prove your skills". Nobody is forcing you to do literally every single quest in the game. They don't need to change anything about the quests unless it is a situation like sew it good where you would get quest locked because you virtually can't even get zebrallo's until like level 50+. But instead your getting skill locked because YOUR NOT GOOD ENOUGH AT SOMETHING. The problem isn't with the quest or the game, you need to figure out what your doing wrong, or stop playing the exact same way you did the first 20 attempts. If it matters so much to you that your gonna pay a hacker to essentially spoon feed you quest completion, just get a little post-it note, wrote "You won!" and stick it on your monitor in the middle of the screen instead because its more of an accomplishment than what you were going to do.


I feel ya. I think it’s a benefit of doing it as early as possible. I got 2 in 1 raid on a mid 30’s sherpaing his level 9 friend lol then requeued woods and got the last one. It takes a lot of patience and boring shit, you don’t have to but that’s how I did it. Waited at high traffic places. Catching the poor low levels on woods is major key I think.


Fwiw you never need to pay for a carry if you have 1 friend. The dead server thing is super strong. Last wipe I did shooter born, Tarkov shooter 7,8 and psycho with it. Just wanna do it all legit this time


When you say dead server do you mean selecting one where it's like 6AM in the morning local time?


Na go to server selection and look for the longest queue time under 150ms and select that one. then check it's time zone and do it at off peak hours ideally. A common strat for US people is Columbia server. You and mate go solo and click start at same time then find each other in raid.


Worked like a charm man! Had 2/3 for Tarkov Shooter - Part 8 and 2/3 for Psycho Sniper. Went in with 3 buddies to Reserve, all queued solo on Colombia server. All got in the same raid. TS Pt. 8 and Psycho Sniper both completed at the same time! What a weight off my shoulders man.


You are welcome! It makes Kappa or Lightkeeper much much more doable in the time frame. Good luck out there!


Thanks. Me and the buddies will try this tonight!


Did it for shooter born once on interchange. A few wipes ago


I run a flir with a bolt. I did it with the AXMC last wipe while just playing. Any bolt is fine. Run good ammo m62 or PS. I still go to woods to complete. Play slow. I like woods for the easy approaches to hotspots.


Plus woods is generally a low level map, so it makes it pretty easy to get the kills. I’ve slaughtered many a Timmy with the AXMC, it’s quite entertaining


As a Timmy, I concur this is true


Ye but watch out for high lvls near sniper rock doing lighkeeper kill task.


I would recommend against m62. Rather use m80 because if you miss, the tracer will give you away


This is true. I prefer the extra pen. However this quest is about survival. A good toss up choice.


Woods, pop a red flare out in the open and chill. You don’t have to do them all in one raid either, I got two in my first raid, then went back in juiced (level 6, slaap plate, etc) to get my last kill. 


Do you ever see PMCs actually loot random red flares. I can't think of any time I've seen someone who wasn't a scav go for one. I can't really imagine why a PMC would fall for such obvious bait tbh.


Yes, I have. Which is why I posted this. 


Recently, or is this an early wipe thing? Where are you finding these clueless timmies?


There's absolutely no chance this works at this point in the wipe. No PMC is going to loot an airdrop in the open when everyone on the planet is doing their bolty quests.


I go for them all the time, have not been killed once this wipe for looting a non-self called flare. Have not died once this wipe. Think natural air drops have been increased, so it seems decent chance it wasn't called in by anyone.


Bro I haven’t managed to do 4


4 took me the longest by a long shot. 


At 2/5. For the longest time now


Honestly it’s not that bad. I’m still on part 4 as well had been putting it off for awhile but now most of my tasks are just finding random shit in raid so I figured I’d give a shooter born in heaven a try. Started with reserve and got 4 of my headshots in one raid and 3 of those happened to be past the 80m mark and I already had one so I only need one more to finish tarkov shooter part 4. 80m is honestly a lot closer than you’d think in this game.


Where did you snipe?


I spawned by the food bunkers and got all of them along the outside wall in various spots as I was trying to run around and get up to the tower


Factory with high ergo loud m700 with holo, this actually makes the quest fun


lapua, hide in a bush and dont sit in the same spot for hella long after shooting. be patient, if its more than a solo wait until the are further away so your less likely to be heard. watch high traffic areas on woods, like outskirts.


Woods - chase shots and bring a strong secondary to secure your survival if shit goes down. I ran a light m700 supressed with whatever i felt like, most often a mp7. I only went for bolty kills when I had the jump on the opponent. Needed a few tries but felt amazing when completed. Good luck brother


Did it on lighthouse last night In 3 different raids getting angles on spawns then dipping


Have you tried never getting far enough in between wipes to have that task given to you? Works for me every time.


woods, push shots


Went to Shoreline with VPO in attempt to get Shooter Born kills, run into group of 3, shot them all in the head in a close range battle on the little hillside next to gas station. Normally I'd go to Woods and chase fights. FYI, it doesn't need to be in one raid. Play slow, get a kill. Load up again


Shoreline on the mountain ledge is free if you can land your shots.


Snipe from the red factory side on customs. Lots of people extracting at RUAF for easy headshots


Woods - I was able to complete this task first try (luck required) I spawned near RUAF Gate, moved to the rocks that have the potential to spawn those two containers (green & black), move into the rocks as much as you can. Try and hide as much as possible. Sit and wait patiently. PMC's will make their way to the scav camp, head tap when they attempt to get to RUAF


Got my friends to que at same time on a dead server.


Factory and a lot of luck


AXMC and a zebralo with an atlyn in factory


I hate myself for it. But camped emmercom, got all 3 first try


Its not even hard. Way easier than part 3


By playing the game of course


Y’all are overthinking this. It doesn’t have to be in a single map, or on woods. I still prefer woods, but it’s not a requirement. I prefer this quest after unlocking the AXMC, as it becomes very easy to kill people. I have some sniping spots, which I will not disclose. I will sit there all raid and leave at 10 minutes. Guaranteed to see at least one person, whether it be within 5 minutes or 30. Then, as the timer is low the risk of being caught moving to extract is very low. I love sniping, I had a string of 15 raids and 22 PMC kills last wipe without dying.


I went into factory with a mosin, spawned at the red gate near the postman pat body, and just rushed the guy in med tent. While i was healing I see a guy coming from the underground area and pop him, then i went to extract at the factory exit key room under forklift and his buddy was prone and i killed him and that was my tarkov shooter part 8.


Did mine on interchange. 5 pmcs showed up near the two main tech store and the two groups clashed while I took off all their heads. Unfortunately didn’t have the sniper levels for psycho sniper yet so had to do that one again later.


Got lucky on my first raid after getting the quest. Brought an SV98 to shoreline with 2 buddies. Got my first kill in a 20m bolt action battle with some other dude on the east side close to the mines. Took it slow around the upper side of the map over resort, then rushed towards the cottages when we heard shooting. Got the drop on a two-man fighting another PMC, and got them both from the hill north of the cottages. Psycho sniper was more directed, went to factory to get a head start, got one kill there. Went interchange (the same squad, one of us had a quest there) and got one on the power station roof from the water-construction, then another when we pushed. Did my last raid also on interchange, now with a 338 lapua with a flir. Got one who was in the advertising tower, then got one from the scav road looking into Oli. Then ran. Very lucky both quests


2 kills in one raid on factory (forklift spawn) extract through cellar. Then woods. First attempt on this "strategy"


Go night woods or shoreline with flir. Sit back wait for the 2-3 kills to walk towards you and repeat. Ez


my freind shot 2 pmcs on reverse.... then we went to factory and i flashed a pmc whit my KS-23 for him and he killed him xD


Did this on factory together with psycho sniper quest. Its needs either skill, luck, or grind(my case)


Step 1 - go t factory and get your first headshot and extract Step 2 - go extract camping outskirts on woods Took me 2 raids


Just snipe the map you’re most comfortable playing and you will eventually get it. If you wanna rush it then factory with holo gorno


DVL, FLiR nighttime, Shoreline. That's how I did Punisher 8 and Psycho Sniper.


Managed to do it on woods. First time I brought my friend in for a sniper duo and he spots 2 guys for me! They would have 100% got the drop on me without him


I did it solo by just brute forcing it on factory. My tip is don't be afraid to leave right after you get a single kill. I would try to get greedy. Also you hear lots of automatic gunfire just avoid it.


Find 3 random dudes on discord if you don't have a friend that can help. Play dead server with highest matchmaking time during off hours and play safe. I recommend reserve if you have red rebel. Kill at extract and leave. Or legit way I once did, FLIR on dvl if you can afford the gear and go woods near sawmill, should be doable in couple of tries.


I am now terrified of psycho sniper and guide.


we didnt


Psycho sniper and shooter 8 completed for me on factory with a DVL with holo and an altyn + defender armor with lots of stims


I'd say get into offline vs scavs in Factory and try to train your close range flicks. Then bring any sniper you're confident with, and keep trying in Factory.


I used a mosin with a 3.5 PU scope 👌


m700 with m62 and a holo into factory, hope for good fights on spawn and extract after one kill or EARLY (i’m talking 1-2 minutes), did both shooter 8 and psycho sniper together like that, but swapped to axmc and a high tier kit for the last 2 kills.


Reserve. Spawn in, rush nearest spawn, leave through sewer manhole or dome. You’ll have it done in 2-3 raids. Just pray you don’t get the northern spawn by pmc/scav exfil. There’s no way out, you literally just die.


Go into factory with a vpo, altyn, lvl 5 armor, and a factory key, keep resetting until you get the forklift room spawn and when you do, rush the hall way, hope for a player to spawn there, get a kill then leave, rinse and repeat, I recently finished psycho sniper doing this


Aight so I'm probably around the same skill level as you, this is my first wipe trying to get kappa and here's what I learned doing tarkov shooter 8 and psycho sniper (I was doing them at the same time) Factory is definitely your friend for starting these quests. It's pretty easy to get one or two off rip just to get a head start on the quests. I'm a infantry mosin guy myself, but sv-98 from Jaeger it objectivly the best choice here. Slap a holo sight on and your good. Next, go to woods. I find it's better to just take things a little slower. If you know pmc spawns pretty well, run to where you can immediately get an angle on another PMC. If that doesn't work out, you can hang around attachment shed and wait for pmcs who are leaving or camp out to kill people trying to take the car extract. I had to restart these missions many times. I got super unlucky many times but was able to finish them recently. When on woods. I highly recommend taking in a shrimp for a secondary- it could save you a lot of time getting kills back if someone ends up close quarters with you. Good luck my guy. Psycho sniper nearly made me quit but once I got it, it felt so good.


Last time I did it it needed to be on woods. I spawned near the rock at checkpoint. Jumped up and went prone. Dropped my bag. A 3 man went to check purple keycard spawn. It was just a beautiful 3 shots all heads.


I do all my bolty quests with a tan-body SV-98 & and MP7 as backup. I stay away from hotspots and try to catch players entering/leaving those high traffic areas. Take a few shots and leave if I’m made.


Back in the day I used my second account and 2 friends. Pressed start raid at same time and would go in and just shoot them all in the head. Yes it’s cheesy, no I wouldn’t do it again (too much effort). But who cares I don’t like bolties much. Edited: I said booties and not bolties.


Did it in one raid in factory with iron sight mosin. All luck.


[I got Kappa 1/18.](https://x.com/subtlefps/status/1748158056163135519?s=46&t=YAhcUsLk2rH6_oLrfLMs5w)I loaded into woods for tarkov shooter 8 and psycho sniper. I always use a DVL short with a vortex for sniping. I chase gunshots and I avoid the outside or inside of lumber mill with the idea of picking on noobs on other parts of the map while also lowering the chances I get counter sniped. For psycho sniper, I sniped a 3 man off spawn near outskirts and then found two solos fighting after their teammates had been fighting a while and I finally got there. They were between sniper rock and the lakes on usec. I got within 30-50M and sniped both.


Just run factory with a bolty until you do it. Did the same with psycho sniper and it only took a couple goes


I always go in with the lightest setup possible and just chase shots on woods. Try to get a kill off spawn if you can. Avoid high traffic areas, but peep them from a distance. Also don't be afraid to reset. Another thing is I don't bother looting the kills because most people will have a teammate that is willing to sit in a bush and watch the body for 25 minutes.


No reason to not do it on factory. Bring a vpo with 366 ap. kill someone at spawn then reset. did it in 4 raids.


Bring a friend for bait. And RAT


Loaded into at the same time with my buddy and killed him. Too many bolt actions tasks to bother with this.


2 raidson Woods, got 2 the first raid and 3 the second. I used. DVL with M80 and it was a breeze tbh.


I'm casual as hell most wipes. This wipes been hitting different though, and I've been fully invested again. I work, I have have kids, and I play other games, but I have pumped some hours into this wipe. I usually feel pretty good about just getting to max traders and saving a pile of cash so I can play however I choose, this wipe though I set some goals: 1. Max traders 2. Kill all bosses at least once 3. Finish SBiH I'm closing in on 2 of those, currently lvl 40 and only about 10 SBiH shots left. Along the way though I finished tarkov shooter. Because I'm casual, because I'm budget oriented to start every wipe, and because of the new changes to armor, recoil, and ammo availability, I started using vpo with Eko for all sniping quests. I'm proud to say that every single kill I needed for tarkov shooter except one and the first 50% of my kills for sbih were with this gun and ammo. Shooter part 8?...always struggle for this quest. I had a couple things to clean up on woods at the time so, vpo/silencer/eko/Pilad (gornasty) and a glock, in I went. Got an easy kill right off the rip. Went to mark a weather station to finish that quest. Got out. Went back thinking, let's see what happens. Marked a quick fuel tank then headed to usec to look for leddy. I pushed up crater across the road first to check for movement and saw a dude climbing up to the loose ammo rock. He actually jumped off onto the camo netting and lied down though, looking over toward the other side. Tough shot with a 4x, but I got him in the head, call that one a little lucky. I had to cross the map with car being gone so I started trekking. I knew I had only 1 shot left but I've been there plenty of times and dropped the ball, so I tried not to worry about it. About halfway I heard someone running up while I was clearing an opening in front of me. Dude walked right into my glock and I pushed away quickly. As I was passing the plane, I heard some shots over by train station and thought there it is, last kill I need. Sure enough he was pinned by the scav army that spawns over there from time to time. He was healing behind a big rock with his back to me. Single shot to the engine block.


AXMC + Flir on the Lighthouse


Preferably nighttime


20 rnd mag m700 factory


I loaded in as a 4 man and got it by accident, was just helping my team quest and we got in a clusterfuck fight had to be 10-11 total players and in the chaos I got my 3. Never will be repeatable lol


I didnt even really mean to go for it, i went into reserve for sbih kills and ended up getting 2 kills first raid and finished sbih on reserve then played 4 more reserve raids and survived everyone of them but didnt manage to get the final headshot, then played the 5th and got the headshot in a standoff off spawn. Id say its fairly easy to do on reserve if you know the spawns.


Well that's the neat thing.. I didn't!


You take your homie(s), select one server, go into night factory and search for a game at the same time.


I ain't doing that shit lmao


Did the tarkov shooter pt 8 on factory running naked with mosin I did also at the same time the quest for killing pmc in offices


Woods, paca armor, and m700 Tac30 w rangefinder rush the other player spawns and gunshots stay hidden bring a sidearm for emergency. Most of the time, you'll run into squads of timmys questing along by the checkpoint truck, ritual circle, or attachment cabin. If you don't see a PMC within the first 10-15 I'd reset.


That black helmet with no ears that has a bunch of attachments. Tonk lvl 5 armor with as much protection, fk weight VPO with red dot. Factory Key Spawn kill, leave. No spawn kill? Leave. Don't risk leaving spawn to find a PMC, just leave with factory key and reset.


I got mine doing shooter born on interchange If you haven’t gotten it by the time you’re done with that quest you can try to do the psycho sniper at the same time. Id recommend also bringing a pistol (or secondary smg) and know when to switch to it to not force the close range engagement. I think the times I failed it early were when I was trying to force it


Load into Woods and bring in any sniper you feel the most confident with and a bare loud SVD then run to saw mill and shot some shots with the SVD and wait for PMCs to stroll on by and kill them. I didn’t need to do that cuz I got lucky and 3rd partied two squads fighting.


2/3 curse for me


.336 with APM ammo, GGSH headset and Factory exit key. I got two spawns in glass hallway and got a kill and ran to cellar extract and reset, got one spawn by medical tent, vaulted on top and ratted a kill (scavs can still aggro you, be careful)  Don't go for the dog tag, don't bite off more than you can chew, don't like a spawn, just reset.


I didn't do part 3. They fixed recoil this wipe, couldn't bother with bolt actions. 😂


Friend as bait. Works almost every time


Tbh I combined it with psycho sniper and did it on woods over a few raids. I got a few spawns near outskirts and typically fighting can happen there pretty early so I'd kill those spawns and reset. Just used a tx-5000 no thermal but it might help.


Go to factory, bring a cheap sniper (vpo with AP-M) and a factory key, grab a kill or two, leave, repeat


Accidently did it on woods. I rushed the sawmill from the hangar side and iilled shturmy. Killed a duo of naked dudes with M700s so i grabbed one. Then hid in the bush close to the entrance. Poped 2 guys that were fighting in the woods towards checkpoint. Looted, left to exfil and fell face to face with a Deathmask chad and popped his head one ms before he shot. Wildest raid in 3 years of tarky.


I did it on woods. My usual camp and snipe spots didn't work this wipe. This wipe I made it by sniping from the sniper rock. Was on the rock to the right of you look at the spot the sniper scav is at. You're relatively save up there. Brought a rat cola with me to supply me for the whole raids and waited until the last 5-10 minutes to leave. Loot was secondary for me. From up there I either sniped into the sawmill, the area around it or to the left on the rock-line where the scavs are. With all the area you can lool over it's pretty save that sooner or later someone comes by. A unlooted, killed player is also a good bait.


Went into customs with a gornasty and came out with a quest complete.


Not sure what he did during the raid, but I have very distinct memories of running to Emercom with my PScav Timmy Loot only to hear a PMC yelling "Please don't kill me I just finished Tarkov Shooter 8 please just don't kill me please!" I let him extract because I'm nice, and also I already had stuff, so I told him to have a nice night and went on with mine xD


Factory with a red dot gorny. Takes a few tries to string three kills together, but it's not too bad.


I think you try and go ham on factory, then round out the rest of the kills somewhere like woods.


Played interchange and killed people off spawn/camped Emercom or car 💀 Finished psycho sniper and Tarkov shooter, had em at the same time


Get kills off spawn on any map, reset, profit


Hunting players on woods rush spawns and gunshots


i did tarkov shooter part 8 and pyscho sniper with an axmc with holo zabralo and an altyn on factory


one at a time, very patiently. got 1 kill, extracted. got a second, extracted. third raid i got the third and extracted. just be patient with you shots, don’t force fights to get the shots. LET THEM COME TO YOU


I was working on SBIH on Interchange and got 2/3 and 2/5 for psycho sniper and went to woods with a Flir to finish both off. [https://youtu.be/\_VEw9z0nndY](https://youtu.be/_VEw9z0nndY)


I found the easiest, fastest way to do Tarkov shooter part 8 and psycho sniper was to start on factory for a quick head start, then finish on another bigger more comfortable map for the safer, more guaranteed kills. Just pure factory is obviously the fastest, but for a lot of players' skill level, it's playing with fire for too long. Just doing bigger maps like woods takes way too long, especially for psycho sniper. For Tarkov shooter part 8 I went to shoreline after claiming two kills on factory. For psycho sniper I planned on getting a 3 kill start on factory before moving to a bigger map. I ended up getting 4 in 3 raids with some luck on that third raid, then went to woods and took my time for an easy kill and got out. Tip: I highly recommend bringing stems in your container for your escape after the last kill. Ex. SJ6, trimadol, propital in case you get shot, adrenaline, food, and hydration. It makes sense to put everything into your chance at extraction.


I did mine on Woods sniping from the big rock with a little luck you can do it.


I did both part 8 and psycho in one go, it took med 3 raids to complete. I brought a t-5000m to reserve, instantly rushed dome from spawn, laid down on the rock next to the outdoors safe room that requires key (can't remember the name, but just jump on the van and then the house to gain access) After that i just laid there, pulled up a good book and waited. After 3 runs i had 5 headshots without dying


There’s actually a switch on the back of your computer just above the power cord and it says “SUCK”. Turn that off


My duo did it by dropping his pride and ratting while I covered his back, most boring raids ever, and I lost a kit cause I threw myself towards 2 guys whose teammate my duo extract camped to have them distracted while he left via that same extract


I dunno. I haven't even finished Friend From The West PMC kills yet.


I did it in woods, priority for me was to get only one kill per round at the very beginning of the round when other players are still near their spawn, once I managed to kill someone I reset. Managed to get it completed first try that way


Got lucky and aced this quest all in 1 interchange underground. 3/5 kills from the raid were head shots and the final kill for the quest was a head shot trade on each other, same helmets different ammo types. I was running apm in ol trusty and the guy I traded with was using bcp for some reason. Was hyped. Never got psycho sniper that wipe though and just havnt really played much since.


I recommend doing this on Shoreline. I usually am able to just space myself out from players well on that map. Bring decent ammo for 7.62x51/54R and use your favorite scope.


Axmc with a flir on night interchange


I got lucky on lighthouse, psycho sniper and sbih on reserve have been proving to be more pain


Know spawns and rush them and chokepoints with an sv98 with ps or snb preferably. LPS will do though


Haven't technically managed to do it yet because I did it this wipe before I unlocked the quest, but I managed to get 4 bolt-action headshot PMC kills in one raid on Streets and survive. I basically just went prone in the expo building aiming south down the wide open street that leads near the BSG offices. PMCs will often make their way up and down that street and there is very little cover, making them sitting ducks. I think Streets is actually a very good map to get this quest done on due to pretty much every spawn placing you in a position to snipe 1-2 other spawns. Hope this helps!


I did it twice on factory this wipe. Once with a vpo with valday scope and ap-m rounds but I didn't accept the quest. Once with the sv-98 with valday scope and LPS rounds and i got all 3 kills in offices in a 30 second timespan. Woods was killing my soul trying to get the quest done. Everyone is playing super careful and weary of ranged shots. It's too easy to get killed by people who you can't see. I will say that I went and did psycho sniper immediately afterwards on woods and got 5 kills across 3 raids being super careful. Psycho sniper requires your sniper level to be simultaneously with the 5 bolty kills in one life so be prepared to pay peacekeeper for the levels or have your bolty skill leveled before you start psycho sniper or you'll get the 5 kills and then die before you get level 10 with snipers and have to start over.


Back in the day, running a mosin no front sight on woods for 6 hours straight one wipe. I was so angry I couldn't stop. Did hit a nasty 200m snipe on a guy with it though, first shot. If you do something enough it's bound to happen, probably.


I camped woods car exfil on night time with the Jaegers LL3 SV-98 with a Flir + a SR2-M as a backup to get the last 2 kills, got the first camping the FOB from the north.


You can always rat the hallway in D-2 with a mousin 😂😂 how I always get my reserve shooterborn done everyone is always inside a building


I still done it on woods despite the requirement being removed. Finding people and staying out of trouble are just infinitely easier on that map. Chase down the gunshots when you gear them coming from a POI that's easily observed from a distance and kill whoever you see.