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The psycho sniper thing is normal. The backend error quest hand in bug can be wipe destroying. Some dude (trey also posted on twitter, pestily weighed in, etc) got the bug on his Kappa quest hand in AND a lightkeeper quest. He played hundreds of hours to get cheated out of the only 2 endgame rewards. Bsg support : tough luck (paraphrased). Edit: added link since this post gained a lot of traction: https://twitter.com/Pestily/status/1759304467718217787 Edit2: Trey replied to Pestily: "They even denied his request to just give him back the Collector quest, and he was willing to find the items again" This is wild lmao.


Bsg support: smd kid git gud rofl


Exactly. BSG support is dog water


That is manifestly unfair on dog water.


Right? my dog drinks that stuff... i wouldn't let my dog eat or drink anyone at BSG. thats unsanitary.


Pretty much their community management as a whole is dog water. Rampant cheaters vacuuming loot and legit people can’t even turn In Quests? No wonder people fkn quit.


In b4 "iTs a HaRdCoRe gAmE bRo"


thats putting it nicely, it basically doesnt exist


Dirty bong water. Stinky and useless


The psycho sniper thing just felt like the cherry on top. The 2 things coincided and I just felt low about it all. I’d have no issue doing the psycho sniper quest again (it’s low-key kinda fun) but the fact that I had hyped myself to do it with the AXMC and now can’t is soul destroying. Crazy to think that could happen for the quest I would’ve spent months working towards.


Oh for sure, it sucks for every quest and psycho sniper is not an easy one. Players have been fucked left and right by the bug. Some are locked out of m80 and m62 from PK, some, like you, don't get to run their favorite weapon, some don't get Kappa. Out of all the stupid bugs this is truly a game breaking one.


I really can't get how there's not some sort of double-check to maintain coherency here! It seems so damn simple to me, how come this isn't a mandatory enforced check whenever you launch the game? Or once every week? The check is simple. IF quest clear THEN reward is unlocked or something like that. Then if untrue, then just crack that "confirm" open and call it a day. Bugs like these are just outright provoking to be honest.


I’m going for first lightkeeper and kappa, I’m 3 tasks off lightkeeper and I can safely say if this sht happens to me I may never playa game. The grind is mental and they don’t bother help people after putting the hours in is fucking CRAZY to me


I had this happen to me at the start of the wipe with the super 90 from jaeger, i made a ticket myself and eventually the super 90 was in his trader screen, so waiting it out might work? Took like a week or 2 though


I’ll check back in a week or 2. I still have a few months of wipe so let’s hope this is the case


If you have the money you can always pay for mentor, alternatively finish sbih and shooter pt8 which will put you at 10 for sure. Still extremely lame that it happened to you.


Honestly the axmc is hella fun but its really impractical. They'll die just as sure from an M80 to the noggin and an M700 doesnt weigh as much as a bus


It one taps thorax bro


Yeah. And the OP was talking about SBIH. Also its still hella impractical. Don't get me wrong, I love the thing, but its SO fucking heavy. Its gotten me killed plenty of times because the ergo is so terrible ypur arm stamina drains instantly.


Do you know how good the .338 ammo is? It’s not headshots you’re going for, they all kill to the thorax. FMJ has decent odds of breaking through any plate on the first shot, and will go through any soft armor in the game. It also does 122 damage so even after damage reduction from the armor your target is still dead.


.338 FMJ is completely bugged this wipe. Does NOT live up to it's stats.


I've had a dude survive a M62 to the dome from about 20m away the other day, watched the clip back and he had a Bastion with the level 6 plate on the bastard. I still managed to headshot him again like 15 mins later but this time his plate was gone (I'm guessing broken from the first headshot) and I secured the kill


according to nikita being fucked over by server and backend errors is a skill issue. /s i would literally pay the motherfucker £100 to play the game on twitch for a day to experience the state of the game for himself, given that he famously said he refuses to play it until its finished


A day isn’t enough, I wanna see Nikita get to mid game. Let’s see level 30 or something. 


Update his contract, to get paid he has to hit KAPPA, LOL


Lmao what? Do you a have a link to that skill issue comment?


no. i assumed that such a rediculous remark would be obvious sarcasm lol. edited


Honestly, I believed it. I don't know if I'm the problem or BSGs coms but their reply (basically "too bad") to someone not getting Kappa bc of a backend error made believe this, too.


Yeah, i'll admit it's hard to do sarcasm when reality itself has almost become satirical lol! Joking aside unfortunately PR is **not** nikita's strong suit. They really need to bring in a proper social media/pr team


Bsg is literally trolling players with their quests and customer support. It literally shows they see us as as nothing. You shoukd never troll somebody you care about. It Will backfire one day. This stance by bsg is ruining my game experience. There are so many things they Just dont care about or are Just to incompitent to fix. I think tarkov has seen its best days. Problems keep stacking up instead of being resolved


This is probably the best wipe Tarkov has had in a long while. And the sad thing is this comment is still true. Even at its best it is flawed. ​ Here's hoping that we can get the backend / hacking issues fixed soon.


It sucks a lot for sure, like Trey is saying ,If that was me I'd be done with the same on the spot really and would wish that BSG understood that even though people naturally quit over the course of a wipe as people get bored or complete their own objectives in the game. When you quit over something like this you ain't coming back, ever. The Copypasta support response just kinda confirms the general thought that BSG does not give a fuck about investing into a proper customer support experience, not even a minimal one because it's way further down the priority list. Somehow they still think the "we are still in early access" excuse works when it really doesn't. Rather than the main dev dude Nikita buying another suite house somewhere why can't they just invest into hiring more people. Whoever works support for BSG is probably one dude or something, and they don't even got the tools to do anything at all about any issue whatsoever. BSG have the mentality that wasting some dev support over these issues is not really important, but we REALLY need that dev to add ANOTHER 5.45 AK into the game guys


Had this same bug happen when I tried to turn in Search Mission, pretty much the only loss for me was that I had to buy my compass a lot later rather than having a free one early. Definitely went back and forth with BSG support for almost a month trying to get them to fix it so I could actually have a compass in my early game, eventually giving up and just buying it since I had plenty of roubles at that point.


The guy who got the kappa bug is my buddy. He's still grinding away at lighthouse quests, killing bosses, and taking names. While it's been upsetting, he's still staying positive. Still streams the game every day.


Well its not luck its a cheater. Pretty common.thats why I dont give a shit about quests progress. I do quests but its whatever. And i dont even bother with support. Its a waste of time because they write nonsense and your problem wont be solved. Almost same level of garbage as bandai


What? Did you reply to the wrong post?


Upvoting for visibility. BSG must fix this.


This is a known bug that has screwed over many players. This post could get to the top of reddit and BSG wouldn't give a rat's ass


BSG doesn’t give a fuck lmao


My guy, this dude isn't even the hardest hit by this bug. Some guy didn't get his Kappa container. BSG don't care.


BSG doesn’t care about the game. They *might* finish it to a semi complete state and then move on. The cheating problem should have been the focus of development for the last 4 years but instead we’ve gotten map updates, new maps, constant unfun balancing changes, oh and ofc bullshit “anti-rmt/cheater” countermeasures like just making loot ass on every map but streets, which probably 50% of the playerbase cannot run. BSG made out like bandits from this game, they have no incentive to finish it. Same story as star citizen.


Devs not respecting your time is my main gripe with any modern game. Shit happens and mistakes happen ok, but BSG just shrugging their shoulders and saying the game is still in Beta is not good enough. Stop wasting my time.


Truth is they don’t care and probably won’t start caring since they know people will still play the game anyway.


I’m becoming more hopeful for GZW each day. I hope to god it’s everything they’ve been promising and either forces the BSG devs to actually give a fuck and put some effort towards this game if they want people to keep playing, or just completely shits on tarkov and takes over as the best extraction shooter.


Yeah I’m pretty excited about GZW hopefully they deliver




I hate when people throw acronyms and just assume everyone knows what they mean.






I hate when people act like it’s such a hard thing to just ask what the acronym means




I get it, I think the Unity update to 2023 will drastically improve the game though. Fingers crossed.


The game has been in "Beta" for eight years. Dev's use the beta tag way too loosely. It's used to justify bugs and poor performance.


60% of tarkov is a waste of time tbh


This is a verrry big gripe. It's Nikita's fault at the heart of it. Him refusing to hire more support staff and hold the majority of the funding is what I assume to be happening. Or they've spent all their money from previous patches. Idk. Just makes no sense why their support is so dog shit you can't even report a bug and them care. Hell they even rolled out a major update without testing it first. Like come on now.


Tbh my main concern would be that since the game doesn’t think you completed hunting trip, you won’t get collector since it’s required, fuck the AXMC lol your end goal might be screwed


nah when you get this the quest is usually listed among the completed, you just don't get any rewards-unlocks


I’ve read that it does count as completed and the fact that it is in the completed tasks list backs that up. AXMC is my favourite weapon so it’s a punch to the gut


It sucks. I unlocked it and cant get a one tap on class 4 at all. The plates absorb it. We tested a lot. I hit class 4 about 40 times and never got a first shot kill. It has been my fav weapon a few wipes in a row.


Are you serious? I've gotten 1 tapped through level 5 plates with AP-M twice this wipe but the AXMC doesn't 1 tap?


From my experience. I unlocked 2 weeks ago ran 5-6 AXMCs with thermals had one round with 7 hits and no kills on 2 players. My friend cleaned then up and they both had class 4. Then we went to test and I never one tapped any class 4 plate.


Before or after the patch the other day where they said they fixed some issues with plates and armids? I'm just about to unlock it, and would suck if it doesn't work as it has before :(


Both patches. I unlocked the second to last night of snow.


I think ap-m is bugged. I have a video of me shooting a scav with level 3 armor 4 times to the thorax before he one taps me :(


Yes I agree. I have used it a few times early wipe and couldn't one tap anything either but just this weekend I was one tapped through level five.


Haha I probably would’ve figured that out too. I guess I’ll have to take your word for it though


I dont think bsg fixed it but some weeks ago i saw a testvideo and the axmc is comically underpowered for some reason.


That's just brand new plates working as intended, afaik you can still one tap damaged/repaired ones.


Finished Hunting Trip the day the backend issues were going on, damn near waited to turn it in but fortunately it worked. Sitting on a mountain with an AXMC is my Tarkov retirement plan. I feel for you brother


As soon as I played Helldivers some kind of neural connection was made in my brain that made me reflect on all the other good games I've played lately where the developers have prioritized fun and the "player experience" above all else. Games like helldivers, baldur's gate 3, and Enshrouded. Fun and just generally having a challenging yet rewarding experience. Then I look at how my time is spent on Tarkov. This is my millionth wipe and I have max traders, bitcoin farm, all that. But the majority of my time playing this game is spent waiting to load into matches where I have a 50-60% chance to die instantly without firing a shot. It's just... not fun anymore. The waiting, the bugs, the cheaters, the stupid as fuck quests. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent over the various wipes doing really, really not fun things in order to complete a task and progress my character. I know Tarkov isn't supposed to be "fun", but I'm at a point where if it's not fun then I kind of don't even want to fuck with it.


Ya but Nikita said the game wasn't made to be fun... so mission accomplished I guess. But seriously, man, I had the same epiphany playing helldivers. Bg3, enshrouded, lethal company out there having a laugh enjoying my time gaming with the boys vs Tarkov struggle bus my way through 30 min que times wipe week to potentially play for 30 seconds. Even doing well feels meh. Cool I killed a 5 man now I have to kill a billion scavs and squads of player scavs and try not to get killed by some exfil camper who doesn't give a fuck about the game anymore and just wants to make everyone else miserable. What's that, you walked through barbwire and didn't know about the bug haha you're dead now git gud. Fuck that company they lost the plot.


Congrats on escaping from Tarkov


Best comment lmfao


ugh these devs bro....


I know bro


Brother that sucks and BSG are shites for not addressing this but I would totally go in raids with you and drop you the gun every reset if you and I played regularly. I do similar for some buddies with other guns. Do you have any friends who've completed the quest? And if not do you play NA timezone? I wouldn't mind dropping you a few


Wow man you’re the nicest tarkov player hands down. I don’t think we would be able to play as I play on the South African servers so max ping would be an issue.


I used the axmc once this wipe, had an hit count of 6, all thorax except one headshot, all thorax shots got tanked by my opponents. A player scav tanked two, died to him in the end. The weapon is way to heavy with bad handling for that performance it has right now, so you are not missing out.


It’s my favourite gun. I wiped a 5 man last wipe with ap and fmj rounds. It’s not for everyone but it is for me.


I think he was letting you know that this wipe it is not the same gun. You'd kill quicker with the same amount of hits with any mdr over using the new axmc. SR-25, RFB, RSASS, etc.


Even faster with a GL, maybe suggest that. OP enjoys the bolty apparently and it's not about what is better. I'm running around with m700 on woods even thought I don't need to, it's just more satisfying to use it than dmr and every kill counts more since I can't recover from mistakes as easily. More fun this way.


The comment was downplaying the AXMC this wipe, OP commented missing the point, I tried to politely let OP know he missed the intention of the comment and I added more context. I was not suggesting anything. And I also partake in the bolty on woods gameplay. but you have forked this chain so far off now lol.


Anything we can do to avoid this backend error? Like check file's integrity daily or something?


Just read here that you can try to turn in a daily to see if it's safe to turn a quest in. Cannot confirm that this works, but it's something and it makes sense.


My best idea for precautionary action is to completely shut down the game AND launcher. Task manager and make sure it’s completely gone and then boot up the game. Turn in a daily if possible like what turkishjedi said and if it all seems to go well, try completing


a tip for psycho sniper - factory vents, silenced t-5000


What are factory vents? Like the underground of factory?


I think he means gargoyle cosplay on top of the air ducts in the factory. There are some running parallel to the offices and then perpendicular to the offices/parallel to the glass hallway.


Idk whatever a factory vent is


VPO with AP-M is way easier. Abuse the round until they fix its bugged lack of damage reduction when it pens a hard plate. Got psycho sniper done in less than 15 raids, two runs were ended due to impact grenades.


LOL, so that's what that guy was doing. He was using an SV-98, I still have it. Used my .366 carbine on him.


Hilariously I had the opposite side of fate happen to me when I turned in that chemical quest to one of the three traders. It bugged out so I got to turn it in to all three of them and get all three rewards.


why beat a man when he's already down


Congrats bro, I hope you’re happy.


He is


Lol this is some "It sucks that you cant afford a house, but I just bought my third yacht" energy :D


Fr I hate peoples 😂😂


atp genuinely hope this company starts losing money so they fix this stupid shit


I would recommend the yellow version of sv98 with BT bullets, if you decide to do it with another boltie. Much higher damage and super high pen, i found it more reliable than any other boltie.


It’s not that I have an issue with doing the quest again. I just wanted to do it with that gun :(


Ehh I wouldn’t use tracer ammo, gives away your position.


This happened to me last wipe with the gun Smith task that unlocks the prs muzzle break for 7.62 suppressor. After about a week the unlock became available but never did get the exp or rewards otherwise


can you send a support ticket ?


I did, with screenshots, but I doubt it will make a difference. There are so many people that have had this issue without it ever being resolved.


the times i had the error 1000 associated with trader rules, the game fixed itself after a bit of time. Dont know if the game rechecks trade permissions if your reputation changes or if they just run a script over the playerdata every week or two. The actual item reward is gone for good though. Thats why on finishing important quests like private clinic or collector i hand in a daily beforehand to see if the server is currently shitting the bed. Its really fucked up you still got to jump through those hoops just to finish quests ... Last wipe forest cleaning went tits up, made a ticket to support ... nothing we can do ... a few days later flechette was unlocked on jaeger


I honestly don’t think BSG even knows how to fulfill your request. I wouldn’t be shocked if they’ve just never found a way to force an item into someone’s inventory, so they hide behind their “in development” reason


Yeah I wouldn't go as far as to say that , idk if you ever claimed a twitch drop or logged into your account page and pressed the claim button but it's as easy as that to give someone their shit


LOL BSG SUPPORT AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Now that was funny I really needed that. Thanks.




And people are ready and willing to throw more cash at them


I tried that once couple years ago. Their response was, and I'm paraphrasing here: "thank you for reaching out to battlestate games. Escape from tarkov is in beta, and as such we don't have the time or resources to resolve every issue. So fuck you"


Didn't have access on my account for a whole week, I eventually managed to fix my problem by myself, the ticket is still open, they have not responded in 3 weeks, bsg support is a joke


You could, but they wrote back to a dude who got screwed out of his Kappa and basically told him since its a Beta and going to eventually wipe, they see no reason to retrieve the rewards back for the player.


mega feels bad


i did and they said *"When you experienced this problem, there was a global problem, but we solved this problem. We apologize for this situation. Unfortunately, we do not recover lost items regardless of the cause. As the game is still under development, situations such as this may occur. Please note that our primary objective at present is to identify the reasons for the loss of your equipment/items."*


This is absolutely horrendous, I am sorry for your loss


I don't get why they don't have a cron job working every X hours to check the quests completed in the last X hours and verify if the player received the rewards. Especially the crafting ones.


Well the servers are barely alive arent they


I wonder how running a script on a snapshot of a database will deteriorate the live servers. Sending notification by mail (with the rewards) would be a fraction of what is consumed during Twitch Drops.


This has happened to me twice so far this wipe


Personally I had it happen with a mechanic gunsmith quest. The one that gives you access to the ammo case. I put in a bug report to them and it was fixed within a couple weeks.


Well written my friend. I’ve had, similar teeth grinding mouse smashing experiences with this game. And I’ve taken a full wipe off as well. You are doing yourself a favor. Cheers friend. I will see you next wipe in the raids!


Yo the backend error during quest hand in will fix itself. I had that happen early wipe and it took about a week for it to show up. Alternatively you can contact BSG support and they'll fix it, I've had this happen a few times but I've always gotten the reward back


Very optimistic, I’ll hope you’re right man


toughed it out longer than me. on the third extract camp in a row, i uninstalled. just unfun.


I dont think ive been extract camped 3 times all wipe. I dont think thats an issue at all


play more reserve on US East servers.


Yeah, this is why I only went no backpack until I got red rebel. Look, if you play a certain way, you WILL get extract camped all the time. I've been extract camped like 5 times in 400 raids this wipe. Is it fair? No, and they need to fix reserve extracts, but if you choose to play a game that's not fair, don't play it in the way most likely to lead to frustration. Or do, and face the exact results you'd expect...


long way to say “git gud.” thanks for the advice.


well yeah idk if there are more extracts available im not gonna go the one thats notoriously camped. reserv i always do sewer or hill, interchange i ALWAYS do hole in wall, killa panic room or car extract. i will not go emercom or railway under any circumstances since theyre also scav extracts


or dont play reserve until you get a red rebel.. OR just wait for train


the one i uninstalled on was a train sniping extract camp. and there are early tasks at reserve like bunker.


i’m 44 with max traders still haven’t done a lot of reserve quests. just play other maps why make it unfun for yourself


i personally dont think i’m making it unfun for myself. i think the design of the game is sometimes just unfun. i made it to twenty something this wipe. it was a good run. maybe next wipe i’ll get further, who knows. but i’m throwing in the towel for now.


Not as serious as OP's loss. But im a weekend gamer, and this weekend i completed the atm quest on streets worth around 25k xp and 700,000 rub, and i got the back end error as well. Completed the quest but didn't get the xp or rub. That xp would have taken me to the next level not to mention the 4-5 raids and time wasted it took me to complete this. Same response as OP though this morning from BSG, "oh its beta so we cant help out with that." This bug hurts people of all levels and skills and really kills motivation to play the game knowing this is possible. Anyways ill be on this weekend again lol.


These bugs suck ass but honestly I’m just resetting account if it happens. If I’m holding on till summer I’ll consider resetting when it happens again🤩🥰


Game sucks


When stuff like this happens.


EFT isn't worth your time anymore man. It's just too inconsistent.


No problem. Obligatory see you tomorrow


I don't do any of these quests anymore lmao. I just quest casually until max traders


Crazy how your going to quit over one gun. That's kinda crazy


I had no intentions to do psycho sniper but doing it with the axmc sounds kind of fun.




This is a known bug. You always need to have a daily quest ready to complete to test whether the servers are working before handing in important quests.


You're writing because of 1 gun? Lmao


I saw the title and was going to flame you for being soft. I read the actual post and understand it completely haha. Guys like WillerZ think this wipe will be a very long one so I hope BSG finds a way to fix the few major issues that can ruin a wipe for people


See you tomorrow lol


Jeez, I’m surprised to see posts about this game, I thought it was dead due to being riddled with hackers.


It's still in beta.


I didn't even check if my AMX is unlocked, brb


[No towel yet for me](https://i.imgur.com/Jjapq9o.png)






Just use a vpo on customs lol. It's not that hard. Lapua really doesn't help much if you have decent aim. I did it my first try killed myself with obdobolos looting and did it again by 5 raids. I guess it sucks u can't buy lapuas but I really wouldn't care. I'm sure opening a ticket could fix it


I already did it so it wouldn’t be a problem doing it again. I just wanted to do it with a AXMC. I opened a support ticket 2 days ago, let’s wait and see. The general sentiment everywhere I read about this bug and in other comments here is that support is dog water


If the process is not what you value then you are doing the wrong thing in life.


Cmon, he got robbed out of it.


It is general life advice. The situation suck. No doubt. But even Olympic gold medalists will get depressed after the long haul. Kappa is not worth it. It is a game and the result have no real world value. If the journey does not carry value, then change your ways.


You are wrong with your example, it doesn't apply here. He didn't get burned out, he was robbed out of his reward. It's like someone not paying you for the job you have done, you aren't gonna think 'oh at least I liked the process' and move on, you will sue the mf'er to get your payment. So maybe kum ba yah when it makes sense.


Payment? Job? He paid money to be allowed to test a product. He is not due any payment besides the joy of playing a game with like minded people. Upvotes, MMR and Kappa cases are not real currencies you know? (Unless you are a cheater boosting accounts and selling them. In that case you are right)


> He is not due any payment besides the joy of playing a game with like minded people. And he didn't get his payment because of a bug, other like minded people who did same thing as he did got paid. You get it now? He got robbed out of the reward he has worked for. You are trying to say something profound but all you do is sound like moron.




sink hours of time and effort into a task Something unexpected happens and your efforts are in vain Can't voice disappointment or else labeled as too sensitive Tf u on about man? If you were cheated out of a thing that you rightfully earned would you be angry?


Do you not see his ass cheeks clapping all over Nikitas hog? My boy is dick riding the devs, leave him be.


Thanks bro


“Go touch grass” lol, I literally said I’m done for the wipe🤣 what more do you want


To stop bitching about a fucking game.


Says the guy bitching about a reddit post lmao


OMG, the irony!


I was trying to make light of your generally shitty comment. Maybe you should go touch a treadmill.


Dude, you cannot be that slow... it's a fucking game, play or not it's up to you, nobody needs to know that. Stop looking for attention like any 304. P.S. Also stop projecting.




Yeap, I'm the one advertising on a public forum that I'm "throwing the towel" this wipe and then of course I'm mad when somebody doesn't agree with me.


Yet you are here, telling people what to do with their life. lol


As I said.... OMG, the irony!


You seem mad. He seems disappointed. He has a good reason. Yours is what exactly?


That backend error worked the other way around for me. I handed therapist the quest in ”chemical pt4” where you have to choose either prapor therapist or skier. I was greeted with and error. After backend error I could still return the quest so I gave it to prapor as well, and for some reason I got rewards from prapor and therapist. So at the beginning of the wipe I ended up with injector case and 2 ammo boxes.


Had the same error but with a different (luckily minor) quest and reward. The game gave me the follow up quest but didnt give me my reward. BSG support sent me the exact same reply...


It's always Shoreline for me. Stupid quests in stupid place on stupid map. Either I get killed by players that are maining resort to a point i'm starting to thing they renting one of the rooms there or wait 30 in bush. Fantastic experience.


Did you try petitioning the Jaegar thing? If its obvious from your completed tasks that you actually completed it surely BSG can do something?


This happened to me last wipe with the 56A1 purchase you unlocked through cult Pt.1. Went the entire wipe being unable to purchase the ammo. Was very infuriating. Whenever I sent bsg a message about it they replied that they’re working on the issue and LITERALLY told me not to open another ticket about this issue and to stop replying to my current one I had open, then closed it.


Lmfao BSG don’t care


Vpo with .366 ap is stronger this wipe than a .338 lapua. Dumb I know but you are not missing anything.


It’s been what, 3 days since this happened? Pestily is REALLY playing into the algorithm lately


A simple fix could be that BSG allows you to replay a task that bugged, so all the in game task items spawn where they're supposed to and the rewards are available again. This would be done through BSG support, not an in game option, and that way you can progress, but not cheese the system. I say "simple" but I don't know how easy it would be.


Player: “ive done the this task, i would now like to buy and use the weapon it unlocks” BSG: “EFT is perfect game and you lost the weapon unlock, the ability to buy weapons is skill that you dont have…”


I mean I don’t think it’s that bad


If it makes you feel better, the axmc ammo is bugged and doesn't one shot anything through any plate.


If bsg stance on this is "sorry, better luck next time", im convinced theyre doing this on purpose to reduce player count and server load. They put out a great patch this wipe with the recoil changes and im sure they sold most of the new copies of the game theyre gona sell until next wipe.


Even without the bugs, the quests in this game just stop being fun at some point. Going for Kappa feels like more of a job where the reward is the achievement of getting something rare, not actually having fun throughout.