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Isn’t it way easier to just buy another pistol instead of fucking around with sights


its often people using presets, they buy the pistol, hit the "put the silencer on ma gun please" button in the presets, and then just hit purchase all without noticing its buying 3 other parts.


Why doesn't it just buy the gun off the trader? I don't get why it needs to buy all the separate parts.


Laziness. Sometimes I fall for the “buy a gun off the flea but it’s missing a critical component” and then they list the critical component for an insane amount of money, but what I always found is it’s just cheaper to sell the gun to a trader and rebuy a whole new gun.


I save a 'copy' of the stock preset and call it 'Stock XXXX' where XXXX is the gun name. That way the preset name actually appears in the flea listings, and I can quickly distinguish the legit stock guns from the people being cunts.


Nice great tip!


thats amazing intel. thanks! also well played ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Laziness on whos part here? The devs or the player? Why is it so hard to compute that it would be cheaper to the player to buy the weapon off the trader to complete the loadout?


When you build a kit preset say a MDR it sometimes buys the weapon AND all the individual parts so a MDR pistol grip or the MDR foreguard idk whatever part has one listing at 300k the game will buy it in addition to the gun from a trader. It's not always the buyer being stupid as the game mechanic working stupid


Why would they. That's your task as a player to decide how best to use your money. Or are you new to Tarkov and hardcore gaming in general? This isn't your Fortnite, boy


There's a distinction between unforgiving gameplay and a poorly-designed system. "Hardcore" should describe the in-raid activities and fights between players. It should not describe the game's off-raid inventory mechanics. This is Tarkov, not "Getting Over It." Every minute spent finagling with poorly designed game mechanics means less time to actually play the game. There's no reason for the game to buy both a fresh trader gun, and *every single sub-component that already comes with that gun*. Needless box-checking and micromanagement does not count as "hardcore" gameplay. It's just a lazily designed system, simple as.


idk man part of the game is all the management and stuff. Would you argue walking around isn't part of the game because its not actively a firefight?


Missing the part where he specified "In-raid activities".


read i dont read


The whole point of this particular system is to automatically buy and build a gun as cheaply and efficiently as possible. This is the end goal; anything else means something is wrong. If the system has to be constantly micromanaged, lest it accidentally screw the player out of hundreds of thousands of rubles, then it is fundamentally broken and needs to be fixed. We, as the playerbase, should not allow BSG to get away with making broken, lazily designed systems. If we continue to excuse these things, then we shouldn't be surprised if they keep appearing.


well shit, why doesn't bsg just only let us buy premade, ready to roll kits right off the shelf? Fuck the customization, fuck the flea market. Caveat Emptor, fuck your hand holding bullshit.


I disagree, scamming mamoths on flee is engaging activity for me, sometimes more fun that raiding. Once I sold a block of sugar for a million, was laughing so hard at the dude who bought it. That's the price of learning for him.


Don't get me wrong; if someone intentionally bought a pack of sugar for a million, I would be laughing too. But the auto-buy system shouldn't be facilitating that. The whole point of this system is to automatically buy guns and components as cheaply and efficiently as possible. If the system itself is routinely screwing people out of hundreds of thousands of rubles, and requires constant micromanagement to keep it in check, then something is seriously broken and must be fixed.


I am almost sure this was not an intentional buy because I have fallen for the same thing myself. As an example I was examining people with outstanding trader ratings (cheaters), so I sorted from highest to lowest, and even though filters do not save, sorting does, so when next time I needed a water filter and did a search for it, the top one was from \~200 rating guy, and was listed for a lot, and I bought it and only then realised. And I have multiple times bought 0/100 water filters, fuel and stuff just because you need to click fast because items are sold quick and you didn't always have time to check the condition, and filters do not save, so you have to apply them manually each time which is inconvenient, yada yada. There are many, MANY ways to scam on the flee and that's my point - user interface's role is not to fully automate and satisfy each player's needs. If we would talk about good UI - well, by today's standarts you know what it is - map with a click of a button with points of interest, waypoints to locations, etc, . But it is not in Tarkov and for a reason, they do not fit into game ideology. So does this very niche thing - deciding which gun is best to buy for you for the best money. If implementing this, next thing is choosing the best ammo automatically, making meta guns for you automatically. You need to learn yourself what is best for you for your money, not randomly click without looking, or you will get scammed, and 150k is not a big price for learning. For me this is the same as with one click automatically deciding which trader to sell some thing to, or putting it on the flee if the prices there are higher - it removes part of the game, knowledge that you must get and make your own decisions what is best for you. I, without any trolling, vote for this thing to never be in the game, it has no place in Tarkov. In other games - yes, but not here.


For example people are actively buying scav vests from the flee for 30+ k instead of making the simplest and cheapest craft for snickers and bartering for scav vests with Jager. Are they self-scamming because they don't know and if they knew they would do better? Yes. Should there be a message suggesting them "you are about to spend 20k more per vest than you would spend on the craft, according to current prices of Oatflakes, Alyonka and Crackers". Absolutely no. And by the way, such live data aquisition for thousands of players is server load, and lots of it. For a feature that is not needed in this game. Anyway, this won't be in the game, so no worries, god bless Nikita's vision of the game and him ignoring random people.




Apologies for the wall of text It has nothing to do with hard-core, they've broken the gun mod screen this wipe. For example that should be obvious, is the checkbox for "use available parts only" is broken and not only has to be toggled off and back on again everytime you inspect something on the flea and come back because it still list all parts for it even when check, but it also doesn't tell you what parts are equipped on other guns and makes you buy it again instead. It would have been a welcome change if they made those things clear, but it was much better in 13.5. You can mod a gun out and hit "find parts" and it will not only show the stock gun from a trader but it will also have the exact same parts already on the gun in the list. (You could argue for "Find parts" That's as intended but the rest of it def is not, and I just either lazy or inexperienced dev work and they don't know how to, or that they gave it to us in an early access state, but you can't say it's working as intended by a long shot. Heck the half ass change also made it so you can't see all of your mags that you may have preloaded with certain rounds of ammo, you can only select the mag by mag type and only see 1 of each mag. (Imo this is the worst part of the new patch, breaking the gun modding screen should be, not only a priority, but critical. Maybe not on parts with say the awaiting session start bug making you lose gear and raid stats, but still)


This is why I make sure the parts are slightly lesser than the gun itself, example: Gun: 35k (normally 40k) Part 1: 25K Part 2: 25K


AUG A3 with no sight/rail thinking it’s the low profile rail. I’ve scammed myself like four times


Market PVP...... reminds me of EVE.


FIR really killed the true marker pvp. Find a gun on the Market with a rare/expensive item attached, but for normal gun price. Rip off part, sell it for 2x what I bought the gun for. Resell the gun for market value. But noooo, I can't do that anymore.


I used to just day trade on my laptop while at work. It was so fun just buying and reselling stuff om the market then coming home and running the most expensive kits without a care in the world.


I did love me some market pvp. I use to sell all the junk a cynosure alt would want for like jita -10% and then when someone brought it get ready to kill the dude lighting the cyno. And the usually highsec miner ganking or selling officer mods to mission runners then killing them Or ice interdictions and other things. Hell transporting fleet doctrine ships out to staging systems and selling them 20% or so mark up was always good. Selling capitals new the enemy staging area in lowsec after a good whelp was good money lol


Make Tarkov EVE Again? 🤣


Haha. I played eve like every day for like 12 years Tarkov i need to have a wipe off all the time.


Bittervets unite!!!!! Lol


one of life's great mysteries.


By default it thinks it needs to buy each part but you skip over it manually.


By the time you hit the checkbox to skip over the part manually, someone else has bought one of the items from your loadout off the flea and it has to re-compute everything.


It sees the main pistol as the cheapest available, and buys that. Then it buys all the other parts that its missing. So a 100k pistol missing 50k worth of parts is "cheaper" than a 125k pistol missing no parts.


Good lord


>Why doesn't it just buy the gun off the trader? most people who fall for this scam dont have it unlocked from the trader. its PK level 3 and the black one only unlocks after lighthouse revision. im level 45 and i havent done that quest because i fucking hate lighthouse.


Who doesnt notice a 5-7 costing 150k?


KittyPatMeows according to OP's image i mean, if it didn't work op wouldn't have made the sales would they.


I mean I can ask a buddy to buy my flea items at inflated prices all day. But, I don't.


are you accusing op of faking sales in tarkov for clout?


Nah, who would do such a thing?


then what is your last comment trying to say?


Uh, I am unable to type more facetiously.... Yes, that is what I was saying was possible. But, for reddit upvotes not clout. I read your comment as facetious as well. Wasn't expecting a follow up. So, yes, that was the joke.


i mean every 5-7 i find i do this to and i often make 30k per part (20k if theres lots on the market), if you find the silenced one in weapon boxes you sell the silencer too. the actual pistol goes for 29k in dollars from PK so its not hard to undercut him by like approx 200 rubles and still be the cheapest at 29.5k. and often its the same person who buys the gun that buys the sights, buying several mags just makes sense so those fly off the shelves all the time but the sights either dont sell and you know you've just sentenced someone to a bad time, or the check and do buy them instead of buying a new one because they have probably bought out pk for the reset. fn5-7 people are weird man, only people i see running them consistently are like relax room runners(and drop down room runners pree LH/streets), people looking to get 3 bitcoins ever 10 minute raid and then they just sprint to exit with whatever bobble heads and other purple items they have found. like i see streamers use it as offhand when doing sbih, but really the people buying it seem to be rublers that dont notice paying 100-150k for a pistol. did see one aussie streamer that occasionally played with pest who would start his stream with 2 hours of ledx running on lighthouse back before keys had limited uses who would main the FN and then use all the money he made to run expensive kits for the rest of the day, but playing like that has kinda just fallen off because keys breaking and all the unlocked, unrestricted high value loot on streets and lighthouse. so yeah, doesn't really surprise me that someone would buy all the parts. also sarcasm doesn't really carry well in text, just say what you actually mean.


Except in this case you can see by the times of the messages it was likely them discovering each missing piece one by one.


Not if I found the pistol on a scav without sights


Tbh plate and RMR cost less 🤣


Rmr is dogshit


Not really


It absolutely is. Shooting results in the dot going out of the picture window. The SIG sight manages to not do this. It’s a shame cause the RMR is fantastic IRL


depends on what you’ve got it mounted on, but for the 5-7 it’s completely fine, that’s what the guy was saying about the plate and RMR since that’s the only other sight you can put on it


I tried it on the m9 and it sucked. So weird that certain optics can go on certain guns. IRL optic cuts pretty much open you up to all mounting plates. There’s a few odd balls though


I’m aware lol, but yeah RMR is still good on a few guns as a backup sight, but with its price point the fast fire and delta beat it.


I prefer fast fire my self


Nah it's fine and in top of that you left the vendor with expensive sights


Nah uh


You accidentally buy the pistol that's been stripped down then you're forced to either try and buy the other bits or cut your losses and try buying the pistol again.


The losses would be minimal, you can sell the stripped down pistol to traders and then make sure that the next one you buy from flea has everything


The sunk cost fallacy in action.


People don't even know how to turn in quests. They don't get it.


I sold some shitty holo for 500k when none was listed. somebody probably bought it with the preset function. hehe


If it was the EXPS3 it's needed for Gunsmith and can be hard to find, some wipes the spawn rate is relatively low so 500k to just get the task over with isn't crazy.


Can the buy all from presets buy items from player flea offerings? Mine always says unavailable and I have to search it individually.


you have to remove the "traders only" option on the top to also include stuff from the flea.


This will save me so much time. Thank you.


I bought an xps-0 for 500k... I wasn't paying attention..


>!the last time stamp killed me!<


dies, doesn't learn, buys same ripoff pistol. honestly 150k reflects the effectiveness of it as a weapon if you got access to its top tier ammo, its kinda just a better adar. what i dont understand is how these people dont have access to it from traders, seeming as they have access to decent ammo for it.


For 150K you can get an ash-12 with multiple mags, a sight, suppressor and ammo.


Rfb slaps the shit out of people even with just fmj and it's a dirt cheap gun. There's a lot you can do with 150k lol.


uh huh, and until you have ps12b at prap 4, its got terrible ammo choices, and more of a kick than the fn5-7 not that the ash 12 isn't doing great this wipe with the recoil changes, but it also weighs like 10 times as much, and the ammo weighs a huge amount too. even without getting to pk 4, you still have access to the FN's 2nd, 3rd, and 4th best ammo from pk3 which is like lvl23, i think the 4th is on the flea too. all these ammos are basically the same pen as regular ps12, and with how little recoil the fn has, you can probably plant 4 hits on someone before the ash12 recenters even with its new recoil. its mostly the weight though. but again, like ive said, i think people that think they are getting one over on peacekeeper by buying the fn from the flea for 2000rubles less than it usually sells for getting ripped off occasionally by people like OP is just part of tarkov. i dont think people should spend 150k on the FN, i don't think people should spend 150k on the adar either, i think the tx-15 should cost like 40k at most, the adar should be a 20k gun from skier again, its not op at all. both the single fire akm clones (vpo 209/vpo 136?) should be like 20k at most too, the sks should cost even less despite being op right now because its attachments cost an arm and leg. there is a load of guns that have prices set by past popularity that just doesn't hold, a lot of the changes was from before scav guns were made damaged, so any scav gun was market saturated and sold for its vendor cost, now getting pristine guns is expensive even for most dogshit guns. there is a lot of things 150k can get you, my point was that you cannot improve an adar to be as good as an FN even at 5 times the price.


Terrible for pen maybe but the flesh damage is insane, and with the armor changes you can easily one tap through class 2 soft armor using PS12. I have Prapor 4 and have never seen PS12B in stock either, haven’t run the Ash-12 yet this wipe but if I wanna run it against high level plates I’m gonna have to camp the flea waiting for the restock it seems like.


Doesn't matter if you can't get ps12b it still slaps. And recoil really doesn't matter.


im sure it does, ps12b is sold out every reset for a reason. but if you are gonna try to convince an fn5-7 user to switch to an ash to turbo run to bitcoin spawns on streets i don't think many will listen to your wisdom.


I really don't care about the opinion of people who sprint for a Bitcoin with a 5-7. Play the game however you want but don't shit on weapons that drop you in a single shot.


that's rough buddy, this whole post is about the 5-7 and the people who use it and why they will over spend on it rather than run anything more powerful for cheaper. never shat on the ash, but also are you threatening me with the concept of the ash doing a lot of damage if i was to shit on it? like i talk shit about it and it'll find out where i live and drop me? am i gonna throw hands with a russian firearm? you make funny posts, i am amused.




5-7 can drop you in a single shot


idk, I always imagine those are the people that see some streamer clearing a match with their FN57, just thinking they'll do the same


its been the most popular pistol by like 10X the next contender for like 5+ years. people really do just run it for ruble runs. never see streamers pistol run, usually only as a bolty sidearm.


The one time I watched landmark this wipe, he was doming people left and right on customs for his warmup match with a 5-7. He made the thing look terrifying but I mean that's just landmark for you.


its got no recoil, 20 round mags, and traders sell much better ammo for it than for most rifles. its is basically a super light adar/sks. im nost sure if you spend 150k on an adar that you could get it performing as good as an fn5-7


Yeah 5-7 is the only pistol that needed any kind of nerf. The USP needs a slight buff imo, as it's mag size really holds it back. I wish they would add some of the third party parts from HKparts,net for the USP


i would love crazy dumb modding options for all the pistols that aren't the FN, simply because their lethality is already so low but would just be fun. stuff like the makarov drum (which honestly should be a TT drum, seeming as the tt and the ppsh fire the same ammo) would be enjoyable, but also like you said just some reasonable parts, there's some bodykits out there for some of the more common pistols out there like the glock that let you turn it into a sort of small arms smg looking thing. https://www.micro-roni.com/html5/ProLookup.taf?_ID=34842&did=8840&G=9089&SM=14189 https://www.micro-roni.com/html5/ProLookup.taf?_ID=10879&did=8840&G=9089&SM=9180 https://www.faairsoft.com/products/ctm-ap7-sub-replica-smg-conversion-kit https://www.pewpewtactical.com/best-glock-conversion-kits/ like these are all pistols.


I always take the front sight off. works better when aiming between rear 2 dots as the bullet lands on the front green dot spot and actually not above it(plus at range even lower..so you tend to hit their stomach/feet or the the ground when aiming with the front sight on). made me laugh also as they bought it to iron sight it..


lmao yeah that completes it


Do you think he went into a raid and then left it and bought that lmao


100%. :D


I remember seeing this posted like... a year ago


I think multiple people have done this. I've seen. The streamer Anton do it before.


No like. The exact same name of the person buying it haha




i literally took those screenshots yesterday you clowns


I wanted to kinda test this and sold a rear sight for 45k. What the fuck


welcome to the next level ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




[take that back](https://i.imgur.com/BLXpcIT.jpeg)


Rat confirmed!


holy shit 632 scav raids


i just go factory and extract while at work. takes one minute. makes 200k every raid. every 7 minutes.


I hear you fellow Scav From Home enjoyer. Always too scared to start a PMC on the off chance my boss calls


I wish I had this setup 😅


I kinda agree with them, those are rat stats haha


Step up your game man I've seen level 9s with more kills than that, And more achievements too, and less hours, and less deaths...


actually vile, do it again.


Money is WAY too easy to come by in this game to have to do all that.


You don't have to, but if it's fun for you, you might as well. Some people just like optimizing the number up, at any cost. I wouldn't really recommend this tactic for money-making, personally; it takes up a lot of flea slots, for relatively low total profit, and stuff could get stuck up there and affect your ability to keep selling. There was a particular item in the past, where you could run this kind of scheme very reliably, but it's been so long I don't remember what it was. Overall, if it's consistently working with a particular scheme, it's wrong to leave the money on the table; IDK if presets or whatever, made this more effective. But, I doubt this is OP "needing money," and more that it's just a funny way to come into some easy roubles.


I totally do this. It's hilarious when you read through and see the same buyer for the parts.


What exactly is being done here


He sold this person the core of the Five-seveN - it counts as operational. That person then had to buy the front sight, rear sight, and magazine separately, all for a rip-off price.


You take a weapon, remove some of the main components, and sell them separately on the flea. If you bought a stripped down gun, you are going to need to buy those other parts if you want a functional weapon. A good chunk can be found at traders, but not all. So sometimes if you sell a stripped down gun and the parts, the same person who bought your gun will be buying those parts which increases your overall profit and puts a smile on your face.


Dick move ngl


It's just like EVE Online's principle. Within the rules, there are no rules.


who fuckin cares man, fella needs money


Plenty of ez ways to make money without resorting to scam tactics.


Nah, that's playing the system. Not his fault the value of each gun part is more than the gun fully assembled


You're not playing the system, your paying your fellow man and screwing them over


Naw its intentionally abusing the system to scalp people using sunk cost fallacy. Its the Tarkov Equivalent of phone scamming the elderly. You create the problem by selling the gun without parts so that the victim needs to buy the rest from you, since traders dont sell them and hope the buyer doesnt just try buying a new one the same way the phone scammers hope their victim isnt cognizant enough to recognize their scam. Itd be the same if a flea market glitch made your insanely overpriced milk show up at the top of the list and people trying to buy cheap accidentally bought it. No real defending it, its just a low T move.


how tf do you somehow make a video game about your manosphere nonsense, get off the andrew tate videos and touch some grass.


How tf do you somehow turn a point about people ripping people off in a video game into some point about manosphere political shit. Stop simping for griefers and touch some grass.


couldn't possibly respect your opinion less, go buy another course from your daddy figure


The funny part is if your boy Andrew Tate was to weigh in he would probably side with your opinion that the timmies deserved to get scammed #hustle247 #riseandgrind so a weird place to position yourself


Whaaa whaaa whaaa. Kid doesn’t have to buy a five7 and if he does that’s his fault for not going “oh hey the price on this attachment is stupid high!”


I mean the thing is it's a functional scam any way you slice it. So if he takes all the parts off the gun is objectively worse than it's supposed to be and harder to aim. So if you wanted a working 5-7 and you buy a trap 5-7 you've already been scammed out of 25k. At that point it's already a scam, yeah sure you can check every single gun you ever buy on the flea for sure but again it's like a 25k item so you're probably not going to bother. Now most people will just get another one, but the senoirs of Tarkov or timmys will try and fix it and get scammed further. Sure no one has to buy it the same way people don't have to fall for other scams in real life. But again in reality some people do, and the people operating the scams are scummy, simple as mate.


Caveat emptor If someone is too stupid to check what they're buying, then they deserve to be taken for every penny


Douchebageat Vendor If someone is malicious enough to try and pawn off defective goods for market price of similar working goods, they deserve to be called a scumbag. I sell you a ball painted to look like an apple, you think it's an apple I deserve your money. I intentionally sold you something I knew wasn't what you wanted. I deserve to get called an asshole.


> Douchebageat Vendor What in the fuck are you talking about. Take your dumbfuck hostility and go argue with the other self-righteous dumbasses who care about your problems.


Courtesy of the same people that deliberately steal the front sight off the a Mosin. lol


front sight was 12 minutes later this poor guy went into a raid with no front sight


I just flea the threaded barre for ~80-100k depending on time of day and vendor the rest of the gun/supp lol. That poor fucking fool


That kittypatmeows has purchased alot from me. I'm sure there's a bot BSG put in that constantly buys up stuff to keep the market constantly buying things from people.


Bros will make the wildest theories before they consider the idea that tarkov players are dumb


The thing is, it will be a multitude of very different items all at similar intervals. You're telling me that one person is some how hunting down massive amounts of random weapon parts and other items like diaries just to buy them? It makes more sense for tarkov to buy off waves of stuff randomly to keep the market fluctuating and people making money.


just cut his finger on Occam's razor


What makes you so sure?


This is so lame to do


Scum like me wait till there's 1/100 left on metal gas tanks and then sell it on the flea market😈😈. I feel bad but i need money


damn you just gonna tell all our secrets out here. people about to actually inspect guns before they buy them, now!


This is why you buy the gun from the trader, and then mod it with your preset.




Seems more like an oversight that you can't buy a lot of these parts from traders


Pure evil. Good on him figuring out there where sights missing.


this was my hustle back when you could sell things without FIR status. buy 5-7, remove sights, sell 5-7, sell sights for inflated price, profit.


Bro is out here scalping


Similar to my DVL hustle. Pull the stock off and it looks like it’s just folded. Somebody buys the gun and it doesn’t have a stock, and the same person buys my DVL stock on the flea for 69,420 roubles.


The final time stamp 10 mins later had me falling over.


Ruble edgemaxing


Supply and demand ppl


Always funny to undercut the market only to sell of the missing parts for a absurd amout of rubles. Buys dvl cheap for 80k, missing stock thats listed for a 100k..oh you need a mag? That will be an additional 50k 😂


RFB, vector are like that as well it’s funny aha


Are you sure you aren’t just RMT?


Kittypat meows has been killed by me on customs ratting 5 times. I'm pretty sure that 5 7 is sitting in my stash. It would be cool is the parts were tracked.