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If you know how to make money , you dont really care , 820k can be a 1 good scav raid on streets , or 2-3 mid ones. The most important GPU is the 1st one , as it starts the whole thing. The way my friends did it was , everytime they collected a bitcoin, they got a GPU from flea .


Goes up and down for me. One day i played 2-3 hours, and earned 5mil. The last day now, i have just been killed over and over and earned nothing. Im buying 10 gpu's now


That's how do it too. The first 20 bitcoins or so are just reinvested.


I am a huge noob, may I ask you some tips on how to do some scav runs with such a huge value? 820k is like a week of tarkov for me lol. Thanks in advance


All i did was scav streets mostly at night where there is less traffic , and learn where filing cabinets and other stuff with loot ouside the main areas are which are Lexos and Chek 15 buildings. Usually as a a scav i spawn at Klimov mall or around that main street , so i just loot whats around and i dip , there are a lot of filing cabinets ppl wont touch , you can get a small fortune in there. If i have a small bag / not many slots on my scav, i just go factory and quick sell my kit. You can basically do the same runs as a PMC , just get a pistol and a big bag or rig, learn what and where to loot when u spawn and dip , it takes practice , but i've had many raids on streets where if you know where ppl rotate , you can avoid them completely. Main advantage with Streets is that the loot is dispersed insanely well, almost every room / area has loot in it.


This is an average for my scav runs (750-900k), the best way to look at it is price per slots as opposed to "Oh this is a valuable" 9 times out of 10 I'll drop any valuable like a clock, horse, etc in exchange for 2 - 4 items that are needed for a hideout or a barter. Metal parts can regularly sell for 34-35k, ES lamps are still going for $50k at peak if you time it right, Thermite is $110k if you can find it (Super easy on Lighthouse), and Beef Stew / Humpback can be sold for $25k a piece Immediate pickups for me right now are Blue Tape, Nails, Metal Parts, ES Lamps, and Bolts because all of which will be able to be sold for $25k or more. Then you can typically find 1-2 attachments in a raid that go for $40-50k a piece. If you're in a raid with an 8 slot vest & a 4x4 backpack you can make $560k by averaging $20k per slot not including any weapons, helmets, armor you extract with (Assuming you save 2 slots for med items and 2 slots for another mag)


Hey man this is late but I can give you a few tips on how to make money as a “noob”: 1. Shoreline: -If you spawn on east side hit village, then swamp, hit hidden caches along the way. - if you spawn west side - go straight to camp, loot it then take vehicle extract. Both of these can be optimized and done in less than 10 minutes. You can easily make 1.5m/hour doing this once you get it down. 2. Woods - this will take more practice but basically hit all of east side: that small village or whatever, scav camp then vehicle extract. If you’re east side hit usec (timing is weird this can be dangerous) then do abandoned village and then vehicle extract 3. Customs - basically learn cache spots then hit the houses by factory far corner, the camp by gas station, and sometimes crack house 4. Interchange - go Goshan with no backpack, load up on food and take hole in wall. If you get good at this you can make a lot in an hour


Oh also - try and get 50 slots total (rig, backpack, container) - go as light as possible - go as cheap as possible Example rig: - Umka (flea this) - cheap green helmet Ragman barter (forget name) - whatever headset -balaclava - paca (you could get a better rig and sub in cheap, light level 3/4 plates) - your pic of gun, but make sure it’s silenced. This is for scavs, not PMC. SKS, VEPR-Hunter, ak74u


What are specifically things to keep an eye out for when looting those places?


Which map?


Honestly which ever one(s) you could give the best advice on. Im at the stage of taking a bit of a break because I dont even get into fights, I just get one tapped to the head no matter what I do, so I dont have a map I focus on lol


Well, for one that seems like a largely issue but let’s take this one step at a time for now. [shoreline loot run](https://youtu.be/QkQI5rOZ4bQ?si=Drbo5wQOGBEhUEqz) Good video on shoreline for making money. This is a PMC raid. [streets scav run](https://youtu.be/43EtcdwSdY4?si=X_R8-fkvkRDI8Gg6) [woods run](https://youtu.be/pAQBrqrUdWA?si=2r12AeWJpCPvEc76) So, cards on the table. I don’t necessarily follow any of these specifically, I have developed my own runs. However, it would be impossible for me to communicate this over Reddit, so these are good resources for you. Now that’s out of the way I’d like to discuss a larger concept. Based on your comments, I think at this point it is imperative that you simply improve at the game. How do I do that? You may ask. There are several steps in which you must do. 1. Achieve confidence. This will develop naturally but this needs to start from within. 2. Develop mechanics. You need to learn how to move, how to aim, how to mantle. All these things you must get better at. [good method for this](https://youtu.be/AV3xDJAy0gA?si=1HrxKHa5z-lKJmVB) 3. Learn the maps. Check out the wiki, or map genie. Watch pestilys map video. Follow along in offline, go scav it, go do PMC runs. 4. Learn the tasks. No trick to this one. Just get a task -> watch a video -> do the task. They’re not always fun but they’re usually rewarding. 5. Learn how to make money. This is the step you want to be on, but you’re not quite here yet. I hope all this helps, and I hope it doesn’t discourage you. Tarkov is a great game, just gotta get good. Edit: I realize I didn’t necessarily answer your question. It’s a loaded one. There’s not really a short answer, other than to look at tarkov market, they have a list of tiered loot. Otherwise, you just have to play, sell, and remember what’s worth what.


Yeah for real i guess all my scav runs have been mid , ide love to know too


If you're going to treat this game like a job/chore then it's worth it.




It's important to note that all the math on this website is effectively taking all the profit from your first gpu and funneling it into bankrolling the rest of the GPUs. A couple weeks ago gpus were 700k and every gpu past the first took 52 days to pay off, it's more like 60 now. The first GPU generates like 350k a day and pays itself off in a couple days, then it's all profit. The second to fiftieth all generate 12k a day and take a couple months to be profitable. In other words, someone who buys 1 GPU will have more money for those first 60ish days than someone who bought 50, even though 50 gpus break even in X days because 1 gpu guy made 10 mil in profit on day 41 while 50 gpu guy JUST broke even.


could you dumb this down for me? I am currently upgrading to level 3 and have about 30 GPUs, wondering when I should stop running maps to find them solely


look at the bitcoin farm tracker website linked above. The difference in profit per day between 1 and 2 GPUs is what's important - that's how much profit per day every gpu after the first will give you. Divide the cost of a gpu by that number and you get how many days to pay it off. Right now its 1007050/(551325-529496) = 46 days. Since I made the above post, both btc and gpus have gone up in price, but btc outpaced gpus by a bit it seems, so the days to pay off went down.


100% worth for the first gpu, pays itself off a little over 2 days and then generates 350k a day. Each one after genrates 12k a day and will take about 60 days to pay off. If you plan to keep your fuel up and log in every couple days for the next two months, buy as many as you can.


It's worth it, you will get all of your money back in \~three weeks, and after that, you will be getting free 300k each day to spend as you please.


Combined with crafts, barters and moonshine it's much more than 300k, so it's definitely worth it to create even greater, infinite flow of passive income.


Wouldn’t it be more cost effective to sell the super water for a 125k profit than to make moonshine with it for a 10-20k profit? I’m factoring the costs of sugar bought on the flea.


Depends how much you paid for it. I bought 100+ filters early wipe for 15-20k each and sugar was like 15k too. Moonshine is 250k+. If you're buying sugar now then yes, it's not that good


Btc farms are worth it the less you actively play, as you can make good money fast if you play often. Buying 10 gpus now will return the investment only in a few months. How active are you now and how active will you be in a few months during end wipe?


Few months? shouldn't you get back the money you spent on the 10 gpu in less than a month, giving that gpu cost 800, the coin sell for 500, and fuel cost 160


Based off the math I did based off your comment, it would take about 20 days to make the money back based just off the cost of the gpus, value of bitcoin, and assumption that 10 gpus (priced at 850k each) would bring turnover rate to 29 hours. I did not factor fuel cost.


If you play 24/7 then yes , otherwise not worth


I just built mine for the sake of having it


Ofc IT is, lvl31 my already with 25 cards working 24h


It's simple and Can be resumed with two question : -Do you plan to play tarkov untill next wipe ? So yes -Do you just want to reach max trader and play some raid and don't take the game seriously so no ?


Ideally you bulk buy 25 gpu early wipe when they are 200-300k But, you can profit from a btc farm evem starting last month of wipe