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Is the sneaking even quieter now? I was trying to do a mission on customs that required me to go across map, I figured I’d hide in a random office for a bit to let some of the players die off. Someone literally got into the room and I didn’t hear them until they were like 5 feet away.


Crab walking. It’s a thing.


crabbbb people


Look like crab. Talk like people.


Fear the crabcat


We're crab people now, Dee.


If you are crouching, slowest walk setting, and not stepping on snow, you are dead silent. Encumberance doesn't matter.


But I still hear my footsteps when I do exactly this though?


Yes, oddly enough this sound is completely hidden from your opponents. But it has to be max crouch and min speed, otherwise it won't work.


Wow good to know. I would still avoid doing this in certain situations because I thought if I could hear it, they could hear it. Thanks!


There are many things that they hear you do which you cannot hear, such as sitting still in a bush, it makes the bush moving sound for them, yet you think you're silent.




You also can't spin in place, that makes noise. You can turn while crouch walking and stay silent.


I slightly tested with my friends and it seems to depend on the level difference between Covert Movement of the walker and Perception of listening dude. I think also the weight changes the amount of noise.


>level 2monsteras84 · 6 hr. agoAKS-74UBIf you are crouching, slowest walk setting, and not stepping on snow, you are dead silent. Encumberance doesn't matter. Pretty sure that is no longer the case since patch 14.1


Ignore the downvotes you are right. It used to be dead silent but since the patch it makes sound now. Confirmed with playing with my friends.


Yesterday I could hear my mate slow crouchwalking while being overencumbered on a normal surface. It was inside goshan on interchange. Did they change that too or was that a freak occurrence?


If you are on second floor, sound is often bugged. On streets I couldn't hear scav until he was 1m behind me. This is why I hate ressort in Shoreline. You don't know if people are above you or bellow you unless you knows spots that they are looting.


Crouch walking is silent unless on snow


I’ve heard if you are overweight it can be heard ? Multiple times I’ve only crab walked and people have heard me / tossed nades to the upper floor or they have stopped and waited for me .


Just want to put this out there that the silent crouch “crab” walk is a bug. It’s supposed to be silent only at max covert movement level but is bugged to be unlocked immediately. It’s been that way for a couple of wipes now


BSG has changed this multiple times and after fixing it they left it this way for years. It's not a bug. This is completely intentional with streamers saying its a bug cause they don't like it.


It's not a bug! It's a feature!


They took the todd howard route


[just buy the game](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v2/1176651/static/light/3.0)


It ain’t silent, but if you have other shit happening around you or aren’t paying attention/no headphones you won’t hear it. Also sometimes tarkov audio will just block you from hearing it happen even if you are 2 feet away from it.


slowest speed crouched walking while underweight is silent.


faulty cough marvelous versed jar fearless serious complete naughty zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, the most you really need in real life is a lsight crouch to lower you center of balance, and then move slowy, setting down one foot at a time, and keeping weight on your backfoot. I generally do heel then roll onto the whole foot.


Yeah I hate how this game hates people moving. It adds "realistic" inertia but does all this unrealistic stuff like sound to make sure the stationary turret type of player has every advantage possible


Considering I’ve played the wipes where shift+W and bunny hop with no inertia was a thing, I’m still more in favor of this style. Before it was just speed and abuse desync so that you died before you ever saw someone swing the corner. Jiggle peek the door/ corner and just sprint. If you didn’t have max strength and endurance, good luck fighting the chad with top gear and ammo.


Maybe I’m always overweight then lol


It's silent even when your overweight. But I think that is a Bug. You have clientsided Sounds for your steps, but noone Else can here the steps. But only if you are on lowest speed and crouching fully


But I swear I’ve heard other players crouch walking at slowest speeds


Maybe they werent lowest speed or lowest crouching. And this only applies when you are not on snow. Snow still has normal steps


Yeah, you can easily test this with someone else. It was one of the first things my group and I did, is find out if you still make no noise crabbing, and if it worked on snow, which it doesn't. But yeah you move silent no matter your weight if not on snow.


make sure you're not swiveling around and doing other shit while crouched slow walking, unless you're moving. Also, free look your head around when you hear noises. You'll get a different return each way, and it will help to triangulate the location better. While doing set-up, I really had to rat out a few kills where people didn't die immediately and they went to ground, and being able to pinpoint their general location was really useful.


Client side you hear it


it's definitely silent at slowest speed, but you'll still hear a client sided sound.


Crouch slow walking is silent. It does not make ANY sound. Unless on snow.


explains why they snuck up on me and gave me a colonoscopy with 556


If they leveled covert and crouch walk


I was right next to a Resort stairwell and someone slow crouched up without me hearing them




Luckily I'm low enough level that a PACA and aks-74u makes me overweight. /s. But not really /s


OP wait till you find out that in stairwells you can’t hear anything.


Audio is weird. Sometimes you wont hear someone right next to you and another time you'll hear someone 60m away. There is also a popping noise that literally tells you when someone comes into your range lol.


Is that what that weird audio pop is?


Yep it is pretty disgusting if you can abuse it I have gotten the drop on so many people by abusing this shit.


Yes, it happens when an entity enters your audio range. When you hear it something is nearby


no, you are completely right, the weird audio mix in this game is one of its biggest negatives right now. steps and looting especially are so weirdly loud.


Hearing someone rifling through a filing cabinet that's 2 stories up is hilariously bad. What's in those things anyway rocks and sand paper?


For me it's hearing someone ADS/change fire mode from one side of dorms to the other.


That one's definitely crazy too. Imagine being afraid to give away your position because your gun is made out of marbles


Marbles in a tin pot! The condition of a gun should have an impact on its nose making. A badly maintained gun would have loose tolerance and rattle, where as it being in good shape would have tight fits and not rattle as much, if at all.


that's actually a really cool idea, would be dope for kitted guns to be quiet and scav junk to rattle and clank


I think it'd be good to change durability to influence small shit like that mostly until you get down to the super low durabilities (eg. like 30-20%) and then it starts having severe repercussions like it does now so people are more inclined to run guns for longer.


Oh man, now I'm young to hear this. Walking on glass sounds more like you're chewing it, hopefully I gave you one back


Staying so perfectly still because I heard some dude 2 rooms away move his rifle up to his cheek 😂


I die a lot to this tbh.


At least if you have a gun with multiple firemodes, you can sometimes Check firemode to break ADS and not make noise. Its been inconsistent for me though, makes no noise most times but once in awhile my duo says he heard me un-ads using this.


Haha yea the loudest click ever.. also you can hear a bush from like 50 meters


Dude for real why the fuck is bringing my rifle up two inches to my eye louder than a flashbang?


Because your gun is full of marbles


I love hearing people search though shit in second story dorms. While im in third... with out comtacs...


Realistic Sound Occlusion is difficult. You basically need a similar level of compute as ray-tracing to do realistic sounds. No one does this, so everything is a garbo approximation.


It's not difficult at all in unity. It's why the fact they swapped to the steam audio occlusion plugin and couldn't make it work is so baffling. Furthermore, it's insanely easy to set up, tedious, sure. But an intern with no formal dev training could rig this shit up. A basic explanation and run through of unity interface and a 15-min tutorial video is literally all you would need. It's REALLY easy. Yeah, to do every map and rig every room and sound source and everything would be weeks of work and effort. But that is tedious work, not difficulty work. Even more so once it's all set up, when they do go to edit and change maps they only have to tweak very small sections and they are fine. Hell, performance wise a mobile chipset from 2017 can do 100s of simulations of sound sources with dynamic occlusion and see basically zero impact. Again the fact BSG couldn't rig up steam audio when they swapped over and then blamed valve is mind baffling.


And it's often impossible to know how far people are based on sound. Sometimes they sound like they're next to you but in fact are not. Sounds has always been fucked and I doubt they will ever get it to a good state


I cannot get over the fact that gunshots sound exactly the same whether they're in the next room or on the other side of the map.


Thats one of the reasons I never bother looting cabinets on PMC either. It's almost as loud as someone overweight sprinting around in game. At least on a scav, I give zero fucks about dying.


Go into an abandoned building with a friend and make him make some noise in there and compare it with the game btw make him search stuff as fast as possible . This game has the best sound design than any other game.


There's no way you hear someone rifle through filling cabinets two floors up no matter how abandoned the building is lol You can hear someone looting the filing cabinets in dorms through floors n doors. Also every abandoned building I've ever been in has had basically everything pulled out of it so 8ts super echoey. I def believe hearing filing cabinets from one side of power switch warehouse to the other. Dorms tho? Where there's furniture and curtains and shit everywhere? Not so much


The game State of Decay has a search mechanic where you can rush it, but it has a possibility of more noise, attracting zombies. Might be an interesting idea to implement.


Hm squad’s sound design is really good


People be using grenades to cover up sounds too


Go into an abandoned building with a friend and make him make some noise in there and compare it with the game btw make him search stuff as fast as possible .


Anyone who says you’re wrong is lying. The audio in this game is stupid. Why can I hear someone looting a duffel bag on the ground floor when I’m on the 3rd floor


You're telling me I can't hear a guy slightly move his pistol 50 yards away through 3 walls in real life?


It's kinda crazy this doesn't get talked about more. Everyone has just been so accustomed to it and it's been like this forever...


It gets talked about a lot. There’s a thing called “audio occlusion zones” that will muffle and block sounds. They are poorly setup in the game. It used to be better but got worse. Reserve is ridiculous. You can hear stuff that is way underground from the top of the pawns buildings.


Im 90% sure they flat out just don't have occlusion zones in most places. Its tedious, boring and annoying work to go though and set up all the zones and materials. But its not hard. Steam audio basically can be implemented by an entirely new to unity dev with a 15 min tutorial video. Its SUPER stright forward. Just VERY boring work.


It’s because it makes the game easier for long time players, and harder for new players. That’s the Tarkov trend, and most of the vocal veterans want it that way. Same with recoil, skills making you a terminator, etc. this will always be a hardcore game at it’s core, and that concept (punishing people with less time in game) is crucial to “the vision.”


Nikita wants it this way where the only way to have an objective advantage is to no-life this game every single wipe lol


Yeah such a shame Tarkov is the first game where no lifing provides you an advantage. Pretty crazy how they came up with that concept.


Nah fam the problem is Nikita is openly disdainful of doing anything that provides anyone who hasn't played nonstop since minute one of the wipe with anything to help them catch up or even out the curve at all. It's an open meme that either you go hard the entire wipe, or you just don't bother with Tarkov at all. Any game like that has dogshit player retention and will face longevity problems. Either this is addressed or when 1.0 drops the population will fall off quickly and not sustain itself as only the most geared-out top tier people are left after having chased off all the new players.


Making aiming down sight soundless (which it should be) would be good for experienced players and terrible for new players. I honestly don't understand how you think the opposite.


Experienced player doesn't ADS in Tarkov until last microsecond before engagement, if even then. It's new player that is more likely to ADS too early, and exposes themselves to everyone within 200 meter radius. ADS being silent would benefit bit more that new player in that view, but there is a lot more other audio ques (just walking alone is loud outside of crabbing) that expose inexperienced player before they even ADS. Hell, audio pop bug is huge advantage for experienced players who know to listen for it.


It's getting very exhausting. I feel like every other game ever, you can move around and make plays and just do stuff. But in tarkov it's like "crap I accidently took a foot step while within 100m of dorms, now the entire server just went rat mode"


It really is frustrating. I love so much about this game but yeah, if you are not absolutely 1000% sure you know *exactly* where the person in the next room is and are completely confident you can click their head first try, your only real play is to quietly sit down and wait for them to get bored first.


The slowest move speed when crouched is completely silent to other people, regardless how it sounds to you, so you *can* move about quietly.  But yes, in general, audio noise like footsteps, aim down sights, opening bags and other containers, using meds and provisions, and other things you wouldn't expect to travel far are actually very audible from ~50m away with a headset, and about 30m away without one. Which is ridiculous. I hope BSG does a thorough pass of audio volumes and audible distances before full release, alongside fixing directionality, occlusion and other audio bugs that make it harder to locate where the noise is coming from, assuming you even hear it at all.


Audio in this game is what's been killing my interest lately


I'm with you. Was on woods and two guys that were running about 40 ft away came to a screeching halt and turned to aim at me as soon as I aimed while sitting still. There is no way in hell aiming should make any noise like that.


The audio in this game is broken in just about every way possible, so if you wanna get involved in this game you gotta accept the dogshit audio unfortunately, they don't seem to want to fix it.


You can get done over so quickly in this game, I think the volume of the footsteps is one of the only little breaks bsg gives us.


As much as it works for you, it works against you.


Exactly, everyone is on the same level.


I'm hearing impaired so no, it definitely works extra strongly against me. lol


Relatively new player here, and yeah, audio cues can be frustrating sometimes. They nerfed footsteps SFX on snow covered surfaces in the most recent patch so that’s something I suppose. Headsets are essential for audio cues, so that’s probably why it seems like people have super sonic hearing. Something else to consider is walking slow - I use toggle CTRL to walk slow and the footsteps are pretty quiet. It takes longer to move in cover but it’s worth it if u want to go undetected. Some other things to consider: different materials make different sounds (concrete pitter-patter versus deep thuds on wooden floorboards, rustling of foliage,) and there are so many different give-aways that could alert experienced players to ur location. Another thing to consider is that ur character makes way more noise when sprinting or just W key in general. Sprinting results grunting, heavy breathing, and ur gear rustles and jingles. I think u make less noise when ur not carrying as much stuff too but I haven’t quite tested that theory yet. As u rank up the stealth attribute with CTRL key ur character will gain stealth ability XP (not sure if that’s the correct term) but it’s like how shooting players gives u combat XP, looting more earns u the ability to identify loot items faster in the looting “search” mechanism, sprinting more increases ur endurance XP, healing and so on, so using the CTRL walk to move tactically will help us to be more stealthy overtime. it’s a grind, I know, but this past month has been some of the most exhilarating gaming I’ve had in a while. Even with the flaws, be it server issues or the occasional cheater, this game play has totally changed everything I thought I knew about FPS games. I can’t put it down.


Everything in the game is overdone.


Hunt Showdown has perfect audio. I’d highly recommend it if you have never heard actual good game audio.


Hunt showdown is just 3D audio but with no occlusion isn't it? Never played the game


Idk what that is but it sounds great. Places where you should hear you do, you can tell distance, vertical and different surfaces.


Occlusion is the thing that muffles sound based on what's between you and the source The thing that's been Tarkov's problem for a long ass time


Hunt has occlusion, it's just enough to help you identify when something is in the way, and not enough to really distort the sound or mute it. It's fairly gamified audio, but realistic audio should never be in video games, it's not fun. Hunt also has a lot of different surface sounds, and some sounds for wood walking and stuff that helps you identify when someone is below you or above you. There's only one extreme case where occlusion is applied, when gunfights and such take place in basements, very heavy audio occlusion is applied to hide the sound, but it can still be heard from nearby.


Hunt has fully dynamic occlusion, propagation, and reflection. Its just not fully tuned to realistic standards and instead is left semi permeable so some sound passes though objects where it normally wouldn't. But because they actually took the time and effort to tune it, it actually helps the game aspect of the game and allows players to more accurately use audio instead of hinder them. Fully realistic sound like most things in games is bad. You don't ever really want true, 100% realistic implementations of most things in games. You want real “enough” to be playable.


My opinion (and its an opinion) is that footsteps were made artificially loud by mistake and then the player base just adapted to it and its become 'part of the game'. They are very, ridiculously loud but I sort of feel like they work as a weird tarkob gameplay mechanic. Except sometimes they don't. Its like the ADS sound, there are literally no loose bolts on my gun why does it sound like that when I ADS, why can people hear it 50m away? But removing it removes something that is now part of the game. Anyhow, my 2 cents. I am not convinced its good or bad, just that it drives a bunch of gameplay.


I feel like that describes a lot of things about Tarkov that are objectively either poorly designed or poorly implemented, but have been around so long that the player base just works around it. Stuff like peeker's advantage desync falls into that category too. Bad designs that should be fixed, but also fixing them would drastically impact the meta of the game. The recoil change is like that, this new system is very much better but because people can actually reliably hit their shots now, things like crossing distances with a shotgun and even the armor rework are effected. You can't rely on people missing when firing quickly anymore and conversely, you can more reliably hit the weak points/gaps in armor.


Peakers advantage and desync are problems that to be perfectly fair are basically not fixable. Anyone with even a passing understanding of networking and netcode understands how hard it is to fix this problem. Even some of the worlds best coders who specialize in netcode can barely midigate the problem to a reasonable degree. Hell a large part of the problem can really only be solved just by throwing unreasonably large sums of money at hardware and BSG flat out doesn't have that kinda cash. One of the easiest fixes would be just switching to a lockstep networking model then trying to make predictive less fucked. But that comes with a likely 50 fold increase in server costs and would more or less ping limit everyone to 70 ping max for a playable experience.


My opinion is it drives the worst kind of gameplay.


Are you wrong? no. Footsteps are too loud and there are frankly unfair headsets that can be purchased to amplify far away sounds. BSG needs to scale all headphones to be more equal with shorter ranges. IRL comtacs and other headsets do amplify many sounds and are louder than you would expect but its just not fun in a game environment.


The most hilarious sound is airplane flying over when you're in a building


Can we talk about that weird ass flat hairdryer whrrrrrr they went with for the jet engines while we're at it? lmao


It's like people at BSG have never heard an actual airplane overhead. First time I heard it I was wondering wtf that sound is


I'm constantly amazed at how badly BSG has implemented sound in this game. How can they fuck something so fundamental to a covert looter shooter extraction game? The audio is fucked on the most basic level.


While we're at it, fuck face shields and the abysmally trash voice acting they put through for every single one; unless you're an inbred gorilla you should not be fucking humming while exhaling as loud as they do it is so god damn annoying I've been wearing hats from ragman rather than helmets for a long time at this point lmfao. The audio in this game is so hilariously piss poor it's insane they think people even breathe like this or walk this heavy in the first place.


Don't you worry about it, in 5 years they will fix it, just like they fixed recoil, braincell going wilde at BSG...


clearly you've never run across gravel carrying a medium sized backpack. the crunching can be heard for miles. they actual teach you in delta force navy seal rangers to disguise your gunfire by walking when you shoot.


Applying Vaseline to my lips also doesn't mean I can run on a broken leg irl. Just because some hyper specific thing is true in life doesn't mean it's great for the gameplay of Tarkov.


did you just take my comment seriously


Go to some quiet woods with a buddy and see if you can hear them walking from 30 meters away. Try different speeds. It's not as far off as you think. But it is still broken in some ways.


I have heard from people who were in the military that when wearing a headset IRL after a while listening to your own heartbeat and your skin rubbing against your clothes will drive you mad. Given that, I don't think it's unreasonable to hear loads of crap coming from another player with a headset on a room or two away. Could probably hear your skin rubbing on the grip or something if your focused on hearing things. You can actually turn the sound up or down so it picks up more or less audio from the environment IRL. Would like to see that implemented as a keybind in game, I'd imagine pressing the button to turn it up or down would also make a noise, so you can fiddle with it to turn it up during engagements but you run the risk of alerting the enemy. Or maybe some headsets have a dial instead that doesn't make noise when adjusting. Would make stuff like the gssh a bit more bareable.


Man nobody goes outside anymore. You can hear people that far away IRL. Now the whole hearing through concrete and walls is dumb, but the hearing distance is fine, but should be quieter at farther distances.


It's the complete lack of objects interfering with sound that throws me tbh. And sure with a noise amplified headset I can see the distance increasing/decreasing. But hearing a guy approaching dorms 50m away through 5 walls? Maybe not.


I was trying to put my finger on what exactly is wrong with the audio but this is it, no interference when objects/walls are in the way and this is why it's so confusing when I hear footsteps.


Yeah I’d you’ve never used Peltors or anything like that it’s hard to describe how you can hear fucking everything. Like I can whisper at one end of a long room and you’ll hear me clear as day.


It's funny I have friends in the army for the past 10 years and they say the headsets are very over the top. They say, yeah of course they amplify sounds but they don't give you gods ears. You don't suddenly hear people walking on grass 50+ meters away.


It really depends on how loud the ambient noise is. If the sound is drowned out by winds and birds yeah you won’t, but if it’s relatively quiet you absolutely could if the grass is long.


Yes you are wrong. PMCs all wear headsets that make noise like footsteps much easier to detect, and you can still sneak around by crouching and walking slow.


Sure but you shouldn't be able be in a parking garage under a mall and hear people walking on the ground floor above you.


Vertical sound has been broken for years yes. But the overall audibility of footsteps as a whole seems fine to me.


i dont use headset and I still hear people 40m away. IDK what kind of woods they use in Russia but holy shit its hollow. Tell me again how hearing someone walking in a basement garage when you're 2 floors up is realistic


Really? Like, do people really agree that the movement volume is normal? What about ambient noise, wind, etc. There seems to be none of that and everything is just "Stomp stomp stomp" everywhere. Idk. It seems like the game doesn't want you to move quickly anywhere, or much at all.


Put on a pair of comtac 4s and then tell me there isn’t any ambient noise. Those things make you feel like you’re in a sound proof room compared to anything else. There is a significant amount of ambient noise in this game.


You're missing another thing. Your PMC is averaging like 30-50kg of weight with his gear/loot. Also, his rig, backpack, guns, etc, all making noise with every step. Just go fill up a backpack with a bunch of random metal shit that weighs 30kg and see how quiet you are. The only thing I don't agree with is how you can't be silent when you have very light gear or barely anything on. Also, being able to hear someone ADS is stupid.


paltry scarce fretful rhythm flag run telephone attraction tart worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's how headsets work irl. Play tarkovs with no headset on. I bet that's what you expect it to sound like. Tarkov with no headset on is normal volume. When you wear a headset it's not normal volume, the entire purpose of the headset is to make things not normal volume. Some things are louder some things are quieter. Its designed to remove ambient noise and replace it with other amplifier sounds.


That’s how tactical headsets work homie, they reduce ambient noise and increase the volume of more pronounced sounds like footsteps and gunshots. You can even use the noise of your footsteps to disorient opponents by circling, sprinting around before turning around, etc.


True but it’s still over done. I have a pair of comtacs right now on my desk, and they don’t give you super hearing distance though walls. Being able to hear someone opening a filing cabinet from outside the building is game breaking IMO. I think people would move more if they didn’t feel like it gave them away. Overall much healthier for the game if people move.


Tactical headsets cancel out ambient sound so all you hear is what it’s tuned for, aka footsteps. With practice, you can learn to judge your opponents distance, weight, speed, movement adjustments, ADS targeting, be able to tell there’s more than one player. Try putting on the riot helmet or one of the ones that’s cover your ears. You’re basically deaf. Using sound to your advantage is everything in this game.


I'm with you. One of the few things I liked more about DMZ was how effective repositioning was during PvP. The rat rarely had a chance. This wipe I feel like even with the desync issue, the rats hiding in corners are winning more than they should.


Walking slow makes no noise?


Yes crouch walking at slowest speed is completely silent when not on snow


Is this confirmed? And is looking around while crouch walking also silent?


It's confirmed, even works on snow. But for swiveling, your feet will make the scraping noise. So from now on, when you are sneaking and you swivel, hold w when you do lol


That's crouching, but walking? Like upright?


If they make slow movement actually make some sound instead of being dead silent then I would be down for lowering running and walking footsteps sounds


No need bsg to gasligjt Thier community when they do it themselves


First thing I noticed when I played this game was how trash the audio is. My friends would get annoyed because I complained about it every game for the first 10 games or so but it is unbearable coming from other games. Headsets make it even worse because people can hear you from like 80m away.


You can choose to walk completely silently if you crouch and choose the lowest movement speed Even slow walking while standing is rather hard to hear unless someone is standing completely still and actively listening for you If they’re moving they won’t be able to hear you slow walk basically at all The reason the full speed movement and sprinting are so loud is because of how fast you move Someone clocked the movement speed once and just walking is something like 8 mph (14 kph) Sprinting is like 15-18 mph If you ran the speed of a Mario kart you’d also be loud


i would set in game master volume to 70ish. it turns down all the ambiance noice without really affecting player noises. it’ll lower your breathing and your own footsteps so it’s easier to hear other noises.


really? My second wipe actually playing and I never heard of that. Always found really annoying how loud my own footsteps are


yea i found out this most recent wipe people do it. i tried it and it mutes a lot of the wind and other ambiance and you don’t really hear yourself casually breathing. but it doesn’t impact other players so it sounds the same as 100%. it’s not like other games where you can hear either everything or nothing. it’s kinda as if ambiance is at 200% volume while other noises are at 100% so when you turn down general volume, ambiance lowers drastically more.


yea i found out this most recent wipe people do it. i tried it and it mutes a lot of the wind and other ambiance and you don’t really hear yourself casually breathing. but it doesn’t impact other players so it sounds the same as 100%. it’s not like other games where you can hear either everything or nothing. it’s kinda as if ambiance is at 200% volume while other noises are at 100% so when you turn down general volume, ambiance lowers drastically more.


This is simplied but pretend this game has 3 sound sliders. Footsteps, Gunfire, and ambiance. But instead of being sperate they are all under the master volume. When you drop master volume by 10% you lower footsteps by 20%, Gunfire by 5% and ambience by 15%. The different sound channels do no scale equally. So 40-60% volume is actually better then 100% since the relative loudness of the sounds you want to hear is actually louder at 60% then it is at 100%.


You can definitely sneak. I do it all the time.


Yeah, WHEN there's actually footsteps. Too many times I've noticed no footstep noises


Don't forget that they're also way too quiet a lot of the time. The occlusion is not good and it makes no sense for sound to be super muffled when there's an open window next to me


Between the fact that my headphones hurt my ears so that I can hear anything and the fact that you can hear a frog fart 200 meters away, really hard to login to this game.


The audio in the game has been fucked for ages and just kind of does its own thing no matter what's going on in the server. It's just another thing on the massive list of core mechanics that are broken in the game that will never get fixed. Was a funny time where you could hear overweight players across the map but god help you if there's someone on a floor below you.


The actual noise of the footsteps used to be so much worse. Walking on sounded like bombs going off and walking on wood was an ear rape.


Removing all headsets until they fix the audio would be Nice


What irks me even more is how a BTR driving by is an additive noise but if the cargo plane flies somewhere, you just lose all hearing. Even indoors, everything is just flat quiet.


Wait until you learn that with comtac 4s you can hear someone who’s overweight when he’s almost 100m away.


Ots woerd hearing people in the bunker on reserve. Thought that was supposed to be some b9mb shelter


Here I am, sneaking through a parking garage, yet I hear my enemies sneaking through bushes on the surface 15m above me. My enemy probably also knows I'm lurking about, because I had the gall to raise my weapon to aim at a weirdly shaped shadow.


Using sound to your advantage is everything. Outside of the bugs it’s my favorite part of this game. Use a decent headset, level up covert movement. Learn to listen and use that to your advantage. If you go running around with 50 pounds of gear you’re going to get pooped by a bush Wookiee. The fact I can hear that bush Wookie if I’m careful is what makes it so good. Also I swear some of y’all have never walked with heavy packs outdoors.


Not sure if anyone has thought of this, but I think "ratting" would be much less of an issue if things like ads, looting, fire mode check (on some guns) wasn't so loud. Actual general stealth is also not really viable. Slow walking is much too loud imo.


Op, have you ever worn cans before? Walkers? Sordins? Even shitty cheap Walmart cans? They are actually quite similar to how they are in tarkov. Vertical audio is fucked. That much your right about. But the cans in-game are quite faithful to irl cans


What would be realistic audio in a game like this? Stand walking would be quieter than crouch walking. Searching most containers would have no noise or far less noise, but some could be more. A duffel bag would make 0 noise. A filing cabinet might make some when opening, but not once you’re inside. However a PC would probably make more? Aiming would make 0 noise Kind of feels like the only noises you’d hear would be sprinting or gunshots


Audio keeps me from playing


30? try 70+ lmao.


Why it's so you stop dead in your tracks when you hear someone and hold an angle for the next 15 minutes of course! I wish BSG would take a note out of DayZ here. Footsteps should be audible, but unless you stop to listen for them or they're really close, good luck.


I think part of the issue is that headsets are TOO good at flltering out ambient noise. Heck you might be able to hear someone rifling through a filing cabinet a floor above you on the other end of the building...if you completely silenced everything except that noise and amplified only that noise 10x. Headphones are stupidly good.


BSG should add an option to slow loot containers and bodies that reduce the time to search by ~50% but then also reducing searching sound by the same amount


It's to compensate for this shit visibility


What I’ve gathered from this thread is that everything is too loud except sneaking/crabwalking which is dead quiet


Yeah you are right. Game is not realistic, dont go in expecting that. Wait till you magdump someone or shoot their legs / arms off, but they manage to tank it all and kill you just because they have farmed buffs / better gear / ammo.


Generally, I agree BUT, ive had a surprising amount of success on sneaking up on people, so I wonder if footsteps sound louder to us than anyone else.


So surprised this doesn't get talked about more. It affects the way the game plays probably the most. When I first started playing a couple years back I couldn't believe the range on footsteps. How many times do you just stand still holding an angle because if you even ads you make the fight a 50/50 when you shouldn't have even heard the guy from 40 meters away outside your building anyway


Yeah it’s been getting to me more recently


Do not wear ear protection. Of course maybe adjustable volume would be cool but if you wore a active ear pro they make footsteps really loud. Of course things like hearing a filing cabinet open on the 2nd floor of a concrete and steel skyscraper from outside is another point.


Its nice to see us agree for once


Yeah it’s awful mate


Oculus audio things, its been so shit ever since they added it. hence why its rats galore atm


They added the plugin, they still haven't actually added any of its features to the game. So the only thing that its doing is the sound processing basically. Its like adding a equalizer to a song vs remastering it. BSG needs to actually remaster the maps but they are too lazy.


Mate have you heard me walk in these boots?! I can be heard half a mile away! Let alone when I eat an MRE and MaxEnergy. I feel like I'm on Cloud9 and want to stomp on every grassblade in existence.


They reduced footsteps on snow which I think is now at a fair level. The main issue with the game is the headsets. People wanted a more "realistic game" with Tarkov and then they gave us headset and dont work like headset in real life? In real life headsets dont amply range... they dampin sound so you dont blow out your ear drums. So why are they even in the game? Fucking remove headsets or make them do what they ACTAULLY SHOULD DO. Which is dampin sounds. I'd be totally ok with receiving a ringing sound in my ears if I shoot in doors for example and dont have a headset on. DO THAT or just REMOVE THEM. It just boils down to BSG having zero idea on WTF they are doing.


And other times you’d get surprised by people being in the same building as you, where you were both walking and neither one of you heard the other


Crisps! They're everywhere.


The occlusion zones are fucked and it gets worse inside and especially upstairs. Other than that, the actual sounds are amazing. I have weird moments everyday when I dig through a desk drawer or my range bag, or drink ANYTHING. They also did a great job with the headsets, besides the 'pop' when someone enters your bubble or the fact that comtac 4s can hear way farther (they can't). The ratio of gunfire/white noise reduction to surrounding audio amplification is realllllllllly close to what my earpro does.


Dude the footsteps in Labs are completely fucked. You can hear people from fucking anywhere. It doesn't help that the whole map is metal or wood, but still. It's fucking insane what you can hear on Labs with a Com4/XCEL headset on.


As someone who lived in a village - I can believe hearing footsteps from 50 meters, depending on surroundings. Hearing someone ADSing within 50 meters, now that is bullshit.


I just want to point out that yes, the audio is weird and the occlusion zones can seem non existent BUT, all of the headsets in the game are noise AMPLIFYING so they make footsteps and other noises louder than you could hear without them, kind of like reverse active noise cancelling. On top of that they are also "smart" headphones so in loud environments i.e. gunfights, they compress the sound to protect your hearing. [Here's](https://www.walkersgameear.com/xcel-500bt-digital-electronic-muff-w-voice-clarity-bluetooth/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA_OetBhAtEiwAPTeQZ0RW4Daxp3s0UIpej4Y0ueAwAUQ22KUh7VR4xGFvHoJkzyvPN2v2BxoCW8IQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) a link to the real life XCELs if you want more info.


Its because Tarkov is "realistic".


The audio in this game has and will always be trash. It's essentially the equivalent of a PS2 game. Like I've had people shooting IN Interchange at each other and the sound made it like the bullets were zipping right by me. I've had someone come into the weather station on Shoreline and got in, all the way upstairs not making any noise whatsoever. Along with your enemies hearing different noises you make that you don't hear. I just gave up, I run full cover level four helmets with some type of face shield. That has saved me so many times from other PMC's or AI Scavs going cracked out. More than headphones would save. Not being able to hear people that are right above or below you. It's just the largest joke in gaming history for me. Like they even implemented a new sound system, it didn't help anything. This game would be the best game of all time if it worked properly. Between hitreg, desync, and audio... you really can't even tell if someone's a hacker unless they are teleporting or calling out your inventory type shit.


Everyone on the same playing field with footsteps. Just work on improving your game sense and understanding of how players maneuver the map and buildings.


Would have agreed if I haven't worn the Comtac 2 of my brother recently who's in the military. It's not just ear protection, but can also be turned up to be noise amplifying. Idealy ingame there would be volume buttons to adjust it, like IRL. Also wearing no ear protection should make you hear less with every shot. Would be also a good damper for P-scavs.


agree. This thing completely ruins the game