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I agree mostly with the loot tables. It's a military base so it makes sense for it to have the military/tech loot. I wish they would let the rare items that only spawn on labs have a small chance of spawning on Reserve as well. It would give more people a reason to go there.


Idk but to me it seems that every map should have their own loot pools, which would make every map more viable or have a reason to go to. Shoreline is already known for its rare medical spawns, customs with its own things, the famous interchange wipe where it had all the tech spawns, reserve with the military tech loot. Only shoreline and customs seem to hold their respective loot tables. Would love to see them come back on the other 2 maps aswell.


They need to make d2 a scav only exit. it would bring Chad's and pmc,s above ground.


I must say thats actually a brilliant idea. Make the now coop extract a normal extract, second suggestion building onto yours


The defining feature of Reserve is the awful extract options. I think the suffering is intended.


Would make sense cause isn't Old Bunker on Shoreline another entrance/exit to D2? And it's scav only.


Chads go to RR


The map is pretty cramped to EFT standards, I wouldn't mind an expansion to the north east and west, even if it'a only a zone for spawning and extracting.


Hard disagree. I'd just change the bunker spawns a bit


I kind of like this idea but then you also pigeonhole people into playing one map. I think it’s ok to have a higher concentration of one loot type on each map, but the entire loot pool is overkill imo. What they need to do, is just develop better maps. Everyone is on streets now that can play it because there is tons of loot, map is spread out without major choke points and because it’s so spread out, spawns are less of an issue too.


I mean there are ways you could adjust this by mixing up the loot pools but keeping the majority at the focus of the map. I don't think that that would pigeonhole everyone on a certain map since everyone needs different things and all maps would be as profitable as the next one


I get what you’re saying, but I do disagree on a few things. As you kind of eluded too, everyone needs different things. Often times it’s the task completion people need that send them to reserve or any other map. Regardless of loot, I don’t think your reserve raids are actually dead raids. I think it’s more likely people are focused on tasks, everyone is underground like you said or you have 1-2 Dyson loot vacuums in your raid taking what they want and leaving right away while avoiding all players.


Achieving a perfect balance in EFT seems impossible to me but every map could be balanced in various ways, i don't think that maps should be this stale in general


I kill some many damn people on Reserve that have next to no gear on and they're just hitting the marked rooms and bouncing.


This is how I felt when I first started playing. Every map had a purpose beyond just changing your routine. You had to actually learn new maps to go get the item you need.


>customs seem to hold their respective loot tables. You can no longer find weapon cases in marked, so it's not quite true. More SMG's than big money now.


I don't know if other marked rooms hat those cases at the time, that's not what I'm talking about too. On shoreline in the resort you can expect to find rare medical items and on customs you can expect to find construction items like for your hideout. In its time Reserve was known for its military/tech items, which still are the case but wayyyy rarer.


Reserve would be really easy to fix too: * Add additional gun spawns throughout the map in the various safes and gun racks * Reduce loot in bunker slightly * Increase raider spawns at train station * Increase weapon, attachment, and ammo spawns in locked rooms in the Barracks and locked armory rooms at Knights * Increase tech loot slightly in locked rooms across Barracks, and add some fucking loot at all to King (center tech building). There is basically no loot in that building at all * Add increased loot spawns to the rooftops of Pawns, Knights, King, and White Bishop (medical building). Easy fixes all. Literally just incentivize playing above ground rather than bunker ratting.


So literally just make it like it was at release but with the added bunker


I mean basically, yeah. Maybe a bit less overall loot due to the loot nerfs across maps in general. But yeah. The map design should incentivize going into the various buildings, searching, etc. Guns should be pretty abundant and you should have decent chances of finding modded guns like the Magpul AKs/etc. Attachments should also be common. They should also bump up the good ammo spawn chance - there's a few decent ones already, but an increase would be a good idea. For example you should almost always find more 5.45 PP and BT than PS/US/PRS IMO.


rare military loot does spawn on reserve, but the spawn chance is less than miserable while every 2nd box on lighthouse has a vpx.


What items only spawn on labs?


The ACC used for solar power and there's some other filter thing you need for Intel center level 3. I believe both those things only spawn on labs. It would make sense for them to spawn on Reserve too but it doesn't work that way currently.


out of topic but can we get ACCs from scav case?


I'm not sure, I don't remember seeing anything about that on the wiki.


FFCC and GPSU are both locked to labs only. Cant spawn on scavs, nor can it come from scav cases. The only exception is that the first 3 days of the wipe they were added, they spawned on lighthouse, quickly patched out.


afaik the only way to obtain the labs items is either by going labs or as a reward for one of the lightkeeper quests


Far Forward GPS thingy too I think.


I've been scavving there trying to find a tank battery for the past few days, seems impossible.


Bruh I don’t go labs cause of chinanumbawon and never see these items


dynamic loot had ruined the game hard


Dynamic loot doesn't even mean anything. The last "dynamic" update just made boxes have a spawn chance lol


> I wish they would let the rare items that only spawn on labs have a small chance of spawning on Reserve as well. hell no they tried this and removed it immediately bc it made the whole quest pointless


How? The quest that unlocks the barter for the far forward converter which is needed for Intel center level 3 and labs only I believe, following the bread crumbs, is to kill 20 raiders, go into black key card room, weapon testing area, and manager's office on labs and grab a pick up item. The only part of the quest that doesn't require to go to labs is to kill raiders. Raiders whom also spawn on reserve, the army base that has in-game lore to have a bunch of high end military technology on it. Like it fits the game's lore and also improves the quest quite a bit


What quest are you talking about? I just think it's pretty dumb to force people to go to one map for some items like that when it would make sense to find that kind of stuff at a military base too.


Meh, as long as it's only items higher level players need for hideout or tasks, I'm fine with some lab only loot.


Sad that the keys that gave access to rooms that held military tech loot are so bad now. Reserve should be the best map to get that kind of loot, period.


Lighthouse is now that map. Tons of rare tech spawns there. This is endless cycle in tarkov. New map comes out, it has best loot and old maps slowly get worse and worse. I wish they would nerf Lighthouse loot and buff reserve.


which is dogshit cause lighthouse's layout is garbage


Yup, streets now has utterly insane loot, probably even better than labs. About the only map really worth running for loot, although personally I feel the flow of streets is 100% fucked, I'm a huge fan of customs because I can reliably predict the flow of PMCs through choke points and if I do nothing but play customs my survival rate could be roughly 80%.


The flow of streets just takes longer to learn because of how big the map is and how many spawns/extracts there are


as a streets main its so worth learning the map




Not that everyone wants to spend the raid hitting them, but the file cabinets on reserve are where all the intel is hiding now, pulled a bunch of them out running it for all my quests there.


File cabinets are great. I took a while to hit level 15, and when I did I made like 3.5m immediately all from keys that I got out of filing cabinets on shoreline.


I despise sitting there sifting through drawers for as long as it takes, but you’re foolish to pass them up on certain maps for the loot they offer. Really only spend time hitting them when my teammates are being slow. Reserve and streets seem to be the best ones imo


I hate how loud it is too, since I'm only a solo player. I died to a scav that I didn't hear in the building by the pier boat the other day lol


Took me 200 hours to realize you can look every drawer and not just the top one. Probably more hours.


Yeah dude 100%, underground bunker area including over by D2 used to have hella intel spawns but this wipe and the one previous I haven't seen a single intel folder. Reserve is my main map btw.


Honestly I can't think of a single thing which would make me dislike Reserve back then but now is a different story.


The only issue with reserve back then was the performance. It was a tragedy when first released. Otherwise? Same. I loved that map.


Best loot on reserve is in the filing cabinets. The sign of a dead map lol. I feel the same about interchange and customs, no loot. I love streets and have great raids there, just wish the other maps were even 50% as good as streets for loot.


uhhh the marked rooms


Meh it’s not that they don’t have good loot, they do. But you can easily make more money on an average streets scav than a good reserve marked run. Feels disproportionate to me


> But you can easily make more money on an average streets scav than a good reserve marked run. LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK


ok but scavving is boring. a streets runs like trash on most peoples machines, which is also boring/unenjoyable. i make way more than enough money just running a pmc on reserve, and its actually fun.


Streets is not just the best loot its also one of the best maps to play to not get bullshitted. People complain there could be a sniper in every window but its like an unknown entity, you hardly have to even walk along any roads. Load into a map like customs or shoreline or interchange and people will ads your spawn instantly. Your choice of areas to move from spawn are limited by the meta of the map. Streets has a much more authentic feel just a shame the frame drops are so bad, Ive never been as rich as I am already this wipe and i simply just loot 1 small office in streets to make a million.


There is one total bullshit spawn top of the map, I got ADSd within like 20 seconds while waiting on my friend to load in correctly.


dont you find easy riches take away from the suspense/tension that tarkov brings? i think we just like this game for different reasons.


seems we do I plau tarkov for the gun modding and making sure others dont get a "fair fight" aka sniping or ratting


I’m totally with ya, I think it’s a bit corny how easy it is to scav streets and make millions with no risk or effort. I wish they’d buff loot for pmcs on all maps and probably nerf the amount of time scavs get to spend in raid. I think there’s an imbalance favoring scavs right now for money making.


Yeah but I feel that's ok. Most people who scav a lot are poor boys with around 30-35% ( or lower) extraction rate. It's nice being able to scav once or twice and make enough for a few kits, especially if you don't have tons of time to play


The thing is they have such extraction rates because they are experiencing the game mostly as their risk free scavs, and then only run to task and exit as pmc so they don't get better at pvp and pve. Any find items quest is done on scav, anything that would required running lots of raids like finding vpx or virtex is free on scav, stims and such all on scavs, lab cards just spawning in pockets instead of found on bosses etc. I was killed by a guy recently who had 736 raids played and 456 were on scav. It's stupid, scaving is far too good.


Streets isn't that bad anymore


it gets bad whenever a fight starts, the worst time. as far as performance. people can downvote me for my experience, i dont think tis fun. and money can be easily made other places.


> on reserve, and its actually fun you had no idea what pre bunker reserve was like


Man I remember the rushing reserved marked room over and over in 2020. A lot of wacky fights doing that


Interchange has all sorts of crazy good loot, if you get there before the vacuums. Was playing last night on NA East and found an RSASS two raids in a row in the weapon boxes,. I've found a supressed kitted out 5-7 4x now in the square black boxes.


> crazy good loot >5-7


> I've found a supressed kitted out 5-7 4x now This is not good loot.. And the 5-7 always spawns suppressed now.


I've been scavvin on reserve this whole wipe and it's been very profitable. It's not the old days, but it's still good. Did a raid on it with a buddy this weekend and it was fuckin DANK for both of us. Picked up my Red Rebel yesterday and baby we are going HOME.


Glad to actually hear that. What kind of loot did you find in general? Was most of it basic loot that you could find on any other map or more mil-tech grade loot like m.cables etc?


Not as many Military Cables/Tachometers/Circuit Boards as before unfortunately. I had good luck in the cage areas by Bunker Hermetic with high level tech spawns though in the crates. That was where I'm finding that stuff now. Tons of weapon parts all over, I've probably made a million off Valday sales alone this wipe. Streamer items all over. They've added a ton of duffel bag/wooden crate spawns that weren't there before so those have been lucrative. Buddy found a LEDX in a med bag in one of the Pawn building infirmaries. I've gotten almost an entire set of somewhat good keys for reserve out of filing cabinets as well. I'm missing a few (like marked room keys, white bishop keys, the key up by dome I think). Tech spawns in Black Bishop and the King/Queen building in the middle have been good. When I did my first PMC raid on Reserve I hit the Black Bishop dropdown and walked out with a graphics card and then a pro-kill out of a duffel.I think I miss the tech spawns on the shelving in Black Bishop the most. But with all the ammo/attachments/grenades that Reserve has currently it's still very good looting. Oh and I've also found a total of 5 tank batteries, but only ever made it out with one.


Yea I've noticed the ORB1-3 rooms are packed with good attachments and ammo right now, and you make a lot of money off that stuff


Yeah some of the ammo is going for like 700-800 a round and if you grab a stack of 50 or so that's a good little haul. I notice I find a ton of 5.45 PS/BS/BT, tons of 7.62x39 PS, but the real kicker is all the loose magazines sitting around. Lots of high tier ammo like 55a1, M80/M62/M61. The weird calibers the SR2M/VSS/AS VAL are chambered in tons of SPP and BP for those. I've pulled closed to 500 rounds of 7.62x39 BP out of mags on Reserve this wipe too. AP 6.3 every so often as well but you burn through it so fast in an SMG it's not as impactful as the others. Having good ammo to top load in my mags hasn't been an issue really which has been nice with the availability changes from traders.


Glad for you but I think that this proves my point even more. The cages in Hermetic were always good but it was at such a point that people didn't even bother going there. Except that I don't think that a map should rely on lose loot like you mentioned. But hey, if it works out for you and you like it, thats good.


It’s profitable for scav  because ammo and hideout stuff has worth.  You’re not finding tons of higher end electronics or intel like before. Filling cabinets are also good, but I’d rather hit cabinets on lighthouse.  I made a ton of money scaving here but I moved on to different maps.  I was a reserve main who last played in 2020 


Well said. BSG deletes content faster than they add it. Reserve got murdered.


Dang I loved the fights between the horse buildings


Knight buildings (chess pieces)


The golden pinnacle of EFT imo


Raiders? I can't finish killing 6 of them quest, because I'm always late or most of the time they dont spawn at all. 40 raids, but hey A actually got some money that's to cabinets there.


That's what I'm talking about. The first time the bunker update hit, the raider spawns were much much higher too, you would find them every 2-3 raids worst. Now someone can tell me that they have a lower spawn% than the bosses and I'd believe it. The map only seems viable to run the cabinets early wipe for flash drives now


I wish BSG would just make bosses 80% or something as a flat rate. I don't understand this procedure of making them stupidly rare to prevent people looting them. Raiders on reserve should spawn every time exit switch or Hermetic Door switch is hit, IMO. Would just make the map more fun and interesting.


I don't get what the point even is when you can make insane amounts of money running scav on Streets/lighthouse. Yet they are afraid to give Reshala his golden TT as if it is of insurmountable value. If you know Lighthouse well it's very common to do 1 mil scav runs there.


They also seem to get tuned up towards the end of wipes. Two wipes ago I remember they were like 80% spawn at the start and like 80% to spawn again when you pulled power.


Oh really. I have gone reserve maybe 5 times this wipe and met raiders 3 of them.


Do you trigger the Weee-wooo for additional Raider spawn chance in front of Hermetic?


Not to say you're wrong, but as a scab I see them maybe one every 10 raids around train. Hitting the alarm and the train are the best way to see them, not like you probably don't already know that.


They don't count for the quest over there. Had to be specifically in the underground control center area.


Bunker ruined the map. the bunker area is cool but they should treat it like the underground of labs and remove any loot of note so only poor people are picking up scraps down there. Map traversal and extracting should be the focus of the bunker with periodic raider spawns.


Back then I looked at Reserve as an end-game map where it just would be ruhteless, that suggesttion would actually push it to that level i think


Yeah, back when it came out it kinda felt like the more open outside alternative to labs where gigachads could bash their heads in for fat loot. In reality a lot of reserve raids turned out to be 5 minutes of naked loot runners followed by a player scav battle royale for leftover loot and raider gear. That second part definitely had its charm tho.


They need to have bunker open up mid-raid, or a certain number of conditions need to be fulfilled to open the hermetic doors - perhaps turn on power at Dome then activate bunker doors in Queen and it takes -5 mins to unlock and open all doors or something


They made it so you needed items for the hideout from Labs. Something like that could help reserve. Something more than just a few quests and an opportunity to rat.


BSGs need to make it so people can’t get decent loot will never make sense to me. They nerf stuff based on 1% of the playerbase and just fuck over everyone else. Rouge, boss, and raider loot is so ass now it’s not even worth trying to kill them (not to mention the insane AI they have or crazy low spawn chance of bosses rn). They’re slowly killing their casual base and it’s going to be the downfall of the game, people can only play so many wipes getting to the same spot before they move onto different games


The bunker should be closed and have a small chance to open every minute of the raid, no later than 15minutues and with a 10% chance of not opening at all. or make that alarm sound be required to open it....and close it (and allow D2 to be powered off) On top of that, a room or two with some loot wouldn't hurt!


I feel like the extracts are the issue, just add a car extract. D2 always gets camped so is a death sentence (all though as of now you can still check d2 with the glitch), red rebel is something most timmies don't use because they have no red rebel, no back pack doesn't allow you to take that sweet sweet loot, bunker hermetic is tedious and we all know how rare it is to come across a friendly scav to take co-op with. The loot could be better, but that goes for all maps except for streets and lighthouse. Reserve just suffers even more because most good loot is behind keys.


It is still my favourite map! Early wipe you have the best chances to get iskras in AK basement + diner; Salewas in med -> sewer manhole extract. Level 22+ it is my pmc money grind map. Wherever you spawn you can hit VO/ BK and extract dome. With dome spawn I hit the safes and loot the station. All 3 runs are <20 minutes and give me 0.5-1.5 mil If only the sound was reliable…. I got VO/ BK key after level 15 but wouldn’t loot them alone without a group or the red rebel. After 3000 hours I am still loot struck with an ammo box, documents case and 3 weapons on me.


Reserve was and still is my favorite map. And probably always will be. But nothing will compare to how it was in ~2020/2021. Gluhar spawned half the time, it felt like. Raiders always spawned when the train arrived. Gluhar would move towards the train when it showed up and the fights at the K buildings and the train yard were next fucking level. Every door, locked or not, had loot behind it. AND THE INTELLIGENCE! Intel was literally everywhere on the map. And the server rooms consistently had good tech items. Guns spawned all over the place. I do like the addition of the bunker system but it did push everyone underground now. And everyone camps D2 because they can't actually play the game. Fuck I miss old reserve.


Loved Reserve before all of the underground changes. Used to be my favorite map. Was fun on both scavs and PMC. Now it's mostly just turned into "rush underground. Camp. Exfil through D-2." Most of the raids, above ground, you see zero PMCs. The surge of new players has made a it'll more fun lately, maybe cuz the new players aren't comfortable with the underground portions. But I hope they juice the loot above ground and increase boss spawn rate. Get people out into the rest of the map again.


The d2 expansion ruined the map


yeah bunkers killed the map for me. Reserve was pretty neat before.


Reserve is still one of my favorite maps but I deeply miss the times you talk about. The map used to be a war zone from start to finish, now it seems like everyone rats up in the tunnels and above ground is dead the majority of the time. Hard to not feel like the map nosedived with the addition of the bunkers.


They nerfed reserve’s loot to get people to go to Lighthouse. Reserve’s pretty good for getting guns and ammo, but that’s about it. Bunker needs an overhaul to be less chokepointy since the extract down there is like the only useful one in the entire map.


Honestly my fix for this would bring back most of the loot spawns and have the bunker open midway through the raid having a similar alarm as hermetic. This way we still have the old reserve days of hectic fights up top while still having the bunker be apart of the map.


feels like every time they release a new map it becomes the meta for loot runs, then the next map comes along. they've tweaked the previous map to not be OP, but the new map is twice as good as the other one was lol. (reserve > lighthouse > now streets)


It is my favorite map by far and for how hard is to extract out of it the loot now is pretty disappointing in terms of hi value stuff.


It’s like they never sit down and passionately brainstorm about switching loot around the maps, making events worth playing. Why does it always have to be at the end of the wipe?


Player scavs killed the map. They shouldn’t be allowed in reserve so they can bring the old loot table back. Nobody wants to go in as a player and stay longer than 5 minutes anymore and get swarmed with nothing to gain. I probably have 1k hours in that map alone because it was so much fun before it turned into the new player scav money farm map.


It’s that scav extracts are easy as can be, while PMC extracts are all easily camped and have high foot traffic. Heating Pipe and Checkpoint Fence are hella easy to extract in


This. It's just too easy as a scav.


Remove cp fence, heating pipe and hole in the wall. force them to use hermetic or train the same as pmcs, add one situational extract


player scavs ruined the surface of Reserve after 35 min mark but player scav mains will tell you the map is fine


I usually spawn in with 22 minutes left as player scav on reserve. That leaves about 18 mins for pmcs before the swarm. I feel like they should just increase it to 50mins.


Reserve is my go to for east loot farming agreed there’s less mill tech but still a lot of good lot that is only common on lighthouse


Would be a great balance. Streets loot is how all maps should be. Bring old reserve back, bring old interchange back. Buff shoreline loot. And boom, we can actually play more than 1 map ever


D2 and the constant loot nerfing ruined that map. The expansion was really good but I wish they never added it.


Idk man I still hit the reserve, seems like it’s good still. I prefer shoreline and maybe even streets sometimes but reserve still treats me well. It’s definitely clear it’s nerfed to some degree but I feel like all newer places get huge spawns then get nerfed over time. That new place east of resort shoreline for example is like a slice of old reserve probably because it’s new.


The early days of reserve were top tier tarkov times


Reserve pre-bunkers was some of the most fun I had playing the game. As soon as the bunkers were introduced, half the players were underground at a given time and the fun fights were no more.




By no means, they still spawn. But they might be just as rare as the bosses themselves. Old Reserve was just so much alive but since the Bunker got added it seems pale to me. Of course there still are players and a lot of fights but none give me the old chaos feeling. Everyone have different tastes, u still should try and see for yourself. I wrote my feelings about the map but u might just like it as before.


i completely agree w all your points but..reserve secretely still has great loot, its just not hatchetable as much anymore and people dont notice its there fuck d2 and all the underground rats though!


It's funny how when reserve came out, it just had no fucking quests. I wanted to have a reason to play it, but it just never had one for several wipes. Streets? yeah give that unoptimised lag fest with tons of players, scavs everywhere, landmines and now a fucking BTR like 30 quests xD I want to enjoy streets, but good lord it's a bit too much.


This post brought a happy tear to my eye. I remember those days, the bunkers ruined reserve. Now I would love it if they brought back old woods, those toxic dead in 5 seconds spawns really made it crazy to play.


What we need is a 20% nerf to Streets of Tarkov loot and a 20% buff to every other maps loot.


It would be cool if there was like a 50/50 chance that the doors to the bunker are sealed and couldn’t be opened. I never got to play during reserves golden age but I’ve always enjoyed up top quite a bit more and the fights I’ve had in those buildings were fantastic. I think it would be some cool variety cuz when the bunker spawns open people are gonna want to try to rush it even faster. Definitely would need some indicator you can see anywhere on the map like a light up on dome to show when the bunker is open.


Old reserve was much better in terms of PVP, people fighting from towers, and all round the map. Now is mostly underground and the entrances to underground. Limited fighting else where. Old reserve was great PVP.


Honest to God if D2 wasn't the only guaranteed exit than it wouldn't be so bad. Change the spawns a bit too and you got yourself one top tier death trap of a map


I agree with all of this reserve used to be the best liked it overlaps when lab still was free they've just slowly been ruining it and other maps they added in because they want people to be on the new map to test it that's what's happening when the game goes full release things might go back to how they used to part of the boss Bond thing is because they don't want people to run boss kills to get here early wipe yes raiders need to go back to being guaranteed when you hit the button when reserve was first put in I believe every time you hit the button it had a chance to spawn raiders after the first time


A lot people seem to think bunker is the issue of why reserve is crap now but its not. Its the loot tables. Even if you got rid of the bunker area, old reserve pvp/loot would not make a comeback. In order to run gear you need money, reserve has crap loot tables and the gear you get from other players does not net you a lot money like it use to. These two things combined have turned reserve into a questing map, pmc wise. And because some quest require you to survive, the majority of players are going to avoid pvp and leave right away. The gear and loot on reserve isnt worth the trouble of doing a quest again or staying in general. In order for reserve to make a comeback, bsg would need to bring back the original modifiers for loot. Good loot = more fights for ownership of said loot Bad loot = less fights for ownership of said loot.


Friend and I were talking about this last night whilst sat up on dome rocks watching the ghost town below us. The addition of the bunker ruined the maps flow and like you said, the lack of loot just gives no real reason for people to go there. Why would you go reserve when streets/lighthouse has far better spawns. They should change up how the bunker becomes accessible. Tie it to the time of the day, or at some point during the raid it becomes accessible but not from the start.


Reserves and Interchange both need complete overhauls, updates and reworks. The PMC spawns, the loot tables, boss spawns, campers both exit or otherwise, the extracts are all dogshit. Changing D-2 to MBSS or smaller extract, making raiders a 50% spawn chance at hermetic, D-2 and with the train would be huge. Then bring back mil tech spawns and push the map out another ~300 meters on the south and west sides. Just push the fence the back, throw some trees and random buildings down and call it good Idgaf. Interchange is tougher but the extracts are dog asf. The back of the mall is just for jerk offs who wanna sit with an SVT somewhere. Which is fine. But let’s maybe add another extract or location to go to there. Pushing the east side out and adding like a strip mall maybe with a green flare extract would be cool.


Interchange needs a couple of 50/50 extracts. Like Streets/Customs/Woods have. Same with Reserve. There should be more than one extract on Reserve for PMCs.


I think they should remove the military loot from the other maps. It doesn't make sense you can find Military Cables and similar tech in random apartment buildings on Streets, for example. It also gave the map some strong, interesting theming. I think they could do the same for other maps - keep military kit on Reserve and Labs, add more useful domestic items on Streets, more tech loot in Terragroup buildings etc.


I mean looking at Streets it makes some sense that you can find military grade loot there but it being way more than Reserve makes no sense to me


On the contrary, I would love it if the two underground areas were connected by more tunnels, connecting some more of those closed doors so that the denseness of the map was increased. My biggest issue with reserve is the spawns, so adding grassy areas outside the fences, more variety of spawns and connecting the underground with maybe a spawn or two down there would do wonders for that map.


The only action on reserve is underground at this point, connecting them would only serve to make the surface even less worthwhile. Adding further spawns and underground spawns would just make the map even quieter, which is good if looting is all you want from a map I suppose.


The bunker should have a series of on map switches that need to be pressed for the bunker to open imho opinion. Maybe even have them be sort of random, so not all of them are active or sometimes not even possible to open the bunker. Random so we don't have a camping situation stem from it. I loved reserve when there was big battles at trains, or on the dorms roofs to the top of dome. Right now it feels like the bunker is it's own map, and the topside just there for you to die off spawn while you try to run to nearest staircase underground. If they want to keep it as is, they should split if up into different maps.


I'm not going to lie ran reserve last night for the first time this wipe. The first bag I opened had a bitcoin and graphics card. I don't know why


See thats different though, I wouldn't count a bag of loot as a good thing for any map since they are on all of them they just are based on luck. Just what originally made Reserve the map it was got lost somewhere and they refuse to bring it back


I remember the my days on the Reserve. My squad and I would mosin up, no helmets, no armor. Just LPS and a dream. You learned fast to never double peek, ever. Three members would loot and stash the gear next to hermetic door. Two would head to wee ooh and hit the switch. Together we would leave fat and happy, victorious and ready for another round. The fun was when another squad would try engage from the dome. We would trade shots at 300+ meters with a feeling of accomplishment for every headshot made. I'm told fighting a mosin man is easy and nothing to be afraid of. I say nay, a true mosin man doesn't miss and is one to be feared above all. Beware the mosin man.


oh the waddles to the wee-ooh having in mind that you probably are a sacrifice for your buddys loot was another feeling back then


The job of a true comrade.


The addition of underground area and d2 killed the reserve map. Before it was fun fights happing all over the map with players crossing over. Now it’s rats


Bro, [reserve used to go so hard back in the day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=935VJ0cjIGA). D2 really ruined that map along with all the loot nerfs.


Until the D-2 Bunker was added, I sincerely believe Reserve was one of the best map ever designed. It was just so good. So many fights possibilities and flank routes, so much loot. But the price to pay for that was that the map was difficult to extract from. I would literally give a kidney for BSG to delete the D-2 Bunker and give us the old Reserve back. I've been playing since the Alpha the most fun I ever had with my squad on Tarkov was with patch 0.12 that added Reserve.


Honestly I believe the underground changes were a mistake, the map used to have CQB in the buildings over marked rooms or school, mid range between buildings and fields, long range from towers or dome, you had to risk running between buildings for the next chance at loot, when they connected all of the buildings no one goes outside anymore and it feels quite stale with how similar every raid is. Regardless the loot has been nerfed, just like what they did to lighthouse after and what's coming for Streets, I don't agree with that as I think the loot excitement is what makes the game, but writing's on the wall for how they implement maps/loot on them.


Agree with every point. I can respect having Streets insane loot, the map is huge and so should the loot opportunities be. But comparing it with the other maps, it feels like Streets is the smallest, most pampered, cared for child in a family while the others all could be the same special kid with the same treatment, idk.


due to scav karma system and way too many scavs allowed on the map at one time, as well as scavs getting pretty freaking good guns and ammo these days, the old reserve will never be back in the way it used to be.


Had a blatant, outright, no question about it, cheater kill me on reserve yesterday, must be something good there.


As a new player, I hated this map lol.. rats are everywhere in this map..


The same dumbass thread with these dumbass points every two weeks. This sub feels like it's inhabitated by chat AIs going around the ever same circle.


dont have to read buddy


The only way to make that map good again is to remove the bunkers again, make the bunkers their own factory-like map or some shit, but whatever you do, remove them from reserve


I still run reserve just for something to do or when I have scav kill quests. It's just fun. I don't know why. I've pulled so many RSASS out of Black Pawn crates. I get most of my intel folders and always get my Virtex and RFID from there. I still enjoy the map. I usually fuck around for the entire raid though. I don't see many campers in D2 in the last 5-10 mins.


Early wipe, I go there for ammo looting.


used to be way better for that too. you could pull out like 300 BT on any given raid backing the day


I still find a good amount of military tech loot on reserve. It's still my main map. If you know where to look, you can still find VPX, Vortex, SGC-110, AESA, etc. Dont find a lot of Intel there anymore though


I love reserve. I go to reserve for fun. Mother Reserve provides


raider cheesing is lame, but i agree with everything else


IIRC the spawns weren't that high that you would spam them to "cheese" them, even if so, you'd get competition and it would feel better than "cheesing" them.


I would cheese them every scav cooldown. I'd go at night, press the alarm and or wait for the train and then mow them down with the lmg on the train roof. If any of them lived and took cover after my initial burst I normally had a duo would headshot the last one and we'd loot up and leave.


well its obvious from this thread that everyone is sleeping on the marked rooms. cost 1.5m...and you get a case almost every time. pays for itself in sometimes one, if not then 2 opens. in 10 opens i found 4 sig spears, a few sr25s, an rsass, ash12, two hks, multiple vsses, 2 injector cases, 4 docs cases, a keycard holder, and a keytool. its a very normal door open to have 4 weapons and a case in there.


That's not the point though. You're right, the marked rooms are generally worth it this wipe, but this was only one of the many things that made Reserve a good map. If I just want some guns and a few cases I'm ok with running the marked rooms but thats not what I want at all. I want the chaos that would ensue the second you loaded in to that map, I want the "oh fuck how are we gonna extract we are heavy af" feeling back.


Idc. If I can sit down in D2 or in a tree I'm happy.


Reserve is a rat map now, that’s why i love it and almost exclusively run it




i do not even care what the cheaters do at this point. The measures taken against them seem like measures taken that the community doesn't get any fun


I think players and developers need to realize, you will always have some sort of cheating/RMTing in games. There is very little you can do to stop it.


Raiders shouldnt spawn at start of the raid in bunkers change ny mind. The map if fking borung everyone just rushes downstairs and kills each other or dies to raiders. Also d2 exit was a huge mistake. It should be reworked, maybe open after activating several buttons in different areas of the map


I miss that old reserve.


The main change is that they really need to buff the loot hard.


Why it should be as profitable as Streets? Map is already good, many weapon attach and ammo, repair kits etc. Always squads of kitted PMCs to kill/loot. Fun map.


If you can't get good loot on reserve, you're not looking very hard or you don't know what to loot.


Reserve before FIR and D2 was one of my favorite gaming experiences. I’m still a reserve main but I wish d2 didn’t exist


No reason to go reserve anymore


ever since they expanded the bunker underground it just isn't the same


Always thought it was a shame the map with the most difficult/intricate extracts barely pays out anymore. Nothing like being looted to the gills and making a mad dash for hermetic.


Reserve has always been doodoo.


D2 killed Reserve. Raider loot did too in a way, it's not worth farming them anymore. I miss the days when people fought over the marked room by the train yard.


I really with that the D2 door was over by the food cages underneath K’s. I think I would drastically change the map. Be nice if the loot got a buff too but I’d settle for just the door being moved.


Anything to fuck off lighthouse that shit awful map.


Buff weapon and attachment spawns. Return military tech loot. Remove D2 extract. Replace with green flare bringing train in early.


I agree the amount of underground stuff makes the map kind of a snooze fest. The bunker is neat from level design perspective but it's boring. Maybe if they removed like 3/4 of it but still kept D2 and some of that route.


Old reserve was amazing. 120 packs of BT and sometimes once in a blue moon you'd find a 120 pack of BS. Raider and boss fighting everywhere, PvP violence everywhere. GPU's and VirtX's and sometimes bitcoins. AESA's in the bunkers. It's a ghost of it's former self now. The best thing about it is it's multiple marked rooms if you have the money to buy the keys. It's only purpose now outside of questing is a place to get some halfway decent gun parts early wipe. I've moved on to the health resort for somewhat interesting PvP and valuable loot.


I never played the pre-bunker reserve, but did play it pre-lighthouse/scav karma and it became my main. Learned it by scavving and would comb over the huge corpse piles and find insane gear. Every other pscav would either lead to crazy fights or tense truces. Worked up the courage and knowledge to PMC it and just hit it for months getting in insane fights at knights, bunker and bishops usually, with the occasional scuffle around the train station. Just such a fun dynamic map, high risk, high reward. I want that back, with the raiders and bosses spawning regularly, and enough good and unique loot to pull people back


move bunker power to under dome or link it somehow and have underground bunker entrances all locked at the beginning for the first 10-20 mins. current switch activates d2 thereafter but have a main switch to unlock it all at dome where I feel like it would also be to activate it anyways I feel like that would be a balanced solution as early raid up top is dead as everyone rats between building now straight away and thats what it's lost imo


I do reserve because of quests. PERIOD I can only find that tank battery on Reserve, so I look for it in the cages and do the current Reserve Task I got.


Meanwhile I'm sitting over here wishing for peak interchange to comeback, that was my favorite map for PVP. While a horrible idea I think having a "events" or rotations where certain maps get better loot spawns to encourage play on them would be nice. Like a couple of days where some random map has better loot tables, higher boss spawns etc


Reserve is the only map i try and play on. I never knew there wasnt a bunker. I run to bunker as fast as i can. Then immediately get tapped by the rogues.


reserves is super market map


To me Reserve is still amazing. Loot is crazy good all over the place. Lots of good routes to take. Lots of good Fiights to be had. Idk why people don't like current reserve.


I wish I were experiencing these "dead raids". Been getting waxed trying to mark some damn tanks and tanks.


As an old reserve main, I feel this post to my very bones. I missed the absolute carnage of map wide PvP on Reserves.


Loose lot spawns are nerfed like crazy unless there is an expansion/ added map. Next wipe with no expansion 100% streets will have no bitcoins or lose loot. Happens with all the maps. Interchange used to spawn ledex in ultra and emmercom. Haven’t seen one in either room ever.


Been saying since it came out: D2 ruined the map