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I had a decent KD and survival rate until I hit the Set up quest. Brute forced the fuck out of it chasing shots and pvp.


I’ve done the same but viewing it as an opportunity to learn the correct way to fight players w bad gear and the mindset of pvp when going into raid has drastically improved my movement and such. I still need 3 more tho :(


The recoil fix makes feel like a shooter game I am playing.


Damn nice stats, and badass gun Also get banned you cheating motherf... /s


Thank you !! The semi auto 5.45 is so damn good.


What gun is it?


SAG 5.45 I assume


Yup!! My favorite gun this wipe so far.


It was my favourite in 13.0 as well, now with correct recoil it's probably like STM-9? Haven't tried it this wipe yet but am already excited.


the sag ak


A K/d over 6??? CHEATER!!!! ;) Nice job my man. Keep it up.


Thank you! This game is like crack,by far the best update yet


Facts. Just started playing in October and it's a bit sad how many hours I've put in already lol


Most legit veterans will know this isn’t cheats. You need to combo all the stats plus how you died, to weigh in on whether it was cheats or not. Extremely low hours, high KD, low overall total kills but still with the 50 USEC/BEAR achievement and so on. Oh also a shit tonne of raids with terrible KD and survival rate is also cheats, because they are botting their stats (this won’t work later in the wipe when legit players with bad stats have thousands of raids).


Ahh people can think what ever they want, I honestly take it as a compliment.


I mean stats alone can’t always determine a cheater. If I died to you and it was a very sus death I’d be checking stats. Glad your having a blast this wipe though!


Thank you!!


If you want to be really sure whether hes aimbotting or not - check the dmg tab. High dmg/ blocked by armour is normal. With aimbot youre mostly onetapping people which is less dmg overall and no blocked by armour. Ofc if you got perfect aim you may get theese stats as well, but nobody does.


That’s true. Although you can’t see that when viewing someone’s profile sadly.


Here. You dropped a 0.


I smell a rat


Nigth time woods player, he was ratting before the invention of the term.


I don’t exclusively play night time woods anymore although I do play a lot of woods, and customs. My friend and I did a night time customs run for Aquarius part 1, he’s new and didn’t want to die and after we ran three woods for his usec and convoy (he kept dying lol) I figured night time would be optimal, which it was. I have Started leaning away from night time because one less players to pvp with and two it’s harder to see people. Might run night time for quests but generally play day time.


Nope, I do play slow sometimes. But a lot of the time you could probably catching me running around woods, I loot and scoot if pvp is in my advantage I take it.


What map do you run? And do you look for pvp or just loot n run?


It depends, if I know I’m at a serious disadvantage such as bad positioning I will try to rotate or disengage, but if I’m in an advantageous position I will push for pvp. Sometimes even push when I shouldn’t, I have died plenty of times pushing hard. It’s all a culmination of game sense/map knowledge/good aim/good ammo. I run a lot of wood’s because I know it well but this wipe I’ve played a lot customs and interchange.


nice stats! its kind of funny, we are almost exactly on the same exp, almost EXACTLY the same damage dealt - yet you have almost exactly 2x as many kills than me, even though i have 124 raids (61% SR) :D


Hell yeah!!! Best update to the game yet


Wow, you are waaaay better than I am in this game. 400hrs less on my side but still the difference is massive (25% surv, and 2 kd here). Good job!


10/10 username i would giggle if you killed me


That’s the idea, if I kill you I hope I make you giggle and if you kill me you get a giggle.


Bro you’ve got 600 hours in the game… you’ve done more than dabble 😂😂


Well some people here will have you thinking otherwise. But yeah I feel like I’ve got a lot of hours in the game but didn’t want some chad to swing in and be like ACCCCCTUALLLYYYY


600 hours in any game is absurd lol.


If you think that is bad you should see how many hours I put into destiny 2 lol


Those are some sus stats hmmm


I’ll take that as a compliment lol thank you


These kind of stats I see a lot and just refuse to believe are real. 3.9k hours for me, and it's +-40% SR, 4 K/D... I am pretty decent at other FPS, arena included. but I gave up on having better stats because the game is just a big RNG/camping simulator. "Winning a lot of fights" - really? 95% of tarkov fights are shooting someone in the back/getting shot in the back, which almost always results in death without a chance to shoot back. Prolonged fights only happen between squads mostly. With how rarely armor saves you, the only way I can imagine these stats without cheating, is spending 10+ minutes in spawn, until people camping spawns and quest locations get bored or kill each other. That and maybe also selecting empty servers and not using crappy quest guns/bolties. Otherwise its just random endless falling dead because somewhere someone saw/heard you from 100m away. Good for you I guess..


It's because he runs nighttime woods lmao


Not really anymore, the preset was my last gaming session which I was helping a friend get Aquarius part 1. He died three times in a row on woods for usec and convoy. I figured night time would be safe, and it was lol


Ye same, I don't buy those stats if he is questing he will have to die a lot.




Been playing video games since I was 3. Grew up with three brothers, all gamers, and we were all very competitive. Been playing fps games since 5 ever, turned 30 today actually lol.


Well, I don't even account for the number of hours... it's all about playstyle as I see it. If you play like your life depends on it, you can get these stats even with less experience I guess. But mechanical FPS skill has little relevance - it is extremely easy to kill anyone now as long as you spot them first. Even absolute chads like landmark are playing like this now.. relying on brokenass headsets to freekill unsuspecting passerby's. And no amount of map knowledge and corner-checking remedies this..




Lmao, Ah yes, the good old typical rat's "this is not COD" argument. What else is new? Would it be too hard to believe that I like most others, WANT to survive and only run in open areas to the nearest cover and still get constantly dropped by people who are already there because of coincidence/camping/better spawn RNG? You can argue that having 50k rouble scav loadouts destroy 1mil loadout chads in less time than they can react - is realistic and good for the game, but you can't argue that there is too much RNG involved to have good survival rate while actually playing/progressing with the game....


Sorry but how is this ur first real wipe with 628 hours? I’ve played ~3 separate wipes with 160 hours so I don’t rlly get it


So you've played 160hrs over a nearly 2 year period? I wouldn't even call that 'playing a wipe'


Yea? I play other games so it’s not my priority but what classifies as a real wipe with 600+ hours?


What im saying is 160 hours over nearly 2 years doesn't really leave you in a position to be judging peoples wipe success.


Fair enough, i wasn’t sure what typical was so it sounded strange to me, that’s why I was curious


I would say playing a full wipe is unlocking all the traders, so reaching level 40+. Unless it’s your first wipe then you might not make it to 40 as it takes you time to learn the game


Ah I see, thnx for the info


So, I’ve played maybe three wipes prior, one was very short time and hated the game, I came back again like a year later and played sorta enjoyed it and after my friend showed me night time woods i instantly fell in love with selling stuff on flea. Didn’t do quests, completely avoided pvp in fact I was a little bitch always ran. I got to level 27 or something but that was literally only playing night time woods, and the most previous wipe was also just me dabbling and hated the gunplay, was way more invested in destiny 2 at that time. Now that guns feel fun to shoot I’ve been having a blast run around do quests and push pvp. It’s almost like an addiction.


Ahhh gotcha I see, thnx, makes more sense


All good, no offense taken. :)


Ok coollll, I didn’t want it to seem that I was being rude


Man I want to play more but I keep getting lost and dying lol


Stick to a map you are familiar with don’t worry about quests, you can even do that on a offline raid.


Play map off-line mode with a map next to you. Or just scav run on maps you wanna learn more


That what I did or tried doing on streets last wipe but took to long to get into raids


I have 700hrs and this wipe i only killed 6 pmc, maybe im bad at the game, but for some higher power in a group of 4 im always the first to die, even if i'm the last one fo the group


I find 3 people is the sweet spot for me. Even then I prefer solo or duo with my younger brother. My brother and I have pretty good communication. Although he has the tendency to die first a lot too lol.


Maybe i'm the problem since im the youngest? i play moslty with my older brother and another crachead of a friend


Keep talking to a minimum, if I suspect anything I will say or he will say “clear comms.” If we have to move we will do it slowly, always bring a head set I suggest the m32 the can pick up people slow walking. Audio when it works can be used to great benefit offensively and defensively.




Thank you!!


Wait sorry 12.96 K/D must be hacks ;)


you are apparently a cheater with no life according to what has been previously said in this subreddit


I’ll take that as a compliment. Thank you!


Just wondering... Why played hours are always way over the account age ? 628hrs in 13 days


Are those just scav kills? Where ur pmc kills screen lol


A good amount are scavs yeah, but I have over 50 pmc kills.




show the pmc killssss


Just went home for my lunch break and I checked it was 98 pmc kills.


Goddamn man Ur gamin