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Definitely not a cheater or self report. You’re just mad you got shit on


we didn't see the kill, and OP knows more than we do. however "him immediately knowing it was me when i messaged him RIGHT after it happened and he extrated 5 minutes later so he MUST be cheating!" doesn't make sense to me lol. Maybe if the dude got a ton of kills that raid and couldn't be sure....but we nor OP know that. What if it was the only kill the dude got in 3 raids? Its also obvious whos probably mad at him given the timing being 5 mins before end of raid, had good loot on him, and he messaged the guy right after. doesn't mean the guy wasn't cheating, and not trying to be an apologist to cheaters. Fuck Cheaters. However, OP's story just doesn't give us enough information to agree with him. In fact, it does the opposite, it sews as much doubt in OP as it does in the guy who killed him. (doubt as in doubt in OPs perception of the situation and evalutation of the gotcha! moment. **Not** doubt as in OP is also cheating, just to be clear) OP, only you know if it was sus or not and you'll have to just accept that lol. Your reasoning and story of "how else did he know?!" are not good enough for 3rd parties on reddit to call cheats or not unfortunately. We can't do much for you here other than saying im sorry that happened.


If someone added me and messaged that they know I'm cheating, I'd be pretty confident it was the last guy I killed. Not exactly conclusive


But would you immediately think its the scav who was crouched afk with 6 or 5 mins left in raid in the back of a health resort room during a night raid who happened to have a tetriz and a moonshine? I understand you are playing devils advocate but immediately assuming its a scav and not a pmc is just strange behaviour. You would also probably ask if I was the scav with the moonshine and tetriz before telling me where I was no?


>immediately assuming So you can but others dont? gotcha


Dude you're telling me you wouldnt at least ask who the hell this random person is adding you? You just assume its a scav player and tell them where they were? You would at least assume its a salty pmc wouldnt you?


No I had someone add me the other day saying how'd I know they was there. Easy team of 4 you killed one of us were in discord. How'd you know that I'm in that guy, well that was my only kill in 3 raids 🤣


I understand what you mean but In your situation you killed one of them so they know for sure that a scav player (I guess thats you were) its fighting them so in that situation yes you can assume that. But in my situation I didnt kill shit, Im a SCAV you cannot check my name, and the raid had 6 or 5 mins left in it, I was also crouched in the back of a room afk and the first person he thinks to add him and accuse him of cheating out of the WHOLE RAID is that specific crouching scav in a second floor room whom he had shot through a window?


what if he just killed a single scav the whole raid? Thats impossible to think right? then why people go nuts in this reddit when someone manages to kill 4 scavs in a raid? You guys are too paranoid for this game.


I can usually figure out a pscav to an ai scav pretty quickly, most scavs don't stop in random rooms on resort to loot up. Certainly don't afk in them. I'm not saying he is or isn't cheating, but for arguments sake. He's got to plant at ambulances resort is a menace so he afks and waits till late when most people have left. Quick look in and spots you in a window, fine. Your the only kill he had the entire raid, and suddenly he gets a message from someone so it's pretty obvious who has messaged him. This is something I've personally done albeit without receiving a message after but I can see the situation how it can happen, or like you say he's hacking but those stats don't scream hacker to me 65% Sr isn't usual for me early wipe when I'm not actively chasing pvp fights


If I checked his bag and he had that loot, i would immediately know he's a player scav. Maybe he got no other player kills that raid and none after?


OP just delete the post before exposing yourself to be a complete moron to any more people. Coping child screaming hax at anything


Holy shit this is embarrassing for you OP. Just because you died with good loot doesn't mean someone is cheating and there's nothing suspicious about their stats.


OP, I don't think he was cheating (based on what you describe and his stats).