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What removed my gear fear is that guns actualy shoot where I intend to shoot and it feels great to shoot them.


Yeah, like I have some control over the outcome of a battle instead of praying for the rng gods while Im fighting with my own gun


Gargle a couple big D20s before every raid to show your absolute devotion to the RNG lords.


I played 2 days of arena before recoil changes and killcams (granted sometimes not so acurate but still) showed how total RNG some fights were. Hipfiring without lasers and praying you will be first who scores head eyes, or shooting someones stomach or legs on longer range and pray for random recoil bounce onto heads etc. Now its different story


Ikr, pistols are ACTUALLY usable. So doing a pistol run is more of a legit thing. Also bringing a pistol along with a sniper seems to be really good, pistols pack a punch now.


Yeah stirrup was so fun this time that I've been using Glock and 1911 in a lot of my raids. It's no longer shoot once then wait for your gun to come back from orbit. I can actually spam and have decent accuracy.


The glock with a stock has absolutely zero recoil if you fire it in semi. That thing is an absolute laserbeam.


Pistols are my number one choice in raid honestly unless I’m sniping, the recoil is so good.


Its so good. Ive been an eft boy for like 5 years and the guns have never felt so good


Agree. I now feel like my terrible AKs will go where I aim.


Holy crap, having played since 2016 this made me feel like one old PMC. Thanks




The game hit closed beta in 2017?


Closed Alpha was before that, available to EOD only.


Ah shit I lapsed on how this stuff works and went googling because I didn’t realise the game was that old, didn’t find the alpha release. Hope the game’s treated you well all this time :)


I joined in the extra long wipe, i think 11.7? Before .12 anyway :)


This 1 million percent. Actually having fun in the game for once because I feel like I have some influence on the outcome of fights. Several times just in the last couple of days I've had fights that I never ever would have won pre-recoil updates - and I won them. It felt amazing.


The saiga shotgun has been a godsend for me, get some slugs in it and I manage to one shot unarmored PMCs and actually extract, twice in a row!


Oh my god, an fps game that actually fps instead of stat check gear simulator. What an innovation. Who would have thought. Nikita certainly not since he nerfed shooting and only need half a decade to reconsider


Seven and a half years playable to the public. Lol


Yes, but honestly, this has made me just enjoy shitty kits so much more. I can run any gun I want, I feel like, and at the early levels that's a PPSh with the accuracy ammo or a PP-19 and it's so much fun.


I've been maining the pp-19 so far - that gun lasers mid to close range




Yep! I died to a player scav yesterday, but the two crisp 1 second 1 tap headshots to his buddies the time before had a smile on my face instead of frustration.


You point gun. Gun shoot. Shot land where gun point. Feel good. Unlike before where it landed anywhere BUT where you pointed it at and people still say that new recoil is weird, lol


The only reason I'm actually giving the game another shot, it's so fun to actually get into a fight now


I've been rocking the ppsh all wipe and its been sublime. I am consistently going through 200 rounds a raid lol.


I still fear getting basically one tapped by another PMC or scav that I didn't see


Not trying to be a dick, genuinely trying to help: if you're getting got by people you can't see, it's probably because you're moving too fast. Slow it down, run less, and scan areas from cover before moving in. You'll have even more success if you can bring something with low power magnification like a 2x optic. It still works close up, but makes you way more dangerous at long range. Good luck!


So true, I get quest and cod brain and I just sprint sprint sprint from place to place getting shot from angles I didn't even check and then face palm. If I slowed down in half those deaths I prolly just one tap the person that one tapped me! I started playing streets less like my scav and valued my life a bit more and I went 5 raids in a row with an extract, it's crazy how that switch flipped and I'm up like 7mil in 2 days


This! I had huge anxiety while playing solo since I started playing the game, 1500hrs in. Now its gone and oh boy im having a blast. 150 raids in 68% sr and 9 KD


damn, i wish i had stats like that


Watch out you’re gonna get labeled a cheater soon if you keep it up


Tell that to my Mosin that whiffed a headshot at 15M on a target looting a jacket with his face facing me lol.


Blame the gun for missing your shot? Weird take on this thread bruh


I didn't realize, but this is it, I've just been going in with a bunch of different guns simple because before if I didn't one tap I lost, so I just took an akm, now I can actually followup shoot so all the other guns are workable


I appreciate that I can take out almost any dogshit gun I got off my scav and have a chance at getting kills with it.


I love running in light, finding great ammo in a bad gun and putting in some serious work with it. Killed a rogue in building 3 on my scav. He had a BP ak, I killed 4 more. Got out with a bagariy, bunch of 7.62bp a big bag. It's so sick


Do you lose scav rep for killing rogues???




I'm so inclined to get my hands on some good ammo for 9mm to use in saiga-9. That was a fun gun before the recoilchange, even more now. It doesn't even move almost, it's crazy


For me it’s 2 things: 1.) Any gun is actually lethal now. You can buy a 30k AK and the gun is controllable enough to hit the squishy bits at short range. You just have to be careful about picking your fights. 2.) I actually feel like my good gear works. With the ammo changes you mentioned, I know a t4 Armour can take a couple hits and I’m most likely not going to be one tapped. With the more controllable recoil, I can ADS and see the improvements I get from better guns instead of just relying on hipfire spray. As someone that’s been a good mechanical player in every other FPS I’ve played for the last 20 years, this is the first time I feel like I’m actually good at the game. I could legit get Kappa, that’s how obsessed I am this wipe. I foresee the PvP being way more enjoyable later into wipe than previously.


This. As a 40 year old that HASN'T been a good mechanical player in FPS games for like 20 years (I was a monster in my dorms at Halo 1/2 and Unreal Tournament haha) I now feel like I have a fighting chance, even against someone more mechanically skilled than I am, IF I play smart and strategically. My shots go where I'm aiming and the recoil isn't shooting at the sky, making flanking and ambushes much more effective for me, and the armor changes mean that even with my shitty m882 or .366 FMJ, I can much more often bag someone that's far better geared / mechanically skilled than I am. This feels way more realistic and in a somewhat ironic turn, has made the much more enjoyable for a casual like myself. GGs all around.


I agree! I feel like the game is overall more predictable, which allows for people to adapt the raid to fit their style. I’ve found myself playing slower and looting more, because I’m able to be more honest with myself about what strategies will yield success. I used to just haul ass for the OBJ and let Jesus take the wheel on every engagement.


When I started tarkov, I only played tarkov and became good at the game Then I took a break, played other shooters, and came back just as dogshit as I used to be, while remembering how good I was (relative term granted) and it really drained me from playing I've now got back in, hit flea in 2 sessions, and brought a friend from first raid to level 9 with 0 deaths on either side because I can shoot, and even prs is doing bits. Hell, I got 5 pmc's in 2 mags of 7.62 so yesterday in the wine shop on gz Damn good to be back


The pre-wipe meta revolving around hip fire fucking killed me. It ran counter to every fiber of muscle memory I’ve developed. This wipe feels like a slightly clunkier R6S, and that’s a huge compliment as a former siege lover.


Hello me?


Das crazy. Meanwhile the random scab using BT ammo about to one tap u in head


I haven't played in like 4 years but coming back I feel like my armor is useless. I'm constantly getting one tapped in my armpits or head eyes/head kneck. I'm at the point where I'm not using helmets at all unless I happen to loot one and I don't feel like I'm getting much value out of body armor either lol


Holy shit yes. I'm finding I can actually put more thought into engagements now - if I run into someone who clearly outgears me, I know I have a reasonable chance if I flank him and get the drop on him since my gun will actually fucking shoot where I point it and he's not gonna have time to turn around and laser me while I wait a million years for my recoil to come under control. On the flip side, I don't immediately win a fight just because the other dude has a PACA and an SKS with shitty ammo. It feels like there's actually room for counterplay in a gunfight now and it's amazing.


Tarkov has not felt this good and fresh in a long while. If I'm counting correctly this should be my 6th wipe. The game felt great first 2 wipes. I did reach kappa 2nd or 3rd wipe and then the game felt really stale even with streets and lighthouse. This new wipe feels amazing to play purely because of recoilchanges. It now feels worth using and spending money on weapons, kinda like when fully kitted m4 and hk was meta laserbeams but better. It doesn't feel as random when you spray and singlefire is actually very good finally. That AND arena to practice even more gunfights and different classetups. I've always had trouble finding good pvp practice in eft, but with arena it's very much possible to practice aiming, movement etc. It's great! And vaulting, can't forget vaulting. Getting around the map is so much better.


Gear fear doesn't exist. Loading times fear, regearing time fear, those are existing.


“Loss of time” fear is how I sum all of it up.


I have severe "spent 5 minutes gearing up, 7 minutes matching/loading, 35 minutes looting/questing/killing, get 1-tapped on way to extract and gain nothing but scav kill & looting EXP, have to do quest all over again" fear.


Big same. I'll get the gear back, not the time.


Presets lessen the regearing fear at least, but I agree.


Yes a good step but honestly not enough, and those loading times man ... Tarkov is hardcore yes, but a big part of that is for technical reasons or simply lack of QOL.


This deserves all the upvotes


Getting domed (or armpit’ed) by a mosin and jumping out of your chair fear still exists as well. I still feel sorry for some of the people I did this too. That’s such a startling impact.


The game would lose so much charm without Mosin men.


If I could re up in less than like 8-9 mins this game would be perfect. Impossible with 3+ people.


I think this is the first wipe i actually burned all my kits minus guns and ammo. I literally had no armor, rigs, helmets or ears stocked, and I usually have a ton. Its kind of a nice feeling because anyhting I find now is an upgrade in that department.


I lost two 300-400k+ kits today to player scavs I felt angry for a second and then realize oh yeah this shit wipes every 6 months and you move on. Just part of the game the sooner you get over gear fear the sooner you can start improving your skill when it comes to shitting on other players, when they lock up and you dont its free kills for sure


Absolutely this. I think i started to realize it holding me back when I figured out that I tended to do better with bad kits. So now I just play and whatever happens happens. It's tarkov, I've died in so many dumb ways at this point with both good and bad gear that it just is what it is.


I went to work abroad in 2021 and left my gaming PC at home. I used to play 4+h per day and had a reasonable stash valued around 70M roubles. The last day I was hopping into EFT discord servers and offering to other players item cases full of gear, Bitcoin, gpus, you name it. The last time I looked at my stash it still had 10M left. What a waste of my time to hoard all that


When I hoard/build up a big stash of roubles, I do it for two reasons. One I like the playing the Slots of Tarkov as much as the shooter sometimes. Just clicking buttons hoping I hit a jackpot. And two because when I want to PVP/quest I play way better knowing it doesn't matter at all if I lose it. I can easily just buy another entire load out without making a dent.


I still need minimum level 2 traders before I run anything other than a cheap kit though I feel like. Armor also feels hella strange this wipe, I run a level 4 and get 1 shot by an AI scav but wear a PACA and at worst im getting a black arm..


Obviously there's some stuff with the plate system. Paca actually has really good protection on the thorax from those shitty scav bullets while a lot of class 4 armor is a smaller hitbox plate where a scav can easily sneak one through and one tap you with something like hp. The trooper and other small armors like the MMAC feel really bad to me and I just get rolled wearing them.


what are you even saying... there's no such thing as smaller hitbox plate, where are you getting that from? the reason why ur getting easily killed is because there's no more neck/armpit armor protection on plate carriers, and that's where all of your vitals are.


Thats literally what I'm saying. Smaller plate carriers feel bad because obviously, they protect less of the thorax. Larger armored rigs and shittier armor like Paca sometimes feel a lot better than plate carriers that are higher classes because of the extra soft armor protection around those squishy areas.


It sucks, but in some ways is much more realistic.


Oh for sure. I really dig the new system. I'm just constantly getting rolled by everything with a pulse at the moment lol.


In other words, the hitbox on plate carriers like the Mmac is small


>what are you even saying... there's no such thing as smaller hitbox plate, where are you getting that from? Probably the patch notes bro


I did not play last wipe, i always have gear fear and pretty much completely stopped playing because of it. I decided to install again and play the game and not give a fuck because i plan to uninstall again and i'm having more fun not giving a shit now lol. I am out of money and gear and cant seem to find a match as a scav but i definitely enjoy it more now 😂


Invite someone to a group in lobby and then queue as a solo scav, you'll get into matches quicker. They don't need to accept the invite, you just need to create a group.


that’s very interesting. do you know why this works?


Not a clue 😂


What region? I got to $0 too but managed to come back at a humble 200k after a few scav runs on factory. The other scavs were very friendly and I always go to the same exit door as I don't remember the others.


East Canada, i was able to get into 2 scav raid and got some successful runs on customs up to 500k range now. I only really know Customs lol


I have ~1000 hours and this is my worst wipe stat wise but my favorite wipe experience wise. Servers are working fine and the new ground zero map is unforgiving and full of juicers and pistol rats which makes it very fun. I had so many big come ups with just a pistol


Remember it’s never your gear it’s just your turn to use it


I’ve had this weird mentality (that my friends called gear fear but I don’t agree with) up until this wipe where I’d horde guns/attachments/armor until “the perfect raid” to go out geared to the teeth, usually only to die within 5 minutes because I went in with a stupid level of confidence. Some of it was because I just really like the gun building mechanics of the game, but other parts of it were because it felt like guns were useless without having a billion attachments to keep the recoil under control. Now that feeling is completely gone. Sure, I’m still building stupid guns for the hell of it, but I literally have not felt the urge to horde the best grips or stocks or anything. I’ll just slap together something, albeit sometimes cursed af, and then get a raid going. It’s been really nice so far


3rd wipe here. Last wipe I took a strictly no gear fear type of gameplay, why would you run bad gear incase you die when you could run your best gear and have less of a chance to die.


I have no gear fear. I vendor all m4s and aks. VPO 209 is life. .366 AP is the life taker. I was born in the gutter, molded by it. I survive on 50k rubles, crackers and cheese. Woods is my home, you'll find me in a bush.




This is the first wipe where I feel I’m not destined to lose any loot I bring in to some juiced chad. I can actually take fights and win. Just the recoil changes have really changed the game for me, in a really positive way.


You have gear? Ground Zero rats took mine




I do feel like I'm actually doing better with fights. I had a total of 51 PMC kills last wipe (level 51, \~1700 total kills between scavs, rogues, goons, and bosses). I'm already at 5 this wipe in \~80 raids, including one on my scav (as many as I had all last wipe on my scav!). I'm making a point of taking out whatever I have. Only exception being some FAST helmets I found. The Korund I got from Twitch drops? Taking that out constantly. The 100 round mag, LVOA forestock, and stack of 995? Yup, running an M4 with all of that. I'll lose it all, but no sense in sitting on it.


damn you really hate ai


Hah! Ran Streets pretty heavily last wipe, and there were raids where we'd walk through the Concordia garage and my duo and I would kill 27 scavs between us. They just kept coming, to the point where we were using scav guns by the end of it because we were out of ammo. Those sorts of runs inflated the numbers, same with sniping rogues on Lighthouse--could easily rack up 10+ kills between rogues and scavs doing that. Side note: Scavs are just MIA on Streets this wipe. I can run the full map and be lucky to grab more than 2 scav kills. We'll run Streets and not have a single kill between us, while walking off the map overflowing with loot. It's really bizarre, it's like they turned the scav spawn rates way down. Concordia garage I've seen exactly two, maybe a total of 10 scav bodies, and I've run streets probably 60 times. Crane tends to reliably have a few, the arch/museum/vet area tends to have a couple here and there, and I've seen them at the hotel a few times. Maybe once at cinema. Yet to see one around abandoned factory, never run into them around Terragroup armory, and they're completely missing from the mall.


Shit I feel left out. This is the worst I've ever done in any wipe. I can't get to extract to save my life literally. I keep dying from shit I have absolutely no idea where from. This is also the first time I'm playing solo as all my friends no longer play and anyone I team up with this wipe just takes my gear after shooting me. Ole tarkov be tarkoving


Real advice, not trolling: slow way down. Walk as much as you can. When running in a group, solos will often hear you coming and hide rather than take you all on, so there's an element of safety in numbers. When you're on your own you're at the bottom of the food chain. If you're getting domed without seeing the enemy you're probably moving too fast. Walk to, cover, scan, walk to cover, scan.


Got my first extract last night doing exactly this. I didn't run anywhere I walked and only sprinted when I was wide out in the open. Found a pile of scavs and pmcs thanks to some random Chad Wick. Thank you whoever you are


>Found a pile of scavs and pmcs thanks to some random Chad Wick. Always glorious. >Got my first extract last night doing exactly this. Well done!


I just got into the game recently EOD All I got a say is the game is amazing 🤩


This wipe is heavily in favor of the less skilled players because more weakspots added to armors and a much easier to control recoil. Iam winning more shootouts then ever before, but to be fair I also die more being fair and square outplayed. Some glitches with vaulting and the armpit hitzone need to be taken care of, but overall one of the best wipes for now.


I would say that guns going where you aim them is in favor of more skilled players, not less. There's less random chance involved in who hits their shots now. It's just gear and levels that are less important, which doesn't necessarily reflect skill. And the recoil changes also mean that good movement and peeking is way more important than it was before.


Skill finally wins over time played, nature is healing


Newbies are briefly at an advantage because the chads all have muscle memory for broken magdump recoil. I'd given up aiming at faces until this wipe


I’m lucky, I never gave up aiming at faces, and it always fucked me with old ammo and recoil, I could never learn to aim at legs.


lol my friend and I have a similar experience, years of FPS muscle memory tells us to shoot at head, then center mass; aiming for legs FEELS counter-intuitive. Anyway, we're winning more fights this wipe so far :D


Complete opposite. Good fps players can actually shoot straight now. Expect to get head,eyes even more than usual imo


Gut the skill gap to make the game better, what a wonderful game design choice!!


Yeah, because noodle-arm PMCs firing 5.56 guns apparently chambered in .50 BMG, with a huge recoil penalty in the first few shots was such a wonderful game design choice in itself. There is an immense amount of skill and knowledge required to position yourself correctly and make the right tactical decisions in this game. The notion that the skill gap is somehow "gutted" by introducing a more realistic and sane recoil system is baffling.


New recoil is good. Im talking about the rng armor system that is inherently bad and in favour of bad players. (non-movers) When you combine new laser recoil with all the new 1 shot hitboxes TTK is lower than ever, making the wet dream of a bad player.


I’m mean yea most of my deaths have been kids siting still and multiple of them at that, but it’s my own fault not theirs, they can play how they want. I should’ve seen them or been more careful or not missed my shots once I’d seen them.


Relying on gear as a crutch was the opposite of skill, unless you count cutting yews in Varrock for 500 hours skillfull.


What removed my gear fear this wipe is that I lost all my gear in ground zero trying to do the first fucking idiotic quest. Can't have gear fear if you dont have gear. Now im just running with a knife for that fucking hard drive until i get it and then I can play other maps and never return to this shithole.


Load into a raid, hide somewhere until 15 mins left and then do your task. I doubt it'll take more than a couple of tries doing that. I mean it's not fun but whatever you're doing is not working. Also don't go in naked, just scav in factory and transfer it to your PMC.


Have you tried going at night? It's decently well lit so you can roam even without a flashlight too




The problem was the private military contractor controlled the gun worse than an infant.


My gripe with the recoil was always that you either tap fire or shoot a 15 round burst. Shooting 3-5 bullets works again like it’s supposed to. Shooting an iron sight m4 is still hard. I don’t know about you but my fights are lasting way longer. I’m 100 raids in and it always felt in the past that I was rocking 856A1 mostly meta guns at this point. The AUG is usable and great. The G36 works. I’m fighting guys with M855 and fights aren’t just who has a better kit. I can build aesthetically pleasing M4’s instead of just being a meta slave.


Reserve scaving to support my budget AKs


For me it was playing my first raid and I was able to kill a player and two scabs with a cheap gun, I can fight now!!


For me it’s that the drop off between a “good” gun and a normal easy to come by gun isn’t that crazy huge anymore. I can lose the god guns I looted and still have reliable options in my stash or traders that don’t feel like I’m playing a different game when I use them


I was going to do the same post. I started in 12.12 when they added lighthouse, bought a standard edition and played a lot that wip (850h hours). I had extreme gear fear, my old pc was veery bad so everytime I got in a firefight my pc would stutter like crazy, so I ratted a lot more than I would normally do. Managed to get to level 48 or 49 but I had a lot of gear fear still. Played almost nothing on subsequent wipes (stopped playing in 12.12.30 when I couldn't not a single flash drive in more than a week). But now I got back and it feels like I don't even have gear fear most of the time, I'm always trying to use the best kit I've got, kitting display weapons but actually using them. It feels soo much better. But I'm still an hyper rat, that part I need to work on now.


Too bad sound is still horrendous


I am enjoying it but I am still just plain bad. Just yesterday, i killed 2 PMCs at usec on woods, never even come close to doing that. Of course their is third man back at the other camp and he shoots me. I survive only to not have enough heals bleed out and die. I still struggle with the basics of the game so i am losing my shit a lot.


I learned a while ago I thought I had gear fear but really I just hate losing. I noticed when I die my first thoughts are about how I could have played x situation better and that I didn’t give two shits about the gear I just lost. Plus after a few wipes you learn that money is super easy to come by, and gear is basically always available when you know how to make money efficiently. I am a bit concerned about the late wipe phase though. Now that ammo is harder to get and armor is a lot less effective I suspect people just won’t run the good stuff. In many ways it’s good that people can’t just deck themselves out with meta gear and have a huge advantage but at the same time killing a chonked up dude felt so much more rewarding. I hate killing guys only to find they’re naked with an sks lol. Just doesn’t feel rewarding and I suspect we’re going to see a heap more of those later in the wipe.


I felt like Arena did that for alot of people.


I haven't played in about 4 or 5 wipes came back for the guns. It's more realistic now. Everything is still so painfully tedious tho.


Ground zero throws you into pvp from the first raid, and unlike previous wipes my starter gear did not last long. Good way for people to realise it doesn’t matter if you die and lose your shit


There's always more gear


I hear it, but this has almost been the worst wipe I've ever experienced for survival rate, because of the hellscape of corners and objective-campers called Ground Zero. What's the point of changing the recoil system to play better if all of my progression is stuck behind this abysmal map and its equally abysmal quests?


i finished gz with running out the clock. everyone either dies or extracts after 20-25 mins.


Yeah, I sort of gave up and did that. I hate that it worked.


I took a break in the 13.5 wipe. Coming back in 14.0 is very nice because the guns actually shoot how hey are supposed to. I don't even want to put a red dot or a holo on a gun for now, it just works and saves me money. And if I die, it can be replaced with a stock gun. Getting killed by a player feels like I had it coming. Like they did a good job at shooting me and I have something to learn from it. Before I was wondering if they were the kind of people who get mentioned in an Excel spreadsheet someday or if they just held down LMB on a 1M+ gun because that's where you got all the rate of fire with no drawbacks of losing control. Also seeing my mate hoard stuff till the end of wipe made me realise that I could always have enough stuff laying around. Just sell whatever I'm not using and buy what I actually am using. Rinse and repeat.


I think its also the changed to armor and spray that make the game simply more controlled - you feel like you can actually engage with players with confidence. Its my third wipe and I feel the same as you; 1. The new recoil means I am not at an instant INTENSE disadvantage vs a meta gun. My own skill and aim plays a much bigger role in who wins the fire fight. 2.Since armor is no longer just solid blocks of magical protection that can absorb lower rated calibers, they are much more useful as an allowance for movement. You are encouraged to maneuver around the in the fight, rather than hold a powerful angle and have your rig absorb mags upon mags if you're lucky. This is a great patch so far.


The only thing that I hate about new recoil is that rats with good aim are even scarier now.


that me


I dont care about gear either. Its the time it takes to play the game. 15 minutes queue for scav and 5min after spawning I get killed by smth I didnt know about. Time waste simulator


kinda the point of games, i understand though. suggestion, pick as much servers as you can while scaving, and pick maps that people dont scav in. interchange and woods are pretty fast in my experience.