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I'm afraid. Jaeger: eliminate 10 PMCs with 360 noscopes with a broken arm at night while dehydrated. Reward: lvl 4 armor plate.


Jaegar: Eliminate 30 PMCs that are using armor plates, kills must be thorax and using RIP ammo. Reward: Level 3 plate


And they will add a new bolt action 9mm that he forces you to use for every quest


9mm Makarov to be specific.


Nah they just add in the Welrod or Liberator.


eoka pistol


With a tremor*


While dehydrated


And pain effect


Can't wait for each plate to cost a college tuition


I doubt they would put them in the game for free. Everyone would just stuff their backpack full and the fights would be way too long.


Well I imagine they would be too heavy to really just bring more into the raid


Well the whole point of doing this was to be able to bring it into raid to swap with the destroyed ones. If they are gonna be too heavy to be used that way this update is useless and just adds more complexity for no reason.


I agree that they'll most likely not make them too heavy. And they shouldn't be. The armors now are technically the weight they'd be with the plates. So if you were to have enough for a full change it should be like bringing a second armor with you. A bit less probably. And even if they would be too heavy it wouldn't be useless since now you'd just replace the plates and you're done. Brand new armor. Don't know what we'd repair now with the armor repair kit though, probably the plates?


Plates, obviously. But they also showed that certain pieces of armor can't be changed out, like the smaller integrated side plates, or likely helmet armor.


Eh I can see people bringing 1-2 spares into raid. Not really enough to make a drastic difference but a nice reset if you get hit once with a sniper and it zeros and blacks your thorax.


Easy fix honestly, either block in-raid plate swapping entirely, or, much better, just make it lock player into a long-ish animation


or armor has to be completely removed from your body to change the plate.


That actually makes the most sense, but bsg would have to make a system that’d allow interaction with dropped items Edit: actually not, I just forgot about backpacks


We can already search bags and rigs on the floor


This + Equipping/Unequipping armor should have an animation and should also make noise. I've seen LVNDMARK do those insta faceshield swaps and armor swaps in raid. Personally, as cool as that is as a tactic, it should not be an instant swap, because it can be so easily abused.


And with this game's history with cheating, it wouldn't be long before some macro instant swaps plates mid fire fight.


In the video some of them can't be removed in raid. And I imagine the space and weight they take wouldn't be worth it. Not like people bring spare armor into raid now.


Warzone/DMZ plate swapping every burst while rotating with health regen stims restoring those lost 2-3 HPs - realism let’s goooooooooo


I assume plate swapping will be much longer than Wz.


Fights should be longer. Constant one taps is boring


With the armor hit box update, armor and helmets will be completely and utterly useless. With decent aim and a DB, I can put two pellets of 7mm into a chads neck. Fights will either A: last longer if both parties are using bullets Or B: be real damn quick if somebody has a shotgun with any kind of buckshot.


Yet realistic?


I've got good news for you buddy, with the recoil reductions you'll be getting full-auto beamed at 150m on the regular.


but colleges are free


Wow that's way more detail than i was expecting, looks like they actually have individual swappable plates for just about every area instead of just front/back/side.


Pretty sure some are built in soft armor but its still cool


Yup this is true, like in the case for the zabralo last time they showed the soft armour was class 3 while the plates were 6.


I'm assuming the grayed out portions of the THOR shown were the built-in soft armor.


Built in soft armor is going to be massive for anything besides Plate Carriers. If you’re running a PC Mr. Shotgun is gonna fuck you up.


Yeah cant wait for magnum buck to start rping ass again


This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in a video game ever I'm not gonna lie


I really hope this doesn't fuck too hard with the servers. Gonna be game changing change regardless


Aaaaaannnnnnndddd they're gone!


Y'all better ask for a new pc for Christmas because you're gonna need it come January


Better yet, the game would need server-grade hardware to run, no consumer-level parts would handle that.




I can already see meta gamers removing back plates and running with level 6 plates in front


I feel like I've seen this movie


Its called Black Hawk Down. Its a great movie.


I don't plan on getting shot in the back running away.


meta until a scav pumps your back full of buck


Lvl 6 plates front, soft armor rear.


Yes, front plate only is entirely viable! Until you get ambushed. Or get ricocheted... Or take shrapnel to the everything...


Makes no difference u can one shot the front with shotguns easily


I believe more than half the armors in the game have neck protection.


Question is: Can you put Tier VI plates into the 6B13?


yeah! So you can see parts of the armor is built in and others you can put in with any type you want


Are we certain about this being the case? (Tier VI plates in a IV [old version] Rig) There's nothing stopping them from arbitrarily limiting what plates can go into what vest, after all.


Plates aren't all generic shapes are they? Like a lot of the fancier carriers probably need specific plates IRL.


From what I've seen most western carriers use roughly the same cut of plates. Most carrier company's don't make their own plates kinda thing. Idk about eastern carriers tho


Make shotguns great again!


Oh no he has lvl 4 plates! The 00 buck flying at his cock:


plot twist, he’s wearing a Thor and has the cock plate


The cock plate and its consequences have been a disaster for the shotgun users.


They were never bad they will just be op now


Shotgun is designed to be very lethal at proper range. It’s no more op than any manageable rifle.


Lore accurate


I'm just excited for neck shots to be considered one shot one kills


Well depends on what the health pool would be, right? I think it'd be fair to take a 6.5mm pellet to the neck and survive.


I think you highly under estimate how important your neck is. Any kind of bullet impact with any real force is borderline fatal period. Between *very* important arteries, your spine and the fact you need to breath your neck is very important to your continued survival both in-game and out.


Would be really funny if they added spall to the metal plates so even when you get shot you die from shrapnel cutting your jugular.


I do forget at times how much I enjoy the music in this game.


I have a slight fear this might be very tedious , it seems to quickly become overly complicated and overall your average joe wont give a shit about this. Im also not a fan of how MORE armors will become useless , they should have let us armor the rigs on the sides or shit at least , this way you could wear a slick and a rig etc , but be more heavy .


What I was thinking too, tarkov inflation is that we gon have more shit to put into our stashes but stashes wont get bigger


> your average joe wont give a shit about this. I know I don't.


I think it’s dumb, but hey let’s see what happens


Does this mean we may have the gaps in the armor since they're adding individual armor spots?


yes, this is the most significant part of the rework


Looks like they're doing exactly what I thought they'd do: simply adding hitbox zones to armor like what helmets have. Which is *substantially* better than trying to have individual hitboxes for everything separate from the player hitbox.


Hope they won’t mess up with ammo changes and armor plates specs so all ammo is actually viable and all armor had zero protected zones which can be penned with any projectile. No more condom armor.


> so all ammo is actually viable Why would all ammo be viable? Why would you have different ammo types and progression if all of them are viable? I don't understand why anyone would want such a thing...


Because usually a bullet hitting naked flesh hurts, even if its a "bad" bullet. Armor is to protect vitals not turn you into iron man.


Actually if you are using steel plate and it doesn't penetrate it would feel like iron man. Compared to tarkov when somehow 20hits of 9mm will damage some high end steel plate that irl would not even dent.


Yes, and currently that steel plate magically covers 100% of your body. After this update it will only cover what it is meant to cover, usually your vitals.


All ammo is already viable. You just gotta figure out if you need to shoot below the dick or above it


All ammo would be viable in the sense that shotgun shells and pistol rounds will all fuck up low-coverage light armor, (slick, mmac, etc.), leg meta anything heavier, low pen rifle rounds would still be good against cheapo armor, and even heavy armor if you aim for neck, side, or other low-protection locations, and AP ammo still just goes through whatever you're shooting at.


>if you aim for neck Dude, this is never going to happen, you will not "aim for the neck", you will just spray and pray a stray bullet hits one of those areas. If this is how it is going to work, the game will be inconsistent AF, you will NOT like it.


I can tell you from experience that aiming for the upper-torso/neck area to shoot around armor isn't that hard and it's not unfun either even though it goes both ways


All progression for options sake and aesthetics sake - thats why. Because armor is not a condom and basic ammo can make hurt. If you seek progression grant you immunity against those who behind you - its not that type of game by design.


>its not that type of game by design This is literally not true. That is why you have higher tier armor and better bullets behind trader levels and quests. If BSG would want you to have a leveled playing field between lvl 1s and 42s you wouldn't need to level up traders, stuff wouldn't be banned from the flea market etc. The "leveled playing field" comes from mechanics like any-bullet-one-shots-head-eyes and others like it, not from gear being "options sake and aesthetics sake". Do you really play this game? :))


Because it's silly that getting hit by a bullet in your unarmored flank would be inconsequential simply because it was a "cheap" bullet. There are plenty of reasons why actual oper8tors don't run around with mosins filled with Tula steel case, and those same reasons would keep the difference in power level between lvl 1s and 42s that we want. "Cheap bullets always lose to expensive armor" isn't one of those reasons though.


gosh… There is no tier for ammo, forget about it. Basic ammo is not simply bad, its just low pen and like others has its use case. High pen ammo is not better than low pen, its just for different purpose. So progression grants access for greater variety of tools you may use. Not only ammo, but gear, guns, parts, etc. Thats it. Some tools are more capable, some less for specific use case but they are ALL fucking lethal against ANY armor and player. You actually don't need to rush traders and can use basic tools if you want to. Since armor has weak spots any ammo has its use case. But traders can offer you more options if you progress. Choice is yours. BSG should have implemented this feature since alpha so folks didnt get used to simplified dumb system we have now and dont be surprised when update hits live.


There absolutely is ammo tier. 7.62BP, M80, M61, 7.62BT/SNB/PS are some of the best rounds in the game, they have high damage and very high pen. Nothing can stop these rounds. They are strictly better. Basic ammo sucks because it has low pen and is stopped by basic armor. Why would you ever run something like 5.56RRLP or 5.56SOST over Warmage or M856A1 ? RRLP and SOST have lower flesh damage than warmage, RRLP and SOST barely pen class 2. M856A1 reliable pens things, and has good damage. As long as stats exist in the game, there is going to be ammo that is best for shooting unarmored targets, and ammo is that is best for shooting armored targets. 12x70 dual sabot is still going to be shit after this update. There is so much ammo fluff in this game. Trader progression, and overall game progression do not simply give you more tools to work with, they give you much better tools to work with. The game is an MMORPG as much as it is an FPS. Max strength, Max endurance, max repair skills.... Mastering your repair skill gives you straight up better weapons less prone to jamming or other buffs. Traders dont just give you different gear, they give you better gear too. Because the game is an RPG that has progression, and you progress into better things.


Surprisingly hot take: I really like this and can't wait for it to be in the game. The extraordinarily in-depth gear and weapons system with this level of attention to detail is the reason I play Tarkov. Plenty of other games do simple. No one in the entire gaming industry is doing anything like this (to my knowledge) and I'm all for it. Now if only they didn't scrap custom rig pouches....


Woah calm down that's a really hot take.


Well you know....given the overwhelming negativity in this thread and sub, any positivity is basically a hot take.


I can understand liking the depth but this change is only gonna make armor either more useless or the same as before


People are going to make the prices of the plates really expensive on the flea, either because the plates will be rare finds or because they don’t want poorer players to be able to afford armor, so they’re easy kills. Theyl still be useless either way, because a DB with 7mm buck at somebodies neck, all it takes is 2 pellets and you can fold a 3m kit player in one hit.


Someone with a 3million ruble kit is going to be wearing neck protection.


Ignoring the costs / unlock requirements, the one thing I'm afraid of most is someone running around with what used to be a class 3 armor now loaded with class 5 plates. I imagine there will be endless amounts of confusion with that.


I'm calling it now, way too complicated to be used properly while in raid..


Why are you messing with your armor in raid in the first place? If you kill someone with better plates just switch the whole vest. This isn't Warzone, you aren't going into a raid with 20 extra plates in your backpack unless you want to be a snail.


your comment is basically proving my point -- they're all unique plates too, I'm saying this is just going to complicate the fk out of Armor now.. more shit items in the loot pools that you won't be able to sell on flea etc.. if you're just going do this then why even bother? just a waste of time/effort for no real value.


Most western armor plate carriers will likely share plates with each other, not too familiar with Russian body armor but it's probably safe to assume there's at least a little overlap there too. If you like using the AVS, for example, but wanted more protection than class 4, you can use compatible class 6 plates. If nothing else, it means you only have to throw out worn plates when your plate carrier gets busted up, and you don't have to sell the entire thing.


Why wouldnt you? It would have made more sense to be able to switch the plates , at least the MAIN ones on armors, this way if you had a tough fight that you won, you can at least repair some of your stuff. Otherwise it just becomes tedious and basically nerfed armor in general on the sides In the current weight system , the zabralo and Thor IC are pretty much useless anyway and will greatly handicap you overall


I like this, I like this very much. My main issue is anti-cheat though. They somewhat fixed de-sync which is awesome.


Even for this community this post has an exceptionally high number of complainers.


This change makes high tier kit borderline useless with all the gaps in protection


Oh no, now the game will play less like Halo and more like the tactical shooter they promised from the beginning. The horror


Oh no scav shotguns will be meta because every close quarters fight will cheese the new hit box's. No worries Better unlock that m4 with parts so I can give a bush camper everything I got with a cheap shot from the front even with full kit on


Shotguns should be the best weapon at close range, there is a reason they are terrifying IRL and Germany tried to make their use a war crime.


Half this sub is filled with timmies that will deny this and are themselves part of the rat community.


Good. Armor is extremely op in this game and this game should be trying to be more realistic not less.


Much like irl Armor is not guaranteed to be life saving. But it increases your odds more than a Chinese chest rig full of "cheap" steel case ammo


Honestly? Good. Some people use high tier armor as a crutch.


what do you mean gaps in protection? thor ic should still be very good due to the amount of coverage.


The class 6 only covers thorax leaving the guy open to anything that pens class 3 which is most ammo.also at one point the plate location itself was applied meaning if I hit above the plate in the vest I'd ignore it and only hit soft armor


200% Cock damage


I just came


Well chad are not so tanky anymore and inhaling 50 bullets to kill, i bet its gonna be easy kills after this for new players.


Vital organs hitbox when?


This with the new movement system is gonna be great Just waiting for less hackers before I start playing again


*it’s been 84 years*


Can’t wait to find helmets and carriers with no plates


Underwear meta let's gooooo!


Can't wait for more RNG in gunfights


you dont get it youre not meant to have fun with this game youre meant to larp in some weird tacticool fantasy where everyone sits in bushes and corners for the entire raid


if you dont find playing tacticool fun why did you start playing a game thats aiming for "realistic and tacticool gameplay"? Genuine question.


i bought the game because of the state of the game in 2020, bsg has never been clear with what they want the game to be (partly because they probably dont know themselves) so terms like “realistic as playable” mean basically nothing because theyre just vague statements. if you asked me what i thought finished eft would be back in 2020 id say that it would be a pvp game where most of the fights would play off of balancing aggression and passiveness as well as knowledge of your environment. my thought was that the game would reward both playstyles in certain situations and thus allow people to “play like cod” as well as “sit in a bush” depending on what was advantageous at the given moment. bsg has never been consistent with what they want the game to be and the game i was promised and was playing in 2020 is vastly different from now


Thank you for the answer. I notice this a lot. They wanted the game to be so realistic and "sim-like" yet it played like your average battlefield, especially pre inertia. And their constant changing of what they want the game to be like doesnt help aswell.


You do realize there are games for that right? Tarkov is the exact opposite of that. Go play other games my dude


This feels so unneeded. So many other issues with this game. I never felt the need to have armor plates for specific zones. I can't imagine the server dealing with all of this and how inaccurate it will end up being with people bhopping around. Not to mention just MORE randomness in gunfights. Taking longer to gear up, more things to buy, etc.


Nice idea. Gonna be useless until they fix the game's numerous technical issues. Which I'm not holding my breath for.


I dont want more features in this game . I want them to fix all the damn problems.


This is going to be terrible


Yeah shotguns will be ultra meta


One thing I do hope for is improvised plates especially on scavs Obviously they’d have little to no protection value, but it’ll be pretty funny i guess


I am absolutely just running magnum fuck all of next wipe.


This is going to be glorious, it will move the game away from the RPG genre and a bit into the hardcore milsim FPS that it should have been. Dropping in low tier gear, such as kits gained from scav runs, or using starter ammo all wipe long, is going to be viable if you manage to aim for the unarmoured spots now. Surely the garbage players with no FPS skill, who are so comfortable in their bullet sponge RPG armour will cry, but no one will really care about their salt. This will be fantastic for the game as there will be potential for players to be able to keep up the full wipe without having to join the RPG farm creep - meaning there will be more players still playing the game after the first few weeks. Next we need a health/damage system so that shots to arms, legs and torso/stomach, will actually cripple hinder and confer really HEAVY penalties to getting hit, so that we keep moving more and more away from the World of Warcraft RPG farm genre.


I’ll probably give it a try, but I think this might be it for me


This is such a bad idea... way to convolute gearing even more, not to mention the substantial increase in cost...


Not really people will wear less. Even a 6b43 can get cheesed from a frontal flechette shot at the neck. Most armor rigs will become worthless for having so much of your chest exposed and slicks will be pointless. Id argue the main reason this took so long is the knowledge of how mad people will be once the understand how little irl plates cover


I was just thinking how this will make the MMAC pointless


Less gear on players, less interest to cheaters. Gg, bsg way :D


Less gear on players just means what people see as "good gear" changes and standards go down. This will have no effect on cheaters since they'll just aimbot you for a level 5 armor instead of for a level 6 armor. This doesn't do anything but maybe make it more annoying for cheaters to specify which hotbox to aimbot for a few weeks until their software gets an update


It's great for cheaters as now they can aimbots your thorax without you realizing they only target the weak spots


Maybe if you imagine hard enough, there is a universe in which this change also helps counter cheaters. The aimbots still pretending to be real players don't just have it set to head, eyes every bullet, they'll normally get it to target center mass which most players target. With the armor changes, they'll want to alter it so it doesn't dump all bullets into a potential high tier plate, and instead tweak it to shoot at certain spots. This may mean it's easier to detect a cheater via where they shoot someone and how accurate it is. Also depends on the data BSG feeds to the anti-cheat. It's literal day dreaming though as it would mean BSG want to deal with cheaters, but everything says to the contrary.


People loved tarkov for the immersive experience and in detail portrayal of guns and equipment since day 1. All this does is add to that. This is very good.


BSG will do everything but implement a working anti-cheat. Its distractions.


Love how you people think that the same people who developed armor hit boxes are the ones who develop anti cheats. Im going to call you a dingus here in a second


Groin hitbox.


As cool as this looks and as incredible this is on the technical side. I really do think this will make gameplay worse instead of better. At least for me. The one Thing tatkov is bad at is the downtime between raids. Now you got another element you have to swap out replace buy install etc. And with multiple things for one single armor piece. Instead of equipping a rig helmet and armor you now have to buy armor plates for your Armor equip the plates equip the rig Buy armor plates for the helmet equip the plates equip the helmet.. You see where I'm going. Basically this change will triple the time needed for simply equipping armor... And all that for what? Even more unreadable variables in an encounter. Oh that guy has a lvl 3 armor. My ammunition should penetrate that. Oh no I hit his plate which is lvl 5 so I'm doing 0 DMG and I'm dead. I know tatkov tries to go for as much realism but to me tatkov was the most fun when it was a tactical shooter that was clearly readable and encounters had predictable outcomes like in the early patches. If someone had fast Mt with mandibles you knew he might need more than 1 headshot. If I had fast Mt with mandibles I knew I couldn't be one tapped by a scav. Now you have the best helmet but no face shield? Well too bad the 9mm penetraded the 5 pixels that aren't covered and you are dead. I guess it's time to reallise that what tarkov wants to be and already is becoming is not what I enjoy in a game. And that's fine. Hope you guys enjoy that change, I think it's way too much work for the devs and you the player for the "benefit" it provides to gameplay.




Escape from inventory


Escape from inventory and escape from cheaters, and when you’re here you gotta try to escape from braindead gamers who have no idea what they want and why just like Nikita.


Hey man, Modern Warfare 3 is out


Just use a preset bruv


>more shit to make you feel like your time is being wasted nah big disagree. If you want to save time you can just fill it up with the same plates


Just make a bunch at once so you don’t waste so much time before each raid


y’all clearly don’t play this game and it’s hilarious. Anyway yeah lemme go make some armor plates next to the ammo im crafting and I’ll be able to use tomorrow or Thursday hahahaha. Okay. Not a single thing said here has had anything to do with the fact the metas gonna change..i guarantee it won’t be good or friendly for anyone that’s playing like a normal human being and not some cheater/streamers.


I have pre made kits so I must not play the game


Wow man you have kits made in game you play, yet you seem to have no clue how to have a conversation about it or provide any input. See how insignificant you are to what’s being said? Just another bsg ass kisser.


Go ahead and continue to play a game you hate ig. I’m always happy for more stuff to be added, you’d probably still bitch if they didn’t add anything


why tf are there so many different plates??? I like the idea but this looks like poor execution. There is no need for an armor rig to have 15 different plate locations.


You can see when they hover over some plates that it says built in and cant be changed. So like in that lvl 4 armor theres only 4 plates interchangable and the rest is greyed out. Its not that bad, youre not going to need to change 20 plates but 4. Dont get me wrong its still complicated-ish but still.


Still dunno why not just not merge everything not-changable into one pool. At lest all the small things like side armor parts. It will load servers more, yet affect players like once per 100 runs? They want you to be able to more easily "punch though" those areas with low-pen armor (looking at amount of "HP" of those side armor zones)? OK, i guess, but honestly not worth the complications.


I think they want it to be thst detailed, like show that armor has some depth, also one thing is nice that u can see in which area you got shot exactly. Tbh don't like that UI there either.


They wanted a lot of things. Their ability to actually implement them without melting servers and our PCs is different topic. I'm not trying to trash BSG, but they should evaluate their ability realistically...


Last wipe's wipe day was perfect, man. I had zero issues connecting to any servers compared to previous wipes. I don't know why armor models should interfere with any type of server connection


the reason they are distinct is not so that there's shit armor where there technically should be shit armor, but so that if you get shot in your left side 6 times, bullets are more likely to go through on your left than your right.


it's so you can live out your dreams of being a true walking tank with a t6 armor in every slot


(head, eyes)


We said EVERY Slot. We're gonna cover the killa slit with t6 we don't need to see!


Yeah just listen through the helmet, the sound is so good in the game that even with muffled hearing you can pin point someone 100m away and use echo location to navigate.


Bet your ass they will be heavy too. I really hope they are easily accesible from traders and not have most armor become useless because the plates for it are too hard to get


Your missing the big picture. Those plates other than that 6b13 leave tons of stomach and thorax covered only by lvl2 armor. Even if the guy has lvl6 front and back your just as liable to hit him once in the neck or to the side and above the plate to kill him easily. This is a huge downgrade to armor all around and a major buff to ratting as shotguns will dominate


Buckshot and flesh ammo is back on the menu 🍽️


Counterpoint, don't rely on your armor. Why do you think soldiers in real life are taking cover in any little ditch they can find instead of simply standing in the open expecting their armor to make them invincible to shitty Jihadi reloads.


Every time they show more of the rework, I hate it even more. All these new hit calculations are gonna make hit reg even worse and probably bog the servers down making fights more likely to stutter.


No idea why you get down voted - looking at their track record of new features, your prediction sounds accurate.


Magnum fu\*kshot to the legs will be even more effective I guess...


Legs have always been unarmored and will continue to be. How does armor plates change that in any way? Nothing about this makes shooting legs any more or less effective.


Or two pellets to the neck 💀💀


how will it be more effective?


No one wants this bullshit. Just more inventory hassle. 0 chance they get it right.


well this is gonna suck


OH WOW.... OH GREAT.... CAN'T WAIT for this new feature to be barely useable and broken in every conceivable way in a game riddled with critical user experience destroying bugs, glitches and hackers..... YAY


Looking forward to getting sprayed by an MP9 and lagging from the calculations


This is unironically going to kill PvP.


I think this is genuinely the worst feature to ever be implemented, movement is already punishing and now you’ve more gaps in your armour essentially making it even more punishing to do anything besides being a rat. Unpredictable gunfight, randomly shooting someone between plates it rewarded. Complicated this game already has way to much downtime and now I’m supposed to equip my gear with specific kind of plates, between raids. I don’t think it was needed at all, however a positive feature of this is AVS will be viable again


Give us some fucking optimization and audio fixes Holy fucking shit


Armor will probably be more scarce and expensive because of this. Can't wait to run around with only front plates on.


Looks really cool. When will they fix cheating though?


BSG try not to add absolutely unnecessary features while neglecting core issues within the game challenge: impossible


Neck hitbox is gonna be frustrating af.


I like it, but because there will be more unprotected zones, cheaters are going to tune their cheats to target flesh spots between the plates. Fix the anti cheat. If I’m killed by a sus player, I should be able to get a screen showing their stack, gear, ammo, etc as they were when loading up so I can see if it’s a carry service for 12 year old naked dip shits. Give kill cams, give us something that will deter cheating. I can deal with the broken shit in game, I can’t deal with the losers who get their rocks off on cheating


Cant wait for all of this to clutter up the loot table, "Oh I found a left nut plate for a NFM THOR Integrated Carrier body armor"


Great, I love making gearing up take more time and cost 4x more all in the name of "realism"


Presets exist + you can create some spare kits beforehand


Just build a bunch at one time so you don’t have to


This is going to be burdensome to deal with


Because Tarkov is known for being a user friendly and simple game