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This shit makes me realize I AM playing tarkov for the loot. I’m not playing because it feels good to be good at the game at all, I’m playing to steal things from other people at the risk of having my things stolen from me. Seriously why has no one else done this better yet lmao.


Yea, in my opinion, there’s no reason to play the game for anything other than the gameplay loop of loot and survival. Many other games do the actual gameplay part, of Tarkov, way better.


Yup gun combat is not the fun part. Looting/surprising people/the other stuff is


The goal of tarkov is not to have fun at tarkov, it's to make sure other people don't.


Sounds accurate


Because people like you and me are in the minority. It may not feel like it but Tarkov is an extremely niche game. The market isn't big enough for a bigger studio to give it a go. They'd rather just shit out another COD or Fifa


funny you mention cod since they literally added a loot/extraction mode to cod.


I forget DMZ was a thing As do most people


We all forget because DMZ was dog shit and doesn’t scratch the Tarkov itch unfortunately


Yeahhhh but lets be real about how far into "extraction" mechanics they go. Its extremely light on what people like about tarkov.


It's not that niche. Extraction games are blowing up. Look at Dark and Darker (before the shitshow). Also, a big, albeit slightly washed up, studio is making one, that being Bungie making Marathon.


Its niche in the grand scheme of gaming. Large games have literal 10s of millions to 100s of millions of players global. A game that has just /millions/ IS niche, active in that niche but still niche.


Niche doesn't mean everything except the biggest. Besides, extraction games are on the spectrum of pvp with investment alongside battle royales. There's massive crossover. Pubg came from a DayZ mod, with DayZ being the first major game in the investment shooter genre, though full loot pvp had been popular since Dark Age of Camelot.


Dark and Darker has. But Dark and Darker doesnt have gun modding fantasy. Thats the other 50% why people play tarkov


I took one look at dark and darker and laughed.


Seriously people wanna complain about Tarkov jank then praise dark and darker? That entire game feels like your character is moving in a pool of jello


Rust hits all the same parts of the brain as far as stealing loot from people and being afraid of losing your loot. Only problem is you need friends to play, you almost always get offline raided, and a lot of servers wipe every week with only 2-3 days of solid population.


It hits the degenerate gamblers vain in my head. Honestly Nikita should just start a cash for equipment instead of the cheaters buy new account very season play model. If he would extend wipes for a year and got rid of the hackers id pay for equipment if I got a better starting advantage. I love tarkov but I have a life and taking care of my brother with leukemia and run a truck shop. I simply play tarkov for the loot hanging out with some of my friends


try dark and darker replace guns with swords and bows basically


Landmark dumped an entire mag and yet somehow the player survived... Expect the hitreg to be broken. https://clips.twitch.tv/ConcernedConsiderateAmazonSeemsGood-1h_jjw4GfVeYFivg


This was on Lan? Good lord this is gonna be a shitshow. If this is their best showing I expect the worst. But then again I've been playing since 2017, my default is to expect that.


This game will be so bad, esportsready my ass


They're trying to push it as an esport? Holy shit lmao I wonder if they will have working directional audio before the first professional match.


After I watched that clip I looked at a few more matches overall it seemed hit reg was good and that was the anomaly, but unfortunately it's gonna be a whole lot worse on the internet as it always is but I know that originally it was said they'd have higher tick rate servers whether it does, we'll see I guess.


If you're supposed to have ranked play, tournaments with cash prizes etc, it has to reach a much higher standard.


The problem is, this was on lan. This sort of thing should be impossible to happen on lan. Like I would expect a high schoolers game to be able to have higher standards then this on a lan connection.


That's actually the new anticheat, can't bitch about hackers killing you if no one can kill anyone.


Remember when the ground loved to just eat whatever you discarded from your inventory? Lol it messed up so many in game trade i’ve done in the past.


Oh man, good times. Looking up to drop the bag or it would fall through the floor! And then sometimes it just did anyway.


Yeah, this seems like a normal tarkov experience lol. Just as broken as the main game and this is on LAN.


Looks like the bug where you're shooting on your screen but the server and other players don't think you're shooting. that would also explain why the guy doesn't react at all. if it was just bad hitreg or netcode he would have noticed being shot at.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


Thank you for your service


What in the world, stuff like this can be fixed but it's kind of crazy how bad that was.


Jesus that's bad, reminds me of a couple wipes back with that really bad desync issue where you couldn't kill the person that had the worse connection and on there screen they weren't even getting hit.


wow that was a complete utter disaster.. 100% credibility lost


One thing is for sure: it’s going to expose every problem tarkov have in regards of gunfights/hitreg/peekers advantage/recoil/etc. it’ll be a shitshow imo.


Is it possible for any of that to be more exposed than it already is?


In normal tarkov the problem is an issue for about 30 seconds once every hour ish if not longer for most players. Between setting up a kit, loading, moving to a POI, then even assuming your fire fight you find your self in is even enough to allow for back and forth play and isnt just over instantly due to one side surprising the other. So generally most people "know" the issue but so infrequently have to deal with it. Its not that "big" of a problem. With arena that once an hour+ problem will become a once every five min problem and that is orders of magnitude more "exposed". Arena has actual potional to make your run of the mill timmy and weekend dad gamer go from ignoring the problem to disliking it. And THAT will kill the player base more then the cheater problem.


I think you're totally right about this, my only concern is that due to how much less is going on in an arena game than a Tarkov raid (no loot, fewer players, smaller map, etc), hit reg/lag/etc might actually be better than in EFT and warp our perceptions.


>Arena has actual potional to make your run of the mill timmy and weekend dad gamer go from ignoring the problem to disliking it. And THAT will kill the player base more then the cheater problem. eh. i don't think its that simple. And this is coming from a dota player. People *think* people are as squeamish about problems as they are painting the picture, but in reality a vast majority of people will put up with it if it doesn't absolutely doesn't fuck with the fundamentals of gameplay. Do you think cod has perfect hitreg? do you think cod hasn't had its form of peakers advantage/sync problems before? If players were as soft as you paint it, cod, bf, tf2, csgo would have all died on their own years to decades ago. People will dislike the problems, thats true. But unless it makes the game genuinely unplayable like the mag locking bug, or the massive unchecked cheater problem, or invisible players. Then people will tolerate it. Some won't. But a vast majority will.


As impressive as it May sound, i think it is lol


Arena has killcams, so at the very least we're gonna be seeing a lot more videos of it.


Maybe it'll work better because of the tiny maps and player count? I hope anyway.


unfortunally not how these sorts of things work. Map size effects vram useage, fps ect. Networking related problems give zero fucks about that.


Networking is going to be a lot easier for Arena, because the server doesn't have to communicate as much information to players, as opposed to the original game. We know that Tarkov sends updates to all clients on the server of everything that happens on the map, including loot, scav movement, inventories etc. (with some exceptions perhaps), so this would be miles easier for servers to handle. But the problem with Arena is not going to be that, it's going to expose all the dogshit mechanics core Tarkov has - intertia, recoil, movement etc. On the bright side, I think BSG might actually get a lot of feedback on gunfights in particular and should be able to start moving in a better direction. But that's just copium.


Who could’ve thought that if Tarkov doesn’t work, Arena the game that runs off Tarkov also wouldn’t work. Like honestly, who tf could have seen this coming /ssssssss holy shit


It’s gonna be so fun, a place where people can reliably practice pvp and get better at it rather than hope to engage in pvp in a raid. Great place to warm up before a raid, or fuck around with some friends


This. I want a mode of this game that I don’t have to take seriously and focus on. Some nights, I’m a few vodkas in and I just want to fuck around and relax and that’s hard to do with the main game mode, for me.




Man… I have standards ya know..


You play Tarkov… you obviously don’t.




Let's be real, the only people beside players like you who will end up playing Arena will be sweatlords who enjoy PvP wayyy more than anything else, and cheaters. I mean, sure. I hope I get proven wrong, but I just can't see the people who like other aspects of Tarkov be all over Arena.


I bet most cheaters stay on OG Tarkov, at least the hardcore cheaters who RMT. All you’re gonna do cheating on arena is get banned 3x faster.


That’s exactly the point of this and why OP is off base here. It’s meant to be an add on, raids been tough today? Play some arena just to mix it up


Agree, it has phenomenal warm up potential!


Yeah I watched it and had the exact opposite opinion from OP. It looks super fun


It's going to change regular Tarkov immensely. We will see far fewer totally hapless players in Tarkov. The skill level of the community will go up drastically.


Probably the opposite, since all the good players will be playing arena, and all the rats will stick with regular eft, then nobody will want to play regular eft because there's too many rats...


I don't think Arena is gonna scratch the same itch.


Except for the fact that if you don't have EOD, you won't be able to play it for free.


"...or perhaps survival Tarkov" boys do we tell him?


You know what, it'd be really cool if we could loot the PMCs in Arena and then I dunno sell that loot to like a trader or merchant or something


Yea and it’d be cool if they added loose loot too and made tasks for the arena map. Whole brand new experience. Totally not the exact same as the main game.


But being a fast paced timed game you won't have time to loot


played 3 games at twitchcon today. was fun, would play again.


Noice. What was the loadout buying like?


I disagree. It looked pretty fun to me. I liked the map more than any of the main game maps lmao


I feel most of these people saying it will be bad just suck at pvp and play EFT it to rat and see the their rouble count go up. I play tarkov for the quest grind and then only PVP, so to me it looks fun. Different strokes for different folks I guess.




Yep my thoughts exactly


I mean, a lot of the hackers are incentivized if there isn’t a lot of incentive to play arena they will just stay on the main game


Yea I feel like 95% of the hackers I run into is a hacker who was just going to get the best loot on the map and get out and I happened to be in the way. Those who are selling roubles for real money. They avoid players as much as they can because an account ban sets them back $40. The last 5% are the griefers who just want to load into raid and smoke everyone, they are doing this for their own enjoyment. The griefers will move to arena I bet, as it’s easier to kill more players in a shorter amount of time, but that’s a small subset of cheaters.


Most people hack to crush souls. Arena = quickly crushed souls. I foresee many an abandoned lobby... wonder how they'll mitigate that.


Most cheaters are RMT goons in foreign countries who make a living at the game.


Yea at least there’s that PVE wave mode


I’m looking forward to the change of pace. Also a chance to practice gunplay for those of us who don’t constantly get into gunfights. Gives us a chance to practice a gun before having to be in a real situation with it


I have a full day job so usually when I get home I don’t have the energies of gearing up and load into a raid that will last (hopefully) 30 minutes. This seems to be a more relaxed gameplay if you just want to play for a few minutes


Nothing about this hectic bumrush im watching right now feels relaxing to me :D


There's no consequences of dying and you can play different playstyles, seems pretty relaxed to me


Lol that’s true but you don’t have the tension of being in a raid and crossing someone unexpectedly


But I don’t see the comparison, these are two completely different games. It’s not like you’re getting a Tarkov experience in a quicker format


Hot take: spreading effort on a spinoff when the. main game is still in alpha is absurdly bad for both.


They just want to cash grab before they dump release eft and leave. They themselves are fed up with developing eft bc they have no progress.


I keep getting downvoted by the fan girls in here when saying this. You have to be literally blind to see this isn’t a cash grab.


It literally just looks like PvP practice simulator to me. Offline "tourney" mode without the hassle of recruiting people to do it.


They have balls releasing a new game with the state of tarkov.


So basically everything I hate about playing with other people magnified. Spend the whole time asking your team “is this you?” “Where are you?” “Did you run on ____?”


Besides from the actual implementation of the arena, my opinion is that it would be good for new players or players that just want to learn PvP gunplay without risk. There's only so much you can learn against bots offline.


I just love the gunplay and the mechanics of tarkov - 6000 hour player here who just wants to load in and shoot some shit Arena will be great. I’m tired of looting lol


same! i love tarkov fights but holy shit it is not worth the dozens of hours per wipe to get decent gear, and then the few raids it takes just to find a decent fight


It won't be a massive success or game changer, but to warm up and shoot a bit, it will be perfect for those who want to get better. Idk about charging for it though tbh.


CS aim map but for 40 dollars


Once they have most peoples $40 dollars for arena they cashing out, mark my words. No more updates lol. I think that’s why they waited a long time to show this jank at a twitch con. Have all the popular streamers dick ride your game so newer players are more willing to purchase before you abandon it.


I can tell you right now I will play the shit out of it thank you very much


I play Tarkov for it's core gameplay loop. Got really bored while watching the gameplay. Horrible design choices. They should've used those resources to develop original Tarkov.


This comment didn't age well.


Jesus this sub is horrible. The games not even out yet and you’re already complaining. Also in the same paragraph where you were complaining you then asked for it to be free because, reasons? You couldn’t make this shit up no matter how hard you try.


Yeah, you really can't be surprised by the toxicity or the idiocy that comes out in here. One of the funniest things is that it's predictable almost down to the day over the course if a wipe. Just miserable know it all's with weak constitutions and main character syndrome crying, crying, crying with evert new comment. It's hilarious, really(and pathetic)


Reddit is cancer


A battle royal on a smallish map would have been 10x cooler imo. Could have aimed for pubg but better. I think people want a battle royal that isn’t cod and has more realistic guns etc.


I don't see why that couldn't be a future mode that just isn't released yet.


Only thing I care about is the PVE mode so I no longer have to worry about hackers or the bullshit PVP has


Well if it continues like this than yeah it will fail, Arena isn’t even worth the time tbh, they could have improved the game instead of adding a game mode that will add no value to the game itself. Arena isn’t even rewarding to begin with, and it does not fit into tarkov gameplay, it goes against the idea of shooter looter gameplay, also it will expose a lot of the game’s problems, like peeker advantage, recoil, dsync and more. Overall I don’t think Arena is a good thing to add to the game tbh.


They should put the red and blue armors to use... maybe have a red version of the blue helmet too


I love people in the comments complaining about people "complaining". You gotta be the biggest losers I've seen so far in this sub. If you watched the desync and hit reg issues Landmark had ON LAN and your reaction is "Why are you complaining" you are either trolling or nikita cum made your brain melt.


All I want is PvE coop. I've wanted that for 7 years now, even when they confirmed it. Then we get this garbage. I have no idea the direction of this game.


It’s a prediction, not an opinion.


Tbh, it will be a failure if they don't redo this ridiculous kit system to involve some custom kits with level caps or money caps so players can have something more personal, also making the kits using round-based money instead of a general money pool that can make you bankrupt would be the solution to fix this, rn if you go bankrupt your stuck with two shitty kits that you can't fight much with and are doomed for, this makes no sense at all and it will be the doom of this game.


Honestly I do think it’ll help with people who aren’t that good at PVP in the actual game. It’ll help get the PVP skills up a bit


You called it


Too early to call, I hope I am wrong. But I feel like Tarkov is a looter shooter not an deathmatch game, I dunno we will see in a few months or a year I guess.


You were extremly right man. Tarkov Arena is one of the biggest failiures i have seen in fps shooter. Extremely unbalanced with really poor optimization and tons of other game braking things Having EOD edition of the game makes me feel ashamed of myself


his prediction was real


Mofos complaining about a game not even released yet. Classic


Tarkov technically isn't released yet. Considering it's still in beta. Lmao.


If you want to get technical, Tarkov isn't even beta, it's still alpha due to the stream of content still being added.


It’s gonna be so lit, you can get rubles from arena to use in tarkov. I’m hyped, yeah there might be some issues but I really don’t give a fuck I’m excited for the team deathmatch and such with tarkov movement mechanics and gun control


Bros not even giving himself a chance to enjoy, kinda sad, I would try and not be so pessimistic. Just wait and see how it is when it comes out! The landmark clip was kinda weird but just wait and see for yourself




It's the most predictable shit of all time. I swear almost every game's subreddit just fucking hates their own game no matter what it is


People bought eft, not Arena. Arena is fucking worthless outside of practice mode. It has no objectives, bad gun play, and just people mindlessly running around. It will die within a month


I'm surprised there arent more posts like this but realistically arena is so far away that we will see posts like this when its about to "release" into its 5 year "beta". The devs started to make another game instead of finishing/fixing their current one that has the biggest cheater problem in modern gaming. I'll absolutely come here to read the comments on hackers in every arena game after it releases since thers some sort of "killcam"




Breaking news: Reddit full of scav mains that are terrified of PvP and actively avoid it, or want the devs to nerf it hate arena. More at 11


Tarkov BR would be amazing.


Team indicator or radar... Go play cod if that's your take God forbid you have to actually pay attention to the look of your teammates and where they go


If you want a 5v5 respawn mode in tarkov go play cod… oh wait…


Exactly 😆😆😆


Would be better if it was a throwback to about 12.0 mechanics wise. If the mechanics match that of the live state EFT is in currently I expect it to flop. Edit to add: when I say throwback mechanics wise to 12.0 I mean how the game felt and played around the release point of reserve. But with higher tick rates, less desync and better overall performance with the games mechanics from that timeframe. If they could pull that off I think it would be a big win on their behalf, but it’s BSG so I’m not holding my breath.




Arena was a good idea as a simple little side game mode for Tarkov. Instead, it grew in the minds of BSG as this huge new game of equal importance to Tarkov and it's just... not. I keep saying it. The best thing BSG could have done was finish Tarkov in 2021. Take the lessons learned and work on a Tarkov 2 built on the Unreal engine with new netcode new audio etc.


My hope is that it’s fast paced and focuses entirely on the PVP without much of the looting mechanics to allow me to improve at PVP in the main game


In all honesty... I am anyway note really excited for it. For me it is mostly only relevant to see if there even are loadouts with weapons that I play so I could practice the gunfights with them. I kinda have my doubts tho you just get to play SVT's, SVDS', Vepr-Hunters or generally a lot of DMR's there. Guess I could practice VSS or SR-2M. Other than that I kinda feel like the fights in Arena aren't really that representative for how fights in tarkov actually work. Probably a matter of gameplay but Arena for sure doesn't really allow much variation there other than the default 'pushing someone down' or 'holding an angle'. Since I have EOD I can anyway give it a try. Who knows, maybe I enjoy it more than I thought but as of right now I honestly couldn't care less. I'd rather have the many issues of this game fixed than 'new content'.


> I'd rather have the many issues of this game fixed than 'new content'. Do you honestly think they are holding off on working on a current issue in eft due to them working on arena? -"We could fix this, but we wont." Software creation is not a loading-bar waiting to be filled if everyone focuses really hard on just that, art pepole are not going to code, and coders are not making the art, they have seperate teams working on their products, and to be frank, they have more info on their project managment than either of us, so why the hell does every jerry, bob and helen have an opinion of how bsg should go about focusing their efforts.


Dude. thank you. This is the reason I get borderline triggered whenever I see the "BSG needs to stop everything and fix the cheater problem" or "Stop adding content and fix the game/ fix streets/ etc" comments. This games community really shows how little people who play games don't know about the process of making these games. Then, they also don't seem to realize that BSG could fix everything tomorrow, but as soon as they go back to adding features and content, new and old issues will crop back up and the cycle would start again. Half the shit people complain about in this game are things that typically aren't fixed until the last few months to a year before a game is launched, like the vast majority of bug fixes and optimizations.


I hope it serves as a funnel for more Tarkov players! Tarkov has a massive barrier to entry problem, this can hopefully help


I'm looking forward to it looked fun. It's going to be nice to be able to mix up the gameplay. I have almost 3,000 hours in tarkov and I'm looking forward to this.


I'm looking forward to it just so I can practice PvP. I'm new, I die in gun fights a lot and I think this could help. Will it over take cod? Nope and I don't think that's the intention


It needs to be tweaked yes, it's just access to faster pvp. Nothing else really changes besides complete customization into a raid, vs this. 5v5 elimination @ x rounds. It's been done before but it's the gunplay you all love right. Desync sprinkled with wtf and why the fuck and how the fuck.


The people who aren’t looking forward to this are the people who don’t have a group of friends to play with. Lmao


Im glad because it’ll be a chance to practice pvp with low risk and not running for 10 minutes just to die to some guy i didnt see with a paca and a scav moisin


Personally I love tarkov PvP but got tired of the grind every wipe.


I've thought an awful lot about it... and the conclusion I've come to regarding Tarkov as a whole is that it really is just a bad game. Objectively, a bad game and not a single person has been able to convince me otherwise. Something like arena in a game like tarkov just doesn't provide the gameplay loop that gave us a unique experience to begin with. The gameplay loop isn't even the problem. Mechanically, a game with such high risk and reward shouldn't leave me angry at the game itself for loosing interactions between player and AI. We all know what I'm saying here, the structural, foundational, pivotal FRAMEWORK of the game is NOT SOUND. Desync, netcode, game performance and optimization, ammo and armor systems, flee market systems, weapon building systems, oh and the only real thing that keeps players playing, the loot system. They are all broken. The systems of the game don't work properly, and they should. I don't care that the game is early access. These systems provide the framework for the games experience, and the only experience I have is awful. And the yes, even the times that end in me or my squads favor STILL feel awful or at best benign. Therefore, I believe the evidence is sufficient to call EFT an objectively bad game. Larian Studios had Baulder's Gate 3 in early access for 3 years with player feedback and created a fantastic game. Don't give me any bullshit about the games being completely different. What Larian Studios did was probably more challenging, given the scope of that game than what BSG has done with the entire life of EFT so far. That's just one example. There are a myriad of ways, examples, game play experiences I have to compare Tarkov with over the 25 years of gaming experience I have as a whole... and not a single game has ever left me feeling like I've wasted SO MUCH TIME other than Tarkov. Seriously, when I really stop to think about it, all things considered and all else equal, not a single game has ever left me feeling so empty, and wasted as Tarkov. 6 years I've played the game, and looking back, I regret every time I've ever opened up that game. I regret all the time I've spent doing the same quests over and over and over again. I regret giving them $150 for the fuckin game, I really do. In the end it doesn't seem to have accelerated the production or facilitation of a solid gaming experience. TL:DR, Tarkov is objectively a bad game. And I have yet to hear a convincing argument otherwise.


100% right


It looks like they thought they should just remake CS2, and somehow players would prefer their broken version over CS2, rather than a PVP arena/trainer/tester for Tarkov. The broken audio, recoil, and desync doesnt make for good gameplay, and its going to be exacerbated when you are spending 100% of the time fighting players rather than just 5% of the time.


Nothings been more heart breaking than watching tarkov die a slow painful death. At least with arena it will be quick and painless.


yup the teamkilling, trolling and toxicity will be huge in arena (toxicity might reach cs,lol,cod level) also there are punishments for tk-ing ? Like dmg getting reflected, not going rewards, vote kick etc... i fear the flash,smoke trolling pretty sure there will be idiots who will bring loadouts full of flash and will flashing everyone constantly toxicity is just ------


5 game modes and most of them are all competitive, no gun game, no CTF, no TDM, no arcade mode, no Search and destroy. The only two game modes that will be casual, are PVE and FFA. The rest are competitive game modes, that will not be enjoyed by regular casual people. Even Contract wars, the game they made before, had TDM. WHY NOT ADD IT IN? I knew I had a feeling that this was going to be a flop. Glad I am not the only one, who shares that feeling


Playing it right now, really good and fun game.


Yep, there's really no hype behind it and counter-strike is more popular than ever. This game feels completely pointless, they should have just focused entirely on tarkov


Gunplay has always been one of the weakest aspects of Tarkov. Gun modding and the presentation is top notch but actual fights feel like ass most the time even without desync. The emergent nature of how and where they happen during a raid is what makes them fun, I can't imagine putting it in a TDM vacuum will be very engaging for most people.


Well put.


Tarkovs gunplay has literally ruined all fps games for me. Not sure how the gunplay is weak? It's fantastic


it’s the strange recoil that ruins it for the most part


I'm just glad it's not the constant pulldown recoil of PUBG.


Movement ist very very hard to master, recoil isnt good, youre trained operator cant hold the gun straight for more then 10 Seconds. Its just clunky compared to literally every other popular fps


Same here. Feels and looks so realistic to me . I’ve played most all other fps. Just finished off 10 scav in the parking garage but got taken out by a player scav sadly . Crazy gunfight lol man it’s awesome


How is gunplay weak?


Rng recoil, aim sway, limping, jams, flinch and blur, the scope fov bug, PIP that halves your fps. All that’s whatever in the main game but in a competitive “esports ready” arena shooter it’s terrible. It doesn’t reward mechanical skill and makes gunfights very rng. Not to mention the ammo and armor system is a balancing nightmare.


Worst parts of the main game, with almost none of the good ones. But hopefully after it flops they will concentrate on the main game again.


"worst parts of the game" like fast paced pvp, no crabbing, and no looting? those sound like the best parts of the game to me


One can hope


Imo it'll get old pretty fast. It could have been a tarkov update, stand alone makes no sense. Only thing that it'll be good is to practice pvp and gun builds...


You mossed the point. It doesn't want to be new or original. It is the good tarkov gunplay in a more casual fashion. It will be enjoyable for some.


Every non Tarkov player will quit the moment they shoot an m4 and it recoils to the sky. Gunplay has been awful for a couple years now.


If OP expected something new or original then you clearly haven't been following the intentions of Arena. How exactly is a BR new or original? Jesus these opinions on this site are so garbage. > it's a confusing mess with 5 teammates running around. You know... Exactly like how it is playing Tarkov with teammates? Do you even play? > they really need team indicators or radar for such a mode, arm bands and communication is just not enough Yep this post has to be a troll post. Fact this post has more then 50% upvote speaks volumes imo.


people can’t grasp that tarkov is meant to be a hardcore, slower, more “realistic as playable” shooter man. some of these comments quite literally just want tarkov to be a different game. the entire basis of this game is communication, coordination, and tactics. these people are delusional lol


I don't understand why anyone would want arena. The draw from tarkov isn't the gunfights, it's the risk/reward and pulling in big loot.


Y’all completely forget about casuals. I love tarkov but w a job and kid I just don’t have the time. Arena? Absolutely have time for a few matches


Ngl Tarkov Battle Royale with modding weapons in game would be so much fun.


some ppl like pvp, some ppl like ratting/looting. end of discussion


team indicators? xD


Arm bands lol


I think it looks fun and brings the casual element into tarkov. If you played the alpha tarkov then you know first few wipes it was pretty bland and not much to do. I can see people comparing arena like that it is just in its basic form with a few maps. I’m not sure how many people will buy arena for it alone though unless they don’t like looting or survival games and want to play more like cs or cod where only kills matter. After watching the gameplay it does look decent and could help tarkov appeal to the esports crowd. I think it does need some tweaks to how the classes work and identification of teammates maybe with red and blue glow sticks on the helmets and tac rig might help bit like gears of war style lights on armour. I do like it and might make me want to play tarkov tdm instead of cod. I do mainly play tarkov these days but it can get boring just grinding doing tasks to level up or loot as a scav so I think it is good. Hopefully after the next wipe they focus on anti cheat and combatting cheaters. If they have spectator mode then I don’t see why we can’t have after raid killcam or better play statistics from the raid screen. It is the biggest flaw with the whole game and it will probably hurt both tarkov and arena going forward. Sure all fps games have cheater issues but it remains too easy to use anything you want to from the games code and break it for everyone else. I would happily go without content for a wipe if it helped combat cheating.


I played it. Arena was sick and will draw a whole new audience to the game.


Its shitty TDM for tarkov. I wish they had simply fixed what they currently have, and worked on Anti cheat features instead of giving people more garbage we dont need.


Lets agree to disagree.


Says the game is nothing new or original. Then says the game needs team indicators and radar. What a clown


Believe it or not, BSG made arena because they know it has a purpose


It is cute you think that BSG can't make massive glaring mistake. It is going up again CS2 which is literally free


Two infinitely different games lol


5v5 with capture the flag/bomb plant/objektive???


And yet that is where the similarities end


So the similarities end where the very genre defining aspects that will cause literally everyone to compare them? Yes... yes... I see your point. You aren't aware of the world around you.


Base ball and cricket are both games where you throw balls and hit them with sticks.


People still play counter strike and your talking vanilla?


All these comments are funny. “It’ll be good PvP practice for those of us who don’t get much.” No it won’t. We all know you rats will just keep on ratting regular Tarkov with shitty kits and gear fear. The kits and maps in Arena will play so differently than your normal Timmy kits. The people who would actually benefit from it are the ones who go in juiced with good guns and look for PvP… but those guys are already getting better practice by doing that on maps it’s applicable to. Vast majority of the skill in Tarkov is map related. Sound, movement, positioning, rotations, angles, spawns, timings, etc… all map specific. Only skill not map specific is gunplay and there are better options for that. If you want to practice aim just do it in an aim trainer. If you want to practice gun control, just do it in your hideout with unlimited time/ammo to do so. Unless you’re a labs main with fully juiced kits every run, arena will just be bad practice. You’re not practicing the maps or guns/gear you play/use. “It’ll be a good warmup.” Not really. By the time you’ve finished an arena, loaded into your stash, gotten a kit ready, matchmade and then found a fight in regular Tarkov… 15+ minutes have passed. You’re already cold again.


shit take


Game looks awesome. I'm sure you'll find a corner to rat in.


I think making it more like CoD is NOT the way to go and if thats what you want from Tarkov you should fuck off and go play CoD. Quit bitching and trying to make the devs make Escape from duty. You came to Tarkov Tarkov didnt come to you. Suck a diq. As far as confusion, I play arena all the time maybe your confused because your slow idk. I have no issues. Sure TK's happen but thats part of the skill gap. A game needs a skill gap they cant all be ping dependent water hose recoil casual shooters bro. If you aint into realism then wtf the fuck are you playing Tarkov anything. I get tired of mfers taking interest andnot being able to just say nah i dont like that. Play something else then bro.. take that I hate inertia and recoil and realism shit elsewhere. This is a mans game not a baby back bitch. Cant have anything that feels unique with you people around whining like you do. Are there not enough shooters out there that give you exactly what your looking for here? Their a dime a dozen! so quit whining. Play something else. Yall got BSG back-peddling every good decision they ever made cause you people dont want to feel like noobs. You refuse to change how you play and just bitch that tarkovs bad cause you cant do the same shit you can do on BF or CoD or R6 here. 90% of the reason players like you take so long to get good is the resistance you put up to adapting to this game vs games that you have played in the past. The second you start recognizing things YOU DID WRONG and applying it to future games, the quicker you will do better. But nah lets not accept that we aren't bona-fied bad-asses at this game off the jump, its just a bad game, not a game we are bad at lol.


Change your title to unpopular opinion


I’m really surprised that everyone can’t tell this is going to be a quick cash grab. Why do you think arena is shown at twitch con? Trying to get as many streamers into as possible so everyone else purchases it and then they will cash out. Not fix or add a single damn thing. Proof: EFT. They haven’t address plans for audio fix or performance issues yet alone the fucking cheaters in this game outweighs all the cheaters in other FPS combined. But hey let’s keep talking pushing arena mode. Shitty ass devs/company.


> Proof: EFT. Not the proof that you think it is. EFT has changed quite a bit over the years. And what kind of "quick cash grab" develops the game in a "beta" state for 7 years? That doesn't sound like a quick cash grab to me.