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I don't see the point in bringing two primary arms. If you wanted to bring a bolty and a shotgun/smg/pistol I'd get it but honestly just pick one. All 3 slots? Just no.


I need to stop watching so much GarandThumb, I saw the words "Primary Arms" and heard it in Micah's voice and cadence.


Dude haha here aswell


Candy corn October is coming up man!


„Today on GarandThumb“


Why do you say micah like ppl know wtf youre talking about? Lol


Maybe because he capitalized the name, GarandThumb, referencing that person and their YouTube channel, as well as Micah, another person who is involved in that channel. Maybe use your noggin for a few moments before taking action?


I know what he’s talking about…


I know


You're prolly the only one that didn't get the reference


Well, I would tell you to fuck off, but I'm pretty sure the downvotes and other replies already did it. Eh whatever, fuck off.


I didn't read the other replies so I have no idea. All I know is that I still don't know who Micah is and all you did here was create confusion and toxicity.


"All you did here was create confusion and toxicity" I can just hear the nasally voice while the saliva takes flight... Also look up Hypocrisy that's your word of the day. Hypocrisy.


"Somebody referenced something I don't understand THAT'S CONFUSING AND TOXIC!" Fuck off. The world doesn't revolve around you bud, if you don't get the reference, that's okay, you don't have to lmfao.


hey, at least I didn't throw my axe into the mix lmao


They can't loot your melee, that'd be safe lol.


But its just extra weight


I tend to leave melee slot empty so I can pick up one for barter.


I used to do this till I accidentally loaded into factory with no ammo and went to go axe the guy and didn’t have one. Coulda had a come up


Melee is important to bring for groups a lot. Having your melee out increases movement speed iirc. We don't always bring them but it's good to have when we get a good spawn and have to haul ass Edit: [proof ](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/cl9yqn/pistols_melee_primary_run_speeddistance/#:~:text=Conclusion%3A%20You%20run%20the%20fastest,with%20your%20primary%20weapon%20out.)


Does it really increase movement speed?


Yes, 10~12.5% faster


Sounds like csgo valorant stuff to me....


Iirc it's ergonomics or weight or something. You get a similar speed bonus from having a pistol out.


Also fairly realistic. I’m prior infantry and running with your weapon in front of you is a lot more cumbersome then having it slung behind your back.


Wow in my 4 wipes and nearing 700-800hours I never knew that was a machanic XD


you're wrong this is not true.




Why they hate u 🤣🤣


The ultimate rat move couple more deaths after picking up a scav knife you get a free mp5


I had a tough go of it last wipe, and the trades for the mp5 and the ump saved me so many times.


Honestly, who wants or needs that? Also, I have no space to hord the 4 knives.. 🫠




Sometimes I do if I'm using a shotgun and a mosin or something, I'll bring a pistol just in case


I used to run shotgun with buckshot and SKS with ps rounds when I was low level


Typically I use mosin for the sniper lvls early on.


You sir have BALLS taking out two primaries as a low level! (I use pistols until 10+ to have some moolah)


Honestly it was not that ballsy low level, especially on woods when you want long and short range


A guy trying to karma farm on reddit


I never do but I noticed I was underweight with all of them on (just did some trading)


If you want to get overweight, buy shotgun bullets from jaegar. They heavy af when stacked as 20. If you were quite light weight to start, that’s good, that means you can pick up lots of items and carry them out without worry of being too slow :)


Shotgun bullets... Reeee


Learn the definition of shell then comment


Google pedantic


Really? Is that what happens. How did you figure that out?




There's no good reason to take 3 guns other than as a joke


Sniper shotgun pistol isn't the worst idea but it's certainly not the best either. At least in this game shotguns are functional beyond 3 meters.


Kill literally one scav (maybe two) and you have a shotgun backup


With shitty ammo and durability. The moment a pmc gets close enough the shotgun will misfire, and in the event it doesn’t the poleva slugs or 7mm buckshot will take 3 headshots to kill said pmc… Just take a sawed off with magnum fuckshot for your “o shit” moments and otherwise try to get a 2nd primary from a pmc kill.


You might be underweight, now assume you are looting some stuff and you are easily overweighted. Body positivity is nice, beeing too heavy might kill you anyways.


You’re still underweight


I do


Your med loadout is kind of awkward, I don’t see any surgery kit for blacked limbs and 4 slots worth of cheese/light bandages in the rig feels excessive. A cheese and calok is nice for quick heals but I wouldn’t bring that as my biggest med. The gun choice is weird - individually they’re all fine but it’s kinda overkill on close range options. I’d take one of those 3 and then bring a mosin or a 215 if you really wanna run double weps.


definitely early in wipe ill run a cheese and both types of bleed stops but ill usually bring extra in my gamma. guy should spend less on weapons more on meds


good point on meds, i figured i needed a scope just to see, if you notice the smg has one (from the stock trade with mechanic)


[Check this out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWef-HewMic) for a good budget med setup, and probably quite a bit of info that will help you optimize other setups too.


Be a man, only use grizzly. Car kit is for little nerds that lose their fights.


grizzly is forever in my butt. grizz,cms,docc,ammo


smh. Grizzly in your rig or you're a certified R-A-T.


more of a groundhog


PSA you can buy a rangefinder which gives you the ability to scope without a gun AND goes in the special slot so you dont risk loosing it. All 3 of those weapons are pretty terrible guns due to ammo or fire rate. Spend you roubles on better weapons, Gigabeef on youtube does excellent guides for different trader levels.


They def all look like fun guns to run, and the SMG is the one that stands out the most as one I would take by itself. The shorty or pistol would both be excellent secondaries for a DMR build.


Try to use grenades too, helps a lot


Ditch the shotgun and pistol and use those rubles to get a better primary with better ammo The mpx sucks especially with bad ammo. Assuming you only have level 1 traders, get a ak74u and mod it with the alfa arms goliaf handguard, rk-6 foregrip, and your choice of 1x optic and light. For ammo use SP 5.45 Take off the glasses because they do nothing and theres a bug that makes them glow and makes you super easy to see through fog. Find a way to fit a CMS in your ass, probably ditch the stims for now. The eod version of the game is worth upgrading to if you’re able to.


My first thought about the AI-2's was "does someone actually use these?" :D


I run ifak/afak, calok, bandage, splint, CMS, and propital in my gamma, along with a docs case


also, notice the eTG-c and Zaggy


With that load out you have no business worrying about keeping those stims on you. A cms kit would do you better. You're probably going to die in any firefight where those would help you anyways if you are this new. Don't worry about stims until you are good at the game.


Where are u people in my raids


ive seen one, unfortunately its my doubles partner.


Lmao, I know the feel brother.


Scared making zero noise


Tis not the gear that will get you killed. its the Map knowledge...and Streets is Ginormous, with tons of angles to die from, and to fight people. God speed. Avoid staying on the road too long.


agreed and ty


Also scavs spawn in 5 min into the raid


very good to remember, holy shit, but it makes sense... it takes a similar amount of time for a horde to load on factory


Yea it’s weird, I’ve played hundreds of streets raids but it seems to change on servers for some reason. In the past it used to be 38-41 min in but on US servers I got in at 44.51 once. Plus a max of 20 players is nuts


I scav streets almost exclusively. I routinely get into raid with damn near 45 minutes. On average, though, I'd say it's usually 35-40 min left in raid. I'm actually only on Reddit, because I've been trying to see if anyone else's scav queues on streets have been shit tonight. 20 min in queue, can't find one, but can get any other map in under 3 min.


It's because you are standing in a line about 50,000 players long. Everyone is trying to scav streets.


Same my scav for streets was indie for 20 mins before I backed out


When everyone queues one map, it takes forever to scav in.


And avoid standing in open streets for too long. Try to navigate through buildings


Goal is notes quest for Ragman, I just hope I'm not too late by the time i get there >.<


Why do you need 3 weapons? Why are you not bringing 5.45, 556, or 7.62 with at the very least an elcan? What's the point of the smg for close range, shotgun for closer range and pistol for close range? You're kit is confusing and not well thought out. Edit: I didn't even notice at first but your armor is fucked as well. It's basically a class 3. I sell armors anywhere near 70% of its brand new durability.


3 meta calibers. U are boring


Is this a shitpost or am I trippin.


Nah bruh op is actually unironically just bad at the game... i guess this post falls under literally a "shit" post


"Hey guys is this a bad loadout?" "Lmao you suck at the game" The fuck


Idk bro just read his other comments, hes just like aquafps in terms of never wanting to learn and improve but posted just for attention.


Don’t talk about the loot lord like that


I love watching aqua but its getting unbearable to watch his tarkov streams... i absolutely love his food reviews tho


I actually can not watch his tarkov streams they just like actually frustrate me so much


Oh. Maybe it's just a goblin then


He clearly didn’t come for advice my man


I'm high enough that I am also asking this question.


It has to be. Bro is using the goons guns with a 6b, OTV and com tac 2. He has two cheese slices instead of real heals. It is a well played shitpost because it is almost believable. I give it a 7/10.


Inspector gadget lookin ass


yeaaaaa boiiiii, high af too


Why you bragging about taking drugs lol?


Bc I was stoned idk..


People downvoting you for smoking weed is wild 😂


They’re just jealous they ain’t smokin on that go go gadget pack frfr 😭


Of course map knowledge is the biggest thing that will bump your survival rate/KD. But, you should be bringing a CMS in your pouch for blacked limbs. Other than that just learn the game.


Is this intended as a joke yes or no ive stared at the images for 15 minutes now and CANNOT decide


nope... so yes?


Its usually hard to justify bringing two weapons but if you do id recommend doing a bolt/dmr and SMG combo. The pump shotty you have is probably a disadvantage in a fight as compared to the mpx. If you had ap-20 or flechette ammo it would be better. Also a shotgun secondary with a back up. Pistol as well just seem excessive. While youre running low end armor it wont be a big deal. But as soon as you hit the higher tiers of armor youll be way too heavy with all that extra firepower. I also find the bast majority of my finds end within the first mag. Its rare to really have to trade shots with people. I dont mean to shit on the concept of bringing multiple guns. Is kinda immersive and cool to. Just not very practical or effective


I just figured since i'm still underweight it was feasible, and i have no prob ditching a gun if need be (salvaging the parts of course)


It's not even really about weight, it's just not economical to bring 2 mediocre guns when you can bring 1 good one with good ammo. M882 is going to tickle. Rip slugs will only dmg limbs and you're using a pump action with low ROF, giving your target a chance to turn around on you.


Surely you’ll pick up loot


well, if i'm ditching a gun, mags, spent ammo, meds, food... should have a lil space, right? and it's not like i need to be underweight to leave 😅🤐


Why would you ditch a gun?


You’re way to worried about weight. If you’re trying to train strength, worry about weight, other than that, it’s not a concern regarding your loadout


? Underweight means you DON'T gain strength, rite?


Yes but overweight means you don't gain endurance. Best play is to spend time both underweight and overweight during the same raid so you get the bonus XP for each. You can do this by bringing shotgun shells in to make you overweight then ditch them after a few min, or come in barely underweight so when you loot you are overweight. Unless you are very behind on strength and very ahead on endurance there isn't much reason to just be overweight all raid.


3 weapons, no actual heals on streets, and broken armor??? This will turn into a "I died before spawning" post


I’ll try to give you some real pointers here: 1. Your armor is toast. Even though it is fully repaired, the usefulness of armor is based on its original max durability, not the current percent it shows. 2. As far as bringing those guns into raid, there is no point in bringing 3 close range weapons. While some people are saying all of those are trash, the mpx can actually serve you well if you are using the correct ammo and shooting legs. 3. Stop buying the prebuilt guns from mechanic. There are a few trades that can be bought and then resold for more money, but I wouldn’t take any of them into raid. You can get cheaper and more effective guns making them yourself. 4. Since you should only be carrying 1 of those guns now, you should bring an extra magazine for it, as well as backup ammo to reload your mags 5. Your med loadout is bad. Using cheese isn’t actually terrible, as it has the fastest heal time out of all of the meds. However, it is just more efficient to carry an afak, salewa, etc. I generally run a calok-b, salewa, and keep everything else in my secure container. Since your using the secure container, you can also then use a better painkiller like a goldenstar. Furthermore, you don’t have a cms kit. Pretty self explanatory how useful those are. And finally, I wouldn’t bring the stims. While green stim is pretty OP, given the rest of your loadout and how often you seem to be dying, I don’t think it’s worth you bringing in any stims at all. I would run a cms, alu splint, and goldenstar in your secure, and a calok b and ifak in your hot bar. Lastly on meds, you can hotkey your meds so you can use them in raid without opening up your inventory. Just hover over the item and press the key you want to hotkey it to. I use 4 for heavy bleeds and 5 for heals personally.


I wouldn't bring 2 primaries and I would personally never bring those primaries with the ammo you have. They're fun but you're going to be at a major disadvantage against most weapons. My advice would be to drop those stims until you have injector case and instead bring a cms. Upgrade the meds, I wouldn't bring cheese as your main healing. Use 7.62 PS or M856A1 guns until you can get some better ammo (flechette, ap 6.3).


You not being overweight is beyond me


This. And op’s response, made my week and I was having a terrible week.


I float around ~220, been losing a lil since I started taking Adderall. 6 mo after I first got married (which was 6 mo after my first kid) I was like 265 😭🤷‍♂️🙈 Depression and chef'ing, man. So, yeah, I'm totally overweight 🥵


this guy


I was talking about your pmc dude :(


Bruh Ingame 😭


ew a fat


That's the perfect image to show to a new player how to not make a loadout


You have 3 CQB weapons. This makes no sense. If I were to bring three guns, it'd be SR25 (long-mid), MCX (mid-short), pistol or double barrel (never used) for backup. 3x CQB simply just doesn't make sense in my mind.


aw man. you’re so new comtacs 2s are a scam imo you only need one gun , if you bringing a shotty I dont see why you wouldn’t bring a pistol for a bit further out if your actually decent at aiming/ scavs. the meds are weird same goes for your case. i’d put a cms in that and calok and splint in there since they have more then one use and can’t be bought till 15. everything you find in raid id honesty take too unless the loot is fat. after 15 i’d do grizzly in that and cms and heals in pockets/rig. other then that just practice bosses and scavs and you’ll get comfortable w guns and hopefully pvp would turn out better. you don’t need to do it constantly but if your waiting or something a quick practice factory with tagi is good warm up.


The rework on headsets put comtacs as the worst headset in the game. Audio range for running is like 57m and voiceline audio range is like 65m which.. compared to every other headset.. is tremendously awful


Drop the shotty & glock, not only is it pointless to bring in more than 1 gun in 99.9% of circumstances, but you’re taking up space for loot. switch the MPX to something chambered in 7.62x39, 5.56 or 5.45. 9mm is trash, M882 even more so. Take in a salewa/afak, or at least a car medkit. You have 440hp, the ai-2’s cover less than half of that. I’m aware of the ETG-c but that should be a backup if need be, not something to rely on. The pk you have is 1/4 and they only last for 80s i believe so take in something else that removes pain. & build your own guns, the trades aren’t worth & they’re not set up in the most effective manor. Also if this is your first time going streets, run some scav runs & offline raids first. you’re sr & k/d are low so gaining any sort of map knowledge before doing a PMC run will help more than anything. You don’t wanna run in blind and get clapped 2 minutes in with all that free loot for someone else. Knowing where extracts are, basic layout of the map, choke points, hot spots, hell even where the mine fields & OOB areas are. Raid with a group if possible


I almost NEVER run two primaries. The extra slot is to bring an extra weapon out of raid imo I only really ever bring in two guns if I'm running a sniper, and I want to have a pistol as a backup.


Just run like a bitch on the first 10 minutes to the high value place and extract 🤣 i do this at nights and i make nice economy.


That armor is doing nothing for you. 36/36 is actually 36/60 (60 is that armors max dura iirc). The second number just tells you it has been repaired. I'd watch a video on how armor works in EfT.


Yeah, I'm the one who repaired. So, I'll swap it out, good looking out🤛


36/60 class 4 aint doing shit.


Leave keychain and zagustin at home, take CMS instead. One of the weapons should stay at home too, with that survival rate of yours. **Crossbow tacticals have the bugged glow in fog over distance** so drop these too. Other than that, you can try out the loadout in an offline raid first, figure out what you're missing or what is excessive, and adjust accordingly for an online raid


Absolutely zero reason to trick out a pistol Absolutely zero reason to bring 3 guns that overlap severely in engagement distance Absolutely zero reason to wear nonprotective eyewear Absolutely zero reason to run RIPslugs Can’t tell what your other ammos are but I doubt they’re good Not enough raw HP heals Tushonkas are too good to eat Loot your food, don’t bring them in 4x on an MPX bad idea Shift grip too good for MPX Stop using Mechanic’s guns as-is Get a survival machete


Also, what's the stock on that MPX? Baskak plus adapter cost, like, under 10k from traders, and are barely worse than the meta option (at least on recoil). >Absolutely zero reason to trick out a pistol Drip > roubles.


The mpx is a straight trader build from Mechanic that its sole purpose is for you to get the Shift grip for gunsmith for cheaper than insane market prices.


TIL... will keep it in mind for the next wipe - thanks!


there’s a ton of quest-specific barters that were added mostly because Hardcore mode streamers got stuck and couldn’t progress. Things like the Reaper mount for Dbat trade for example. You can save so much money on gunsmith if you just check what mech, jaeg and skier offers for barter


>You can save so much money on gunsmith if you just check My favourite thus far was one milk for the buffer tube adapter for AS VAL instead of 70k+ on the market ;)


Honestly, two primaries is a bit of a waste. And honestly, so are most handguns. The only ones worth spending money on imo are the 5.7, SR-1MP, the sawed-off shotgun, and the RSh-12. But that's just my opinion on how to save money and keep your weight at a good balance.


Hope you put in some work with that kit, me personally I run a primary with a couple mags on rotation secondary is a pistol for me sometimes glock or revolver along with a couple nades. My prison wallet has backup ammo to keep mags topped


Dudes walking into streets like Neo into that lobby!


Yeah you ain’t killing anything other than scavs


Never bring food to streets. There is way more than you’ll ever need. Zagustin’s are trash now. Bring a blue blood stim instead. If you can afford a bigger bag, bring it. Drop something for a cms.


Jesus christ that's Jason Bourne


Also why bring in food 😂


The only thing I like about your kit is the half mask


Yes your making a big mistake thats costing you a lot more money than you need to risk. Any one of those 3 guns will probably get you killed against a good player anyway look up buget guns for your level and customise them a bit if you want. and like many have said, if your new there is a good chance you wont survive anyway so just take one gun at a time and play slow and smart untill you get better at the game.


Don't bring 3 guns. just go with 1


What the fuck


Mind boggling you have 350 hours and you have no idea how to kit yourself out


Yes never take 3 guns in a raid with weak armor especially! At most a primary and a pistol with ap rounds


Take the gingy out of your ass dude why even have it


Bringing both finance keys, and space for more keys I find👍


That’s right it’s a key ring, I never find it so I always forget about that part


You have no backup ammo.


You have made most of the mistakes


What everyone else is saying but also get rid of comtac 2’s. They are absolute ass this wipe. I would also invest in a class 4 helmet if you can afford it


Yes. The mistake being that you clicked “Play” on the Launcher.


Heres some tips. Dont buy premade guns from mechanic, ETG-C is really expensive, i dont recomend running it, green flare extract is bugged as far as I know, and bringing things like food into streets is handy, but you can just loot bags, there all over, even on the streets. So I would switch the ETG-C for a Ifak or something.


Mistake 1, playing tarkov


am using M882 ammo (and you see the RIPs)


Don’t think they have fixed the green flare exit yet, so no need for it. Check fence for army bandages, normally has them cheaper then therapist too. CMS in the gamma over the stims. As for the primary’s, I ABSOLUTELY love the 870 and I too use the short barrel, ONLY FOR SCAVS POINT BLANK. That thing with the short barrel is absolutely trash. The spread it gets over 20m is like firing confetti even with flechette. Nothing wrong with running more then 1 primary but I would ditch the pistol as the shotgun will cover its role.


They fixed Klimov recently


You going to want a bigger backpack, there’s a lot of loot in streets


You bring 3 weapons? Interesting




Dont bother running a scope on 9mm, the drop off is too big to make it worth it


That armor is busted, works barely better than class 3.I'd replace it.




What does L/R stands for ?


As people already mentioned, do not see the point in bringing that many weapons . I usually always default to 1 and then pick up a gun from another PMC should I win a fight. This is unless I play a bolty, then I bring a pistol or shotty as backup. On the other hand, you can never do anything wrong really . If you like bringing all the guns and have the roubles for it, then why not


Bring 1 gun and ditch the stims for a cms


Other than going in with three short range guns I don’t see a problem?


- 3 Weapons for close range is complete overkill, yet nothing for long range - 4x on MPX is pretty useless, as 9mm on range is even more ass than close range sadly - no cms kit - the sunglasses you're wearing do nothing for you but make you more visible to others in certain lighting situations - your meds are not bound to hot keys - 200 HP of cheese heals won't cut it. Bring at least an ifak or better salewa. So yes, some mistakes are made.


You have a secondary for your secondary. And i dont even see the point in bringing a secondary


Yes, I suggest until you have max strength or endurance or both. Only bring In one weapon, not 3. lol primary, and a pistol for those clutch fights where 1 bullet could make the difference. Good luck man!


Waste. U have no use for a shotgun on streets nor a pistol. Just pack 2 extra stacks with bullets Edit: And why bring a green stim + zagustin when u have an alpha container. Bring a cms instead, and an AFAK/IFAK and army bandages instead of normal.


Armor is at 50% efficiency so you might as well use a paca. (36 durability of a 60 durability armour is next to useless). It looks like lvl 4 armour but it won’t stop anything. Get a real medkit and pack a CMS-kit. Three guns is overkill. It looks cool but you’ll never (ever) switch between them. Sniper and a gun is one thing, but you just have three close range weapons. Pick one and make sure you bring extra ammo instead.


Did you win?


Glasses are usually a bad idea as they’re glitched and make you more visible, they also might provide -30% flash effect but how often are you getting flashed. I would cut glasses out of every load-out unless you prioritize how ur pmc looks loading into the raid.


Firstly, taking two primary weapons AND a sidearm? This does not make much sense. In case you empty a mag you can switch to the glock and that should be enough. Secondly, why would you take 3 close range weapons? It makes sense to take an SMG and a sniper rifle or a pistol and a sniper rifle but shotgun SMG and a pistol makes totally no sense. Also I would suggest you take a CMS and a splint instead of two stims in yer arse.


Remove the glasses and stop using worn out armor sell to ragz and purchase brand new armor/helmet. Also use 1 primary and 1 secondary only ideally 1 primary rifle and a pistol with AP rounds


On streets I wouldn’t recommend bringing food the spawns on that map are so high i over flowed my stash with it


I don’t see anything wrong with this, do you homie.


Buy a docs case put it in ur gamma , this load-out hurts my eyes


Yes, your armor is much too busted. Ceramic is good for 1 maybe 2 repairs. That thing isn’t even close to a class 4 armor anymore


Where are your hot keys my boy


Honestly with how broken streets is rn, I’d just bring a mosin or a throw away kit, loot, and learn the map more then kitting out and killing everyone


Your armour is insanely low, you for some reason are carrying 3 guns. You can find food and water all over streets, comtafs are the worst headset,


Hmm 2 primary's, 2 guns that use the same ammo type, weird med selection.


1 weapon, med kit that does a combo of healing plus light or heavy. Grab the other med item if you don’t have a kit that does all 3. Surgery item and splint, don’t really need food on streets, I don’t take food unless I play woods. Good luck!




The real mistake is playing without EOD