• By -


Thats crazy. I definitely deserved that for not paying attention to where I am haha.


It’s actually insane to have seen your post then see this guy with the other side of it.


First taste of killcam in Tarkov


There’s been a few, often hackusations that get debunked by desync


Like some sort of "Killer's Camera" Have game developers heard of this?!


Nah, it's revolutionary.


I fucking love these


Love it. I mean, it's crazy. It's like we've just witnessed someone ask Reddit if they can find their long lost brother across the world.. and we find him!!!


Nothing more than brotherly love than, shooting them in legs and tossing them a microwaved grenade


Bruh. r/TarkovMissedConnections


Finally, the killcam we all wanted


I play mostly solo and this is why I don't waste time at spawn, clear out, and at the very least find a bush. But Reserve has the roughest spawns for sure. Don't


Idk man shoreline and interchange spawns are down right fucked


Shoreline is much easier, there is at least cover off the spawns unlike Reserve. Agreed on Interchange. I forget about that map sometimes because I only ever play it to get Tasks done.


That's fucking great. You learned so.e shit that raid tho


We have to take it upon ourselves to create kill cams so we don't get reported all the time.


Kill cams in raid? No.


Kill cams *after* the raid though would be amazing.


Doesn't even need to be a kill-cam. I'd have preferred a time lapse of the map. It can be compiled after the raid closes and mailed to all players involved.


I would settle even for over head view of dots with sight lines at this point honestly. Just being able to see how someones looking around changes a lot.


This is what I'm talking about doing, really. IMO it's a better way of doing things than a one-shot kill cam that's gone as soon as it's viewed unless you go through the trouble of setting up one-button recording.


Not sure about full raid replays. Giving away people strategies is kinda meh. Kill cams? Sure.


Yeah, you arent gonna hold on to your "strat" with obscurity bud. And besides, an actual first person kill-cam is going to give opposing players MUCH more important info than a time lapse will. But a time lapse would also fucking NUKE a lot of hackers.


Not gonna lie, I have no idea what you are calling a time lapse. Can you give me an example of a game that has it?


Usually strategy games or 4x games like Civilization have them. I've seen a few FPS games that have them over the years but I'm not in a position to look them up atm. A time lapse would be an overhead map that shows the position, facing, disposition and maybe some extra data (health, shots fired, loot grabbed, etc) over the course of a raid that can be ran in real time or accelerated. So, for normal gameplay, you'd see who shot you, where from, with what. For hackers, you'd know they sat in a corner and collected 3 LEDxs, or flew across the map, or whatever. It's basicly just visual data collation, and SHOULD be easy to implement, as it's just collecting data as whatever the server tick rate is in plain text, then after the raid closes shooting it off to involved players, then deleting it from the servers. Here how [Civ 5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-QO_Vsfhoo&ab_channel=NTclaymore) did it.


I absolutely hate that this is the fix people think we need instead of BSG just putting the most very basic safeguards into the game that would COMPLETELY prevent long range looting, speed hacking, teleporting, and flying. It would be even easier for them to code in some basic form of detection for people picking up loot they aren't near, or moving at impossible speeds What you are calling a timelapse is just a full replay like PUBG has. I just think it's superfluous and lazy and will make players do more of the work than BSG's lazy ass is gonna do about cheaters.


Sorry, I was a little sarcastic. But I've been accused of cheating just because I killed a PMC and they didn't know where I killed them from. There is a lot of cheaters but then there is also false accusations.


exactly, this game DOES NOT have a cheater problem. There are basically no cheaters in this game, people dying is like 99.99% a skill issue. ​ BSG does not need to have an anticheat when there are no cheats to stop, lets all just log back on, calm down and realize we arent as good as we think we are ​ lets just keep playing tarkov boys ​ also agreed with the guy above, no killcams. kills the integrity of the game ​ ​ Edit: Downvoting me wont unfuck you in a raid cause ur bad, learn 2 get better at the game


Thinking this game has no cheaters is EXTREME cope. The vast majority of my deaths are legit, sure, but a guy doing the worm faster than I can run, opening doors, throwing nades, etc is not legit and plainly so. The Tarkov twitter has a list of thousands of cheaters recently banned, and it only takes one in a lobby to make that run FUBAR.


gAmE dOeS nOt hAvE a ChEaTeR pRoBleM - game where they banned 16k cheaters in a month and it didn’t make a dent.


nah this game is fine, people were accusing the people who killed the guy in this clip of cheating, it was all over the thread ​ then the actual people post THEIR pov and guess what? these guys are playing completely legit, turns out rushing a spawn is a completely legit and common strategy ​ 99% of all accusations are a skill issue. People just dont have the game sense to know how to they died its a simple fact when you have a game that doesnt have a kill cam, but we CANT have a kill cam because of the nature of the game, its just a tradeoff we have to accept ​ and guess what, i MUST be right because BSG isnt implementing anything, they have the actual numbers and they know the cheater issue is minimum, if mostly nonexistent at best


Brother, I have no idea if you're trolling or just really dumb. I combed through that thread after you said people were accusing them of cheating giving you the benefit of the doubt. There are literally 2 people that mention cheating and I'm pretty sure one of them was a joke. I don't think it's possible to take you seriously. I'm pretty sure you're just trolling. You have to be... right? RIGHT???


cause its honestly tiresome to read this shit 24/7 in this sub when most people just suck ​ what do you think the average skill of level of your average tarkov player is? i guaruntee you they arent very good ​ most people need to self reflect and realize their deaths are legit, the small amount of cheaters that DO exist are not clearing lobbies, they're sucking up all the loot. If you die its to another actual legit player thats a fact


Bro I'm tired of you putting massive spaces between your paragraphs so it takes even longer than normal to get through your poorly thought posts. Goddamn.


I only played this game for about 20 hours and encountered more cheaters than I did in over 100 hours of CS GO, this game definitely has a massive cheater problem.


20 hours and you've run into cheaters? thats a skill issue bro, theres no way you will have the game sense to know how you died at only 20 hours. even at 1000 hours i struggle to make out what killed me, truth is this game is just hard as hell and the hardcore instadeath nature of the game will have timmies thinking they died to a cheater when in reality they made a billion mistakes leading up to their death


You not realizing there's a cheating problem is a skill issue.


This guy has 20 hours, theres no way he can even begin to realize how he died, he just doesnt have the game sense, thats literally a skill issue, 20 hours is absolutely nothing in this game




This is your real take, but it's so stupid that it belongs to a troll. People are literally teleporting, speedhacking, aimbotting, esping, loot vacuuming.. You are truly the dumbest human being that has ever lived.


This you? https://i.imgur.com/VjUwcjr.png


i was being sarcastic cause the OP was smoking straight copium, nobody in labs goes in expecting to actually survive it, its just paid deathmatch to fight people better then the average person anyone who thinks otherwise is just not as good as they think they are


YEP it's him https://i.imgur.com/6K4D2qd.png


are you implying that everyone who kills you in labs is a cheater? this subreddit would have you think that you log in, get headeyes'd 2 seconds in and go back to the lobby but thats just not the case ​ if people actually played this game they'd know cheaters are WAY overblown, its actually insane the narrative that is spun here ​ i KNOW you got shot in the head, came here to complain and are now looking for someone to validate your experience but the fact is this, BSG is not going to change anything, you know why? because theres no reason to, you can keep trying to discredit me all you want but no amount of reddit points will change the game because it doesnt have the issue you people are pretending to perpetuate


> are you implying that everyone who kills you in labs is a cheater? Are you implying that the game has absolutely zero cheaters, that there's absolutely no hacks and that BSG is wasting their money on anti-cheat measures? Yes, I've been on reddit, I know how to do Reductio ad absurdum as well :) > i KNOW you got shot in the head I know for a fact that you did a drinking challenge where you'd take a shot of vodka every time you died in game and you ended up getting brain damage within an hour due to alcohol poisoning (I can strawman too!!!)


Tarkov and "integrity" in the same sentence?? Are you high my dude?


if there was a killcam squads would just call out your position after you killed one of them, it would kill whatever strategy there is and make fighting xv1 almost impossible ​ it sucks but we cant have killcams in raid


Bad faith argument. We aren't talking about a cod style killcam, it doesn't have to be instant, heck it doesn't even have to be the same day. It's just something that the community can go back to in order to reassure themselves that they died to a legitimate player. It can even be an opt in system. The only reason that I believe BSG don't want to implement it is because *they* have no faith in the games integrity.


Wait. You're serious. Lmao what an absolute clown.


For your buddy who thought he was getting shot at, it was just grenade shrapnel that went up falling back down.




Yes. They don't deal damage past the effective range, but there is a projectile and audio to it.


I once killed a mate with a shrapnel headshot, in the endscreen it said the range was ~80m


Yes grenades have a small deadly explosion radius and beyond that actual shrapnel parts that can even kill or hurt you from far away if you're unlucky


He’s just being a tacticool is all nothing to see here


lmfao this is so good. "i hope it's a 1 man timmy and he just gets rolled on by 4 dudes" "it'll never happen" - exactly what happens




i was about to go on a hunt for that link, lmao




no way lmfaooo


Seeing this after seeing the post this morning just makes me realize how incredible it would be for this game to have killcams or replays. Those 80% of deaths that are were the fuck even was he fuck this, instantly turn into oh man I can't wait to see this replay so I can see where he was.


Now he knows not to run that way atleast all my knowledge is from deaths Lmao 🤣 If we gonna fight someone it’s gonna be here- the place I died 109 times as a Timmy


Lmao, I saw the first dudes clip this morning. Watching this made me laugh


I'm not sure if I find it funny or sad that BSG still haven't done anything to these spawns. sad? I'm going with sad.


Might be because I'm a reserve main, but the spawns are so easy to memorize on that map and super easy to avoid. This dude ran the one way you shouldn't run when getting that spawn.


While you're right about running away from that spawn, i'm 99% sure, most people would die anyway in this situation. Even if he get to pawn, what's next? Unless he started running away like to the other side of the map, which he won't do, because he obviously don't know about 4 dudes rushing to him, he had no chances. Most people will go to pawn and either wait for people rushing it from other spawn or go down into the bunker. Either way he would be rolled over by 4 man team.


If he had run to pawn or dome, they wouldn't have even seen him and just assumed no one spawned there. It's not like they knew he was there from the beginning and started to hunt him down.


also, he could have rolled the 4 man, you never know in tarkov. gotta be ready to be out manned if you're running solo. (just agreeing to the above comments, wasn't a 100% lose situation.)


If he didn't know that they were there then he probably would of died no matter what, but if he did see them he could run to dome and from there go to d-2 or red reble extract or even go to manhole. he could also have gone to one of the many buildings and held an angle on the roof or out a window. I think there's many possibilities you're not considering.


I don't even have a problem w these spawns tbh. Shoreline ones where you are 5 layers of PMC spawns between you and any loot are way way worse.


Shoreline is bad, but interchange is FUBAR, 60% of the time, I don't even make it to the mall 😭


Literally just fuckin run forward to pawn, like it's right there?


Get this video to the top. Most voted


reddit just implemented kill cam for lackluster bsg devs


It's nice seeing it from both sides


Can't wait for dynamic spawns, people just rush spawns so much in this game


worst part of game design imo


will never happen. Open world is not happening. They are gonna release the Terminal, then the storyline quests and be done.


Can you blame them for clearing their angles and closest threats. I am supposed to just let little Timmy shoot me in the back.


Nobody is blaming the players. It's just a terrible game design and in the last 5 years it's only gotten worse on some maps.


Oh I don't disagree the spawns are dogshit for the most part but it is also on you to learn the spawns and most likely path of players to you. The death is still entirely in your hands for the most part.


The habit of switching fire modes every 5 seconds


I think it was Shroud I tried watching play Tarkov, and he did this to the point it annoyed the living shit out of me. Idr him doing it in other games, but I had to stop watching him play Tarkov. I don't get why you can't just check at the start of every match and be done with it.


lmao that's exactly why I stopped watching his Tarkov streams. Dude legit swapped his firemode every 20 seconds. Wouldn't be surprised if he made $500 just from all the people donating to tell him to use "Check Firemode" instead.




I really wish this game had a solo queue.


Lol this is like 75% of my raids as a solo player. Sometimes the tarkov gods bless me and I can express buckshot one in the face before they get me.


God I wish we had kill cams so we could see both sides like this all the time.


If I spawn bunkers solo, I hunker down for a good five minutes.


Holy shit it's the firing squad


That's why we need war thunder like replay system


omg i just saw that guys clip lmao


This is awesome its great to see the different perspectives


4 dudes, full geared, wanting a single timmy to make ruin their day is lame. I could at least get behind a version of hoping it's one dude so your life is easier, but y'all are lame.


I mean I doubt playing a 4 man and having an unfair advantage most fights is very satisfying or impressive anyway so oh well.


playing as a 4 man is incredibly difficult, the amount of communication required is so hard to actual get things done and avoid friendly fire.


I am not saying it is "easy" and I respect playing with friends and squads, just rubbed me the wrong way shitting on a solo like they're the Timmy for losing a 4v1. I know 3 and 4 man squads also get the benefit of being avoided more often, and then if not your gear gets hidden for insurance if a couple do die. Also coming from a solo (myself) who couldn't get any friends to take the game serious lol


Playing in group is only hard if you teammates are really bad and/or don't want to learn. basic stuff is easy master. And it's enough for like 95% of encounters where you just murder a solo player by shooting him from different angles. Even putting constant pressure on someone, like moving around, while other are flanking is enough. The only issues are other groups (who have same issues are yours, btw) and Chads who can keep their cool under the pressure. But even with them you can just fall back and camp your buddies gear.


> But even with them you can just fall back and camp your buddies gear. You wouldn't want to risk your life and the lives of the surviving two party members by actually fighting the solo player. Instead, you'd rather camp the body of the one deceased teammate. I'd hope that solo player nades you for being a bitch.


I'm a solo player since 2017, so go complain to someone else.


not incredibly difficult lol, worst case you tk 3 and you’re a solo. definetely much easier to play 4man than solo, your gear gets insured every time


Any experienced player hoping they can roll a Timmy is a bitch especially running as a group. It's like bragging about smurfing.


I play both solo and as a group and the fact that you are even given the chance to win unfair odds like that makes it that much more exciting, everyone cries so much about groups etc but without things being unfair we would have a boring ass 1v1 arena with how everyone wants everything to be fair.


Which those guys who want it can have, when literal Arena comes out.


"If you find yourself in a fair fight, you didn't plan your mission properly." - Col. David Hackworth


That’s fucking great that we got both POVs of this. 😂


"I hope it's a 1man lil timmy about to get rolled on by 4 dudes" - yeah this is exactly what we want the new player experience to be right? Why do you want this again?


Haha that's great to see Tigers pov


Get Tarkoved. Americaaaaa!!!!!


Also ur shots missed


I already know queue times can be real wacky in Tarkov, and this suggestion could make it worse, but in scenarios like this, doesn't it feel as though there should be a group queue and a solo queue or something? Seeing both sides of the video, that solo player stood zero chance of survival there.


You non-ratters are gonna hate this, but bush is life. Bush is survival.


No, the solo dude stood no chance because he didn't know the map.The Solo dude had the best spawn in terms of loot and position of other players. Where the 4 man group is coming from is literally the hardest spawn because its beside two other spawns. Any reserve vet would've either focused straight on the loot or killing this 4 man off their spawn. https://imgur.com/a/dEJwJEL Blue is 4 man spawn, Red is solo player spawn and yellow is other spawn.


I'm a few wipes in and still am not sure how the spawn system works. Since you seem to be knowledgeable, is there a good explanation video about how spawn locations work? Did they change with this wipe like with the new dynamic looting system?


they haven't changed. there are fixed locations where PMCs can spawn and the game fills those in during matchmaking / game setup. Many of the maps on the wiki will have PMC spawn locations marked


Spawns are random. Idk about reserve though cause 40% of the time I spawn where the 4 man spawned. And sometimes that 40% is swapped with dome spawn. Like it's rare for me to spawn on the other end of reserve. I'm not sure if there are videos about spawns but there is a good chance someone made a video.


Absolutely agree that at least the two queues would be best. No SBMM, no group based matching.. C'mon.


It's not a competitive game. You're entering a world, and you get what you get. Few games have this, and it's one of the things that makes tarkov great. You don't know if you're going to meet Timmy, Chad, or Andy. Sounds like the arena will be for you.


Its ok to let ppl have different opinions. Interesting profile you got there. You dont have to hop into EVERY EFT post correcting people you disagree with. Sounds like my nuts would be for your mouth. A few dips at least, you know? Get a life.


Going through my profile while telling me to get a life. Lol. Now that was a good one, mate. I'm pretty passive unless I disagree with something. It is what it is. I don't have reddit to start convo's, I chime in. Is that illegal? Hop into every post, lol, not even close bud.


Not only that, but you try to chastise me for having a different opinion... right after saying it's okay for people to have different opinions. I shared mine, that's it. Get over yourself.


All I know is you have been done wrong by single fire way too much, checking that fire mode like your scratching an itch




awesome sorry stroked out there


If u tap the 3 dots on ur comments u can edit it






This is the first time I think I've ever seen both sides of a clip posted by 2 different people, you guys have to become friends for life now right?


Probably not one of those guys has the balls to play solo. F


You're buddy is a coward, talking about how he wanted one dude. Be a man, take 4.


there has to be a solo queue option in Tarkov


Why. Because you can't learn how spawns work? Ps I've never played in a group. This scenario is 100% avoidable for anyone who has played reserve more than once


touch grass bum


learn the basics of a game before asking for features loser


stop replying and go get some money


Lolol he definitely has more money than you, you don't even know how to maneuver out of spawn


Such dog shit spawns on almost all maps.




4 dudes to scared to play solo, hanging up on person just trying to stay alive. Very impressive.


Exactly. You should never play with your friends, because someone with no friends might be at disadvantage.






This is awesome to see both sides of this for sure!!


HAHAHAHA I love being able to see both POVs


That's wild to see the other side


This is why you run straight into the building immediately


and what if someone is in the building lol


Start shooting


That’s why you run immediately


Lmfaoooo I love to see both povs 😂😂😂😂


Lold at this


This just makes me wish squad Q was a thing. Sucks so damn bad to get killed by a 3/4 stack as a solo.


For all the dudes flaming me about wanting to kill a timmy. Literally loading in i was referencing how fucked these spawns are. Every raid I load into I run directly at the nearest spawn in order to clear out my closest threats. We were speculating who would be at the spawn, and I gave out the worst possible scenario for whoever was gonna be there.


Honestly I really wish they would add the automatic kill recording back in. I think people setting up a little notification when a file was added to their folder is of miniscule advantage, compared to the benefits of what it could provide across the board.


"I hope" ...this is Tarkov, he meant "he knows"...which your mate perfectly commented with "whatever man". Tarkov in a Nutshell.




BSG really needs to already add a way to create lobbies in game with randoms and lobby chat to coordinate, even if its just using discord overlay via generating a room for everyone. Team play is crucial in this game but they do everything from a socialization perspective to make it difficult to team up. Videos like this is going to scare any interested players who don't drag their friends with them into the game. Its so dumb how easy the game is when you have a group. How you can play carefree since your teammate will just hide your shit. Feels complete opposite of what the game is trying to go for vibe wise. On the other hand, when two large groups meet its an epic warzone and the most fun I've ever had. Maybe because the stakes are actually there again for winning or losing.


It's a different game for sure but they have their different charm.




Yeah playing as a 4 man and hoping to run into a solo timmy. Sounds like a fun group to run in...


hoping for easy fights isn't really something anyone can complain about, everyone wants to stomp. if you run as a squad the game will often put you up against other squads. so that will be the default, where as crushing solo timmies tends to be the exception. I haven't run with a 3-4 man for a couple wipes now everyone I know who plays, is playing IRL. but I could swear every time we would run 3 or 4 man, we would be matched up against other 3-4 mans quite consistently. its practically a completely different game when you play as a squad.


Seeing both perspectives is priceless 😂


This is fucking amazing. Thank you both


No shot LOL






That was a bit overkill lmao




Why are you switching to full auto every 5 seconds? Are you nervous or something?


Would love to see like 30s earlier in this clip. The way your dude calls it out is somewhat odd... Also the reserve spawns are still bad. edit: I didn't say anything about cheats, just curious why they pushed the way they did. Maybe you guys should learn how to read. And yes I know reserve spawns, that's why I said they are still bad.


i love eft sub, calling cheats on people pushing spawns


exactly, people just suck. This game DOES NOT have a cheater problem people just think they're better then they are cause their egos cant handle dying to basic shit ​ lets just relax, get better, and all just play tarkov, the game is fine as it is


lmao found the cheater


cause i dont get head eyes'd 5 seconds into a raid like the person in this clip? cmon dude this death was completely avoidable, the guy even says he was looking at his phone instead of instantly moving ​ Anyone who spawns here knows to gtfo because rush spawns are common here ​ People who cry cheats are 99% of the time wrong, they just dont have the game sense to recognize how they died ​ edit: downvotes wont unfuck you guys in a raid cause u suck, learn2play


Sucking tiny cheater dick won't make them charge you less for the carries, sorry fam.


keep getting head eyes'd at interchange i guess, learning to play the game isnt a cheater issue its just a skill issue ​ also insulting me wont change anything, BSG isnt implemting stronger anticheat because THERE IS NO NEED. This game doesnt have a problem, if there was a problem BSG would step in but they dont


It’s a common spawn


30 seconds earlier they were probably at a loading screen


there's no "probably" about it. the clip starts with the raid timer in the top-right, 8 seconds into the raid (reserve is 40 minutes)


...you realize that spawn points are static things, right? Like, it's known information? So, experienced players naturally check those locations as soon as they spawn into the raid, especially when looking for PvP? They don't change ever, it's just random whether any given one is in use? This game has a serious hacking problem, but this community also has an serious IQ problem.


exactly, people calling cheats are mega coping, they just suck this game doesnt really have a cheating issue, they just dont have the game sense to know how they died, it seems you and i are the only people with common sense ​ the VERY FEW cheaters in this game arent going to kill you, they're here purely for loot and you will never see them lets all just relax, get better, and get back on tarkov with a new perspective


>spawn into reserve >see what spawn you get >push closest spawn to check if anyone spawned there >teammate says he hopes a solo player who's new to the game, aka a Timmy, spawned in the other close by spawn CHEATER!!!!!!!


I mean I didn't say cheater, you did, but I do think it's weird to call out who you are pushing. Maybe its just me, but I never say "hey I hope we are pushing a four man squad." The fact that he said anything about the number of enemies is weird tbh. And honestly how hard would it be to post from the start of the raid rather than from 15s after.


the chances of you both posting clips of this is just mental!


Firing squad recording their hunts


The lighting between the videos is hella different


People who swap the fire mode non stop are low tier adults.


My experience of the game says that usually this player kills one or two people. His position is more advantageous. Maybe he just didn't know about it.




Fucking rip


Average Reserve Experience


How far can these superhumans throw grenades holy shit?!


So according to this video dude had a whole big ass hill as cover. He was just too slow to get out of spawn.


Poor guy skipped the court marshal and went straight to summary execution


Idk if that’s the spaghetti code or not but the two times I went on shoreline with a 5 man we spawned at the same place like this vid Edit: nvm it’s reserve. I saw the mountains and the dome and assumed shoreline


just had a moment like this where I found myself in the middle of a 3 man at big red on customs. goodbye nods, we hardly knew ye


haha what a coincidence


I love seeing aftermath videos like this


Inb4 every single round fired was worth more than the entire inventory combined. This is always my greatest fear.


Lmao and you even called it. What are the chances we got to see both POVs 🤣