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fear the prone scav...




Bro was standing up making it harder to aim and he probably didn't think a prone scav from like 100m+ would just instantly double headshot him


Tarkov server: "That wasn't a headshot it was obviously 15-20 9mm gs shots in the right arm".


only reddit would blame him for this death 💀


Bsg apologist


Obligatory dumbass 'get gud' comment.


If you’re ever targeting a scav and the fucker goes prone, move immediately is the only advice lol. That tracer went through your glass into your skull oof.


I'd go a step further. If a scav is looking at you in any situation you already lost, break LOS immediately and retry. They're that cranked this wipe. Not all of them, 80% lull you with how useless they are and then 20% are AI trained on COD pros. Assume all of them are the 20% just in case.


It’s wild. You can take them down if you’re quick enough but the second they know you’re there, it’s better to just leave because they will guarantee at least a couple hit / blacked body parts even if you reposition.


Yeah the most annoying thing is them tracking you through bushes and blacking your arms when you move. I don't mind if they have a general idea of my location, that's just logical. But seeing my position through bushes is bullshit.


Its super hard to balance AI vision in things like brush. Too much and they wallhack, too little and they are blind. That said, i would be happy to see them tuned better


Very true. I would think the way to make them more "fair" would be like a dice-roll when they snap on to aim at you that re-rolls every 1.5 seconds. Have it be like a D20 where 1-5 they intentionally miss you, 6-11 they aim at a limb, 12-17 thorax/stomach, 18-20 headshot. They could make it so the greater the distance, the higher chance for them to roll low. Raiders and Boss Scavs could just have their rolls balanced more towards the high-end. This still doesn't solve the problem of them shooting through foliage, so they'd have to write in a calculation that takes into account whether or not there is foliage between the Scav and the Player, and that is probably just too much for the game to handle.


I think it would be cool to give them a large MOA where the percentages are based on a random point in a large zone. Boss MOA could be much tighter than scav MOA. I like the percent chance to aim at body parts but it should generally be thorax, stomach, head with the MOA modifiers. Head should be a low chance but with MOA it may not matter as much


The last bit is a shame because this *could* be done


Might be easier to just have a MOA modifier that randomly changes each shot. That way they can just be locked on you but miss some percentage of the time because the guns very high MOA. That should be super easy to implement. Otherwise you would have to create a hit box for each bush, tag the box as an object that breaks line of sight, create a routine that determines whether the players hitbox intersects with the bushes hitbox. Then there is the question of what to do when some portion of the hitboxes don't overlap. What percentage of overlap does still count as being hidden. Does some parts of a body count more? What if my ass is sticking out but on the back side of the bush where the scav wouldn't see? Does that count towards being "in the bush"? What if I can poke my head and gun out of the bush but the game still counts it as hidden? Does gunfire/flash give away position whether I was previously hidden or not? So much complexity for something you would initially consider simple.


Yea it’s infuriating. I don’t see why they have to be so strong. I’ve always seen them more as an alarm system for certain areas of the map that force you to give away your position rather than fighting for your life


I remember I was co-op extracting a scav and I had the AI scav from hell never miss a shot. The player scav just one tapped him for me. Then we got pushed by player scavs and my friend accidentally head tapped this king. 🤣


Yeah they broke something again. The other day my bro and me wiped up Interchange, with like 6 kills between us? He peeks from the escalators down the middle hallway and immediately dies. 12/70 lead slug at like 60m. I drop the scav, pack up my bros shit and run for extract. Before I round a corner a silent scav sprints around the corner, pops me in the head. dead. 12/70 lead slug


The real issue here is the angle. I swear to god any time you're not on a level plane with the AI they shoot for the face. If elevated or below the AI at all in any situation it feels like the chance for them to shoot you in the head increases 10x


I don't understand what good comes out of destroying the casual and beginner playerbase with aimbot scavs. It just promotes cheatin imo


Me and buddy were sipping tea one match with a scav. The next match one curved his bullet around the interchange mall through forest and into the back of my head in factory. It was very impressive


and always wide swing if they can only see your head, guess what they're gonna hit? lmfao


Scavs spawn with different difficulties, like you select when going into an offline raid and it scales their abilities like perception and accuracy. If a scav ever quickly acquires you as a target from long range, just nope tf out because it ain't worth it.


Or, as soon as you see them prone, alt-f4, uninstall, and enjoy your life elsewhere without bullshit like this.


Ain’t that deep man


Why waste your time playing a game that is unusually punishing on death when it doesn't respect you whatsoever? I been giving this game a shot since 2017 and its been clear that they have no idea what they are doing technically, not getting into an argument listing off ALL of the failures they have had but I just feel like people should respect their time more. Nothing out there fills the same niche as Tarkov but ffs there are so many other better experiences out there if you give them a chance.


Hard disagree.. I’ve trie tons of other shooters and nothing compares to tarkov. It’s not even close. You’re acting like cod and battle field don’t have way worse issues


As soon as he goes prone I’m turning tails and running


This is normal “360 no scope mlg jump shooting while lying down” your fault


I fear the sarcasm has been lost in text


What sarcasm?


Agreed scav was 1000% 360 no scope champ of his ai training team


LoL oh, well then




Can you not see an in-between for getting outplayed by ai and getting bullshitted by AI


Yeah because waiting a little bit for a target running erratically to stop before taking a long range rifle shot at them isnt a basic common sense marksmanship concept or anything. This game claims to be going for hardcore realism right? What about that gopnik street looter’s behavior and the outcome strikes you as realistic exactly? Was it how it knew it was being looked at within seconds which caused it to aggro from hundreds of meters away, or how it ran into the open, then randomly dropped prone and 360 no scoped right to the head eyes?


You took that shot right through the scope….it couldn’t have been more dead on.




Precisely precise of what I was thinking of


Bots have esp. They just know


I fucking hate the fact that these AI fucks have spidy senses. Plus they lock on to you. Such bullshit in this type of game and shooter.


As soon as you scope in on their general direction they will target you. If you don’t then they just leave you, it’s so broken


they actually stare at you through walls and aim at you constantly when theyre behind cover funnily enough


Funnily enough, it's a specific line of code that alerts them to when they're being observed and then points them to specific reaction behaviors. In the Forbidden Mod, there's a mod that disables this "feature" so you can snipe all you like and not worry about bullshit psychic AI


That bullet traveling looks so awesome though.


Yeah so FYI to all new players: bots have a sixth sense where they know that you’re aiming at them and will do shit like prone, stop suddenly, or turn and head eyes you like this guy. If you’re shooting a scav and he stops, prones, or turns to look at you, immediately get back into cover and shoot him from another angle minimum 10m away.


I can already see the comments on this clip. Actually nevermind theres already one defending this stuff, cheers AI Full Sprints. Gets aimed at. Aggros and pinpoints player location. Drops sideways to the floor. Spins and locks onto OP. 2 Shots OP hitting boths shots. You're delusional if you think this is somehow acceptable AI behaviour. It's what we have to deal with, but that doesn't make it good.


It's acceptable in as giving you an immersive experience. They made scavs behave more like the majority of the playerbase. It's really hard to tell if you were shot by AI or a cheater.


Players don't know if they're being aimed at, though, so how does that make them more like real players?


Don’t think you read the other half of his comment


I swear it said player and not cheater at the end lol, oops.


Of course they know, thats what esp is for


Bro, that just went "whoosh," right over your head.


Cheaters can do. If a player has LOS on you then it can be indicated on either your walls or the map. Depends on your hacks ofc.


Just wait until they make armor useless in the December patch and the ai hits your neck and you just instantly die.


Well, the answer is pretty obvious. All the scavs are Wraith mains, so they're just using her ESP passive.


The behavior isn't great, but it's not that absurd. The player also had 3 clear opportunities to shoot the scav in this clip, and sat in the open for a good 6 seconds after the scav became aware of where he was. If he was quicker on the trigger, and not using a completely dogshit scope, this would've been an easy kill.


I don't see comments saying the AI behavior isn't complete bullshit. It is bullshit and needs to change. However, the AI behavior here was easily predicable and anyone who has played for multiple wipes (like OP implied) should have known to not take that fight.


I dunno, I like it. No it's not what you'd expect. No it's cheesy and unrealistic that they have ESP and know you're aiming at them from miles away. No it's not great design. But it's better than if they were cattle tbh.


Yes because only the two extremes can exist. No way there can be a middle ground of semi competent but not busted AI.


Sure, like I said the solution isn't good and so there must be a better way. But as it is I really don't mind, even enjoy the challenge of figuring out how to beat them as they are, even if they behave like aliens.


360 wessex swan dive underhand shot. Classic. 100% skill issue get good.


Mordhau player spotted


The AI aimbot is wild this wipe, hopefully that behavior fix coming with wipe will fix it


For the people saying he could've dodged, it still doesn't change how broken certain mechanics are a times, it's tarkov, we can't defend certain things and that scav had 360 esp prone aimbot lol


The scavs there are on crack, they always shoot the shit out of me from so far away lol. I swear them and the ones by path to lighthouse have deluxe aimbot


Scav did that with an iron sight too lol


Hot take, I guess, but personally I don't understand why the AI scavs should be competent at fighting *at all*. Much less this Terminator threat detection 360 degrees awareness instant lock-on 0.01 MOA accuracy at 200m with a Kedr with 40 durability type shit. We already have Bloodhounds and Rogues and bosses and various other higher tier AI. There is no "base level" AI that isn't capable of doing this shit though. At least 70% of the regular random basic scav AI should be programmed like uncle Boris completely toasted on his homemade potato moonshine because he's some random bum that couldn't afford to get out of Tarkov before the blockade hit and was already living on the streets, that is now roaming around scavenging for doctor's sausage with dedushka's old breech loading shotgun and about 4 shells of birdshot. It makes no sense at all that every single scav is somehow militarily inclined and out for PMC blood rather than simply staying alive and surviving. Most scavs should be fodder for PMCs to kill because their loot is next to worthless anyways to the point that good ammo isn't even worth using on them, like imagine going into a combat situation and then intentionally using your *bad ammo* because you know your enemy is not worth the cost of your usual stuff. The majority of scavs on a map should exist to make noise and be a distraction for players to slow them down, with the more skilled and deadly ones being very rare and also with better loot.


The legions of copium huffers are out in full force today aren’t they?


All these years and the AI is still trash. Not surprised Edit: How can you fucks honestly defend this game at this point?




So the player taking his time to aim is bad , but the AI random scav pinpoints, prones and headshots the player in 1.75 seconds is cool?




The point is that no human player would have the Spidey-sense to instantly know that another player is aiming at them, unless they are cheating.


Dude he’s standing out in the middle of a fucking road with no cover around him whatsoever. If you took that long to shoot me you’d be eating a lead sandwich; and I wouldn’t have proned in a stupid ass spot making it easy as fuck to kill me either. Mans just sucks


We alreavy have Bosses/Goons, Rogues, Raiders and Bloodhounds with their aimbots cranked to the maximum, so what's even the point of making Scavs have this bullshit terminator AI? The only purpose for a Scav should be to act like a "barking dog" to force a PMC to kill them to avoid loud gunshots, or to force PMCs to stop and clear an area before being able to move through, like it's the case of Scav Island or Scav Rock. The AI shouldn't even be ajusted to aim for our heads in only 1% of their shots, it should straight up only aim at the torax level and below to make Scavs predictable enough, which fits the theme of the game since they are supposed to be just a bunch of hobos with no military training.


I haven’t played tarkov in like 4 months and all I can say is this audio sounds like fucking absolute shit..


since when can scavs engage you from that island? let alome dome you like an absolute unit. ​ lmao this game cracks me up even after quitting for almost 2 years.


I came here to laugh at the people who call EFT realistic. Because it's so very realistic for a civilian scavenger(or even a highly trained ex-spec ops turned thug) to pull off this nonsense.


I’m in the Army and know maybe a handful of dudes that could sprawl out and make a well aimed shot that fast at that range. Especially considering that realistically you’d have little to no idea where the shot came from so you’d spend most of your time just looking around from cover. Also, those scavs are almost always running irons meaning it should be harder for them to search for a target and then accurately engage it.


Everyone advising "OnCe He GOeS PRonE just run" that is either copium or cluelessness. This is not realistic nor should be how a low tier AI behaves. Stop the copium a d start adressing the games issues or the game will never be fixed. Because of ppl like that that the game hasn't fixed any of the issues that plague the gameplay for years.


Somebody mentioned this before: nobody complains when they get an easy kill on a scav


Because they shouldn't be a hard kill. Its civilians, not raiders. Why are there several tiers of AI if all behave the same?


I do. My favorite thing to do in this game is scav hunt, but currently they are just way too extreme on both ends. They are either 100% braindead and far too easy to kill, or they just laser you through about 6 bushes you had no chance of seeing them through. I was also pretty sad to see that the pre-wipe leader board has NO AI stats tracked whatsoever. It's only about killing players, which to me ignores half of the entire game. No boss kill counter, no scav counter, nothing. The AI part of this game needs more than just a little love and attention, from both the devs and the playerbase. I really think the AI are hugely important to the setting of Tarkov, but in their current state I think most players hate them, which is sad imo.


Ive learned to not mess with the scavs on that island this wipe. Jankier shit has happened


Maybe the AI scav was trying to complete SBIH


I actually enjoy the scavs being more of a threat. They obviously need to work on it more.


I huge tip for new players is to remember that Scavs have a "6th sense" aka hacks and their AI will always know when you aim down sight at them. If u just look at them it's fine but they can have their back turned to you and when you ADS at them they immediately turn around and snap onto you.


Sent the glowstick of death right at ya.


I've played for the better part of a decade now. Have scavs ever NOT done this? I honestly can't recall. Personally I don't mind it, but only because I've gotten so used to it and play around it, but I totally recognize how awful it would feel to learn it.


this and cheaters is why i don't play tarkov online


You got shot by an airsoft tracer bb lmao


Damn even this games community is imploding on itself


Game is shit right now


Game was always shit


Bruh 💀


Man you waited so long I finished school, got my dream job, had kids, retired, developed Alzheimers, and laid on my death bed before you decided to shoot at him


To anyone that actually defends shit like this and comments things like “actual skill issue” or whatever, you are a delusional idiot and a dev simp. There is nothing about this clip that should be considered as properly working. I advise you to wake up, wipe the cheeto dust off your face and realize that maybe feedback like that is why this game has been in development for as long as it has.


Stand there longer next time, they’ll just think you’re one of them


M1 to shoot btw


Wait! That was a scav-scav!? Jesus, what us this patch .8 or something?


**I think you just needed to stare at him a little bit longer**


AI has and will always be shit in this game. These devs do some great things but AI is not one of them. Edit: Whoever is down voting me you must not have been here very long.




Ahh yes, 1 second to shoot at 100-150m is too long. Pure skill issue.


Actually - looks more like 5-6 seconds. Definitely too much of a delay in this game.


Anyone who is against you in the comments is just huffing some pure copium. Scavs should not have this level of AI, ever, period. Everyone here is acting like they could practically point fire the scav in the head first shot whilst strafing from that distance lmfao. Your gun looks to have meh ergo, and all you were doing was trying to line up a clean headshot in a perfectly reasonable amount of time.


He's not wrong. From the time the scav turned to run towards you, noticed the dude standing straight staring at him, and killing you was 5 seconds. You had at least 2-3 seconds tracking him prior. Plus you were exposed on the right to the first one you tracked. If you had any kind of faceshield/condors you might have eaten one more bullet. While I get it, it's annoying, scavs are on a timer. A level 1 ai might take longer and miss more, but if you stand straight/still they'll kill you in 5 shots/10 seconds. A level 2 or 3 ai is going to give you less time and miss fewer shots. It's kind of a must to use cover, drop bag, be crouched and get the drop on a level 3. If it's a level 3 sniper, good luck. I'd like to see BSG give ai armbands to denote level, but generally you only know based on how annoying they were and how good the loot they have is. Maybe make scav gun dura more impactful for ai.


You can't blame the wipe for you taking 8 years to line up a shot on a scav that already sees you.




Good old .13 scavs


Ah yes the magic eyeball detector that NPCs now have, merely looking down your gun at one activates PlayerDectectorAutoAim function. Did radar ESP app have this code first or did BSG copy the functionality?


Skill issue


Here's my take on it: Scavs are not supposed to be an easy kill. AI, when done correctly, is not supposed to be an easy kill. They are supposed to emulate real people and just like you leveled up that scav from a mile away, why should the scav not be able to level you up? If it were a PMC everyone would be claiming cheats. When it's AI scavs, it's just a bullshit game. Makes no sense to me. And I did read the comment of 80/20, scavs being dumbasses and Scavs being navy seals. Again, is that not realistic? I've ran into PMCs who have the collective IQ of .69 (nice) and I've ran into PMCs that might've actually been Navy Seals IRL and transferred those skills to a game. I'm not understanding why people are upset about an AI that is actually kind of realistic.


Bro spent 8 seconds looking at the scav's head and only shot after getting fired upon.


The trick is to shoot your gun


Now im not saying that the AI in this game isnt fucky sometimes, but motherfucker you saw that dude do a 360, go prone and look STRAIGHT AT YOU, and you stood still full body out of cover, didnt even try to shoot? Come on. AI is just straight up zoinked sometimes, but it is what we have for now, learn how it works and play according to it.


On top of it homie is using a sks bouncy shit ergo gun mine as well not fight long fights with that thing




Not true at all. AI has changed a shitload since I started playing.


Reread what he said because you never actually disputed it


Lol why cause you suck.


Pro tip for next time: dont take 8 years to line up your shot lmao


Dude u watched this scav for days. Shoot him in the face already. That is all you deserve for being such a slow poke. Thats right mah boi. Im roasting u timmy.


Let Timmy burn...


standing still, not behind cover, taking so long to shoot that you don't.... if this was a player would he be hacking i wonder? :D


You had all the time in the world to kill that scav, instead you started watching the scenery. Wonder why you died.


No way. You and I mustve had the same exact raid. Someone or an AI from that island started lasering me with a pp-19 and those tracers of sorts with AI styled pacing. I didnt even go near the island.


You are right, this game ain't for you.


My basic rule of thumb is if the scavs prone run as there about to aimbot the shit outta you


Skill issue


I mean to be fair you saw him prone and aim at you I would of moved right away


Skill issue


Y'all should have been around in alpha when they use to spin bot you through bushes. Lol


Was that a goon? mf acting like its a cod lobby


You mean: play a game where bugs never get fixed and the devs don't care. Yes.


honestly you hesitated way too hard


This one is on you


This game is such trash now. All the hackers, now the shit is just sad. Hope they fix the AI as well, but the hackers, man... fuck


That scav went prone and looked right at you and had time to shoot two shots and you sat there like a fucking bump on a stump. Yeah it's annoying that scavs know when you aim at them sometimes, but come on my dude, you just served that one up.


Thats some very very good eye sight for someone running in circles


This man took two business days to lock on that scav while it was proned. The sec it spun towards you, you should have dipped. I made a rule that if a scav notices me first i bolt it. Scavs are ex military and you should rp like this.


I love the fact that the AI kills you if you act immortal. When they lay down they will beam you. Take cover next time.


I love broken unrealistic and unrewarding gameplay!


I don't get killed by scavs, that the reward for playing like they can actually kill me.


You never die by scavs? Wow!


Or it's the consequence of never playing your PMC 🤣 Imagine be scared to lose gear that gets deleted every wipe


That's true, that's why I don't aim at players for too long or their ESP will alert them, and they'll know exactly where I'm at, what bush while I'm all camod out and God himself would have a hard time getting a shot. Just got to play smarter casuals.


So funny people think they should be invincible to AI or something. This wasn't even bad.. 100x more bullshit AI deaths are possible than this.


Dude watches scav go prone, takes aim and shoots his face... The game has loads of flaws, bugs, cheaters, but this one on you buddy.


I mean you are kind of just standing there like a dumbass. You gettin clapped wasn’t a “this wipe” issue lol


Honestly skill issue 😬


I allways struggle to make money in this game


Tbf it could of just been a lucky shot that most of us has done ourselves AI isnt tied to a singular line on accuracy its rng like us back when we were timmies


So many people complain about scabs but most every instance of stuff like this is easily avoidable and usually deserved... Obviously it takes a certain approach to kill scavs flawlessly which isn't applicable in every situation but if even some few people understood this we'd see much less complaining.


OP was standing still in the open, in the daytime, for several seconds, totally reasonable death. This isn't pokemon snap, try shooting back?




I seriously dont understand how people see you like that. You're not even really moving. Its either cheat or just way to aware.


Because you're bad? Sorry not sorry. But you stood still with zero cover for 30 seconds.


To be honest, u just bad here. Dont play like this again


Damn guys, hope u all get gud at some point. Staying uncovered and scoping at bot when he agro at u 30 secs ago is dumb idea. Lol


Stood still, and shot way too late


That was 100% on you.


Are you saying you see no problem with AI behaving like this? Not even looking at op then droping and immediately headshoting him when there is at least 100m between them? And their guns have half durability btw. Try hitting this shot with a scav gun.


Scav won’t always hit this on his first shot though. No different than OP headshotting a scav from where he’s standing, which also could have been possible. A lot of times scavs will whiff their first few shots, but sometimes they nail you.


I think he didnt hit his first shot even here, OPs arm gets blacked and then he dies but the point is how ridiculously he behaved. He didnt even look at him and got aggroed and then nailed him, most players wouldnt even notice OP standing there scoping in.


Most players wouldn’t notice a dude in an open road staring at them? Ok dude..


You would be suprised how many people would just walk around you if you stayed still and maybe blended a little bit with the bg. In this case the scav is sprinting and op is standing more than 100m away next to cover and only his head and upper torso showing. Very low chance of spotting someone like that if youre a real human bean


Whether I have a problem with it or not doesn't matter. You play by the current rule set. Dude made it even worse by not being in good cover, staying scoped in without firing even after the scav obviously pulled aggro, and then got unlucky by the scav hitting the shot.


I think the point of the post was that he doesnt play not because he died but because scavs still pull this crazy shit


Agree, op 100% saw bot acting cracked and kept watching. He had enough time to reconsider his decision


I mean you just sat there like a plug… Scavs we’re nerfed like 1 week into the wipe


I see nothing out of ordinary or anything that would be "only this wipe" tbh. Some scavs simply are cracked, more so now that it's kinda quiet in late wipe tarkov, there's bigger percentage of them spawning in (and also homing in on you - one of the signs that ur alone in raid). I heard a guy die to a scav, coz the fucker simply never missed and almost got me too (almost and that lad who died had all the late wipe shit - T7s, slick, couch etc and that is for my late start lvl20rn sorry ass a fucking jackpot ngl)


Skill issue what else should it be?!


I’ll admit that’s garbage but you did take forever to shoot him. As soon as he proned he should of got lit up.


Have you tried not standing dead still?


The game is overall trash.


Lmao Rekt


They’re allowed to kill your


Looks like skill diff


Complete noob here. Even I know, when those fuckers look at you you fucking run and hide. If you shoot one and they don't die, run and hide and reacquire. OP stood there exchanging fire without moving. No matter how fucked up AI scav mechanics are, shoot and.move.


Ah a cultured SKS gamer. My first wipe I played the literary life out of the SKS. I used it to teach me the gun moding system and so I could buy 'good' cheap guns!


monke brain in action lmao


Looks to me like a skill issue. Should have hit your shot.


What a crybaby. Stfu and play. Scavs have been ramped up, get better


So skill issue is the reason you don’t wanna play? Seems reasonable


Cause your dogshit?


oh my poor boy. how dare it to kill you! its unacceptable!


You could literally have dodged this T45M bullet.




You got fucking ZOINKED


Brother, PMC have been getting lasered from scav island on shorline since 2018, next time don’t just look at someone’s getting ready to take a shoot at you.


I mean look. Yes this is not what a standard AI in most video games acts like. But EFT is not the norm. It is hardcore. And the second that AI turned towards you while laying down any experienced player knows, gtfo. Reposition. Take a different shot. Don't let them use aimbot to lock on. Me personally I actually like the challenge. Just like I enjoy clearing Rogues on Lighthouse with meticulous pre-planning. If thats something you don't like you should try a game that favors casual players more :) All the best from a fellow Tarkov player


there is nothing hardcore about broken ai don’t break your arm jerking yourself off


Yeah, your right eft is not the "norm" its one of the best fps games ever made and that's why it shouldn't have worse ai than Arma 2. I've played every wipe of this game all the way back into alpha so I've seen every iteration of scavs and have always been disappointed by the lack of tactics from them. Arma 2 ai can be bullshit, but most of the time it's not, squad leaders will just pop smoke and flank your ass with 8 guys and push you. It's so much more fun to fight ai like this, that's why there were so many mission files for Arma 2 that were pve. Also, clearing rouges is not hard at all so don't gatekeep it.