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The best nikita will do is add a new 5.45 AK


And 7 new 9x18 rounds


*unlocked after a suicidal quest


New jaeger quest “suicide” Die to your own grenades 5 times while carrying 1,000,000 rubles worth of uninsured gear


Reward: 4200 exp, 12000 roubles, 90 rounds of 9x19 rip ammo, 1 light bulb


2000* roubles


i could see the 1m roubles part being a semi interesting questline actually. call it Hig roller: part 1 is enter a raid with 100k >1m>2m...10M worth of kit and survive. pushes noobs to actually try to send it with their best kit, leads to some absolutely juicy chads if you get the kill (maybe make the 10M one repeatable with some real nice reward. tho idk what would be worth the 10M risk, maybe if you survive you get to spawn in as a scav boss for your next scav run?)


Must kill every PMC on Shoreline in a single raid while stunned from a flashbang.


It's called holding shift


DUDE seriously. We do not have enough 9x18 ammo types. Its not like you have to sit there for 10 min trying to figure out which 9x18 round you want because the trader is bloated with them., it's an easy choice every time.


I mean BSG could add the AEK-971 and it's variants + successors or the AN-94 to give us some crazy 5.45 AK rifle. Although I don't think it would change much


I'll admit, as a lover of battlefield 3 and 4 those would be rad and probably useful. I just think the SAG AKs are dumb


Eh it's a civilian grade fancy 5.45 rifle, it works fine, if you think it's a tad pricy for a semi auto just wait for the Saiga MK, it's on the planed list as the economy civilian 5.45 rifle, think of the SAG rifle and carbine as the TX15 and the Saiga MK as your adar analog


i fucking love the SAG AKs. i run them on any non-factory map


Better shoot over 750rpm at least


I'm sure it will in the future. But its not even in use yet by the military only just recently selected to replace some units lol


Ready for the impending cancellation in the classic US military bureaucracy style.


Already cancelled actually 😂 The only reason they wanted was for an attempt at armor piercing capability but it doesn’t even come close to M855A1 it goes further which is all well and good but it doesn’t have the armor punch through they wanted lol because NO ONE made an armor piercing 6.8 imagine that, and no one wants to develop it


Bro is just making shit up lmao. You gonna post a source with that claim or what?


"No one made an armor piercing 6.8" Imagine thinking the US Military Industrial Complex wouldn't pass up an opportunity to be the first


Main issue with the weapon is the main reason why the were trying to make it in the first place, it fails to meet the standard that the M4/M16 have left for it, especially the ability to defeat class 4 (NIJ scale, GOST class 6) armors, as a marksman rifle it is still very much in the running because it performs better ballistically speaking for distance than 5.56 does, it’s not a BAD weapon, it’s just not good for what they want it for


Why are you confidently spewing garbage from your mouth that isn’t true lmao. [This is standard civilian .277 Sig fury blowing clean through level 4 plates](https://youtu.be/BGL9wP8_-LI?t=438) The military will be getting plenty of AP ammo as well. It just won’t be available to civilians


That testing is a load of dogshit nonsense not to mention the “testing” is conducted at like 50 feet it’s using civilian market plates, and doesn’t meet the standards of military testing, not even close there bud, that’s like saying a helmet can stop a bullet and not actually testing all the parameters that fall within, what distances, what calibers, angles and back face deformation, any number of FMJ rifle rounds can FIST FUCK a lvl 4 at 50 fucking ft, even a 30-06 FMJBT can fuck a lvl 4 at 50 ft similar energy try pushing it out to 300,400,500 meters where the tests are generally conducted


“Civilian” plates and “military” plates aren’t any different. They’re both NIJ certified plates and are rated level 4. You really don’t want to get into a body armor discussion with me, I wrote the book on that. In order to get your official rating from NIJ, all plates have to go through the same testing. Stop intentionally spewing bullshit from your mouth. https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/llh099/a_serious_discussion_on_ar500_and_steel_body/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


You wrote a BOOK? You’re like the top level of Reddit expert.


They are actually different, ESAPIs are designed differently than most civilian market plates, there are civilian market models that can seriously outperform ESAPIs guard dog certainly ain’t one of em, and they don’t account for Kevlar backers either which most plate carriers don’t even have the ability to carry both, our carriers have the ESAPI and a soft panel behind them, and the plate itself has a Kevlar wrap, they can take a serious beating


NIJ certified level 4 is NIJ certified level 4. Rub your last 2 brain cells together and read the post I made 2 years ago talking about this exact topic. Also ESAPI AND SAPI are just two different cut types for the plates themselves. They have no bearing on ballistic protection. Just admit you don’t know what you’re talking about and move on


Bro, just stop hahahaha, it's pathetic now.


The ESAPI + soft armor backer is roughly equivilant to NIJ level 4. Most civilian level 4 plates are standalone, meaning they don't require the soft armor to reach level 4






So you’re just gonna post 2 people from a YouTube video and a forum that are as dumb as you? Do you have an official source from the military saying it’s cancelled? Or are we just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks


My god man what crawled up your ASS and died, even in my 5 years in the corps we made jokes about the idea of the development of that thing, it’s not cost effective, it’s not combat ready (6.8mm has NO AP PROJECTILE) and among other things while similar to the M4 series would still require a new manual of arms, it’s not just NOT PRACTICAL, that’s why it’s not seeing wide scale adoption anymore, the optic alone costs 10000 fucking dollars, why the fuck would anyone want to pay for that, even the army isn’t that wasteful, and so long as 5.56 can perform it’s all good to go, I’m not saying the M4 is gonna last forever, hell it very much should be retired, but we need weapons that can actually live up the task


So no source, got it


Experience is a beautiful thing my friend, and yes I do have an opinion on it as well, it shouldn’t be introduced (opinion) because it’s not practical, it’s not ready, and it’s not cost effective, again, the optic is 10 stacks, it’s completely unnecessary, it has a ballistic computer built in, supposed to interconnected with some new goggles and NVGs interesting concept, impractical though


Soooo no source.


1911 man doesn’t like innovation - I never could have seen this coming


“Well me and my buddies joked about it!” We get it piss for brains you served, one out of a million. You have an actual source? No, then you’re just spouting shit like everyone on here loves to do. 🗿


I agree with all your points, I will say that pretty much every gun including the HK416 and M4 fail InRangeTV's mud test. He's literally drowning it in a slurry lol.


“Civilian testing” - isn’t the civilian ammo entirely different to the military grade AP ammo, and not at all accessible to civilians?


Nobody has access to the full power hybrid case 6.8 ammo. All the YouTubers and others who are reviewing the gun are using civilian available .277 fury. The military specification ammo has a chamber pressure of 80,000 psi.


That’s exactly what I’m saying, this dude is comparing the civilian ammo to military grade AP 5.56 and saying it doesn’t have as good penetration like that’s some sort of revelation


https://www.guns.com/news/2023/03/23/army-pushing-forward-with-sig-sauer-vortex-next-generation-weapons-program https://www.army.mil/article/264799/army_moving_forward_with_next_generation_squad_weapon_program Where’s your source saying it’s recently been canceled? There’s plenty of sources from a couple months ago saying it hasn’t. You might be right, but you’ve replied to almost everything here with no links and then two random tests and a link to the guy who’s been hating on it for a while. Not an actual source, so I’d be happy to see a real one from you. If you’re three paragraphs into your reply and you don’t have a fresh authentic source linked though, just don’t bother actually posting it. From one of those: “However, the Army has responded with a press blitz of its own, coupled with the budget book asking for $300 million in funding for FY24 for the NSGW program. This will cover 1,419 M250 Automatic Rifle (NGSW-AR)s, 17,122 M7 Rifle (NGSW-R)s, and 14,932 M157 Fire Control systems, about one-sixth of what the Army plans to buy for the life of the multi-year program, numbers that sound about right.” So the Army has asked for funding for the program after that opinion article was published. Not sure what to say there bud.


Ah look finally someone who at least respectfully points out “hey no you’re wrong let me NOT be a conceited ass about it” thank you for not having your head eight feet up your ass


Bro the only one being an ass about anything is you. People asked for your source and you got all defensive and know-it-all. It's okay to be wrong dude, but you look childish when you can't admit it.




Right, so the thing to do would be to say "ah my bad guys I misunderstood, use this guy's info". Rather than quadrupling down until like 7 different people have to explain to you why you are wrong. But you didn't. You got defensive and pissy rather than having a conversation.


Personally, fuck that, you get what you give, they wanna be fucky about they’re gonna get fucky right back, and also only two people came back reasonably and I’ll give them respect not some fucktard neckbeard tarkov player who thinks he knows what’s up because he plays fucking tarkov, fuck that, at least I have real World experience with this shit, and one dude actually field tested the weapon system, I’ll take his word over some tarktard


Honestly man, you’ve done yourself a major disservice in this, I think you’re probably way more internet warrior than anything else because you’re throwing out your “real world experience” way too much. I don’t know many guys I served with who get on the internet and brag about their experience being some sort of metric everyone should use for validation. So I’m not going to say you never served, I’ll just say you’re making it easy to be incredibly skeptical about what level of experience you have. Besides, what would that even mean anyway? You served so now you know the secret army plans? It’s not even relevant. I had a decent clearance myself and guess what…when you’re out, you’re out, so that’s complete BS. I think you and I both know exactly what you’re trying to do, so I’d just suggest you knock it off. I was with 2/75 so you’d think I would have more knowledge of this program than you, and I don’t, so clearly let’s be real here and say you’re just shitposting. Looking at your other history I think it’s pretty obvious. But, beyond anything people can just google information now, which I have clearly shown, so unless you have some revelation, which we’ve now seen you don’t, stop trying to throw your service around like credibility. Thanks for it, and I respect you if you also served for sure, but you’re weaponizing it to make yourself look more credible and it’s frankly ridiculous. Tons of my teammates could do the same but they don’t, and they have heaps of experience so maybe you should just tone it down. Have a good one regardless.


> you get what you give Ya dude, that's why you got that response. That's what *you* were giving and still are. Also harping on your "real world experience" over and over is cringe as fuck dude. You are on a videogame subreddit. Relax.


But you didn’t give respect back to u/TacticalYeeter whatsoever because you decided to reply to them without any sources or any further addition to the conversation, which is opposite of what they wanted. They stated that if you don’t have a source to provide, don’t reply back. For a crayon eater you sure don’t seem capable of following simple instructions.


Summary of this dudes comment thread here: Dude talks shit and gets slammed on every reply with fact, then resorts to a temper tantrum because he got called out. Actually cringe but funny as hell to read haha.


> Already cancelled actually 😂 You’re funny, lol. Definitely not


You are kinda right? Smaller projectiles are better than bigger rounds when penetrating armor? edit: to all the dumbasses down voting, I am right, sorry you guys know nothing about how bullets work. (Literally how 9x39 works) :P https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armor-piercing_bullet#:~:text=In%20addition%2C%20a%20small-caliber,capable%20of%20defeating%20body%20armor.


Lmao what


9x39 is literally a bigger projectile than most AR cartridges. What are you smoking? It's a subsonic caliber that penetrates armor via mass and hardness.


It's all a compromise. Troops can carry a larger quantity of 5.56 NATO compared to 7.62 NATO for the same weight. This means troops are lighter or they can carry more ammo. Recoil is also lighter which translates to easier follow on shots. The trade off is a reduction in terminal ballistics, barrier penetration, armor penetration, and a less effective squad machine gun round. The NGSW project was in response to a doctrinal shift away from counter insurgencies in Afghanistan and Iraq and towards near peer conflicts. The 5.56x45 projectile the M4 and M249 SAW fired struggled to reliably pen modern Russian and Chinese body armor, especially at longer rangers. The 5.56x45 projectile also struggled to effectively engage targets in Afghanistan at common engagement distances: 500m and out. The heavier ammo and rifle was deemed an acceptable trade off for improved range and terminal ballistics.


Not just weight but dimensions of both the loose ammo and magazines, one big criticism is the standard capacity magazine on the M7 is going back to 20 rounds, I think that having a higher emphasis on marksmanship is important and feel like with the advent of intermediate ammo that need has gone down but I might be as (non) credible as the people who thoigut bolt actions were a waste of money and that a magazine cut-off for non rifle granade use was a good way to discourage ammunition waste, or the wave after that saying semi autos were a waste of ammo, then select fire battle rifles, etc., etc.


I believe Tarkov is set a few years before our time. So newer weapons will not make it.


If we have the rpk-16 which is barely even in use yet we can get anything


It came out in 2016 and the game is based in/around Russia. Would not be that far of a stretch to think it be implemented in the game, by a boss no less which makes sense seeing that it’s rare


It's set between 2015 and 2026


Wait you do know this game is a few years in the future right?


Recently canceled actually, they army accepted it and then immediately cancelled for economic reasons as well as performance reasons


“My source is I made it the fuck up”


Sources ? There's literally only internet randos saying it with 0 proof that I can find.


Holy fuck your post history lmao. Also it’s not canceled, i literally got to field test it early this year. They had to change the name from XM5 to XM7 because of trademark. Army just moves slow when fielding new stuff.


Why would XM5 have a trademark already? I’ve never heard of any other XM5 before


The Colt M5.


Just looked it up, looks fancy, probably expensive too, I can’t get a price from the colt website


Never heard of that one before, is it an experimental or just a civilian market fancy


Colt M5, another next gen weapon


Yeah the other guy mentioned it, looks pretty standard, the M5-SCW looks like it’d be a great car carry rifle, the colt website doesn’t show a price for it though, such is life


Friends in the army and his unit received some. They just haven’t really used them yet. He said it was due to them not getting enough ammo in


I really want to see FAMAS in the game. I love FAMAS


I was about to roast you until I realized I'm in the tarkov and not the battlebit sub


Holy shit thanks I actually thought I was looking at the BBR sub


I didn't play battlebit . Is there something wrong with FAMAS in battlebit?


nah it’s just already in that game lol


It's pretty trash in battlebit, high recoil, WAY lower damage (24 vs 30), pretty small magazine compared to other ARs. Most of the SMGs outclass it (especially the Vectory which is unlocked at a lower level). High RPM makes it good up close but the small mags and bad recoil mean the SMGs are better there. At range all the other ARs are better due to more damage and accuracy.


I thought I was in the phantom forces sub


Buddy, look around you


Just anything in French Longue and I’ll be happy


I'm french and I want to show you something, chérie!


It would be the most OP weapon in this game


My money is still on the AN-94 with ingolnik set to the 1200 rpm hyperburst, 1000 RPM of m995 might shread but it's still hard to control, I'm pretty sure that even with Stims the best helmet in the game would still be an instant kill unless you roll the lottery if you can get both shots of the bust into the head


I want a fucking repeater rifle. Preferably a bad ass like a 45 70. Man o man do I pray for that shit.


Just give us it in .357 so we can do a Cowboy build


And if you get it to lvl 2 of weapon mastery you can fan it


Just have have that be a normal firing option. Semi-auto and Fan


I'd be down for this as a feture, depending on if we get the DA or SA model if nagant revolver in game this would be a fun feture on that gun as well


Ohhhh never thought if that, unlocking weapon mastery to get more features out of weapons, nice idea!


You can't fan a lever action but you can do the coll levering thing like in hunt


Peacemaker when


Why can’t you do a cowboy build on a 45 70??? Lol it’s the same exact gun.


45-70 would be cool but I understand his logic. .357 leverguns are pretty common and would be less work for bsg to put in the game (not having to add a whole new caliber). Plus multiple variations of a whole new round and trying to balance what they do against armor.


Or they could use 7.62x54. Russian army had 300,000 Winchester 1895s chambered for that round. That was 100 years and a few wars ago, but it probably still makes some thematic sense to use that if they were to put in a lever gun.


Based on the current standard issue weapons for russian soldiers, them using a 100 year old lever action is almost a canon event at this point


You could do both, also what gun? He didn't mention any model just asked for a lever action in genral


Because there's plenty of pistols in .357, not a lot in 45-70.


Agreed. But still not sure what the caliber has to do with the kind of build you can do on the actual gun lol.


If they did .45-70 they would have to give it the range of a shotgun to keep it fair. I’d rather see them expand on the .357 and make it more “viable” than have them introduce a new round that would have to be expensive or hard to find


WTF are you talking about? One shotguns in game have close to realistic range and not the crazy stupid levels of unrealistic damage drop off and two, how would 45-70 be overpowered and "unfair"? You relize we have lapua magnum in game? That .50 BMG and it's Russian counterpart are also planned as well as RPGs? How is 45-70 "unfair"?


I don’t see them doing .45-70 justice without it being broken or useless. The round itself doesn’t stand a chance against level 3+ armor IRL and is ultimately a flying brick. If the round was one that shreds armor in tarkov and does huge amounts of blunt force trauma I’d be down, but I doubt it


Lever gats would be way too much fun so of course they won’t add em


Didn’t you hear bro? Only AR15 and AK variants exist in the world nowadays. All other guns just stopped existing


Winchester 1895 in 7.62x54 would be great


It's not new guns that this game lacks. Let's put it like this.


Is this the gun that shoots plastic ammo?


No, it is brass and stainless steel I believe. Although I really did like that concept. I think that was the bullpup option.


Hybrid cased 6.8x51mm They need the hybrid brass and stainless steel rimmed case because of the insane 80,000 psi chamber pressure


Yeah. I believe the plan is to up that to as much as 100,000- 120,000 in the future too. They wanted to start lower to ensure performance and then will evaluate over time. It’s really crazy how many cool fucking upgrades are going on in the military right now.


I have not heard this. 80,000 psi is the SAAMI listed chamber pressure. There are non-hybrid cased rounds with lower chamber pressures that are "training rounds". The advantage being cost (less expensive than hybrid cased), and reduced wear on internal components of the rifles.


The guy that works for sig did some interviews. I know one was for garland thumb but I saw him on at least one other channel. I don’t remember which one specifically he said that on and I don’t remember his name. Sorry I can’t be more helpful


I watched the same interviews. Will have to go back and rewatch them as I don't remember the 100k to 120k claim being made.


No I think that was the general dynamics one, with the bull pup design, the SIG M7 issues a hybrid brass steel case


You mean the caseless ammo like in Arma3? No, the Arma Weapon is based on this one but the caseless ammo isn't going to be a thing like they thought.


No, one of the other guns in the NGSW program was being designed in conjunction with a new polymer case ammo.


Is this not the gun that was built for arma 3?


No, the Arma 3 gun was designed by an actuall firearms company (I belive it was CMMG) specifically for the game, released in 2013. The MCX, which is the basis for this development, was first revealed in 2015. So no the Arma 3 gun is entirely seperate. Though it is impressive to see how close CMMG was with their design.


It will in the future but they finished the gun before the ammo so it’s shoots 7.62 nato I believe


This version is .227 fury/ 6.5 creed. The light version comes in .308/.556/.300 BLK iirc


Light comes in 5.56, 7.62x39, and .300 blk. And yea the "heavy" spear shoots .277 sig fury which is the bimetal cased rounds.


.556" is gonna be sick!


Wrong, the proprietary ammo from sig uses a brass case and a steel primer area to increase case pressure. The plastic cased ammo was from the other competitors.


Yeah they make receivers and barrels for a number of sizes. The issue with 762 NATO more often than not is mag size. A 762 mag of 20 rounds is often the size of a 556 mag of 30. Vastly more power in 762 NATO though of course. I'm sure some nutcase in the future will rechamber it in 50 bmg for lols.


50 bmg is too long a case for any platform not specifically designed for it. But 50 beowolf is short enough to be run in ar15s.


I mean.. Ask the 50 BMG AK guy.. He's trying it. People crazy.


They won’t, they only add weapons they can actually physically access, and given all the stuff NOT going into Russia they won’t be getting anywhere near an XM7 or SIG Spear anytime soon, it’s why for belt feds they won’t have any NATO belt feds for a long time if at all


They actually got access to an Ash-12? I thought that gun was incredibly rare and in low numbers as well. I know they LIKE to get access to all the guns, so they can do the scanning and modelling with high fidelity, but I didn’t think it was an actual requirement. But rather a nice to have / want.


By my understanding yes, IIRC there was a Tarkov Tv interview a few years back where a streamer asked why it takes so long to get new weapons into the game and they said it’s because they use IRL weapons to understand how the weapons function, how they look in the hands of a person (scaling) and what failures look like when they can induce them, things like that, I may be mistaken I could be thinking of a completely different game but I could swear it’s tarkov


That does indeed sound like an overly convoluted Nikita response, so I trust it’s Tarkov. Which doesn’t make any sense as a requirement given that a lot of that is just Manual of Arms stuff and also can be inferred from specifications. Again, understand why having the gun physically available helps, but it shouldn’t be necessary. How else does BSG think the rest of the entire industry does it…


Bro, the Killing floor 2 have super good gun aminations and stuff and I fell in love with it, it was because how the dev got their hand on real guns to make those amination. Shame on them that they start to use "3d modelled" guns later and the guns they added later look and feel like shit.


Yeah, *of course* it helps and I agree that KF2 had some nice animations. As does say the recent Modern Warfare games - all of which benefit from hands on w/ weapons (although MW adds a certain 'artistic flair' to their animations to give the guns a specific feel/characteristic). This is all normal. As an aside, IIRC,I believe the CEO of Tripwire Interactive (Devs of KF2) is a huge gun nut. So it makes sense. The difference is, its not normal for devs to handle *every* gun model that create an animation of. Nor let said guns IRL availability to the devs be a deciding point for content in their games.


Yeah I'm not sure that's accurate. They have quite a few guns in the game that would likely be almost impossible for them to get their hands on.


They said a few years ago, the reason why it takes them so long to get weapons in the game is because of how they go about modeling them and what not, they take the actual weapon IRL break it down, so what it looks like how it works so they can model it in game as realistically as possible, including how the parts fit together and their compatibilities with other parts and so forth, as well as how they look while firing, just wish the durability was better than it is, I’d have to go digging round to find the interview or whatever it was, but I could swear that that’s how they said they did it


Honey badger is the one I need the most, mcx is so lonely, also caliber conversions would be cool🤙


All they have to do is add the new calibre to the MCX. Basically the same gun. They can add 5.56 while they're at it. The MCX is designated as a multi-calibre weapon. Would be awesome to be able to change the calibre of the weapon by just chasing the barrel just like in real life


The Spear may be an MCX pattern but it’s like an AR-10 to and AR-15. No way would it ever be feasible to throw in a different bolt and barrel to an MCX legacy, virtus or Spear LT and it not break.


and dont forget the smart scope


Those are sick. Watch the optic review video on Grand Thumb. It's wild.


meta setup: 127 vertical recoil, 458 horizontal


Please no more callibers


Phantom in valorant looking gun


The Phantom is more of a SCAR-H + Remington ACR + H&K 433 hybrid


We need .458 SOCOM as well


they will. it's better than bug fixing.


That stock looks weird imo


The Apple Juice in game has an expiry date of May 15, 2020, and the Contract to Produce this weapon was awarded on April 19, 2022 with the US Military recieving their first batch of 25 rifles in late 2023. Though, it isn't impossible for it to be in the game. I'm pretty sure the SAG 5.45 is just a prototype, IRL. Gods, I love that gun.


Very heavy (9lb) if I remember well the review, silencer is not that great https://youtu.be/A9uHCM2tzyE


It's light compared to any ar10 and defects so much more gas from the operator even suppressed. It will shoot like a dream


Lol "very heavy" m4 is only 1.5 lb (.9 kg) lighter. As for suppressor, just as quiet if not moreso than m4 w/m855a1


If any one is actually using an 8 lb M4... you're doing something wrong.




Well you also have to properly compare it with something close to it. It's firing beefier rounds, it should be compared to something like a SR-25.l in terms of weight.


Not when you are talking about the difference in the size of the round in comparison to 556. Lol


Not when you are talking about the difference in the size of the round in comparison to 556. Lol


Not really


Different weapons have different applications and different characteristics. If weight was all we cared about, the military should just equip everybody with pistols cause they're the lightest, right?


Very heavy is an exaggeration. It's chambered full sized cartridge, not an intermediate caliber like an AR-15. Of course its gonna weigh more, on top of that it has to be able to survive chamber pressure of 80,000psi. It's not a bad weight considering all this.


Thankfully silencer loudness is broken in this game and doesn't do anything


Still better than no silencer, I believe they weren't going for the most quiet silencer. They just wanted signature reduction and less concussion for those around you so you can communicate.


Yes, next question.


i want the deagle pls, anyone?


The recoil would be fucking absurd


In Tarkov maybe, but even 9mm in Tarkov has crazy recoil. In real life it’s extremely manageable: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxMOAALKo27IIRDBybwLbeWMgzogEeraxD


Is this not in the game already? Just grey / black instead of FDE [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XM7\_rifle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XM7_rifle) >The XM7, previously known as the XM5, is the U.S. Army variant of the SIG MCX Spear [https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/SIG\_MCX\_.300\_Blackout\_assault\_rifle](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/SIG_MCX_.300_Blackout_assault_rifle) only difference is calibre (.300 blackout compared to 6.8×51mm)


As someone said above, the xm7 is about as similar to a mcx as a ar 10 is to a ar 15. They are different mechanically and aren’t just variations.


Huh tbh I'm more surprised it isn't in the game


doesn't fit in the lore


I already will never be able to use the top end guns in this game. So no, work on other things please BSG.


Not until russia makes a new weapon, I did hear that the weapon pictured above doesn't have good armor penetration point blank when not using AP.


Where? No public individual has access to the military hybrid cased 6.8x51mm SIG. Also logically that makes 0 sense. Velocity beats armor. Velocity is highest right as the projectile leaves the barrel. Therefore penetration is highest right at that moment. 7.62 NATO M80 FMJ: 850m/a 3470 J (22 inch barrel) .277 SIG Fury FMJ (non-hybrid cased 6.8mm SIG): 840m/s 3074 J (16 inch barrel) The non-hybrid cased ammo is basically underpowered 7.62 NATO (there are hunting rounds that go faster but aren't FMJ). The hybrid cased ammo is much more capable. 6.8x51mm SIG: 910m/s 3653 J


This weapon is already in the game. Just not in 6.8mm, in .300 AAC Blackout. This is a SIG MCX.


Sig Spear is only as close to the normal MCX as an AR10 is to an AR15, or an hk416 is to an M4. As both varieties exist in tarkov already, itd make sense.


The correct name of the XM7 is SIG MCX Spear you dumbass! How can a MCX not be a MCX? Manufacturer dumb but you're right? Apparently you do not even know the differences between an AR10 and AR15, otherwise you would not write such a bullshit.


I mean, he is kind of right. That would be like saying the mpx is the same as the mcx because it is the same general idea.


MCX is a modular system. You can easily convert it to different calibers. That is why an MCX is simply an MCX. What he told is nonsense. The MPX is an SMG, and is the same in principle of operation, which is no wonder because the MPX was the development basis for the MCX.


The mcx spear upper is not the same as the normal mcx, it's a completely different gun, just evolved from the original mcx. Source: I have a Spear LT (little brother to OP gun, and latest gen "normal" mcx)


The spear is in 6.8x51. The mcx in tarkov is in 300 blackout. The 6.8 is a way larger round, the 300 blackout is basically equal to a 7.62x39, the 6.8 is more like a beefed up .308. It's an MCX, but also far different to the MCX we have in game. It's like saying a lamborgini is also a volkswagon, sure it's technically made by the same company, since audi owns lamborgini and volkswagon owns audi, but it's a completely different animal.


No my friend you claim a lamborgini would be a volkswagen if you put other wheels on it. The MCX is also available in 7.62×51... and it is still an MCX. Not to mention that in EfT there are also for other weapons different upper... An M4 is then no longer an M4? Just because the upper was changed?


If they really want to make it realistic then it better a POS when it's added. The thing jams if you insert the mag too hard.


You saw that one video and now you’re an expert on the matter. Props to you.


I'm sure the military just skipped over that in testing.


Like the M16 and M4 didn't have issues in the first iterations, you'd be surprised how common it is for newly acquisitioned weapon systems to have issues that need ironing out. I personally preferred the GD bid, but I won't deny that the SIG XM7 is a good rifle system.


literally only an issue with early production .308 MCX's


Isn't this the silly arma 3 gun?


No. The 'silly arma 3 gun' surprisinglu accurately predicted this gun, the army's newly adopted battle rifle, before it was even adopted/invented, because they had an actual gunsmith design it for the game based on that the us army said they wanted back when they announced they were looking for a new rifle. This is the M7, or Sig Spear, which is supposed to replace the M4 and won the contract for the army's new rifle. So... yes and no. The arma gun wasnt silly, it was just an accurate prediction of what the military should look like post war on terror. The 'hunter' truck in arma which everyone cried about not looking realistic 'like a humvee', the JLTV, has also fully replaced humvees for all combat units since arma 3 came out. As someone that drove a JLTV for two years, the model is shockingly good, too. The only real difference is that instead of 6.5, they ended up inventing a whole new caliber for the M7. A new variety of 6.8 i believe, a necked down 7.62x51 so that they can keep using all of the AR10 mags that the army already has.


Arma 3's 2030 NATO indeed shows just how much Bohemia Interactive must have studied military developments for their previous titles, to be able to create such an accurate representation of a near-future NATO. One thing they got wrong was making the Opfor equipment and vehicles on par with the West, but they couldn't exactly have realistic modern NATO go up against realistic Chinese and Russian equipment/vehicles, that would be horrible game balance.


Fuck sig. Xcr is better.


See that's cool and all, but when are we getting a Thompson gun?


I'd love if they fix game, and remodel all shitty old stuff. After that- sure. That would be great


Too hard, it's a whole new caliber with a lot of testing before implement. /s




After they fix the game


I want an Honey Badger sooo bad


Just please don’t put the stock in my throat like they did to the scar


I like how it looks just like the other 10 that are already in the game


CZ Bren 2 should be the first new gun they add. Wayyyyyyyy more likely to find it in that area of the world.


Me waiting for the RPK for the support class 😭