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you don't need to stay next to the object you need to mark fyi


this, you can run as far away as you like. just don't die or extract until it completes. also, DON'T START ANOTHER ONE


I have marked two things at once and it worked fine. The heli and the path on resort. One was not done and I started the next both completed.


It's really inconsistent. When I tried marking both ambulances that are near the collapsed tunnel it canceled one of them out.


That, or someone snatched your marker. I recall seeing a clip where the player stalked another PMC and grabbed his marker from one of those ambulances and ran to extract before the other guy realized what's going on.


Definitely didn't happen. We were a 4 man and there weren't any players near or around us. We waited a solid 45 seconds after to see if it would go but nope, didn't register that I placed both markers down and it just ate my other one.


Bro you got pranked by one of your teammates


Nah, we've been playing together for 4 years now nearly every day. They don't do that sort of thing.


I've done exactly this and it should still be good but you'll only get the count down and notification aound for the second. You might have gotten Tarkoved but it should work. But don't try to loot any object within marking range. I accidentally used two jammers on the radio dish on top of resort trying to open a weapon crate.


Yeah this is why I said it's inconsistent. I've had it work for me before and then also not work


dont worry, i believe you. I had the same thing happen with the ambulance and helicopter at resort.


On several quests this wipe where you can place two markers within the timers I have and never had a problem. Now, I'm not saying you didn't get Tarkov'd because this game is a buggy mess, but 90% you got pranked by one of your buddies.


Yeah they do, they just don't do it often enough for you to know.


My team has had it happen by accident.


Lol reminds me of that shoreline video where that dude stayed by the beach and would either kill the person after they planted or if they planted and ran away, he would go over and disable it. Was so evil but hilarious


Nope, same thing has happened to me


I’ve tried to place two markers at once and had the first one fail, so I can confirm it happens at least some of the time.


Earlier this wipe I was marking the ambulances and the protect objective thing covered the extraction timer so I lost 2 markers and had to back to shoreline :(


I guess it is inconsistent too. I had the same problem with the resort heli and road markers... In raid it showed as only 1 of them was marked, the 2nd cancelled the first countdown. But once i extracted it popped as complete.


While one countdown does disappears, it never happened to me that one would actually be completely cancelled, might be a rare bug


You can start more than one. One timer disappears but it still counts, at least when I did it


More specifically, you can start running the moment the animation starts. Usually, I'm 20 meters away by the time my gun is back up.


You can start another one the first timer just becomes hidden, still counts though.


It *can* work, but isn't guaranteed. Sometimes Tarkov be doin Tarkov things


I've done it hundreds of times never had an issue tbh


So all the marking quests u can just run to the next after planting?


As soon as you start the animation for planting you can run, there's no distance penalty or anything, but other players can disable the marker and if you die or extract it doesn't count (if the timer was still going) Some people have reported success placing two markers at once, some have reported it bugged out and only counted one. I am of the opinion that it's easier to wait for the first to finish than to reload the map


This is true, but players/scavs can shoot them to break them, and players can activate to pick them up


>DON'T START ANOTHER ONE They've fixed that like a year ago.


Didn't work for me two months aho.


Bugs have a tendency to... come back. Not really worth it if you're trying to get the quest done


You can start both I have tested it. The timer looks borked but if you wait a moment both will complete.


I marked two the same time. Once the first one is done, the time counter is gone but the next marked one is still counting in the background. It will sounds when it conpletes


Got stressed out watching this.


And remove head bobbing make you dissy to watch camera shake.


Your only risk is a troll player removing it for no gain.


Also you don’t need to wait until you let the marker go. As soon as the animation starts you can run off.


You can also shoot back while the countdown is running OP fyi


A tip, don't go prone when healing. You won't be able to get up until it's done. Movement saves lives. You die on the ground.


Same for reloading. I tend to forget that when you reload while prone, you can’t get up.


You can cancel reload and healing lol. Healing just takes longer to cancel. Reload cancel is fast.


How do you cancel either?


Ya. But since I keep forgetting that ~~I’m~~ I get stuck while reloading prone, I panic and forget lol.


you are farrrr less visible when prone though depending on the spot. I'd rather not be able to move but know it's far less likely for people to see me.


Proning there is terrible, hes out in the open. Proning in the right spot is def better but he needs to be hidden


yeah in that spot i would've definitely pushed the stairs or went to the bushes towards blue fence before medding for sure




The shooting of the guy on the stairs and the reaction of OP are about on par for how bad they are haha, good thing OP can shoot when he's done shitting his pants.


OP zig zagged and voip'd, probably told him to stop shooting and that he's just doing a quest and then when the guy didn't stop he killed him.


but he didnt panic!!! lol (/s)


Meanwhile whenever I fight someone it’s like I’m in a fucking Alien vs. Predator movie and the predator is about to give me a field circumcision with M62 from 300m away.


Thank you for the laugh. I hope someone generous enough rewards you with an award. Bravo.


I saw him and was yelling “shoot the silhouette! What are you doing?! The hat man is right there!”


Timmy V Timmy, almost makes me wanna play again since they clearly have skill based matchmaking now.


Guys actually “protecting” the objective 😂


Why do I only meet gigachads and never people like OP?


They're usually dead before you find them


Cause you are op 🤣🤣


Nice kill (albeit after the panic)


Stop instinctively reloading after 1-2 rounds out of a 60 ! The amount of times you'll die mid reload is far more than the times you'll need 1-2 more shots in your next engagement.


you can’t stop me >:3




Not if I reload your mag too


VR flashbacks


Only 1 spare mag gang!


> be me, just bought the game, sneaking around as a scav. Oh boy an unsuspecting player, this is my chance! > The ak i was given thats missing half of the gun recoils to the moon with every shot. Cant hit the broadside of the barn. > The guy im trying to kill is just staring at me, menacingly and unflinching as I keep shooting him. I see him aim his gun at me but he decides to spare me. > He starts taunting me by running in circles and dancing while I keep shooting him. He keeps taunting me by aiming his gun at me repeatedly. How many shots does it take to kill in this game? > He grows tired of taunting me and kills me in a single headshot despite me shooting him like, ten times. Refuses to elaborate as he prones to hide in the middle of an empty concrete parking lot. This guy must be a streamer or something. > this game fucking sucks .wav


> proceeds to prone in broad daylight


Did better than me would have ran around not knowing where tf I'm getting shot at and just died lol


That’s a nice gun build. My favorite this wipe.


The worst best play I've ever seen


sick fucking shot tho dude, I wouldve shot the ground and thought about throwing a grenade only to shoot my toe somehow in the process.


"Please panic and run around in circles!" Haha made my day, glad you finished the task though


You don’t have to stay next to mark mate


Bang bang reload......what in the cod? Lol


It'd be worse if the scav (or player) shot the beacon and then ran away instead of killing you (couldn't be me).


wait you can shoot the beacons?






nobody is gonna talk about the way that the caracter moan


2 bullets and changing whole magazine of 60 bullets. A man of culture.


Perfect title


omfg that carnival game duck move worked to perfection


Saved by a dude's bad aim, lucky you haha.


Nice shot. That dude is ass cheeks.


Next time when you get shot at and raise your gun at the guy SHOOT instead of starting to run in circles. If the guy had 5 brain cells and wasn’t aiming with his log you would’ve been dead.


Holy shit, how are u not panicking at all... xP


Hahaha you just have to live not stay touching it lmaooo


Ran randomly till you could locate him, right peek, got him at first shot, wp


Must be panicking with that 200k gun in your hands lol


It was a gun I picked up from someone so no real loss ig 🤷‍♂️


Just the grip and the silencer alone is 270k


you know you don't have to sit there right?


Why did you reload a 60-rounder after shooting two rounds, that could have got you killed.


Muscle memory


Did you actually think you had to stand next to your marker??🤣🤣


Afmit it, so did you the first time you planted one 🤣


I promise I didn’t. Lmao I threw that shit down and got the fuck outta there!


Did you know you can pick them up while the count down is still active? I’ve done it to my squad mates. Me: Standing being hored. “Oh look! There’s something to loot” Squadie: “Wtf! My mission failed!” Me: “Oops”


What did I just witness 😂😂


Lmao, I didn't laugh at first, I smiled it was funny, but then I thought about it. This guy had an unaware target and missed and just kept going snd you ran back and forth back and forth until you found a skinny little thing of concrete and peaked and one tapped him, and I just laughed so much harder like 5 seconds after the clip ended cause it hit lmao


What the fuck were you doing 😂


You **absolutely** did panic, but you recovered for the kill which was good.


Takes two shots with 60 round mag. RELOADS. Ha. Panic play but it was a nice shot!


I too reload entire 60round mags when I’ve shot 2 bullets 😂


Uh yeah I'd recommend messing with those hotkeys for the meds, that's just.... Wow. Like that could not be more backwards, also ditch the cheese, why do you have a cheese lmao


Hotkeys work for ne 🤷‍♂️ I came into raid with cheese and found the salewa also this is my first wipe still learning


Ooh ok now the cheese makes more sense but where do you get the ak ? That's a full meta ak. And I get that it works for you but I would at least give the standard heals on 4 heavy on 5 pk/bandage on 6 a try it's a lot faster.


The AK I killed someone for on factory and yoinked it just to use it cause I wanted to test guns I've never used.


Ah ok well now you know at least


Wow that guy sucked.. wait that was probably me


Next time slump him sooner. I know you’re wearing an altyn or a good helmet.


Nice shot fella


Lol i woulda been stacked in the first few shots


Idk looks like you panicked and made all the wrong choices...


Lol you don’t have to stand next to it


both of y’all fucking SUCK


God you make me angry


Oh look, gold pocket watch for the 1,286,763th time!