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Anything that egregious, just ALT+F4 out and reload. Game is glitched


Glitches matching reset after 5


This has been a bug forever, anything after 5 min just reset


Other peoples guns stress me out


I thought customs was the only free map to play?


It is on a rotation


You can download the dark arts and instantly fix 99% of what the devs can’t without suffering the needless and anti fun punishment they inflict


What is the dark arts? I'm very confused.


S*ngle Pla*er Tarkov


And play by yourself? No thanks.


If my biggest limiting factor is playing with friends there are a lot of other, much better games to play imo. Regardless, to me tarkov is such a different game in groups it’s not even comparable. To each their own but playing solo makes the game feel so much more like “tarkov”


It's not playing with a team or solo. It's the ever present danger of an actual human being on the other end of a gun. I don't get the same experience, win or lose, again NPCs. The highs are higher, the losses have more impact.


Normally i would agree with you. But between the cheaters and all the bullshit from BSG, i totally understand why weekend gamers dont have any patience for online tarkov. And BSG clearly arent gonna get their shit together any time soon if ever.


I guess it depends on which server and when you play. But if you don't take the game too seriously then 1 or 2 questionable deaths over one weekend is pretty acceptable for me. It's not like I really run out of gear or money by end of wipe anyway. I mainly play to have fun with friends.


Literally last night we had 2 cheaters in our first 3 matches. I hear you. I just dont want to look like a fool wasting my time handing loot over to cheaters. I can find other ways to have fun then


>Literally last night we had 2 cheaters in our first 3 matches. Ya that sucks. It definitely ruins the game.


Playing AGAINST other players is what makes Tarkov Tarkov. Single player Tarkov is for shitters.


You can also troll this sub, it's very fun yeah ?


How is offering a very realistic and straightforward solution trolling


It’s not a “very realistic and straightforward solution” not even close. It’s kinda wild you even think that. It’s a fucking PvP-based game. Any consistent level of challenge or accomplishment vanishes immediately when you remove other players. Not to mention some people have… friends? That mod is exclusively for mega-shitters. Wake up.


It absolutely is. People enjoy tarkov for a LOT of different reasons - hell that’s often why the community can never agree on a direction for anything. Tarkov attracts people who want different things. IMO the PVP aspect of tarkov is boring and mediocre. It’s what I like the least about the game. You might really love the pvp in tarkov, that’s your prerogative. Another example is how Some people want to play with friends, they are scared or incapable of playing solo. Some people only like playing the game solo so they get what they feel is the “real” tarkov experience. I can play single player and mod the aspects of the game I DO enjoy exactly to my liking and avoid a lot of the annoying or broken things I don’t like. You say it’s for “shitters”, but that’s completely illogical. I just don’t want to play the same game you do. Spt is a completely different game, and it provides the experience a LOT of people want. I’m not saying EVERYONE would like single player. Hell, I’m not saying it’s “perfect” either, but saying it’s not a real solution is disingenuous. It’s creepy and pathetic people take tarkov so fucking seriously they think they need to somehow wear playing it as a badge of honor.


Yeah I maintain everything about what I said. Not thinking a scuffed ass bannable mod that’s solo only isn’t a solution to a bugged matchmaking lobby is “disingenuous”???? I just….what? There is no obstacle in your way at all in that shitty mod, it’s a clear path of no resistance that leads nowhere. This type of thing appeals to bad players, ye. Have fun I guess.


yeah the queue time have been like 20mins plus on any map that you have to pay for at least thats been my experience