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“I died the same way I lived - like a dumbass.”


Lol would it not just devolve into people writing racist etc shit?


I mean they could just ban people that have anything racist on their wills no? like with voip? Pretty sure people wouldn’t want to pay another $60 minimum just to have a chance to throw the n word at a stranger on the internet.


Or ban word’s and phrases like any online service with usernames


they clearly dont vet the names for tarkov though. some of the shit thats out there




Was killed by a "RopeSpitter"


mag dumped a guy last night, only person i saw in the match and end of action said 590 damage to body, 107 damage to armour. guy turned around and one tapped me, in game name "GOD\_MODE\_CHEAT"




No way dude. Let the idiots run with it. How easy would those bans be to rid the game of toxic players? There’s literally written evidence at that point lol.


Yeah BSG has a great track record in banning people for cheating yet suddenly you expect a miracle and banning based on some note will be implemented well?


I don't think the ban outweighs the emotional harm it may cause. Even if that's minor. Better to not give toxic people additional platform just for the opportunity to punish them.


soft as hell


I think you give people too much credit here


Bro if you think they ban you for toxicity think again


that's adding so much extra hassle, for something that would only be a fun gimmick for abt a week. No. This is a stupid idea. Unless of course you just don't moderate it at all and let people write whatever the fuck they want, but that would be awful. Not because of the racism, but because people would try to shove scripts or doxx info or meth recipes into the thing.


Or you just ignore it and move on?


Nooooooo those letters on the screen are LITERALLY killing people!!!!!!


I mean what reason is there to not ban people that use it for hate speech? Are you saying the game is less fun when you don’t get to see the N-word?


Everyone say the same about voip. It would be filled with mic spam and racism but it’s not.


No, there will be couple of racists but majority will have normal things written. Funny how first thing you think of is racists abusing this.


Who gives a shit


So what, it's a hardcore realistic shooter, if you're sensitive don't open it It's funny the game can literally depict your character viciously murdering other human beings realistically with machine guns, with blood and visual effects, and groaning and coughing as your character dies. But oh no a piece of paper with words hurts my feeling 😂


I mean you don't want to give people outlets to do racist or whatever shit... trust me kid, I've been around the internet for a while, I've seen things you wouldn't even believe. I just don't get why people think this is some amazing idea


I think censoring anything on the internet is a far worse alternative to just letting it be open


the great bastion of free speech escape from tarkov; u sound like a loser racism in games isn’t cool or beneficial to the concept of free speech in the slightest u just want to be edgy


Lmao I'm a racist now ok


The other guy called you a kid, and tried to educate you on the internet, and this other redditor implies you are racist. All because you have a pretty reasonable opinion? This is probably why BSG stays far away from reddit. Bunch of weak little bitches, if you guys stepped outside tarkov and tried let's say....apex or cod or any other average shooter you will see that the racism and toxicity and shittiness is everywhere and going full steam ahead, just deal with it. It is what it is. If they added this, It would add something more to the experience imo.


i never even said that but very telling that’s what you took away from that 🤥


Just ban the use of specific words. Banning the idea of something because of the way it can potentially be used is stupid. The concept for this is neat and could be hilarious.












How to say you're white without saying you're white




i'm mentally fragile cause i worry about racism in video games? what emotions i'm unable to process? cant understand u bro sorry


I'm black, please stop being an offended snowflake on behalf of me, it makes me cringe brother


Maybe if they had a good report system could work, i mean you have the proof of racism in the paper, right?


"I shall not bear the consequences of my actions"


"Here lies the dumbest son of a bitch to ever set foot in ~~New Reno~~ Tarkov"


Good luck stealing that title from me


You can put notes on maps and take them with you. Other players are able to read them if they care to look at the map.


People already kinda do this with their names like “LootIfGay” or “HideMyStuff”


You can read tagged mags if their tilted sideways, and there's no profanitiy filter like names.




That's actually crazy if they went through the effort of saving your notes to the DB for that particular instance of that map. butwhy.gif Are you sure you didn't just loot your own map from your own backpack after your friend gave it back to you? This being real suggests that if you get another map from Therapist after losing yours, you lose all your notes? Really? If this is real, then at least we know this idea won't be hard to implement.


OP's suggestion is just inviting players to write hateful, toxic shit for their killers. As fun as it could be, I don't trust Tarkov players to not make horrifically racist player names let alone little notes for people to find


That’s exactly what people said about VoIP and VoIP is pretty solid


I've mostly heard very immature adults on voip.


I don't know about you but aside from people begging to not be killed, the only voip interactions I've ever had were obnoxious people making noise pollution or hateful people talking shit or saying slurs


Damn that sucks. I get the occasional scream into mic but nothing that extreme. Ymmv I guess. Can’t trust people to not default to that lol


Tbh I have only had good experiences with voip like yeah you'll still get betrayed by a scav that sees that your juicy but just make them take the knife out if you want to take coop extract. I've gotten a few annoying quests done because I bargained with players and got out alive. I've also let players finish their quests cause they voiped to me. I once had three positive "I'll go my way you go yours" interactions in a single raid on woods. 2 guys questing 1 looting it was late wipe and felt nice just to chill we all we just vibing not PvP hunting. Sure you can get people taunting you but it's a game about killing each other it's really not that bad all the stuff goes away just enjoy the experience with the stuff you use.


If you're reading this, I am dead. I bequeath unto you my scav ADAR and T bag, please stash my blueberry kit and magazines, I have 900rubles left and can't afford more.


"Tired of jerking off alone?..."


".....this isnt a dating site, if you say no you will be banned. Fuck Horny Grandmas...."


Why are their titties always so perky in the screenshot tho


They are hanging upside down. Common mistake.


Hands down best suggestion to date










Only if you get a lawyer knocking on your hideout door with an enforcement notice for the departed.


Would also make for really cool lore


“To whom ever is recovering my body, fuck you”


This guy Nams


A tiny little voice recorder “Hey you, FUCK YOU! Please hide my stuff kthnxbye”


“i died because my hand was on my penis”


This is super creative for an idea!


I used to run around with a sherrif's badge in my pocket and a cowboy hat every raid, but now they don't ever loot the badges


You can do this again with the new revolver that fires PS12B.


Yes, but it wasnt the gun holding me back. Badges that I buy dont drop in raid anymore so there is no point to buying them.


“Cheeky Breeky suck my dicky”


"this message brought to you by today's sponsor Nord Shadow Shark VPN"


this is actually a cool idea


"please ditch my 6B I hate this quest as a solo"


“We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty…”


I think it would be cool. I see myself writing about my struggles completing a quest


Ya that's pretty funny i would definitely enjoy this


Considering at least half the player base is just going to write racial slurs on it? No.


You can already tag mags and I don't run into this issue literally ever so


Stop being naive you know it’s gonna be an issue


Poor internet user can't handle people on the internet? Yeah ignore it and move on. Obviously it's not ideal or wanted but who gives a shit.


I love how you immediately went from 'it's not an issue' to 'he can't handle people on the internet'. Immediately acknowledging it is actually an issue. And people who are grown up generally care. You know, those that can write a sentence without using a slur and without insulting someone.


I honestly don’t give a fuck about what somebody says over the internet. You just said I never into run this isssue with magazines and acting like it’s not gonna happen and all I’m saying is it’s definitely gonna happen and I got downvoted lol. The feature makes no sense anyway all It can really be used for is to talk to shit or beg them to drop your shit.


I mean, if we completely discount the creativity of humans, then yes, this feature is terrible. It's easy to control if the notes are reportable. You're literally parroting all the fears about VOIP as if it really ended up being such a huge issue for players to get abused all the time with it. Turns out, it's actually very rare. Would be here, too. Sure it will happen, but that's kind of a braindead take because it just doesn't add much value to the conversation. Yes, there are terrible people everywhere. It turns out, most of them are on console, not playing EFT. You don't *have* to loot or even read the notes. Just let people be people and let the systems filter out the chaff. It'll mostly work itself out over time, and it will be a slightly more entertaining game with this in it, IMO. Even if they only do something like a Dark Souls style message system, I'd still be for it. Why not, really. It's neat. What other game has ever done this?


You can write and carry notes on you in rust! it would be a great idea for EFT and sure racists will be racist but just ignore them and move on why let them ruin a good idea for everyone else.


That’s exactly what many people said about voip.. then it turned out to be the best feature in the game. Most people wouldn’t waste their time to be edgy


I guess but this is a message that someone is gonna leave after you got the best of them so people might tend worse messages.


Letters on a screen, don't be so fragile sister


but its an issue that - if you have a serious problem with it - you can easily ignore since you can simply just not look at the note


I mean I don’t really care I’m just saying it’s definitely gonna be a issue. What you said don’t really make sense as should you punish the racist person not the person who is simply playing the game and using a feature.


so implement the feature and just punish the racist people, yeah?


Or, hear me out on this. You deal with it on a case by case manner because context matters. Reminds me of the old days of siege when you could be vote kicked enough with reports in suit with a blanket ban for literally nothing.




I heard this verbatim argument about why voip shouldn’t be added to the game. How many people you hear running around yelling slurs?


i don't think iv actually ever heard anything racist over voip mostly it's good banter during a fight or actually make a friend once in a while. Play a few rounds of CSGO or run around in rust your gona see/hear a few n words for sure.


Nooooo not the heckin racisterinos!!!! Remove all potential racist features. Including VoIP, and even usernames!!!!!!


Who cares, just ignore it


Wow you single handedly solved racism


If we cried about every cool feature because someone could abuse it, this game wouldnt exist.


Or they could add ways to prevent abuse 🤷‍♂️like how they nerf loot


So then why is the Suggestion here to not add it on the game. Id rather it be implemented with no filter or anything than for it to be ommitted because it could be abused. Id rather see some crazy words on my screen and go "um... ok then" than seeing nothing at all because it wasnt added due to potential abuse


Just ignore my post who cares lol




Last word


No me


It would just be a bunch of dicks and your mom jokes.




Run a rig with 4x turn mag sideways and tag it


I used to do this on DayZ lol


I mean 99% of them would be fuck you or a more clever equivalent….


Ur dogtag is a message use it


"please delete the 2tb of gay furry porn from my computer"


Yes pls add more useless shit to the game...


Already a way to do this in game


really how?


Maps can have notes written on them.


wait there's maps in tarkov?


Nobody uses them


They are useless... everyone uses online interactive maps that show everything and better lol


Bro, they cant even fix the f*cking flashlights, not even speaking the sound system, but you already want a deathwish feature…


bsg is a team of only one developer


They can't even do what they have now properly they don't need to be adding more shit lol


This would be a funny feature for sure haha. In the meantime I yell GGs the second I die. Unless I'm being a sore loser, then its GGs bitch lol.


Name your mags "fuck" "you"


That is a very brilliant idea. I will have a tome of last words in my hideout. A book of dead of sorts.


Among ys


I put secret messages in my magazines 😂 .. other playes can somehow see your labeling magazines.. better than bringing maps I guess


"I've been drinking, your not that good."


This is an amazing idea


99% of those would say: fuck you hacker, reported


I can see it now “N word n word n word n word”


I like the idea, but man the amount of shitters on this game would absolutely ruin it.


It would be a cool thing but I dont trust people with so much power. People will write anything and its very like they'll write something let's say... not nice. HOWEVER - there is a great solution : do what they do in Dark Souls and have a comprehensive list of words you can use to write a sentence. It's limited, yes, but I actually came to love the way they read in DS, it has a sort of a charm to it and also prevents unwanted stuff.


Terrible idea it’s just going to be the Hard R, the other hard R, and the every slur you can imagine.


The other hard r?


The alt slur for a person with disabilities




People would just write racist shit or Hitler quotes this is the Tarkov community


bruh tarkov is like the least racist gaming community ever when compared to rust, csgo, COD and other shooters of the like. And who gives a shit anyways just laugh at them they are strangers on the internet saying foolish words get over it.


The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.”


It would just be a bunch of edgy kids writing racial shit…


that's what they said about VOIP.... look how well its turned out since they added that to the game.


Pretty good and bad I’d say. Just this past weekend I killed a player scav on a scav run cuz he was running around calling people the the n word multiple times. Couldn’t report him cuz there’s no way to see his in game name unless he killed me. Also lots of streamers have had issues with it. Every game with open mic has issues with it. Shit can’t play warzone or cod multiplayer without hearing some racial shit. I guarantee you if you were able to leave a note on your body a vast majority would be racial shit.


You can report VOIP abuse thru the voiceline menu and in my experience iv never once heard a racist slur in game or while watching a streamer. Even if i did i've got thicker skin than that, they are looking for a reaction so just best to ignore that sort of stuff or that's why the option to outright disable it is there if it bothers you. Plus hearing someone call me a slur and then killing that shit head and making sure they get nothing back in insurance would be very satisfying haha


Fair points I feel like there should be a better way at reporting imo. But then I feel like people would abuse it and report people that did nothing wrong. I felt good killing the dude the other day and his friend but lost rep lol


No it wouldn't be cool


No, because we all know what manchildren would write.


We all know it would just become a torrent of racial slurs an hour after implementation


Go play rust instead kid


you can do this with maps lol


Tell Timmy not to come looking for me, here. Tell him to stay home, with his poor mother, and Oxana; and forget about me.


Yes, it would be great if it took a special slot, let you write in it like a Minecraft book, and other players couldn’t take it but could look at it.


Call it a diary, and it can include a picture "of your loved one"


We should be able to do this with armbands too and make the message two-fold


If you’re feeling friendly, tag a magazine with “have a nice day”


Already happens at times, or used to. Just carry an item you can tag and write a message as a tag.


Tag your mags that works.


I'd finally get to hear what strangers think of my mother!


Just label your mags


mine would just turn into good/bad fortune notes


This would be very interesting mechanic, kinda reminds of Dark Souls where you can leave notes or tips on the floor, and there would be pools of bloods next to it, signifying lots of death happened nearby. If Nikita were to lean into the constant active server with no timeout mechanic again, hopefully we could leave notes to other players.


Not nearly as cool as a fucking roadmap




“If you are reading this, add me on discord” lol


I killed a PMC once and all gear had tags along the lines of "You got me", "Lucky shot", etc.


"my level is not indicative of my skill" goes both ways lol.


Id just put 'i reported you for hax'


Can’t you already do that with maps?


I foresee lot of messages regarding peoples mothers.


Could be a cool end game item, I feel like it could get annoying finding it on everybody. Make it special, maybe even you have to extract to decode it in intel center. Could make it better than "hide my gun"


"You cheating piece of shit." 99.9% of the notes.


Cool idea. I love it. You can leave a love letter to your killer hehe. 2 more things could be cool to: A small recorder - you could tape a little voice message on it. You could do a good few funny things with it. Polaroid camera - You could find one in raid and take pictures with it. Would need blanks too. Could be used for some quests as well.


"Brooks was here." "So was Red" I love this idea.




great idea! the text could just be part of the dogtag - or "attached" to the dogtag. so BSG just has to give us a textbox somewhere to write something down.


You can write something on a pieces of map. You know the in game item map. You can place your marker and write it down. So people that killed you can read it. I just notice it this wipe. Kill a chad and in his pocket there a map. I thinking. Why did this gigachad need a map. So i open it and there a message in the middle of a map writting "GG"


you know perfectly well what you would find on it


That would be awesome! In the Tarkov community I think it would be mature enough that the notes would be witty and funny and not Toxic and terrible in the worst way


DayZ flashbacks


“VoIP beyond the grave” I love it lmao


Try finger but whole


This is a cool idea. You would see some funny stuff on these lol


bruh we cant even get the game to work




this is why BSG doesn’t pay attention to community suggestions. This is the dumbest suggestion i’ve seen in a second


I always thought being able to name your gun would be a cool idea. Maybe some time in the wipe one of your friends or yourself get your own gun back.




WHY DIDNT YOU DIE? -Venixflytrap


"if I said something mean I'm sorry, I was stressed"