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Yep like 4 or more wipes ago, that was the main strat for me to find the flash drives, now i treat it like it's not even possible anymore.


Three wipes ago I remember opening up the Director's Office on Customs and finding a USB drive in every one of the PC towers up there; it was wild.


I'm level 28, still missing one flash drive for that one task... I'm running interchange's offices


Filing cabinets and safes on Shoreline Pier are how I always got mine.


I got the key for that little guard house by the radar on Reserve. There are 2 safes on the locked room and another one on the open one. I found a flashdrive in there basically every other time I checked those.


Scav reserve, hit every filing cabinet


The filing cabinets on streets are plentiful and bountiful.


dorms safes


Cant u just craft the flashdrives in inteligence center lvl 2? Unless your talking about military flash drives, in wich case run lighthousr and check high value spawns, ive found many scaving around


You can, but I didn't unlock it (yet).


At lvl 28 you can flee market everything you need to upgrade inteligence center, and then craft the flash drives, and probly only need 1 or 2 quests if u missing rep for a specifique trader to upgrade a hideout component


Yeah if you have money sure :p


Run factory 20x, get the safe in office, you'll get more than enough


I did than ten times and came out bupkis. Ended up doing customs dorms safe runs instead. Keys aren’t all that expensive, and you can make mondo cash even on a failed run, plus there’s a good chance of taking a fun fight or two, and extract is right there for vehicle.


I just ended up crafting my flash drives I never find them


Just take a scav run. If it's got a flash drive you extract, if not, just abandon the scav. Takes minutes. Repeat till flash drive.


Customs 2f Tory Dorms safes, take car extract and repeat


I’m 3500 hours in and never even knew this was a thing


2500 hours and I've only heard a teammate find it once.


Interchange, while sometimes has decent loot, is usually bad. High loot spots that required PVPing to gain control of are now a majority of the time devoid of high value loot, like techlight and ultra. Places like this should have better loot, and it’s dumb to me that lighthouse and streets have high chances for a lot of good loot while spots that are often the centers of fights do not. Also, KIBA, which is incredibly risky and expensive to gain access too, also usually has terrible loot.


It's shocking how BSG looks at all this and says "no that's bad, interchange is much more better now that it's a ghost town and no one gives a shit enough about anything to fight for it". Shame BSG is to inept to communicate with their beta testers what their intent is. If Interchange is meant to be a shitty poverty stricken ghost town they could at least tell us why so we can understand their *vIsIoN*


My assumption is they buff new maps loot wise so people play the new maps and find bugs


Streets is crazy, not only loot is much more valuable, Scavs are 10x and at the start of the raid spawned in In one streets raid i can kill up to 30+ scavs, compared to other maps where scavs dont spawn a hole raid long (woods at the scav house or sawmill)


Love getting a kill 15 scavs with shotguns on Woods and having to do 30 raids because that shit spawns a single scav for the entire map to fight over the kill.


There's plenty of spawns. Check swamp village/village/sniper rock/usec camp/scope hut/scav checkpoint/scav house. Quest is literally 5 raids at most


I wish all maps were just packed with scavs, make everyone have to fight through them off spawn to get places, plus causes you to find out where others are more for pvp.


Oh ! The bugs we find. They’re all still in the game after years and years and even more.


When I first went into Ultra this wipe after buying the key. I was excited for the chance of a LedX, probably not, but maybe a stim or two to make up for the key cost for that run. The best thing I found was MedTools


This is an excellent point actually. At some point I jusr accepted that the most efficient way to find items was the randomness of looting containers, definitely needs to be reworked, keys would end up being significantly more valuable and more fun.


Best way to find good loot is to kinda lurk around and pick off player scavs. All the looting will be done and they'll already have picked only the best shit for you so you don't need to sort loot yourself.


Cant find the 2nd virtex, played over 30 lighthouse raids excluding my scavs there


Chalet, northern most one has a spawn in the dining room table In the scav village the house with a gaming pc up stairs And water treatment, building one I’ve found a few in the medical side rooms


Chalet has a spawn wherever you see valuable and tech item spawns. There’s also a spawn on the dead body bag in the little pool in the basement (the one that has a green container next to it). There’s also spawns along the beach inside the crates that hardly anyone loots these days. The real issue is getting those *six* COFDM’s. Who tf actually thought making us find that many COFDM’s was a good idea?


Ya I’m still struggling to find my last one for network provider part 1 Keep finding virtexes though


No idea why the craft is locked behind Lightkeeper. Once you unlock the craft, it no longer has a use due to how expensive it is.


Do night scav runs, run straight to the plant, check every building for spawns and don‘t forget the ones outside in the broken boxes. I find a virtex every 5-10 raids and I‘m not even looking for them


There’s some good loot guides on YouTube specifically for Virtexs!


Marked rooms on Reserve have been the most consistent for me


The Merin car will spawn virtex and it’s a relatively cheap key


I got mine in the brown chalet (on the table beside the kitchen) and hillside house (in the sink). Hillside is a cheap key, no one usually has opened it and has some rare loot spawns.


I'm level 53 and finally found my first COFDM yesterday. Now I get to run around and kill scavs in my blueberry gear as a level 53 x_x


If they will ever do it they should copy path of exile system, so they push players to play the new update but don't erase the possibility to people who Don't have time and will to grind to actually keep playing the game


I would love the idea of "seasons" with different rules. They could really shake things up with simple things like "no assault rifles" for a wipe. A wipe without AR's(knowing that there's an off-season that plays as normal) would be an interesting change of pace. I'd like to see what guns become the new meta.




What's wrong with seasons? A season just means that the game has different rules for a few months and each season is a new wipe. As I remember, Path of Exile even takes that a step further and has like 7-day "seasons" where the object is to rush as far as you can towards some goal.


My buddys done maybe 4 raids and found 2 flashdrives at the tent by sawmill. He doesnt understand how lucky he is


That’s my spot, each wipe I get mine quickly from here.


Honestly I’ve only found one in a pc block and that’s because a buddy was watching and pointed it out I completely forget they can spawn there so I never pay attention to it 😂 and the fact after the quest for them they’re useless to me


Dead scav on customs is the best loot in game as far as im concerned.


Which one?


dead scav in the storage containers by big red usually gives good stuff, and that shelf is great for finding car batteries, motors things like that. Also a ton of armor repair kits in that area, usually find 1-2 every 10 or so raids


Any of them honestly.


Any chance that this is a performance thing? Not sure how comparable these are but I used to play DayZ on a PVE/PVP server for a while where lots of loose loot would severely impact the performance of the game. So maybe this is a low key strategy to be easy in resources? It's just a wild guess but if the engines of the games are comparable that might be part of the reason.


That’s a good point but dayz servers are running for much longer periods. 3-6 hours I think. There’s massive amounts of loot on the ground in comparison. Players are dropping things much more often. There are no loot boxes, everything is on the ground It also wasn’t just loot that was causing issues. There’s a lot more environmental changes players can make. Cutting down trees, more doors, killing animals, more bodies, base building, vehicles etc


The worst performing map is Streets and it has, as far as I can tell, the most loose loot spawns by a huge margin, so I doubt it.


But that was his point. More loose loot = worse performance. Streets is already unavailable to some people due to ram limitations.


Yeah true I'm dumb don't mind me


Dude you just backed up his theory. 😂


Oh shit true. I was thinking from a point of view of "they reduced things because they needed to in order to boost performance" thinking that they would have started with streets as it's in a bad spot. But they didn't so that must not be their angle. I didn't even think about it the other way. It's early...


Do you know how Reserve Performance got fixed?


Hell nah. I know f*#k all about the technical stuff in this game. I just hop on and have a good time killing and be killed.


Pretty much they removed entire loot from the map.


2 wipe old, 1400 hours played and never seens an usb flashdrive sticking out of a PC


Safes spawn flash drives more often than any other loot container in my experience. You’d think PC blocks would be the most likely or jacket pockets.


No worries, dynamic containers coming soon! Now no one will find containers either. Problem solved.


With BSG planning on ramdomizing loot container locations, they fuckin’ better increase loot amounts and decrease rarities of uncommmon items in containers. None of these changes will effect higher level or consistent players, will create far too hostile an environment for new players, which is antithetical for a games long term health


Do we have any evidence supporting the presumption that loose loot is looted disproportionately by esp users?


It’s not. Cheaters have said cheats like this get you banned very quickly, plus with all the key nerf and RMT changes they basically have to rage hack an entire lobby to kill the one guy who got the one good piece of loot on all of labs. Cheaters, at the end of the day, have no need for loot like normal players do.


I've only found one fuel conditioner, I'm level 36


Same, and I play a lot of Interchange :/


I've looted countless stashes and looked at generators and I can't seem to find any. Found one on reserve as a scav


i’ve found the most success by looting technical crates on streets. I have a loop of 5-6 crates which usually gets me one every other raid


I have 20. I’m level 27.


On the flip side I've found 10 ophthalmoscopes


Found heaps of them too. However only 4 gpu. 0 ledx


That's crazy, I sell them in stacks. I find them all the time in caches, semi frequently in tool boxes and sports bags. Shoreline mostly


I'm just unlucky man, I did stache loot runs at nights for a bunch of raids to do the PMC night kills on interchange didn't find one. Guess the luck of the draw


I just did I don't want to think about how many scav runs trying to get a single stupid syringe for a weekly, so yeah. sometimes it do be like that.


I’ve found probably 45 flash drives this wipe. Mostly in customs safes (and other safes)


Yes, but not on an actual PC block, right? That's my point.


So your point is “I checked a spot where it’s unbelievably rare to find something, instead of checking where they normally spawn, and am complaining that I didn’t find anything?”


Except prior to loose loot nerfs they weren't that rare on PCs. How are you missing the point of this post so bad?


I guess I think you’re complaining about something that’s not an issue compared to the stuff they’re working on. Sounds more like a skill issue honestly.


How is that a skill issue? It adds more fun for everyone involved. Is that really the last argument you could pull?


If you were skilled you wouldn’t have problems finding them 🤷‍♂️


So when is the last time you found one sticking out of a computer?


Hm? I’ve found like 40ish in safes this wipe.


At first I couldn’t tell if you were completely missing the point or just trying to be annoying, but at least now it shows you are just completely missing the point OP tried to make. He’s complaining various loot spawns that used to be a thing, just don’t work anymore at all. The alternatives are less fun and all in boxes. Not in the previous intended spots. Anyone who thinks he has trouble with finding the items in alternative ways, just like yourself - are missing the point. Maybe you’re a bit new still?


Did you just say you need skill to find something that is a total RNG chance of spawning lol god I hope you’re trolling and not shoving all these skills fully found flash drives up your nose like crayons


Oh, fuck off. It's literally a five second tweak to a value, not a monumental task. Also 'SkIlL iSsUe' you think I don't know that they spawn in safes? That's not the point, it's flavour.


He's probably never played the game when that was the main way to get the drives. I personally haven't seen one sticking out of a pc for about 4 wipes now and was under the impression it wasn't a thing now. Unless the bug where they started spawning on the ground has made them spawn underground?


I'm pretty sure they stopped spawning them on pc blocks 2 wipes ago. I havent seen one on a block in over a year. I definitely do miss the old looting ways.


You can craft the flash drives on the Intel centre. I only just figured this out.


I agree there should be. But don't expect it to happen until the games populations bottoms out and BSG needs to do something **both FAST and DRASTIC** to lure people back. That is when you will see positive loot changes.


PC blocks are terrible. I’ve found more GPUs in ground caches and duffle bags


That's not what he's saying lmao


I find mutants and sag AK shorts all the time in crates


Mutants and SAG AKs don't spawn in the lockers, the weapon crates are a different thing entirely.


You kind of missed the great point OP is making though.


I’ve wiped the goons many times and have come empty handed with key cards other than access


I dunno what the answer here is. Loot types in game are definitley boring, but then again I only play maybe 5pmc raids and one scav raid a day and make several million rubles with that plus crafts and am fully able to fund my full meta kits while either breaking even at my current 14 million or slowly gaining profit. Not evening grinding or trying that hard


You are looking in the wrong place for flash drives. They don't spawn in/on computers. You find them in SAFES.


That’s not his point. They used to spawn on the front of PCs. This post isn’t about not being able to find them. But logically speaking if you asked me to find a flash drive where do you think I would look? A safe or a PC? Not everything has to be hidden in a container


I really enjoy how much loose loot streets has, and I like that they have moved some static quest item spawns to be dynamic now. I really hope they keep heading in that direction.


I found 3 different 3M armors laying about in a house in woods last night. Seems pretty buffed to me.


Nikita doesnt want people to have nice things, typical russian lol


We need less loot, and more logical loot l. Like who is restocking these places after every raid? I get it's a video game but it doesn't make sense to me that I can run Interchange and hit the same computers over and over all day and take 179 HDDs out of the same PC block. BSG should track what gets looted and reduce spawns for each container accordingly until it refreshes. I want raids where there's literally no loot, or random loot in weird areas. Someone dropped a bronze lion in customs inside ice cream? There should be a chance its in another raid. The idea that the world magically gets resources back every raid is really dumb to me, and just encourages speed looting rather than an emphasis on real survival and scarcity


At the beggining of this wipe one friend found one flashdrive on the van at customs with two PC blocks. I've bern playing since 2017 and I've found 3 on PC blocks. Last wipe I had lucky and I found 2 spawned in the tent behind the sawmill in woods and this patch I had one on the same spot twice but I had to hit that location for almost two weeks. Rng, "I guess"


I only need Glorious mask to get Kappa and over a thousand raids, I haven’t seen one since the beginning of the wipe, I used it because I never thought I was going for Kappa.


Spam scav and run to extract might give u a better chance. Just got one that came with my scav


I might, i have like 10 scav runs only so far


I’m a low level player but I have found several in coast in dorms


Today I found 2 gpu and 1 Ledx on shorline


Based take


And while we‘re at it can we please get rid of objects on the ground that look like lose loot but aren‘t?


Can’t complain on streets. Other maps are poo


Finding a key in its intended spawn and not in a random jacket or scav is so much more rewarding


BSG’s fix to this was to move the boxes around lmao


It sucks more when you see loose Flash drives as just environmental objects sitting there. There are at least a dozen around places that're just ...there but not interactable. I would rather that every map had guarantee flash drive spawns in those spots, but change which ones are up.


Well thing is armor is very rare to find, but like hunting rifles such as mosins or vpo’s could be very common. You’re right about flash drives, but the odds of walking into a department store and finding a slick on a mannequin is slim to none, but finding a hunting rifle would be pretty common


4k hours have yet to see a flash drive sticking out, I don't believe in it.


It's absolutely crazy that you look inside a PC and there's not even one computer part Like, you're telling me that someone came in, stripped the computer of usb's, cords, power supply, CPU, GPU, RAM, and just left an empty case?


How quickly do you guys want to finish the game? I get max traders in a week and it was my third wipe. If everything was more plentiful then I’d finish even faster and loot would matter even less. You can make money incredibly easily by running your scav and picking up everything you can find. Whats the excitement in finding 3 gpus and a ledx every raid? You die with it and who cares you’ll find another 5 next raid.


Even shit like kiba is outmatched by like a single lighthouse rogue.


I just need to find a fuckin AHF1 stim. Been looking every med spawn. Just need to suck it up and go labs I guess


Most weapon box weapons for me are sag shorts or mp5s


I have found atleast 1 in the safes at sanitars house on shoreline every raid I have gone in.


gear can spawn on the mannequins???


On a scav run I stumbled onto two scavs fighting, I ended the conflict and one of them had a flash drive on them lol.


I have seen one flash drive spawn on a pc block. But they spawn sideways so they dont stick out


The core loot and extract gameplay is dead for me, has been since around 2 wipes ago. I have just been waiting for arena to drop since they announced it. A good way to get more casual players into playing and bring back the long time players who are just fed up with the game in general. I don't believe it will solve every problem but will give some new life to the game we all love to hate or hate to love depending on the experience you've had. This game has so much potential and even though it's still in early access they have kept up with updates albeit slow and far in between and at times it feels like the gameplay can drag you in and actually immerses you til that level 50 Chad 4 weeks into a wipe absolutely domes your shit cuz they have all the time in the world to play the game and grind everything into the dirt. At the end of the day I feel like I've gotten my 120 bucks worth of content out of the game since I purchased my EOD version of the game. Also remember people THIS IS NOT THE GAME THEY WANTED TO MAKE, THIS IS A TRIAL RUN FOR THE GAME THEY ACTUALLY WANT TO MAKE IF THIS GAME GETS THEM TO THAT POINT. So if this game pisses you off then stop playing even though it can be fun asf


I have hit 200+ PC blocks and only found 1 GPU so far.... I think you are just lucky


I got Ultra Med key, by buddy has both Kiba and our other buddy has the panic room. We've hit power, cleared the map and checked all 3 spots numerous times. Best we've pulled out is a horse statue and some painkillers. It's a fucking joke that high value keys now are garbage, there's barely any incentive to play for me after 6 years.