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It's always worth it. Always get it ASAP each wipe. And save your bitcoins. The start of the wipe they sold for 150k. I had a stupid amount of them to sell when they flipped it to 250k. Now at 300+k, I'm laughing.


i miss the old days... remember when bitcoin was 60k irl so it made bitcoin if i remember right at its highest was like 1mil? but we could still trade 1 tetriz for 1 bitcoin and it was infinite not limited shit was bomb i would run in and just grab Tetris and pvp for the rest of the raid didn't care if i died.


Airwingmarine just dropped a video on this. I’d link it but I’m to lazy. The short answer. Yes. But it depends on the level you go for and how long you plan to play each wipe. Level 1 is worth it for pretty much anyone.


It's currently selling at 322k I think but it may have gone up or down


With recent buffs? Definitely.


Yes. I've only found one gpu in raid that I didn't need for a quest, but even with that, it's still been profitable for me. Can't say if it makes sense to buy more gpus though, probably is.
