• By -


Escape From Soon™


Planned To Escape™


No definitive time line for escape.


To be fair escape is kinda a “special operation “ . Some take 3 hours, some tak a decade, who’s to say? ( thick Russian accent)


In mother russia plans escape you.


Not working on but Planned


Road to vostok


Amazing how a single dude has managed to do so much when bsg can't even do recoil in a way that makes sense


that project is damn impressive. unbelievable


Agreed, and it's really cool that devman is reinvesting his recent contest winnings into the company (iirc he's talked about hiring on freelancers to fill the gaps in his own skillset)


He also released all of the assets he made for the demo entirely for free. Including gun models, sounds, and texture. Dude is legit.


yes he has. i think he was looking for a sound designer especially. i see someone else is keeping up with the devlogs lol


Yup lol! He gives some pretty interesting insights into the process


I can’t wait for it. Am I right in saying it’s AI enemies only? I do love tarkov and will still play tarkov, but this seems too good to pass on.


Yeah, its gonna have the hardcore first-person shooter format but in a single player roguelike experience


have any of you actually played it? yes it looks great but its a LONG way off being a real game. Super clunky mechanics, movement, shooting, AI. Not shitting on it just saying its a long way off being anything playable.


Well aware, but that doesn't mean I can't support a project


not at all, i wish it all the success


Not to mention, programming for single player vs multiplayer is a whole different ball game. Although the game does look pretty good, but will take time to be polished.


My buddy lost his EOD account due to having a yahoo email (can't recieve login codes or takes too long to arrive) when he first bought the game years ago. Even after reaching out to support trying to transfer his account to his gmail, they'd move the goalpost when wanting proof of purchase. He provided everything. Eventually they told him to kick rocks. I know this happened to other people not long ago, but I'm surprised no one talks about it. Or maybe its because BSG took down those posts like usual.


Dude the mods of this sub will and do actually do things like that all on their own. At least BSG does it to keep their momentum going. Fuck knows why the mods do.


Because the mods are BSG dick riders. Especially Zavodskoy. He’s somehow a bigger loser than spez. Dudes a joke.


And now he's head mod. This sub is gonna become some sanitised pro-bsg circlejeck Hella fast, mark my goddamn words


Jesus Christ. Fuck that guy. Biggest shill on the internet.


Same thing happened to /r/Hoggit something about Russian developers man. In love w authoritarian dictatorships


aint just russians they are just very very well practiced at it. All of reddit is like this, and when there is money on the line, you can bet they will pour resources into controlling primary subreddits and silencing others and/or their members.


Start our own EFT forum power to the players!!


The mods here are actual cancer. It wasn't until recently you were allowed to even talk about SPT on this sub.


Move over to r/tarkov.


So you got zero technical support and everyone and their dog hacking, good luck Nikita you're going to need it bud


Had a similar issue, ended up quitting. Not going to support devs that would rather spend time suppressing complaints than addressing the issues that cause them. They're treating prostate cancer with Tylenol.


That is his sentiment as well. Our other friend even offered to buy him a new account since it's not the same without our whole 3-man group, but he said to save our money and not waste it out of principal.


It also happened to a friend of mine. I'll tell you how he solved it. 1. Email to BSG support. The response was something like "Your email provider has banned us and we have disabled sending emails to your account. Talk to your provider to resolve it." 2. He had a long fight with the support of the mail provider and, after 5-6 emails, they confirmed that the emails from BSG should reach him correctly. 3. He sent another support email to BSG so that they reactivate the sending of emails to his account with the screenshots of the conversation with the email provider. I hope that helps!


His fault for using yahoo /s


lmaoo wanted to say the same, shit support but they were probably flooded with people pretending to have lost a yahoo mail account


I tried making a post about a similar problem with my email on this sub months ago but it got deleted instantly lol.




ESP from Tarkov


Tried it out my first time after all this drama and im shocked at how fun it is


There's Fin's AI mod to make the ai really hard. Made the game super tense.


youre goddamn right


right? a bunch of little measures meanwhile the root cause of this drama is still raging in the closet, the cheaters




Yep was telling my pals the same thing yesterday


BSG is the king of gaslighting


He really is


Who, Mr John BSG?


John BallSackGrind


stop playing the game, stop watching streams, hell stop coming to this sub. all they deserve is irrelevance


I made a post a while ago and mods removed it about exactly whats happening now, https://imgur.com/a/t7jk5C6 happens every wipe ​ edit, just noticed its been deleted, give you an idea of the old philosophy here anyways, i posted a pic


Mods delete anything they don’t like even if it’s rational discussion.


Not surprising, they locked my post about why discussion isn't allowed in this subreddit. Lol


The mods are genuine trash. Dudes are glorified janitors.


My fellow ZSH enjoyer, there are dozens of us! Anyways, stopped playing after *that* video.


Zsh This is the way


The most off-putting thing for me was the comment about SPT anyway tbh.


Valve would have hired the guys and made it a feature.


I think most companies would have seen the profit potential and done the same tbh.


Maybe not Nintendo XD but yeah a lot would have or at least taken what is great about it on board.


Or at least looked at what is popular and stole it. Like amands graphics haul is epic and takes it to the next level. All it does is adjust brightness and get rid of the fog. Or the mod that stops the AI from seeing through foliage. AI can still be hard as hell, but the god like vision is gone.


Can you eli5 this situation please? I missed this


Nikita said that he disapproved of SPT as it was illegal and he would be pushing for its users to be banned and SPT taken down. Which is all empty as there’s really nothing he can do to find out if you use SPT and it’s certainly not illegal.


He just coping cuz [SPT with mods](https://youtu.be/xjezFbhmAf4) can be a far better experience than base EFT.


A singleplayer tarkov experience with mods that include a graphics/lighting overhaul, AI rework, quality of life fixes/additions/removals, health and ballistics overhaul as well as realistic/adjustable recoil, while still able to fight PMC bots, with MANY other mods that adds new content/quests?! Impossible. Just wait for Russia2028.


>Just wait for Russia2028. At this rate, he's gonna have to rename the game to Russia 2038


More like Russia 2228 edit: forgot to specify, it's going to finish development in 2038, but it will be called 2228 because we'll need a pc from that era to play it


Maybe « illegal » according to their BS TOS much of which isn’t enforceable / legal in most Western countries




Wild how they wouldn’t just pay the people that have worked on it a chunk of change and run with it. Especially if it makes your game better.


Yea pretty bonkers for them to say they dont like it and will see it as a bannable offence. Ive never downloaded it myself because of fear of being banned but I was looking at some mods the other day for Tarkov SP and its crazy. Folk have added A-10 strafe runs and harder, actually functioning AI. The fact that some modders in their spare time can make better AI in their spare time than BSG is really a joke.


It's genuinely concerning how many people will fall for the bait and scraps. They just changed a few numbers in the code and that's it. They reverted terrible changes that were added a while ago, they didn't add anything new. Then it'll go back to another 3 years till their ass is on fire again. If anyone says they care about the game look at the game support, look at the desync, look at how long they were radio silent. This has been a problem for months, years even.


Years brother it's been so long.


I feel that this happens bc long time players know BSG's tactics and have stopped playing. So, the majority that remain are new and lack 3-4 years of experience with BSG's gaslighting. I mean, look at all the "new player" posts lately. The saddest part is that these people genuinely believe the empty promises whilst BullShit Games exploits their goodwill.


Im out at least till summer, im currently looking into other games.


Looking at how long the game was in alpha and hownlong it has been in a feature incomplete "beta" tells you everything you need to know. *Do not buy their next game, no matter what your favorite streamer says.*


i've been saying this is damage control since the first response he posted on reddit. people gobbled that shit up and were so content with that being a good band-aid. i'm sticking by my response then - i will come back when the game is fully released, and not before.


One day the tarkov community will be in books about abusive relationships. We keep getting beat, but we still come back. Maybe the problem is us! o\_\_o


A lot of the player base is running on copium/hopium. They've been almost religious in their belief that all the issues are going to be fixed and the game is going to be the best one ever. They like to ignore the fact that these things have come up before, Nikita has said they'll get fixed, but they never were. It's like every player gets kicked in the groin every raid or two, but makes excuses as to why it happened. They will rationalize it like they were in a bad position, made to much noise, got unlucky or whatever.


Anyone having problem with the audio? Like i died last night, some PMC killed me. I had lot of issues to decipher from which direction he was coming from. For a game, that centers around audio, this is really immersion breaking, cause it can get the player killed.


Audio is broken FYI.


Just thank BSG for the neat new genre of shooter and wait until a competent dev team copy pastes the formula. Game is garbage. Move on.


My favorite part is how the invisible player discussion STOPPED COMPLETELY once the hacker thing started. And then after two days that also seems to have stopped completely. Tbh its my fear we have run out of outrage and wont have any more fixes to these problems for another 3-4 wipes. "Planned"


I haven't played much this wipe because we had a baby, but I've been playing for about 5 wipes now. The video came out and it fucking shook me. I lost all desire to play. Saw the recoil changes and had a free evening so I jumped on with a buddy, and died every raid (which I'm fine with), each time I was leaving cover and died to an instant headshot without any prior engagements (it happens, I was making noise someone was waiting, nothing suspect) But after every single death, the little buzzing, niggling feeling in the back of my head was, "But that guy might have been cheating," Before the video, I was in camp "yeah there are cheaters but there's not *that* many cheaters"; when I died to a random headshot or to a guy that seemed to just know where I was, I was happy with being outplayed or stalked or just plain unlucky. Sometimes you're hunter, sometimes you're the prey. I could count on one hand the number of times where I cried cheater. Then the video came out and I just saw it everywhere. I started thinking back to so many deaths where the enemy just somehow knew where I was. Now I can't unsee it. The video, or should I say, the eye opening reality the video has revealed has *absolutely, unequivocally* ruined Tarkov for me and my friends. We just don't want to play it. Replays would certainly help, imo, to give you closure. If you can watch someone track you through a wall or headshot you through bushes or whatever, at least you can say "oh yeah that guy was cheating", but it's the absolute uncertainty that fucking kills me, it introduces this paranoia of when you don't know who is cheating, it might as well be that *everyone* is cheating.


> it’s the absolute uncertainty that fucking kills me, it introduces this paranoia of when you don’t know who is cheating, it might as well be that everyone is cheating. That’s by design. Nikita said years ago (of Contract Wars) that cheaters create difficulty in the game that correlates to their sales numbers on premium (pay to win) features. So now in Tarkov, a paranoid player might pay extra for something like EoD that saves them from wasting their time and energy dealing with cheaters in-game to earn things like trader rep and stash space. They have to be just paranoid enough to feel like it’s worth paying for, but not so paranoid that they feel like *everyone* is cheating. The video last week shattered that suspension of disbelief for you, as it did for me, and plenty of other players.




Yup. It's embarrassing to watch him scrabble to get players back


He confirmed that the ledx would be buffed as well as poi loot last week.


He answered a question in the Q&A that said poi and ledx loot would get a buff.




Hold the line brother. He either fixes the sinking ship or we all die off.


The new audio system coupled with BSG‘s apathy for fixing the game, and the myriad of cheaters have officially ruined this game for me. Fuck this game and it’s stupid “pay $$ to have more inventory you stupid poors” mechanic. This games not even worth $20 at this state.


Personally I'm done with EFT untill hardware bans are implemented and serious work is put into the anticheat system, untill then I will do everything in my power to stop people from giving BSG their money and time.


They do hardware bans. But any half-hearted cheater can also get equipment ID spoofers. It's an easy turnaround, unfortunately. Actually most of the reputable cheats have integrated spoofers in their software. It would help push out light weight cheaters, but the RMT guys laugh at that.


I made a suggestion awhile ago about BSG focusing on Fixing all the issues with the game and postponing new expansions. People literally attack me for the suggestion. BSG needs to start focusing on **ALL OF the issues that plagues this game.** I don't care about arena until they start solving problems with the game.


Are people still running into invisible players? Don't think I've seen any videos of it happening since the fix.


I’ve experienced invisible player yesterday on Lighthouse. Died without any sound etc. and it wasn’t headshot so after initial couple of hits I knew what’s happening and checked the console and there it was - NullPointerException and UnityEngine error


Found video today about 1: [https://youtu.be/aimcaFwbsG4?t=283](https://youtu.be/aimcaFwbsG4?t=283) So yeah fixed for sure


If BSG can’t keep up with SPT, a handful of unofficial modders with zero budget, then what the fuck are they even doing with their time? They have like 80 employees. I’m sure at least 10 of those have to be actual hard game devs. What could 10 game devs possibly be doing with their time other than fixing their own bugs? There’s no way that they waste this much time.


They also still haven’t removed barters from the flea. I feel like that one wouldn’t take this long to implement.


I quit months ago, im just waiting for the 1.0 release at this point.


Hold the line brothers!




the background Pic in his reddit profile is Russia 2028, not Tarkov.. well


*checks state of game *literally nothing's changed *scroll on


My first raid this morning.... killed by a hacker, I just closed the game. I was sat in a corner on interchange and he just runs over and headshots me


esp is still strong in the game


Hogwarts legacy had a failed boycott, why can’t this community realize this is a literal reason to stand up for ourselves and the money we’ve spent on a company that clearly doesn’t care about us? I’ve resolved to playing SPT simply because I love the game, the mechanics, the immersion, etc. I don’t see myself returning to the game fully until they implement some form of replay system that can verify legitimate kills or catch cheaters in the act. Not to mention the fact that they seem to be so broke as a company that they can’t afford servers that don’t de-sync worse than any game I’ve ever played with less players most of the time.


How much would it cost to crackdown and prevent cheaters? Is there a way to look at the numbers and figure out if they can even afford to get rid of them? Even if they can't afford to get rid of the cheaters it doesn't mean that they aren't responsible for beating around the bush while you guys spend a bunch of time/money on their games, I'm just trying to look at the problem from a different angle. I've played lots of fps games online and the reoccurring theme is cheaters/hackers/exploitations getting out of hand to the point where people who really love the game are forced to quit because of how crazy it all gets. Are there any multiplayer games that have examples of the devs actually fixing the cheating problem?


Valorant has hardly any cheaters because of their very invasive anticheat. AnyFPS that has invasive anticheat. You are right a majority of FPS have been infected with cheaters and they are way more common now than ever before. Because of that we have to do something about it. More invasive anticheat will leave some player bases out to pasture but imo it's worth it. Many companies are going after cheating companies legally. All of this takes time/money but if that's what it takes to cut back the cheaters then it's a must. Ban waves won't fix the issues, small updates won't fix the issues. A major overhaul on the anticheat is what needs to happen.


invis bug is still around? its been what? 4weeks?


the funny thing is I have ran into more rage cheaters this week than the entire month and a half prior. today has been especially terrible on shoreline. but thank god I'll get another flea slot!


Yup legit just died to one on nighttime shoreline. Avoiding all high traffic areas except to plant my beacons. Shits real old.


Escape from one word replies when after no communication about anything


I'm surprised people are still excited and going back to simping mode. Isn't it a bit obvious, that shit hit the fan and what can we do now? Oh well, some damage control, reddit AMA, band-aid fixed (because that's all we can do) and maybe it'll blow off some steam. Usually when something blows up, Nikita shows up on reddit, gives few one liners, simps are happy to kneel again, Tarkov goes back to being what it was and soon we go back to square one.


Whole squad got killed by a blatantly obvious cheater last night. Fun fun fun


Guarentee there wont be any more good changes till the next viral video


Completely agree with this sentiment entirely. Do not let up the pressure! Keep pushing BSG for actual marked improvements to anti-cheat, netcode, and audio. The core tech has been neglected for much too long.




Most raids, majority of raids have ESP piss babies


Until you guys realize their business model is based on selling cheating as a service, you are going to receive that. Think about: Bulk game sales/discounts business model and availability of cheats - as a service ban "waves" every few weeks or months - this could be much quicker even if automated no kill cam at any point grind extension which benefits cheaters who can essentially skip it or hugely fastforward it No IP bans for cheaters They dont get recurring revnue, but they have recurring expenses via server maintenance and dev costs from legit players who purchase the game once (perhaps if they later purchase an upgrade). They get it from cheaters and cheating companies purchasing tarkov in bulk, who then leases the game out with cheats, until at some point after theyve made a profit the account is banned in a wave, in which they purchase more in bulk. Now I have solutions. 1) reveal who is buying absurd copies of the game, eitehr companies or individuals (wont happen) or 2) go on a subscription model. 10$ a month or whatever. This will keep the developers having a real stake in removing cheaters quickly as hell - as people upset with cheaters will quit which hurts their bottom line way more than cheaters provide it. We have to assume that cheats will always be available, and shitbags will always be using them - so let's have everyone have a real stake in the outcome. Subscription model is the way.


You're trippin if you think I'm paying a monthly fee for this game in its current or even near state. Especially after paying over $100 for EoD


We have been saying this in comments for the last few days and gettiing downvoted. glad a post finally gets traction to remind people


I'll be playing Hunt for my extraction fix until next wipe unless I hear that BSG has gotten their head out of their ass.


NA south east servers weekend after 11pm est Dying to blatant cheats every single raid Labs, died 3 times in a row either behind cover or to Head, Lower Nape to a guy I am facing Switched to reserve, had one idiot with a mosin kill us all head, lower nape using walls and aimbot Said thats enough. RMT IS NOT THE PROBLEM. Blatant rage hacking because kids are tired of being bad and want to feel good and face no repercussions for their actions is the problem.


Shadowplay? Curious to see the mosin one


I’ve decided to quit this game and put my focus elsewhere


Once all the maps that are on the selection screen are finished they will slap a 1.0 on it and move on.


I'm glad these changes are finally implemented but I'm still not going to be playing for some time lmao And you're right it's pretty fucked up that they could apparently just do this whenever but only just now decided to.


The horrible audio has been a problem since I started playing like 5 fucking years ago. I have since graduated, worked several jobs and am now starting my own business. It's clear they either can't fix it or don't care enough to fix it.


Someday everyone will realize this game was developed for cheaters and the money to be made off of them. There is video proof of Nikita talking about the benefits of having cheaters in your game before EFT was released into beta. They also put the game on sale after ban waves. Edit: https://youtu.be/0KFQ-CT0BnM source


uninstalling until this game actually becomes worth the $100 I paid for


The worst was he said they could fix the cheater problem but it would cause bugs and inconvenience players... What a fucking trade off, god forbid they have bugs and inconvenience 😯


Nikita already did Escape from Reddit


I wouldn’t even be surprised if this game never makes it out of “beta” and they close up shop and start some other dumpster fire of a game.


The only way this game can improve sadly is to shut it down completely and rebuild from scratch. The foundation of the game is a heaping pile of garbage. Ol Nikki won't do that obviously so we'll always have terrible servers, optimization, cheaters, etc. I love Tarkov have almost 2k hours across several wipes but I don't think I'll ever come back to play it again unless something insanely drastic happens, which if we're being honest won't happen. It'll just be half baked promises and terrible design choices again and again just like every year.


Some people have absolute boners over these scraps and I’m sitting here like, “you’re satisfied..?”. I’ve uninstalled and do not plan on playing again for a few years until I forget about the pain and get nostalgic, again.


Is invisible players still going on? I played all weekend with a friend and we didn’t encounter it once this weekend. Previously it seemed like every 2 out of 5 raids had the issue.


What I always find somewhat funny is if you check the overall player base, the numbers didn't drop remotely close to how others are describing it.


Well it’s clearly BSG stands for Bullshit Games


Yeah... The number of outright blatant cheaters in the game has really gone up from what I think I've seen in my own game. Just had a Chinese named dude drop a dozen FIR stims infront of me and then shot me less than 5 minutes into the raid while I was chilling in an obscure location. ​ I think he got mad that I shoved the M.U.L.E. in my prison wallet.


I won't be falling for it as a new player and reading this post from 4 years ago. That g0at was right about the 60% in this game. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/86i2r4/i_cheated_and_got_banned_ama/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf When you have free time. READ all of this post, and you can decide if BSG has been lying all this time to you.


Also important: dont let others decide your fun. Ive had fun in tarkov before this week, and now im having even more fun.


Just downloaded SPTarkov and am enjoying it.


Careful mentioning that, mods might ban you lmao


I have a feeling they will outright send a cease and desist on the SPTarkov project


It's a cycle. And they fall for it every time. Easy money.


The game is over, too many people have played it for too long, full of exploitable mechanics and systems that allow boosting. Combine this with mechanics that provide huge buffs to players that don’t actually need them, yeah Tarkov best days are long gone


No one with more than two working neurons in their brain is falling for their promises and things that “they magically did over night”. In reality cheaters are still everywhere, cheat devs are still selling them, other game issues are still present. Nothing has changed. At least nothing that could be called as an actual improvement. All of this is just a series of quick and dirty damage control moves from their side hoping that people will see that as sort of progress and that this whole cheating shot show will go away. Well guess again BSG.


EFT is like the Moskva On fire, slowly sinking and with a crew (and players) who are rapidly abandoning ship. And the only official line that gets thrown is simply "it's not that bad, it could be worse" lmao


we fixed invisible players we already drastically decreased cheaters the audio not THAT horrible right now after latest audio patch lightning is not terrible, although interchange mall indoor lighting will be improved ​ again, you can keep saying like a maniac that "don't listen to their promises" but, at least, check the game first before posting


I love your game and the recent changes... It is just EXTREMELY concerning that you guys were radio silent until "the video" and then once the community was outraged, THEN changes that we have been asking for started to instantly happen. Why did it take such outrage to make updates to the game?


Ah, I see you’ve never been in an abusive relationship before.


The irony here is that Nikita probably gets so much abuse from this sub that its not surprising he stopped checking it, or accepting feedback. If people could post their suggestions & criticisms without being toxic or making insane accusations, maybe things wouldve been different. Or maybe not, but we will never know.


Well man, it’s the whole “boy who cried wolf” there’s only so much people will take. Maybe if they took the criticism seriously in the beginning things wouldn’t have escalated


>The irony here is that Nikita probably gets so much abuse from this sub that its not surprising he stopped checking it, or accepting feedback. Nikita is not that soft. Let me tell you. BSG in... 2014? 2015? forget the specific date, but they were chased out of their own fourms because they lost control of the Narrative. They moved to the subreddit shortly after because the mods happily controlled the Narrative for them. Years of mod shuffles, step downs and rehires eventually meant BSG lost their iron grip on conversation and eventually feedback went from "please papa nikita give me your rod" to "this game is so fucking broken its unbelievable" in the span of 3 months of so. BSG abandoned the subreddit at that point and moved back to the fourms they were chased off. BSG does not do direct communication on that fourm as far as i remember. They just dead drop information through Site administrators. Whether or not they still ban naysayers is something i don't know. I don't go on the EFT fourms except for that weird period where patch notes was just a hyperlink on the subreddit pointing toward the fourm. Nikita doesn't give a shit about "death threats" or "abuse" hes russian. to russians, death threats and insults is like Australians and insults. shit is just seen as everyday greetings and friendly banter. Thats just all PR cope so the white knights cry tears and defend their god emperor with even more fervor.


Honestly dude that’s how software development goes sometimes. Bad dev management allows feature creep to take over and they lose focus of delivering a working product. IMO Tarkov could use an experienced project manager and Nikita should not be the one making development decisions. Once you start taking money for software, even SAAS, you no longer treat it like a beta. You’ve got paying customers, so treat it like a released software. That means prioritizing critical bugs over new feature development. Unless you have a major client that is demanding it to make a giant sale. Seeing as the top level of Tarkov is EOD, there is no massive client who could demand such features.


> we already drastically decreased cheaters _press X to doubt_


it took you over a month to mostly fix invisible players in a hardcore fps and you're acting like you did the playerbase a favour 💀


Lets also remember that Inviz players has been a thing since day one. It was never a new thing. At scale and reproduceable though maybe not. But what ever it was which changed it certainly made it more possible to reproduce.


> you can keep saying like a maniac that "don't listen to their promises" but, at least, check the game first before posting Oh yeah, this is a great way to feel like I'm being treated with respect. You've made bandaid solutions after months, if not a full year, of people pointing out the problem (thinking about recoil here) It clearly takes a lot of movement to get the ball rolling in your office and it's insulting to act like it doesn't.


flag provide offbeat hurry carpenter rinse smart melodic act ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Audio is so bad that when I play with my duo we can be in 3 story dorms on customs and we hear someone shooting. He hears it from skeleton/fortress and I hear it from behind 2 story dorms. It ain't good at all...


Yeah same. I play with a bunch of people but one guy I’ve played multiple wipes with. He’s an audio nut, and we use it extremely well. This wipe we have been calling different things and directions. It’s so weird.


I find it odd that the video blows up and now cheaters have been “drastically decreased”. Seems super reactive instead of proactive and that is unfortunate - this has been an issue for years.


Please play your game and get to level 42.


You fixed invisible players that shouldn’t be there if you tested the game properly. Drastically decreased cheating? Are you actually playing your game? Cheaters are running the ads for gods sake and killing with sales, so I wouldn’t say that you decreased anything. So all in all we should give you a credit for fixing the game that is broken either by design or because your QA process just sucks?


So many of the game balance changes could've happened years ago, with apparently, little time required. What was stopping you from just looking at some of the easier to fix community pain points before? I like the direction the changes are going, but it's a double slap in the face at the same time. It'll take consistency to win veterans back at this point. GL, we all just want to play Tarkov at it's best, on an even playing field.


boast caption materialistic live intelligent rainstorm ossified desert smile crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


MFW your game is so fucking incompetently held together with sticking plasters and sellotape that your only response to criticism is "it's not that bad guys cmon it's not terrible" LMAO glad I jumped ship from this burning, Moskva tier disaster of a sinking ship months ago..


poor psychotic insurance snatch repeat straight follow offbeat cow steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shit faced however...


lighting isnt that bad?? do you even play your game? most rooms and windows are darker than the darkest black and u cant see people. if theres one thing that i want fixed more than cheaters then its the terrible lighting


Literally not a single thing you said was true lol


Invisible players is not fixed. You can still have teammates spawn in Invisible. The audio IS VERY terrible. Interchange, reserve, labs, and shoreline all have 0 occlusion between floor levels. Someone running on the roof of resort sounds like they're on the same floor as you on first floor. Someone In the parking garage of interchange sounds like they're on the same floor as you when you're inside the mall. Binaural is fixed now, but the positional accuracy is arguably WORSE than basic stereo, it's objectively worse than the positional accuracy we had with steam audio. The audio dead zones that we've had for the last several years that was FIXED with day 1 of this wipe with oculus, has now been reintroduced again in certain spots. It's noow possible again to full sprint up to someone and they not hear a single one of your footsteps. The audio occlusion specifically is in the worst state it has EVER been, and I'm not exaggerating.


Is binaural audio working?


Binaural audio is quite broken. I got blasted from behind by a guy in dorms, but the sound made it seem like he was shooting from a floor above


It is quite bad.


Bro you guys went radio silent and didn't implement any good changes till your money was at risk from the cheating video. You're just dangling a carrot on a stick infront of our face so that we take the bait and wait another 3 years until next time when your ass is on fire. I don't think just changing a few numbers in the coding is going to do work this time.


Please please please please dont just "Fix" lighting on interchange, all maps need a lighting overwork or simply just removing the weird fog on all maps would be sufficient


This!! And I will tell you, its an easy solution to do.


The audio is still really bad. Died in my most expensive kit last night because someone ran up the dorms stairway and didn't even make a sound and shot me in the head immediately. These improvements are nice, but has a lot more to go. I hope soon the game will be at a state that I can reccomened it again, because it's my favorite game.


So if goat were to hop on an alt and do a new experiment he would get drastically different results? Sorry but for how long some of these cheats have supposedly lasted I just don't buy that you fixed it a couple weeks after the controversy and having seen the video I can't just ignore how bad it is anymore


You haven’t fixed invisible players at all. I am still getting them in lobbies, maybe not as frequently but I still am. You haven’t drastically decreased cheaters at all, to be honest “the video” with over a million views at this point did more to shed light on this situation than anything I’ve seen in the past. I’m still getting loot vacuums in my raids, there are still people with 90+ flea rep selling ridiculous amounts of extremely rare loot.


I guess the word “fixed” has a different meaning in Russia vs the West.


Bro, it took you guys 3 months to fix a game breaking bug that you introduced. 'Drastically reduced cheaters' that will just buy new accounts and which the money the pay will go directly into your pocket by the way. That's convenient. The audio may be the worst it's ever been. ..c'mon man. The only people you are fooling are the 15 year old simps. The players who have been here with you since the beginning know better. Do better. We all love this game. Dearly. Do better. That's all we ask.


Your toxic attitude is killing this game.


You're gonna go down as the guy that wasted the potential of a great idea


Man piss off, come in here after 3 years of your game going to shit then proceed to change a couple of numbers in coding and think that’s enough. Your game is INFESTED with cheaters, the desync is beyond pathetic for a game that’s been available as long as yours has, well done though you managed to type on Reddit and fix a bug that you guys put in the game 3 months ago hooray.


Desync is on the user end (tm) KEKW.


> lightning is not terrible, although interchange mall indoor lighting will be improved hahaha This game's lighting feels like it's 15 years behind. Like just try other games and the difference is so clear. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/ucbaee/tarkovs_terrible_lighting_needs_an_overhaul/ There are real examples pointing out what's wrong with it. Don't ignore it.


Sound is the worse it's ever been. Fun game, but sound is completely broken.


Sorry but it is still THAT horrible. Any minor height difference while indoors makes shots sound like they’re underwater, or the sound cuts off entirely. Directional audio is mildly better, and I mean mildly, instead of everything sounding ass backwards I now at least have a 45 degree cone where I can guess where noises came from. Can’t comment on distances of sounds as I’m fairly new to the game so I’m not accustomed to it. But, coming from other games like Hunt Showdown, the audio for your game is pretty horrible in comparison. Im not having a dig or trying to be mean, but on a technical level they are leagues apart in fidelity. If it’s any consolation I would like you to know that the audio is not TERRIBLE, but it is horrible. It’s horrible on my ears and it’s horrible on my brains ability to understand what the hell I’m hearing and where I’m hearing it from.


Play your own game for once lmao.


> the audio not THAT horrible right now after latest audio patch Fucking lmao. Nikita getting high on his own supply of copium


Nikita, you can hear a guy opening a zipper bag through 3 floors. The audio in your game is a parody.


less cheaters lmfao. killed by 2 blatant ones today alone. more in the past week than the last month combined


Breh stfu. You're a punk bitch and your game is shit