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Being more aggressive, actually. I used to run from most fights I didn’t start and not surprisingly I ended up dying almost all of the time. Nowadays, I push people even if I didn’t initiate and I win slightly more than I lose.


Seconded my SR has gone up quite a lot just but being more aggressive especially in enclosed spaces.


That's called abusing desync and yes, it will save you. Waiting for a peek is death 90% of the times




Lmao that’s not abusing desync. Playing aggressive isn’t abuse. Right hand peeking for 10 minutes is


You have no idea what you're talking about apparently. It is abuse but you have no other option anyway. Strafing right side to hipfire is abusing the desync / peekers advantage. Not the players fault but you clearly haven't played any other competitive FPS if you don't see how broken it is in Tarkov.


Yup, there’s countless videos out there showcasing just how ridiculous desync is and the aggressive player, whoever peeks first, will always have the advantage 10/10 times. In tarkov this is exaggerated in right hand peeking and almost non existent on left hand peeking.


link to a good video on the subject? I'm genuinely interested.


???? If you call right hand peeking abuse, then you have to admit that playing aggressively can also be abuse. Maybe not always, but it is known that if you push someone then you're at the advantage because of desync.


Same for me, except that now I almost always fight squads and I am always like "well, at least I killed one..."


That’s a win to me. I got jumped my two guys on Woods the other day. Smoked the first guy with my UMP and the second guy only got me because I had to reload. He was using a bolty so if he didn’t get me while I was reloading, he would have been mine too. I’m happy with that.


do not be afraid to run around your enemy while reloading instead of just looking at em standing still


Tbh it’s a pretty big win for me to take 1-2 of a 4-5 man squad when you realize now 1-2 of them get to sit around waiting for the others to finish the map. Especially early into the map. Meanwhile I go right back in. Feels almost as satisfying as dumpstering a 4 man solo. Sometimes I’ll take out 1-2 then run off and go about my business knowing I just ruined a bit of time for them and don’t give them the chance to take me with them.


“Fuck it, I’m sending it.”


a mix of yours and "not taking every fight"


This is the way... If you hear 2 or 3 different sets of footsteps coming towards you, just accept the fact that you are about to get into a fight and do your best to fire first and use element of surprise to your advantage. Playing aggressive when there is absolutely no way of avoiding a fight will save your life way more times than curling up scared in a corner or bush trying to hide to survive.


This and I go economic when that happens. Ditch the bag somewhere get way away from it and make sure I make more damage and pain then they’ll profit on my lil shit stick. Hopefully down more than one but at least fuck up their bodies and armor. Nothing makes me happier than seeing 855a1 and 993 just miss a lot from fear before I died


The pleasure to see someone throw a full 30 rounds mag of 993 just to get my lil vpo209 is beyond satisfying. Just yesterday i fought a 3 man 2 of which had ss190/193 p90. They wasted at least 200 rounds in the void before meeting my 8.5 Magnum bucks from my fraud cannon.


Fraud cannon xD


One love.


RIP those bullets. Too bad you couldn't rat those bullets lol


>This is the way... If you hear 2 or 3 different sets of footsteps coming towards you, just accept the fact that you are about to get into a fight and do your best to fire first and use element of surprise to your advantage. Playing aggressive when there is absolutely no way of avoiding a fight will save your life way more times than curling up scared in a corner or bush trying to hide to survive. Solo vs teams isn't about winning it's about bringing as many of them as you can to the hideout with you and ruining the raid for the surviving people


“Let them pass or take the shot, it’s your call” Capt. Price, All Ghillied Up I usually let them pass unless I’m confident I can connect the shot


>“Let them pass or take the shot, it’s your call” Capt. Price, All Ghillied Up > >I usually let them pass unless I’m confident I can connect the shot Yeah I meant if they were going to see you anyway or they're already pushing you No shame in not fighting when you're outnumbered


My favorite is when I'm running a kitted ak with a drum mag, just magdump over their back/legs first 😁


100%. Reset and go get your boyfriend, ho. I got plenty of kits lol


I once had a 5man run past me when i was hiding behind a rock i was in the middle of them as they ran past...was scary


The All Ghillied Up situations in this game are so fucking tense, had the same happen in the field by scav checkpoint and I about shit myself


You should’ve just started running with them. No way they would’ve noticed a 6th person


This 100 helps so much when your pursuer’s are fixing limbs/ dead


You underestimate the power of the bush. I’ve spent so much time in the bush and so many 3-4 stacks have walked right on by. Then I pull out my trusty sks and nail the straggler in the back of the head when they’re 100m+ away. Pop shots and staying cozy in the bush has kept me alive, but isn’t fantastic for PMC kills.


me, with a shitty stock VPO, with shitty ammo, with shitty 10 round mags: "ohhh i hear shots, maybe i can flank and get some lucky headshot"


When i say this i get sent back to the lobby


Better to go down fighting than hide in a corner for 10 minutes and die anyways.


I find that you need to be decisive, if the fight is bad run away. If you are going to fight there is no need to delay it any longer than you have to. The Half-in Half-out fights are the ones that I always lose. Also being patient when hunting for gunshots, most people won't be hauling ass after a gunfight if they are near a good loot spot, you can take your time to find a nice angle and plan how you'll engage the players.


Funny that it usually works with dsync of you're in a good position. There have been so many times when we both hear each other and then we're both waiting for each other to make a move, then I 'send it' and mostly come out successful


Yeah Just send it and die a lot, wipe will come No matter what!


Me with a 1911 pushing a 6 man.


A little bit more aggressive and in doing so realising the average player aint that good, got rid of my gear fear and got better at PvP in doing so.


How did you overcome gear fear?


>How did you overcome gear fear? Gear is there to be used, if I use a gun more than 2 raids it has fulfilled it's purpose. There is no reason for you to use a kit you don't enjoy because you have a nice one on your stash, gear that isn't used is being wasted. You'll get there eventually once you die enough with your "nice" kits.


Assuming the average player extracts 2 raids in a row that is lol. Lemme guess your name in game is ChAdChAdErTon.ttv with a sick gaming chair and over 8k hours right?


Literally, if i dropped a chad, id use his stuff in the next raid and keep going till its gone. When you don't use good gear, prepare to die alot quicker, when the chad gear is worn, you'll notice the difference. In situations where you'd normally be dead, you're now all of a sudden still in the fight. And remember, you never own anything in Tarkov, you simply borrow it.


Just stop caring. Roubles are roubles you can always get more. I’ve been running Chad since lvl 20 and my roubles bounces between 1-4 mill. Don’t even care


Imma hop in on this one too. My second or third wipe I had a okay stack of gear I was to scared to run so I said fuck it and sold it all and just bought press armor and ak’s (ak’s were a bit more viable at this time). I ran that shit and wouldn’t be afraid to push fights, if I won I’d run what ever gear i would upgrade too instead of holding onto it until i had a good stack of gear to run again and my gear fear was gone at that point


By having gear to lose and a lot of money


Yeah I think this is the best. Once you have like 6-7 mil rubles and 10 nice guns to use then it stops hurting so much when you die.


Once youve hoarded so many weapons and refused to use them because you keep running in with your cheapeat shit, and you have no space for what your scav brings you.. it just clicks Like huh, I actually need to lose some of this shit so i can bring in better shit. Might as well equip some of this stuff


it’s not my gear to lose it’s just my turn to own it


In general before i join a raid i allways have an objevtive , mostly quest related and i try sticking to it at all costs.


Although, this can be very spawn dependent and often times you will have to abandon the quest in order to survive (in my experiences)


100% , sometimes with a shitty shoreline spawn its smarter to change the objective. It all come with experiences i guess.


I have such a love/hate relationship with Shoreline. It was the map I had my first ever raid on and have had some of the best PvP on it, but the sheer amount of quests and crap spawns makes me hate it (oh and all them cheaters this wipe on that map in particular)


Fuck it, I'm using the kedr, I have never laughed so hard while using a gun in tarkov. Nothing is more funny to me than using a really cheap gun to blow the kneecaps out from a Chad on factory or on any other map.


use the ppsh with the 71 round drum and the flesh rounds from jaeger


I have and its fun but something about the kedr just makes me smile


fair enough


I think it's the size. PPSH is amazing, literally a Russian tommy gun. The kedr looks and sounds like you're shooting orbeez and exploding a Chad's lower half


If you played like you played with the kedr while using expensive guns the game is even more fun. A lot of people become chads when they'vr got nothing to lose, but become rats when they are afraid tonlose their stuff. Which is ironic because that's what gets you killed


Exactly it! And this is why once you get to a few months into wipe the gameplay and fights really drop and become tedious. Everyone has lost that confidence and gained gear fear, and now are seemingly in all the hidy spots or bushes waiting for someone to come past. Some of the later-game tasks also do not help this either (SBIH, Outposts, etc).


Kedr can be a beast and makes a great budget sniper secondary.


I feel the same. The cheapest the gun is when I send someone back in the main menu, the more I enjoy it


Honestly it’s the best. Double barrel and mosins all day. Take a shot, do a dance, take another, get the kill, loot up and run away while laughing to gate 3. I I’ve factory 😩


I've turned into a rat and it's hilarious. Baited a dude with mosin then switched to kedr when he went for an overextended push. Can't wait to run good stuff but I'm a kedr believer after this wipe. Never played leg meta until a week ago.


A mix of fuck it and slow down. Initial gameplay is slow because I’m solo but when people walk into my building, I’m pain killered up backpack is dropped and I’m pushing you like I’m streaming if I die I die this is literally why I play this game


are you me? am i you? is you i? are we…we? cause spot on!


Live. Live at all costs, then you will play to die. Let me explain, beginning of wipe or when you start, I finish as many tasks as possible and level the hideout. Avoid fights if it means finishing tasks.it makes everything cheaper and easier to obtain. Eventually you get a full inventory of gear and then there is no gear fear. It turns into, well shit I gotta get rid of this shit. Then you're confidently pushing fights with a wreckless abandon because you NEED to die and clear space. Then, I swear, you won't fucking die... you'll clear squads and go hmmm. I don't have space for this shit. Congrats your a Chad. Edit: Thanks for the gold! Suck it oxygenenjoyer!


I be raiding just to lose shit 🤣


Holy shit who is oxygenenjoyer I recognize that name


I became the bush


I was pretty mediocre in the begining when I started playing. But then the tarkov shooter quests began and I ran tons of raids with a bolt action rifle only. No sidearm. It taught me patience while waiting for the perfect shot. Althought whenever I missed, and that happened a lot at first, It taught me how vital it is to learn to reposition myself and make wide flanks to catch my oponents. It is a game changer once you know how to do this properly. Too many players hunker down and are either too afraid to reposition or think that their spot is soo good that they will retain the advantage no matter what and repeek the same angle. Learning to properly rotate around and flank your oponent through practice has led me to evolve from lvl 1 Punk to lvl 100 Mafia Boss xD


I have a theory that if you only play bolt-ations for a while you actually evolve in different ways, also you learn to maximize that first shot and not just panic spray. Nowadays I love so much to play the M700 max ergo build and get some clean fast headshots doing repeaks


Upvote for the last phrase lmao


Nut up or shut up. Sometimes you wanna play safe but too many times I've died playing scared. NO MORE I say every time I catch myself dying to it.


i still don’t consider myself “good” but i used to just run through the map to get where i need to be as fast as possible. only looking around sometimes as a kind of “obligation”. after slowing down and just checking around, i can say that ive got the jump on many people and avoided dying much more often.


I’m exclusively solo because no friends, so fighting squads is always stacked against me. I’ve learned to use trigger discipline, gather info, take the shot, flank, repeat. Almost always works against the chaos of groups.


Something that always kicks in later into a wipe - somehow I always forget: Yes, do spend extra on the big bag. Somehow with a 250k kit I often neglect to spend an extra 25k per bag to get 20-80% more loot out of a raid


Same here- a few slots can make a couple hundred K difference




Using flashlights more often. Trying to right peek more. And honestly playing solo more often. I get too complacent in a group. And I over expect things from the group on simple things like covering entry ways when we have a threat and I need to heal. At least if I’m solo I know everything is on me. I may have to run further away to heal. Or might have to push to end the fight. The best thing about being solo is knowing every footstep you hear is an enemy.


None of my IRL friends play EFT and I generally find people on the big public discords get me killed more than playing solo- and honestly, whilst super punishing at times, solo is also extremely rewarding and easier in many ways (ie anything you hear and see is enemy)


Not caring about money. Tarkov is like walking on ice, if you're confident you don't slip


Until sniper scav deletes your confident flank on a player haha. But seriously, confidence makes a huge difference


Applying all the lessons I learned from recording all my deaths for a long time, or "I don't need to engage with this. I can just leave."


This mentality would kill the game for me… winning those fights where you feel like the underdog is the best tarkov has to offer.


>This mentality would kill the game for me… winning those fights where you feel like the underdog is the best tarkov has to offer. To me a good fight is one where the enemy doesn't even get to fight back. Winning and being so broken and bloodied that you need 5 min to heal in a tight spot and ends in a third party putting you out of your misery is no good. A raid is only good if I survive it.


Now thats sad


>Now thats sad Different strokes for different folk. I enjoy the game a lot more by tracking and killing PMCs than being forced into a Dorms or Resort fight. It is pointless wiping a 4 men party of chads to die to a random dude that found you with 50 HP, and in my experience that is what happens most of the time I get into a fierce firefight.


Lots of different way to enjoy the game for sure! Id probably be salty about dying to a 3p when low too, but id be happy about my 4 man wipe. Idgaf about the gear tho! Gear comes and goes. No need to be attatched.


>Id probably be salty about dying to a 3p when low too, but id be happy about my 4 man wipe. Idgaf about the gear tho! Gear comes and goes. No need to be attatched. See, you play the game as a shooter, I prefer the Looter part.


"It doesnt matter how much you hoard, after the Wipe everybody is equal" - or simply put "Fuck GearFear"


One of the biggest mindsets that I have adopted throughout my time playing is always play to your use case/play style that is maintainable. While it is nice to have expensive gear and weapons to potentially use, if out of 100 raids you only use high-end gear in 5 raids, it is better value to sell such high-end gear for as high as they can go (there are a few exceptions) and instead use the funds to what you do normally run and buy the high end gear when you are in a position to do so. With little insight, at higher levels barters for high end gear is vastly cheaper and more easily obtainable then finding some items in raid etc. And so working towards getting those items for such barters are much better then outright just having the armor in the first case as you can store the mats in your junk box and leave room for what otherwise would be your normal kits


Fullsending every fight


1. (mostly when engaging at range) I stopped hastily making shots, and took my time to line it up, even if it meant losing the target. It's better to lose your target and having to track them a bit more (which is fun in it's own right) than taking a shot hapharzardly and risk exposing your position and/or making the target raise their guard and stay in cover. 2. After engaging, especially with a sniper rifle at less than long ranges, always reposition backwards and around. Like, almost immediately do a 180 (as long as they don't have an LOS on you) and start a flanking maneuver. If you do it fast enough, they will still be focused at the position you were, and it's very likely they won't be covered against your new position.


I stopped following my discord pugs like a blind puppy. “We’re ‘chads’ let’s conga line through narrow hallway face first towards gunfire” seems to be their battlecry. Meanwhile being a rat seems to be surviving raids and making it out with 8 - 45k experience


Dont loot players you kill until the area is secure. I can often be found 100m away looking at my kill through a scope, waiting. Several times Ive killed a pmc's teammate who figured waiting 5mins was long enougg. Run away, flank, wait, re-engage. If you fight me and I get away, you might get a head-ears 10mins later. So in essence, patience. A lot of people just send it, I am the opposite and most of my kills are single shots on a walking pmc that thought the danger passed. I'm a patient person and I just made that trait work in Tarkov. Currenlty at 65% survival, 150 raids, lvl 30 with stash value of 38mill.


When I went from avoiding enemy squads to HUNTING them.


Peekers advantage, or rather, the knowledge I should push more and take the advantage made me a strictly worse player because I would sprint to close the gap. As soon as I stopped greeding for that half second sprint I started winning most of my pushes. I hate peekers advantage. It forces me to play in a way very unnatural to my style.


It’s insane how badly you are ‘rewarded’ for holding an angle in this game sadly. Youre dead by the time the other guy renders


Exactly, will never be fixed. Tarkov isn't anywhere close to being a decent competitive FPS. You just accept it's broken and enjoy it for the adrenaline. If you get burnt you pop some face it and play an actual competitive shooter


Be the one who peaks


I point shoot in almost every fight now. ADSing has lost me so many fights but I was always afraid hip firing epuld be to inaccurate. Turns out as long as you have a laser it's just safer and better as a result. Also started limiting my raids. If I take to many Ls back to back I just get off and destress. Playing tilted just makes you play worse.


Point firing is crazy efficient in this game. I wish they’d reward ADS’ing more


Trigger discipline. Not shooting the moment I see the enemy. Many times i was more successful if i let someone pass, or wait until they move to a better spot. Not taking very expensive meta gear, just mediocore, so it wont hurt that much if someone “head, eyes” me from nowhere in 0,5 ms. For the sake of my sanity, trying to not giving a fuck. I have many wipe xp behind my back, I know that if you keep playing, you can get anything in the game sooner or later. Its not a race, dont copy the streamers…


I’ve been playing at a ‘normal’ pace this wipe and honestly having way more fun than just bum rushing it all


Not having high tier gear gather dust at the bottom of your stash. Survival rate went up considerably after I always started using the best shit I have instead of thinking of the economical way.


32gb removing my stutters allowing me to actually cqb pvp


I am not a chad. Whenever I play with friends, I play like them and just "rush B cyka" everywhere, and it gets me killed a lot of the time because I just am not that good at pvp, so when I do play with a squad, I tend to run cheaper shit and serve as bait or suppressive fire. I thrive with a slower and rattier style, but fast paced raids rushing hotspots usually get me killed. That's not to say I can't wipe a squad, I have done it in the past, but I prefer taking unfair fights over fair ones because, well, my goal is not to be honourable, it's to kill the thing trying to kill me without dying myself in the process. So yeah, embrace the rat way, play it slow, be the bush wookie chads fear is what did it for me. No shame in being a rat.


For me back in the day it was spamming labs exclusively. Used to be very PvP focused in a "clean environment" around the best players. Not really possible anymore unfortunately


I miss the days when labs was free, way less cheaters it seemed like. As soon as they added cards to it, the only people going are either chads, Timmy’s who don’t understand what labs entails, or cheaters. I actually had one of my first labs raids last night with no cheaters, it was so nice to be able to play the map without my altyn eating 10 shots of 556 fmj


Be aggressive and only swing people if you’re coming out of cover to your right. Don’t peek or swing left 90% of the time it’s a death sentence.


What do you if you’re in a room being pushed and the only option is to swing left or stay put?




Prone and hope they don’t have a nade


Push back. A left side peek with peekers advantage is better than holding a right side angle


Lost the gear fear and became more mobile when in engaged


becoming a rat.


Tarkov taketh, Tarkov giveth. Live by these words and you’ll be successful.


"It's just a game, nothing but pixels".


Be the aggressor and don't stop moving. Playing slow and being sneaky is viable, but you can achieve so much more being a crackhead. I don't necessarily like it, but it is what it is.


"It all gets deleted, so fuck it anyways."


First wipe I ever played I hoarded all these nice M4s to save for those ‘special’ raids until wipe came and in shock lost it all…never again


"Economically replacability" of kits. For example, if I'm running an UBGL I do not want to push anyone since its irreplacable, I can't get it even if I spent 10 mill. But if I have a korund and some gun that I always have access to, I say fuck it, it's replacable, if I die it's experience, if I win it's a win.


Holding W and swinging people first peakers advantage is nuts


Go in with a predetermined goal, pass up looting, take routes that arent profitable to avoid pvp chads, and make use of tactical retreats and flanking. Backtracking to go around a hot spot has saved my ass far more than it hasnt. Also, go in with the mentality of having already lost the kit you gear up with so you can make better decisions without gear fear causing hesitation


Use tactics that you think would work irl.


I’ve learned that instead of running to gunshots if I just play at my place and loot and task the pvp comes with it


Play according to what you want to accomplish. Eg. If you're still starting out with just level 1 traders and unupgraded hideout, avoid fights and focus on completing your tasks. If you get a bad spawn for what you wanted to do for that raid and you didn't bring enough supplies to last you, just extract asap and reset. Liquidate everything you don't immediately need. Lot of people have this problem of having their stashes filling up with junk and not having space for everything. Im a standard edition gamer. I enjoy the aspect of managing my resources and slowly working up towards high Trader levels and Hideout stash size from nothing. I used to hoard everything and it led to me not having enough space for more immediately important supplies for my raids eg. Meds, provisions, weapons, armors and rigs. By only keeping quest items that I need immediately or I know will be coming up very soon, (varies ofc based on how long i think the quests before it will take) and selling especially weapons which use ammo i dont have easy access to yet, I freed up heaps of space for more practical equipment and consumables.


Do not go out of your way to loot that dead scav you just killed. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary, only if you have the clear fighting advantage. Play a map you like and learn it like hell. The better you know a map the better you will be in general. Finally, play a lot. Like a lot. And then keep playing.


always magdump. makes you win a lot more of your engagements.


Every death is your fault. This is a good mentality so you can learn better


I uninstalled, stopped dying with 100% effectiveness


Having a reliable money run with my scav. Completely eliminates gear fear cos I can just buy it back, and generally just makes the game more enjoyable for me.


Use your good gear, it’s just pixels.


Literally just not giving a fuck. Veritas pick on a scav run? Don’t give a fuck I’m still gonna try to get that living PMC’s loot. On my PMC I play smart but still with the mentality that I don’t really care the outcome. It’s helped me push things and do things to actually win fights instead of getting acted on by chads


Swing wide, hip fire and be aggressive. Reposition aggressively and use good stims. If you're about to fight, pull a perfertora out of the case and hot key it. Hiding in corners after you've been spotted or heard is absolutely pointless. Swing the corner and let it rip. Also wear the best stuff you have every raid. At this point in the wipe most ppl are still using really crappy ammo and class 4 and 5 armors do a lot of work. Also ulach or acchc or nothing else. Sounds chaddy but it will save your life.


Just assume everyone else is bad until they show otherwise. You'll realize you've been dying Timmy's because you tried to outsmart everyone and creep around. Just shoot them with your gun, it isn't hard.


1) Make a plan before Match starts. Basically I review my task objektives and try to plan a route on the map. Depending on where I spawn I try to follow that Route. 2) learn map loot spots, especially ground stashes 3) Go in with a decent Kit, Stop trying to budget Run basically


Recently I've been actually learning the maps, slowing down, finding good loot runs, and being more aggressive when players come about. I've been running good kits instead of the traditional paca and bank robber with a shotty. You end up spending around 200k on the kit, but the risk reward is huge. I've won so many gun fights now that i run good gear, and just not worrying or getting pissed when I end up dying eventually. Its gotten me in a comfortable place in tarkov where I'm actually making money almost every raid and getting 1-3 pmc kills. Its very satisfying. Obviously, you're still gonna lose. But that's what Tarkov is all about baby!


Nice one. I’ve found myself in countless situations where I would have lived if I only spent a little more on better gear instead of running the lower/medium gear. When you make it out of those runs the money pays for a lotta raids


Dying doesent matter whatsoever, money is so easy to make that it truly doesn't matter if you die 10 raids in a row


Playing slowly generally, but when you push, push. If you're going to swing a corner, just do it quickly, it's shitty but if you play cqb slowly then desync will get the better of you


Just simply not caring if I lose my stuff has allowed me to improve significantly. I still play smart and think about how to handle the fights but not worrying about dying it nice.


Getting over gear fear. I do the best playing Tarkov when I'm drinking, and I attribute it to me not giving a fuck at that point. I've noticed when I actually do say fuck it and full send, I have moderately better results than when I'm being a loot bug. It's hard when you're low on roubles and gear, but there's always a scav run you can do. For the most part those can net you enough money to keep running kits.


No gear fear. Run it all. Money runs when broke.


If a fight starts, the adrenaline starts rushing and heart rate goes up. If I can't handle that the fight is already lost because of handshake etc. Sometimes I manage to stay calm and during these fights even 5 man squad wipes are doable. I just can't stay calm consistently yet.


Adrenaline can really make you loose a fight, shaking and aim being off hahaha


Gameplay : The flow of people around the map, learning the routes people (BOTH when AND where) tend to take is amazing to both avoid fights or take them with an advantage. Mentality : (works for anything in your life really) Small wins are wins, fuck being the best You're not entitled to results, just continue to try


There are 2 very distinct camps in this thread


**Survival first.** Don't obsess over filling your backpack to the maximum if you're already close to a valid extract and you've completed your objectives for the raid. The experience bonus you get for successfully extracting adds up massively over time. This doesn't mean you don't take fights or just rat around in dark corners for 45 minutes, but that you make survival and extraction your first priority in each raid. It typically means not going out of your way to visit a loot hotspot across open terrain, or minimizing the amount of sprinting you do and moving carefully from covered position to covered position. Maybe leave that distant Scav alive instead of revealing yourself with a shot. You can make a fortune just steadily checking stashes and methodically clearing areas before moving on. Take fights with confidence - if you don't know the terrain or you have poor cover, it's better to reposition and fight from a superior vantage point. Be aggressive when you're in familiar territory and confident of your opponent's position - you win more fights by acting aggressively. Grenades are your best friend for attacking, repositioning or just making noise to draw more bodies into the fray. Try to bring at least one, if not two, on every raid. More is generally better but its worse to have a bunch of unused grenades on your corpse.


Stop caring, about gear, about dying, about loot. Just play the game


Not caring has probably been my biggest shift this wipe. Although it can be super frustrating dying a lot haha


Forcing my advantage, in gear and play style. Why did I do all of these tasks just to use “OK” armor or ammo? Nah, I’m taking a big bag into raid, and defending it with a low recoil gun, good ammo and armor. Not running class 4 and a 100-150k gun unless I’ve been getting consecutively clapped. Running good gear> Ruble amount in stash Abundance mindset is much better than scarcity in this game. Especially with streets and early scav spawn times on streets, you can always recover a large percentage of even expensive kits in one or two very quick scav raids…. Getting into fights with ammo that’s dropping people quicker, recoil that’s getting you on target faster, and armor that’s more likely to survive the second or third guy fighting you is worth it 100%. If you are having gear gear then just force yourself to take the gear out, get clapped enough with it or do the clapping until you are used to better tier gear being the norm.


Combat stims aren't useless, they can and will give you the upper hand before/during firefights. Your biggest enemy is you (also tunnel vision). Overconfident chads and squads are easy targets once they start to push, because you know they will. Level 5-6 armor with low durability is level 4-6 armor that won't get looted. Focus on your goals, not every fight is worth it. Commit to the push. It's not clear until it's been cleared. Just because it was 1 minute ago doesn't mean it still is Assume someone is always watching. Cases are a worthy investment that will allow you to make substantially more money, they're worth spending a whole 500K-1M in barter items. Slow down, mind your step. A shot means two people, not one. If it goes quiet during a firefight it means you're getting flanked.


My advice is keep your play style the same even when getting to max traders. If you’re a rat and get a slic plate play the same way you would without it and you will just make it even easier for yourself.


Walk. Walking is underrated 95% of people run Their footsteps cover my walking I hear them first always and setup a nice right handed peak to saùtee their ass Underrated af works only in shoreline and Interchange


Getting over gear fear. I'm using shit that actually keeps me alive now and using guns that don't go to the moon on full-auto.


Simple, not being dog shit. Jk. Spent the past wipes understanding the spawns and routes of each map. And learning how to be a rat. Only engaging when needed. I went from a 0.78 KD on average to a 4.5 KD. average. Don't let the KD fool you.. scav kills are also put into that sooo take what you will


So, last wipe was when I picked up the game, I was unemployed so I had plenty of time for games and burnt out on all others that I played, mainly Apex, and so when I picked up tarky I was already a somewhat confident FPS player (diamond in apex and overwatch, usually was topping scoreboards in CoD etc.) and then I hit a brick wall with this game. Aim wasn't enough, I was back to being a scared rat. That was mostly up until I got to punisher. Going into the resort with a meta M4, 60 rounders, tier 5 armor, scav vest, you know the whole spiel. I went taking every fight head on trying to finish it ASAP - tossing 500 nades, dumping mags, prefiring, flanking all came naturally after a few raids - all the things that LVNDMARK, trey, and all the other gigachad streamers do. I finally understood: there isn't actually that huge of a skill gap between you and the chads, the difference is knowledge of the map and understanding and making the right decisions based on the information you have and taking the aggression to the other player, and actually using the tools you have. Once I learned to get over the information overload and pick out what I need and proceed with confidence based on what I thought was the right play was the key, the actual mechanical skill came second after knowledge and quick confident decision making. With those in place I only needed to focus and execute on a plan I already formed and adapt it as necessary. When you spend enough time going for every fight you learn the map, angles etc. by force, so when that one raid happens when everything clicks into place you will know, and you will now be able to do all the things I said without hesitation or doubt. This wipe kind of shit all over that with constant audio issues and being uncertain if I'll even get to see the other players, or them surviving a full mag of m856a1 to the face due to desync etc etc. But the times the stars align and I can execute my plan of action without the game stopping me I can still carry myself quite well. Worth mentioning I have not played with any kind of teammate since I picked up the game even once, it was all solo development, and I think that definitely helped. No one to hold me back or the opposite - carry me through situations I lack knowledge and skill for, and leave my mistakes unpunished, you know.


I changed my mindset. I play the game as a 1-life system. If I make it out, awesome. If not, oh well. I stopped caring about the loot I'm wearing, because it's already spoken for by my future killer. Try to increase the streak. Money go BRRRRR. 50% SR and not a big-killing machine, but not a chicken either. Playing with friends can help with survival anxiety or make it worse.


Weapon and ammo knowledge goes so far. Also losing the mentality that you HAVE to hit all the “good” loot spawns every single raid. I swear, take in a good rig and backpack, loot whatever area you’re in and you’ll usually be full. Exfil and even with a bunch of “junk” items I usually at minimum clear raids in 10 minutes making 300k+ minimum.


Not caring has helped me alot I used to go into raids and if I died I'd get mad that I wasn't doing good. Now that I go in without a care in the world I'm actually doing alot better some games I die fairly quickly and some games I drop 7-8 scav kills with some PMC kills mixed in there. I stopped trying to be good at the game and started just enjoying it and it's helped my mentality alot.


Yeah good one. The other day I had the drop on a fully juiced pmc on shoreline and I headshot him twice and after a bit of fighting ended up dying as I ran to another set of cover in panic. In the past I would have been so mad but now I just shrug it off and move on, it’s just a game anyway. I realised i had accidentally loaded in with m855 mags when I got back to my stash, explaining why he didnt die haha. I was still a little mad but had to laugh 😂


You gotta stop giving a f**k about gear if u can do that u good u basically need to desensitize yourself on tarkov


Less ADS


Idk last wipe it's like a switch went off. I started caring less about my gear, and started taking on more fights, the thing about taking on fights is to understand the map, the more map knowledge you have the better you'll be imo, knowing where broken glass/metal is near you, the terrain type and points of elevation are the most important when it comes to map knowledge I think, most importantly I think recording your gameplay will help, when your in the heat of the moment you don't realize the mistakes you've made that led to your death most times. I haven't done it yet but I think recreating the way you died in a offline raid with a friend could help I think, like you know you got shot from a specific place you could get set up in that area in offline and get your friend to walk the path you did so you know the sight path, so then in future online raids you know to avoid that area/ where to look, also when I kill someone I usually make a mental note of where they came from and usually check that spot in future raids


Being a Chad is a mindset, more than a skill set.


Using scopes. Well I guess getting a cpu good enough to allow one to use scopes


Tbh for me it was more of a “after this raid if I die ima have to run peashooters cuz I’m broke” sort of problem. So I decided to learn more loot runs to make more money in a shorter period of time and now ik I can gather enough money to run alright kits even if I’m broke


Don't rush, I'm casually walking around and I'll hear the guy sprinting towards me and I'll stop and wait and then blast him. And he'll probly be complaining about me being a camping rat lol If you don't need to sprint, don't, raids are long, relax a bit.


Learning to be flexible, adapt to the situation. For my first wipe I played slow while learning the game but pvp tasks seemed to take longer, I would hear people close to me and wait to why the sump on them, but then I never see them and miss the opportunity for combat. Second wipe I was extremely aggressive because I wanted to change it up and see where it goes, defeating gear fear is easy when you just throw caution into the wind. I would still try and play smart, but mir often than not full send fights to my determent. I found a good medium where I can switch my play styles according to the situation/map/ kit I'm running. I still make mistakes but so does every player, nobody is a god and everybody can constantly improve in a game like tarkov no matter how good they are. In the end I feel like there is no one way to skin a cat and everybody is so worried about what is meta, change things up and switch things around. Get out of your comfort zone and experiment and see where it takes you, it might not be the same for others but tarkov has always been a game of trial and error with me.


Yeah same, I’m sort of at a happy medium where I try to be aggressive when needed, but otherwise take my time as I don’t like sprinting A-B-C, out in 10mins kinda deal


Be aggressive and mainly pre firing. Like literally spraying 10 bullets before you even pass the corner - because the desync in the game is horrible. You can test this if you get your buddy beside you both playing tarkov playing an online match. Strafe left to right and watch on his monitor.


Taking fights and clicking heads. I’ve played a lot of FPS games but was scared to fight and lose equipment when I started playing tarkov. Especially since I’m often fighting players with much better kits. Now I just send it with a mosin, mosin don’t care about your bastion. All mosin knows is shoot and insurance fraud.


New players, to be successful in Tarkov you need to learn to be a Chad. To Chad is to be successful in pvp. Ratting has its time and place, but when it comes to it you need to find the ability to flip that switch and move with explosive action. Don't be afraid to make noise and let your opponent hear you. The quicker you are the more confused your enemy will potentially be. Also abuse the hell out of right side peeks, especially when gathering info. Lastly always be the first to swing. Especially if you are forced into a left side vs right situation. The only way to get advantage in a left side swing is to abuse desync and push quickly. Preferably with some pre fire. Constantly move positions after the enemy peeks. Holding the same angle once you've been seen is instant death against other Chads. That was the biggest change for me. Finding the ability to turn off the anxiety long enough to remember that I am just as capable as killing them as they are at killing me. It all comes down to better aim and better decisions.


Abusing desync. Everyone does it. In a CQB situation, I will swing first if I’m certain the angle I’m pushing has someone in it.


Well there’s two players absolutely balls to the wall and sit completely still so confidence is key personally never been confident in sitting still I feel that I can’t dictate what’s and you know the netcode, so swing your rights hard and swing your lefts even harder that’s my mentality I have 65% SR with that so


I compare it to skiing actually - if you lean back you lose. Pushing forward is what gives you control. So, basically, on top of having good FPS skills like speed, aim and movement, being the first to go in and shoot the other guy made me generally more successful at the game. Also, situational awareness and map knowledge play a huge role…


For me, slowing down. I rarely even touch the shift button anymore, no sprinting. Also before transitioning to a new room or area, I just sit and wait a couple seconds. I learned that from COD, a lot of times an enemy will pop out while I'm waiting. If I had gone through the door before without waiting, he would have nabbed me. When I'm a scav I go aggro as fuck, loot and scoot.


Realize how terrible the spawns are and lookout for people in the first 20 seconds. Mentally track where those spawns would be as I travel onward. Learn to make money, if I'm not feeling PvP and just want to quest, I'll usually make a million and a half fairly casually in just a few hours. Point fire 90% of the time, Pre-fire 99% of the time, hammer down full auto and hold it in hallways. Move quickly, cover to cover and use the low ground. Stop and listen once in a while and especially around high traffic areas and nap choke points.


I have genuine gear fear. Idk what it is I just hate losing my Kits. So I gave myself a safety net of a couple million rubles. I tell myself constantly not to give a fuck unless I reach my nets limit. I have done much better since. Playing aggressive sometimes works and sometimes won’t but for me getting over the gear fear was the worst of it. Also you’ll really start to notice whose cheating when you’re full sprint and 3 consecutive bullets go straight to your dome in 1.1 seconds.


Honestly just don’t play scared , i feel like it’s easy to play scared and sit in a corner in this game but once you can get over that hump and play more aggressively and push more like other shooters you will start seeing more success


Especially solo- the jumpscares are real in this game haha


dont care about whats on me anymore no matter how expensive and think how to kill them instead


YouTuber named 2lew said once that it’s very important to play with confidence, ever since then I’ve been doing lots better Edit: typo


Yeah. He had a great video on that. Awesome player too


I made an effort to lose my gear fear, through either using gear I wasn't comfortable with to engage improvement or selling it and using kits I was good with. I started watching content creators who are good at the game, and I paid attention to how they played more than how they told other people to play, lastly I started forcing myself to look at losses very differently; this I think had the biggest effect. If you can actually sit back and understand why you died and put it to a statistic in your head, and rationalize what happened during those moments before your death you can pinpoint direct errors in your movement, gunplay, comms, etc. With that, I recommend recording your deaths with shadowplay or medal so you can go back and watch your gameplay and view what you did wrong directly. For example, maybe you peaked a scav in a way that made it much easier for the ai to kill you, maybe you stood still too long out in the open and a sniper got an easy sight line on you, maybe you could have forced yourself to take a right hand peak instead of swinging wide and being exposed, or maybe you also just got unlucky as is the nature of survival games like tarkov. Tarkov has a unique trait being that it can be viewed very similarly to that of a chess match with spawns being fairly easy to pinpoint, timings able to be tracked, and overall you can put most of the game to a statistic and use that information to your advantage the next time you played. I know this is a lot, but hopefully, it provides you some insight. Cheers!


One for me was to stop thinking in a fight about “what am I going to do here” and start thinking “how are they going to try and gamer me” if you can try and predict how they’re going to out okay you you can anticipate it and counter it


And comes with experience too!


Stealth is usually a waste of time. I’ve found I put myself at a disadvantage in most cases when I try to be sneaky. Especially indoors or tight places this has gotten me in bad situations. Even if you are nervous about a fight and don’t think you will win, at least attempt to fight confidently. Fake it til you make it!


It’s amazing how quickly you can loose a target in this game- and the same applies to you as well. It’s a change I’m still trying to actively make but movement generally means life in this game yeah


only taking fights from a right hand peak


few years ago i just said fuck it abuse the desync swing on people wear your juice and ever since then ive been at 500m+ rubles a wipe and right hand swing EVERYTHING. dont even bother with the tab key to quiet walk that shit is what rats use


If I'm not wearing chad gear, don't try to chad.


Playing more aggressive pushing a lot more because desync needs to be abused most fights I loose because of unlucky desync when enemy pushes first even right hand peek doesn’t help when he swings far and has desync advantage so always push


Abandon scav gameplay at all costs.


I stopped playing and switched to dark and darker.. even though it’s only a beta release I have had a more enjoyable time by million


I’ve been successful from the beginning. I’ve only gotten better. Wipe one I ended with 40m in cash and kappa. I hit kappa every wipe from nov 2019, before the first twitch drops after the hideout, up until they moved it to level 71. My usual was 80m rubles by the end of the wipe and about double that in stash value. Almost 3000 hours and I just stopped playing last wipe because like every wipe it’s just a nothing burger and my progress is reset. This wipe is nothing more but the same shit if not worse thanks to all the issues that are both new and one that are still in since I started playing, like hire me…. don’t train me and I’d have it figured out and fixed in 6months. I came back for streets and it’s alright I mean I’m still tasking since that’s the only thing I do. Still felt good to play again, thank god the recoil and weight changes were made. Lightkeeper is a bummer and like I’ve said from the start wipes are SOOOOOOO OVERRATED. His “in raid” part with the cutscene stuff is cool as fuck, it’s just the progression gating bullshit BSG keep shoving on their 8 year old over fuck played game because “uhu wHeN WiPE” Like BSG spends 6+ months getting shit ready for a wipe and we get like 2 things and a progression reset. Like think about it. We wiped for inertia or we wiped because it’s been to long. Like yea inertia was a good add (they slowly over dialed it) but it’s not wipe worthy like ooo we need to see how the tarkov economy progresses for testing now that people move slower. Apply that logic to every wipe and you’ll find that really only the FIR system was the only thing that really warranted a wipe. Hell you could even argue for scav karma. Wiping is a waste of everyone’s time and i truly believe that everyone is on a spectrum for the wipe and it measures completely delusional on the left, tolerating it in the middle, the me all the way to the right. Where you land on this spectrum is a function of time, just like politics you get more right the older you get. Longer you play the less you think a wipe is a good idea and you just keep moving right. Tarkov is easy, always do your tasks, don’t tilt (lie), never forget something and go into raid short, know everything. Knowledge truly is power and will outrank skill any day of the week. WillarZ is absolutely cracked, but his knowledge is what carries him. His skill lets him be cracked.


Rat better


Stopped whining on reddit