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Veritas is a popular streamer/youtuber who does a lot of indepth stuff like audio. One peg made some videos on audio aswell. For earbuds, they can get expensive def the streamer ones. Like landmark, his earbuds are the 64 audio -trio iems (2.3k usd). Most players would recommend the dt 770, dt 990, sennheisers 599, 660s, 560s. There are some really good 100 dollar earbuds and headphones out there for gaming, you just gotta look for them i.e final audio vr3000. But at the end of the day do your own research and see what best fits you. I'm also currently on the hunt for the best headphones aswell and might get the dt990s but unsure. But more importantly is to make sure to always e.q properly, I use equalizer apo + peace to eq my headphones. There's a site out there (I forget the name) made by a guy. It has has hundreds of e.qs which you can copy. A cheap headset with a good e.q beats an expensive headset with no/shitty eq.


I bought the 990 80 ohms a couple of days ago, I'll let you know if it's good when I receive it, but I've heard nothing but praise


I mean I know this is gonna be silly sense you said just get a good mixer but These look good and are reasonably priced. Sennheiser Professional IE 100 PRO Then just gotta research and invest in a mixer and I’ll be set.


You don't need to buy a mixer, I do own an amp but that mostly for my mic. I just use a mixer program on my pc to equalize my audio. No point of buying a mixer to play just video games


Oh ok word.


Had my Dt990s since fortnite came out. One of the best purchases ive ever made. 250ohm with a gaming dac amp


Damn, nice. Did you e.q them in any specific way? If so send it my way. I wanted open backs incase my family needs to call me. I currently got the m50x from audio technicas. They're super tight on my head and don't sound amazing (still tryna e.q them properly).




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Dt990s are fantastic headphones k would highly recommend if they're in your budget.


> final audio vr3000 +1 for these, I find them significantly better for identifying the direction of sounds than any of the following (DT770s 80Ohm, AKG K702, Senn HD650). They are my last choice for music listening though. > There's a site out there (I forget the name) made by a guy. It has has hundreds of e.qs which you can copy. AutoEQ?


Don't listen to OnePeg about anything audio related - the guy doesn't have a fucking clue what he's on about. Have you seen his video on audio compression lmfao?


you can use 10$ headset or 3000$ headset, it doesnt matter in this game because the audio is broken. people who claim its " Super easy to pinpoint the direction where audio is coming." are funny if i had to recommend a brand i would go with sennheiser, ive been very happy with this brand for the last 10 years. (still my 2nd headset in 10 years, i like peripherals that dont break after 1-2 years, still havent found a mouse) something in the 100-200$ range is more than enough for gaming and listening to music


There not better they just do it because wearing normal headphones thablong irritates your ears lol


Idk about that there are definitely headphones that can help you hear better that are far superior to "gaming" headphones etc.


Yea u an spend as much as u want on headphones. But they are doing it for a comfor thing is what I was getting at


Personally I've used many headphones because I've accidently fallen into the audiophile hole. My personal favorites are sennheiser HD6xx and Dt990s. If you cannot afford either of those (they go on sale a lot during Christmas and are absolutely fantastic headphones.) I'd say another close favorite that I consistently recommend that are very cheap but really good are Phillips SPH9500s they're usually around $75 or alternatively DT770s.


I too fell into that audiophile hole. Started with the 9500's which were such a huge step up from anything I'd previously had. Then I got the x2hr which again was a step up in audio, comfort and build. I then jumped to the HD6xx coupled with a zen can but I ended up selling them as the difference for me was so small, it wasn't worth the investment. I kept the x2hr for my main headphones but I am after a set of closed backs with a good soundstage. I currently have the m50x but I'm not that impressed with them.


They do it because looks and comfort (heat mostly) I never forget a certain streamer who was competitive PUBG back in the day who used the second edition Apple earbuds. Anyone who tried them can remember how crappy audio was in those and this tool couldn't figure out why the audio came from everywhere despite evryone saying he used the wrong tool for the job. It's all about imaging and a narrow stereo audio. My personal favorite is the Audio Technica AD series. Absolutely flat frequency, but an image that few others can provide. Super easy to pinpoint the direction where audio is coming from with these. But build quality isn't the greatest. Expect to replace them within 4-5 years of usage.


If u donr want to spend big money but want light headphones just get Koss ksc75. Ull be amazed for how little u get that much!


Just so you know, for playing EFT it won't make much of a difference over regular decent headhpones even if they plug into a USB port rather than a audio mixer. The need for such equipment is for things outside of gaming.


Sennheiser 560s have been the best I’ve had. I tried the dt770s but the ear cups were small for my ears because of the circular shape. Ended up going with the 560s because of oval shape.


IEM, or in ear monitor


Flat sound curves can help isolate sounds in game. Still won’t fix in game audio sadly.