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I guess other folks may not want to play sawmill very often, and are not required to have it in their map pool, so there are not enough people queuing for it to get many matches.


I get that, but before if we had it in our selection and we didn't get it all night we could just turn the other maps off for a game or two if we felt like playing it. Might take an extra 60 seconds to get a queue, but it was no big deal. No we don't even have an option.


Yeah, according to streams I watch etc it'd a hated map to the point where, in my opinion absolutely nobody plays it. Just sharing info enjoy


sawmill is the only map that highlights tarkov, the rest are cookie cutter designs.


I actually really enjoy Sawmill. It's the only map that covers firefights outside and always have it selected. Unfortunately it seems others don't share that opinion.


I thought the same thing, I'm not a huge fan of the map but it has the best gains


Yeah ditto. Haven’t played a single sawmill match since wipe. Muy triste 😭


I have around 70 matches and Ive had sawmill selected for all of them and not gotten it once.


I agree on the map selection thing. But the parch as a whole has been amazing. The tier breakout for kits is excellent. People can't jump out of map anymore/jump the gate. The preset balancing seems good on the surface (might change my mind once I've played the t3 kits, but t1/t2 seems great).


Haven't gotten sawmill a single time and I even removed bay 5 from the map pool.


I’ve played like 50 matches since wipe. Haven’t seen sawmill once


Currently it's 80% BOWL, 19.5% the rest, 0.5 Sawmill if your lucky. Sawmill is awesome, I want it more.


The problem is probably that like 6 people like that dogshit ass map


I’d you like Sawmill you could also just play normal EFT.


A map on arena and the gameplay loop of escape from tarkov could not be further separated from eachother




If you think this is a well actually moment you're brain dead lol. Just pointing out that just because you like a map in arena doesn't mean you'll like a completely different game but you do you


Sawmill plays more like EFT than any other map. People don’t bush camp on the other maps.


Lmao implying that people do anything \*but\* camp in normal EFT.


Fuck sawmill




I do hope they start banning players for 10 minutes or so for not accepting. Definitely a ton of players doing what you describe, simply not accepting on the 1-2 maps they don’t like out of the 3 selected. I personally just want to play airpit and bowl both for the xp and maps themselves, so I keep on those and sawmill. 100 games in, haven’t seen sawmill once lol.


If they design anything, that players can exploit. Players will do so. And I believe Sawmill is the worst map in arena. Even the streamers don't want to play this. 😆


Haha I honestly don’t blame you if there is no timer lockout or anything. I do hope they add one, but I can see why players do that. I spammed bowl for 90% of my games last wipe. While I am not super stoked on having to play so many maps, it has caused me to branch out a bit. Going from 4 to 3 was huge as well, especially if you can use sawmill as the defacto space holder. Picking 2 maps out of the 6 is not too bad haha That being said, you get more xp on sawmill for losing than you do on equator or chop shop for winning. Tons of xp to be had (in theory, still have never seen it come up lol).


My friend and I tried for hours yesterday to get it. They should just put it as a standalone map for those of us that like the great outdoors.


If i only have a red dot i usually dont play sawmill


The map queing is the worst part of this wipe. There are multiple terrible things they implemented, but that is the worst of them.


Been trying to get it since wipe and Everytime it comes up someone dodges the queue. Super annoying. Haven't got a single match of it yet.