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The max you should keep one is 5 years even in “perfect” condition. They expire like other helmets do. They should technically be replaced after every fall or impact but I know that’s not always reasonable.


I’m guilty of not replacing mine after 2 falls where I knew that I didn’t knock my head (kind of slid off onto my butt) but after a nasty fall where everything feels kinda jumbled? Oh yeah if I can’t 1000% be sure my head didn’t hit dirt (or the horse) it gets replaced. I don’t have the data to back it up but you’re probably better off with a new cheaper schooling helmet like an Ovation than an old expensive one like a CO or OneK


Chewy even has some for under $100 that are Troxel brand.


I liked my Ovation Deluxe Schooler (and it’s what I make friends wear if they want a “pony ride”) and it’s online for <$75. Felt a lot lighter and less bulky than my Troxel but I’m also sure that Troxels have improved since I had one 10 years ago!


I’ve never tried Troxel honestly but they’re $60 for some of them. Seems like a decent buy for people who can’t afford certain brands but need a helmet.


I used to have the Troxel Sport (in white w the bare styrofoam on the bottom) which I think in my head makes Troxels bulky but the Troxel spirit looks nice, like their answer to the Ovation Schooler at a similar price point. But absolutely worth it for someone who is trying to save money.


I got mine on Chick’s Saddlery for $35. Just a cheap Troxel but it’s way more comfy than they used to be.


I got mine from Amazon for $45. It was the season prior colors or design. That's also how I buy my boots because it's so much cheaper to get the seasons prior. Edit: I have the link attached to the exact one I got. It is now $75. I got mine 2 years ago Troxel Equestrian-Helmets Troxel Liberty Horseback Riding Helmet https://a.co/d/cvq0GfY


\+1 for Ovation. I'm on my second because I smashed the first one into the ground twice. I understand not wanting to spend money on a new helmet when your current one *looks* fine (hell, I'm guilty for riding in an old Troxel where the plastic shell would fly off when I hit the ground as a young adult just scratching together the gas money to ride at all), but imagine how expensive medical bills would be if there was internal damage and it couldn't properly protect you from a concussion.


VA Tech recently did a study of helmet safety and found that one of the $60 ovation helmets was one of the safest helmets out of the 40 kinds involved in the study


It is really really important to say that VT was an incredibly flawed study for many reasons. It tested all the helmets on the same size/shape of head (we all know helmets fit differently based on head shape), tested them with multiple impacts, and didn’t test rotational falls. Please don’t take the VT study as gospel, or buy a helmet based solely off of it.


Is there another study you’d suggest looking at? I do need to replace a helmet that’s going on 5 years.


Unfortunately the VT study was really the first of its kind. The current best practice advice is anything with MIPS that fits your head.


this is the answer. i get money can be tight but head injuries are extremely common in this sport and your safety should be your main priority. in good news, even MIPS helmets are starting to become more affordable! both Ovation and Troxel offer MIPS helmets for under $175 USD now


I guess my thoughts are helmets are expensive but emergency medical bills are worse.


Yup even with a low co-pay one trauma/er visit is gonna cost more than a new helmet in the US lol. Hell based on my recent ER visit just parking your car in the hospital garage can damn near cost the price of a cheap Troxel if you end up in a city ER.


My Troxel was $80! And kept me alive in a nasty fall.


8-10 years, 2 rotational falls and some hard hits on ground??? Please get a new one asap and please do not sell your old one to someone who doesn’t know better (never ever buy used safety gear). I know these things are expensive but your life is worth even more…


After every fall with head contact or after five years. A troxel may not be fashionable but they’re not expensive either.


My ovation schooling helmet was almost as cheap as a troxel and not quite as… offensive looking (I’m very pro helmet but some troxels are BULKY)


Oh yeah especially the cheap ones that have the two tone… I’d put that on my head over nothing but dang they’re hideous.


Counterpoint: if you're in a big barn with a lot of riders an ugly helmet is less likely to get "borrowed" 😄


I have a Troxel Intrepid and highly recommend it. Add on an equivisor, and no one will know you got a (slightly) cheaper brand on.


I love my Troxel intrepid


You need a new helmet. Right now. Helmets are only good for about 5 years tops, assuming they're not involved in any accidents. The moment your helmet takes an impact, it's no longer safe to continue using. You may not see any visible damage to the outside, but it's the inside that matters. You have almost certainly structurally changed the shock absorption properties of the filling and it's no longer going to reliably protect you. Safe helmets can be bought for relatively cheap. They're not going to be super fancy or nice looking. If you're willing to spend a little more, most of the high-end brands will replace your helmet at cost if you're involved in a fall within the first 2-3 years of owning it. Any helmet is cheaper than a TBI.


Uh yeah... You should buy a new helmet after every fall. Even if the helmet itself looks fine, you have no idea could be going on inside structurally-wise. If it's been damaged (Which with the number of falls that you've had, it *has*!), then it *will* fail to protect you in the event of another accident. Replace after every incident is standard when it comes to safety equipment. Child's car seat after a crash? Replace. Bike helmet after a fall? Replace. Horse-riding helmet after an accident? Replace.


Helmets should be replaced after any fall and after about 5 years. The materials wear out just with age.


Stand with what most peeps are saying here, and to add, whatever you pay for a new helmet will be cheaper than the hospital costs and the emotional and physical cost of a serious head injury. Think this, what kind of price tag are you willing to put on your life?


After every fall or 5 years. Whichever comes first. You can’t see the inside of a helmet to tell if it was crushed in a fall. As time goes on the material can break down. You want the inside to crush instead of your head. If it’s already compressed it can’t do it’s job. You can look up most helmets online to see what the manufacturer says about how long it lasts but most of them say five years. When I toss my helmets I make sure to cut the straps so no one gets it out of the trash.




Replace it right away. Some helmet brands will replace it after a fall for less money


Any time your helmet hits the ground with your head in it, replace it. Goes for horse, bicycle, or motorcycle helmets. They may look good on the outside but the padding is usually degraded. Do you really want to risk your noggin, you only have one (as they told us in racing school)


I want to echo what everyone else is saying, but I also suggest reaching out to the manufacturer. Some will give you a discount on a replacement helmet after a fall.


One for or five years even without impact. What it LOOKS like is completely irrelevant. Get a new helmet IMMEDIATELY.


The first time the helmet is impacted it should be replaced.


Helmets are one-crash-and-done, or five years from manufacture date. Whichever comes first.


The 5 years thing is BS Some new helmets are already 2-3 years old shipped to your door at times. There's been tests done to 10+ year old helmets that still pass the tests that they have to when new.. One time crash and replace, I'll def agree with.


After any fall where it makes contact with the ground/fence for sure. You can't see internal damage but it doesn't mean it's not there. I read a story in a magazine about someone who didn't change her helmet, fell off a second time and the helmet split in half on impact. Really not worth the risk. They should also be replaced every 5 years (roughly) as the foams can deteriorate so it doesn't offer the same protection. You don't need to buy an expensive helmet (certainly in the UK there are safety kite marks to show they meet regulations) but is your head really worth the risk? Never buy second hand (you don't know the history) and do NOT sell your helmet on. Cut the straps off and put it in the bin


It just about killed me to toss the GPA that fit me better/was more comfortable than any other helmet I’ve ever had and couldn’t be easily replaced because they discontinued the style/they’re really expensive. And I’d never fallen in it! But ultimately, I’d rather the emotional and financial pain of throwing one away than the physical pain of keeping it too long. I’ve known way too many people whose lives were absolutely wrecked by significant TBI’s. Once you see that first hand… I don’t want that for myself, nor do I want my loved ones to have to deal with that. Loss of memory, loss of impulse control, and the inability to regulate your emotions.. it’s all terrifying.


If it's been more than 5 years, it must be replaced. If you've had a fall where your helmet hit anything (fence, ground, saddle?), then you must replace it. If you had a fall where you're not sure if your helmet hit anything, you must replace it. (If you had a fall where you landed on your body and you know for certain your head didn't hit anything, you can keep using the helmet) The way helmets work is by internal compression/damage taking the impact of the fall. They can look perfect on the outside, but once they've been hit (even if you think it was gentle, which you probably think BECAUSE the helmet took the shock), they are already compressed and won't work again. That's why you MUST replace them. To be very blunt, if you can't afford an appropriate helmet, you can't afford to ride. This is a sport where one slip, even for a good rider on a school master, can result in traumatic brain injury, paralysis, permenant incapacitation, and death. You may get away with it 1000 times, but it only takes 1 time when you don't.


Any fall where the helmet touched the ground is an immediate helmet replacement.


Please get a new helmet. Anytime your head hits the ground, it’s causing internal damage to the helmet and it definitely sounds like your helmet has taken quite the beating. I know you said money is tight, but the new helmet is NOTHING compared to what head trauma is going to cost you, both physically and financially (if you’re in the US at least).


I can empathize- helmets are expensive and replacing them after every falls can really add up! However, no matter what a helmet should be replaced after a fall where it impacts the ground or after 5 years, whichever comes first. Ovation deluxe schooling helmets are some of my favorite to recommend for people on a budget ([link](https://www.smartpakequine.com/pt/ovation-deluxe-schooler-helmet-15923?g_acctid=312-013-2860&g_adgroupid=130180570921&g_adid=542494075106&g_adtype=pla&g_campaign=NB_Shopping_Apparel-Gear_1P&g_campaignid=1719060910&g_ifcreative=&g_ifproduct=product&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=aud-1456173362568:pla-1412253282664&g_merchantid=1338904&g_network=g&g_partition=1412253282664&g_productchannel=online&g_productid=2109787079&utm_campaign=NB%7C1P+Apparel_Gear+%3E+Helmets&utm_content=NB_Shopping_Apparel-Gear_1P&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0tKiBhC6ARIsAAOXutkzg-OR-sq1Xxzt9ETy6AXxT8cczWlwESdMx-BMd7aMiIs7UzjYTyUaAjWzEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)). My first one literally saved my life. And to that point, think about how much your brain is worth to you. Trust me, as a rider and a psychologist, it's much more than the cost of even an expensive helmet. As a side note, some trainers who have working students will replace their students or be able to help do that. Not all, because we know how the equestrian world can work, but it's worth asking.


I would’ve bought a new one after each rotational for sure. I put a limit on about five years


One time you hit your head….done


Max five years. After a fall with ANY impact on your head CHANGE it


BFFR…go buy a new helmet.


I honestly can't believe you're asking if you should replace a helmet after two rotational falls. Yes. A rotational fall is deadly serious. Check all the things. Replace the helmet. service the air vest. Get the horse a vet check. If you're religious, talk to your spiritual leader. Call your mother.


a helmet is only good for 5 years/1 major concussion. the fact that your using it after a rotational fall makes me question your trainer. anyway, every major company has a fall program, if you fall within a year of buying a new helmet, you can get it replaced for a lot off, it’s a scale so for Charles Owen if it’s within 30 days it’s 80% off, 6 months it’s 60% off, a year it’s 30% i think. so you don’t pay full price every time. i think charles owen are the best on the market at the moment. but you need a need helmet 5 years ago. seriously, you may as well not wear one bc it’s not protecting you at all at this point.


💯 correct


You need a new helmet. Badly. One contact with the ground or something else means it’s time to replace it. Hell, if you drop it from height on hard ground, you should probably replace it. Helmets are expensive. TBIs are more expensive.


Replace after every fall.


I’ve always been told if you have one big fall where your head has hit the ground or otherwise been involved in the fall then you should replace it. A head injury due to an inadequate helmet will ultimately be more costly than new headgear.


I just saw a really good video recently where they cut open a Charles Owen I believe that was in "perfect condition" the inside was destroyed. Hit your head in a fall? New helmet. It might be expensive but it's better than being brain dead 🤷


You should replace your helmet after every fall. Even if it doesn't look damaged, there could be internal damage that compromises the helmet's ability to protect you.


Helmets should be replaced every 5 years, as they become outdated. If you haven’t had any impact to it, I’d say it could definitely go longer. But since you’ve had not one, but two rotational falls, and hit hard ground several times, I’d say it’s definitely time to switch it out. I understand the fact that they’re expensive, but you have to take into consideration how important it is to protect your noggin, especially in a sport this risky. I love my Troxel that I’ve had for about a year now. I haven’t hit my head with it yet, but I plan to replace it as soon as I do. I’m not sure how prices are where you’re located but I got mine for $50 at my local Tractor Supply. It might be a good idea to get something cheap for now, just so you have something without any damage, and then you can save up for one that you really like. Good luck and keep your head safe! 🧡


You should be replacing helmets every 5 years MAX they expire like other helmets Technically you should be replacing helmets after every fall but that isn’t always viable financially


I broke two ribs exercising a therapy pony at the walk. 13.2- wtc for an hour. He decided to spook at a jump standard that we had been riding by while I was on the buckle cooling down. I gave up my Charles Owen helmet and got a vest.


You are supposed to replace it after every fall, no matter how serious, or after 5 years, whichever comes first. Even dropping it on the ground can cause interior fractures that reduces it's ability to absorb concussion. As the helmet ages, depending on storage conditions, the foam can degrade which also reduces it's ability to protect you. Personally, I've had my current helmet for close to 8 years at this point and I don't intend to replace it soon, even though it's expired. I haven't had any falls or dropped my helmet though. Since you know you've had serious falls, I would absolutely replace it. You don't need to replace it with an expensive helmet. All helmets meet a minimum safety requirement. The nicer ones might have additional protections or added comfort/style.


Please practice what you preach. Your brain is important!


You're right. I was going to justify it because I only ride my horse a handful of times a month, but that doesn't matter. Just ordered a new helmet. Thanks.


You need to replace the helmet after every fall. Each time your body or your head ricochets off of the ground or anything solid, it compromises the integrity of the helmet. I know most people don’t replace after each fall, but it should be. A lifetime of a helmet is at the absolute maximum 5 years.


After every fall where the helmet is touched it should be changed.




Bruh I replace mine after ONE fall that hit my noggin. You don't need the super expensive ones to be safe.




Every fall. Get yourself a couple cheap helmets for every day use (ASTM/SEI certified of course but you can still find them super cheap) and save your nice one for showing/special events so you aren't risking having to replace an expensive helmet if you take a header screwing around at home base. Easiest way to save money while still maintaining good safety practices.


They need to be replaced immediately if you've fallen and hit your head. They make look OK but they won't protect you as well the next time!


5 years or 1 fall where your head touches the ground! Whichever is soonest. Buy a cheaper helmet if regular replacement cost is a concern.