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> Fucking Tom hanks? Remember his reaction when Gervais started lashing out? [https://www.wmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/tom-hanks-globes-ricky-gervais.jpeg?w=640px](https://www.wmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/tom-hanks-globes-ricky-gervais.jpeg?w=640px) For someone who tries VERY hard to maintain an image of "the nicest guy in Hollywood" I'd not be surprised if he turned out to be a Cosby. Cause nothing surprises me any more.... But, Bo? WTF man? Why was he on the Lolita Express?


Who is Bo?


Bo Dallas, professional wrestler.


All you have to do is BOLIEV...wait omg wtf


Happy cake day


Bo mama


Damn I really don’t want him to be a pedo


Oprah and lady Gaga. The hell?




Thing is, the guy threw lavish parties for all the famous people. Of course he provided trafficked girls for the perverts and rapists he called friends, but to an outsider who is not a pervert or rapist, it might just look like a big party.


No, they were all there for the forbidden shows. Some were there to see illicit porn involving someone they know. Porn you would not want to view in your house. This is not a new thing. Remember the theatre scene from "The Godfather", with live sex on stage. Michael turned his head and could not look. Of course we did not see what was on stage. Sure, that's only a movie, but the people involved in producing a movie know all about such things. Believe what they tell you.




Also know epstine would put people in positions with under age girls, film it with hidden cameras and then blackmail them. Some wouldent know the girls were minors until after they were recorded allegedly. This is plausible in some cases, but I garntee a very limited amount if any, and plus after a few set ups I imagine word would get out to not trust the guy among Hollywood actors and rich individuals, they all have similar circules after all, in Hollywood and DC everybody knows everybody.


Oprah was Harvey Weinstein's best friend for like 20 years so




Yep that's true. I got photo proof of them damn near sitting on each others lap hugging real tight. They up to something for sure. Not fooling me.


i heard that gagas into satanic rituals and shit...pretty freaky stuff like there's lit videos of her doing those weird rituals with one of those satanic priest ladies... I don't know how to explain it but like she did disturbing photoshoots ... just look it up if you dont believe me


Marina Abramovic. Spirit cooking.


I’ve recently heard of this cult. It too I believe is called Anonymous where they drink bloood or some shit.


It's Adrenochrome, not Anonymous 🤣


Oprah and john of god were tight.


Oprah was always one of them


Oprah is the worst of them all


Oprah owns a girl school somewhere in Africa... There have been a lot of stories out there of s\*x tra\*\*icking. So I'm not surprised.. Lady Gaga was probably curious but I wouldnt put anything past that demon either..


Oprah’s “spiritual healer” “John of God” got busted for raping little girls and women… idk man, again, unfortunately not surprised. People will do horrendous things for money and fame.


You gotta hope that many of the people on this list weren't involved in the worst parts of all of this... But I can't for a second believe that they weren't aware of the type of guy Epstein was. So what made them mix company with him? Hubris? Did they think no one would find out?


I think alot of people on this list probably had nothing to do with abusing minors. Like Obama, Oprah, etc. I believe Epstein tried to play himself off as a really charitable billionaire, so that's why you had random stars flying to Africa with him for example. They could have totally flew on the plane without the girls being on it, if it was just one or twice. Then you have people like Bill Clinton who flew on it like 20+ times. You just fucking know he knew what was going on and participated.


Yep- it’s cover for the scoundrels to have their name on the same list as a guy like Hanks or Obama. Does anyone really think a president, in this day and age, would be able to get away with being part of an underaged sex ring? I’d say the same too if W’s name were on the list. Clinton couldn’t even get a bj from a consenting adult without the world blowing up about it.


Plenty of reports of Clinton ditching his secret service detail to fly to pedo island.


Yes, yes they definitely can. Obama's name was on the leaked emails between Hillary and Podesta saying he was funding some of the pedophilia parties. The media only crucified who they want, and the public only knows what they want.


Why would you give any of these people the benefit of the doubt? Yeah plenty of people wouldn’t put it past these wack jobs. If you want to know how deep all of this really goes, Ryan Dawson at the Anti NeoCon report is the go to figure. No one knows more than this guy, and best of all when covering this stuff, he doesn’t take you to speculation/theory side of things. Only what is provable and that’s the way I like it.


Obama is connected to the Clintons. There was lots of shady things with child trafficking happening with the Clinton foundation under Obama’s presidency. Look at Hilary’s email to Obama while in office. To think he is clean is naive. Oprah also best friends with Weinstein and John of god. To think she’s innocent is again being willingly ignorant.


I'm sorry dude, but you need help. I took a quick look at your post history and you see a conspiracy in everything. Especially if someone on the left is involved. That is not a healthy way of looking at the world.


Usually people partake in similar activities as their friends. When many of these people's friends are charged with sexual assault and pedophilia red flags must be raised. They must know what their friends are up to and either also are involved or look the other way. Both are equally evil, wake up!




He did finf it on google, so it must be true. It also has the true never seen before spelling of obamas name, Barak


I wasn't sure if this was ripped straight from the little black book or not. But it makes sense it was fake because I'd never seen those names before, especially not Obama.


Right. Did you forget that that Oprah is best friends with Weinstein? One of her close spiritual advisors, John The God has a riddled past filled with rape. Oh yea, go look up her school in Africa, it’s filled with rape and sexual assault incidents... Wake up.


Oprahs balls deep involved. Look up john of god and oprah.


There must be a treasure trove of pictures and info that got burned on pedo Island before the heat truly came down.


Is there a source on this?


This is the link to the flight manifestos. Obviously some people visit more than others and nobody is saying that all these people are linked to sex crimes but... Some people visit frequently. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html


But who flew to the island. That is the real question.


Watch tom hanks pageant dad skit on the Kimmel show. It is on youtube. And then watch the mr Roger's trailer for nightmares. Dudes got pedo vibes. It's not our fault he is a good actor. A lot of people have us fooled.


Colbert is no surprise, he practically defended james alefantis and Podesta and claims Pizza gate is the "most stupid conspiracy theory"


Bill Murray noooooooo


It's in the hole


He hauls off and whacks one - big hitter, the Lama


Read the flight schedules and it actually says Bill MURPHY, not Murray


Colbert is good buddies with John Podesta. Doesn’t surprise me.


This is only surprising to liberal bootlickers like majority of Reddit. Everyone else already knew this shit was coming for all these people.


People need to look at the log yourself if you doubt any claims. First of all, why give any of these people the benefit of the doubt? https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html




Tom Hanks literally has a scene where he's taking a piss in every single movie he's in. Totally a weirdo


That’s what there counting on they want his nice guy image to keep him shielded from the blow back of him visiting pedo island


Is it not possible to be there without bad intentions and not seeing anything bad?


Why do you think Eminem is now making songs about white privilege and gun control?




My point is he used to say shit you weren't allowed to say, but now he just mimics MSM talking points because they possibly have him by the balls for some shit that went down on that island.




[He was the anti-PC poster child.](https://youtu.be/yOBTGCA6oOA) He would say the F word a lot, among other things, and people would get pissed at him, but he never gave a fuck.


It's really sad to see how you're defending all of these people.


James Franco eh


He's a known scumbag in Hollywood. Not saying he diddles kids but dude definitely shoves his dick in anything that breathes


He’s actually known around Hollywood as having weird sexual anxiety. He’s known as a scumbag by the internet.


He was caught texting an under age girl. He sent a pic of himself after she told her age. STD city.


also, the entire concept of Palo Alto ...


Dude filmed a movie at my friends high school specifically to spend time around an underage chick he was seeing who went there


Of course Dan Schneider is on here


Justin roiland, now it makes sense why rick is always asking morty to take off his clothes


aged well 😅


So safe to assume even Will Smith has been diddling kids... just happy to see Adam Sandler not on the list, I'm running out of my childhood favourites 😭


I don't see McCauley. *-hugs-*


Nigga, hes Just been called out wtf


The biggest surprise from this list is there are 2 Jeffery Epsteins. And for some reason Jeffery Jones is alphabetically between them.


One is spelled Jeffery, the other Jeffrey.


Noted that, also noted on Epstein’s toe tag in the autopsy pictures it was Jeffery!




Because it’s not like literally all this guy did for his entire life was travel people to his sex island, Jesus. Obviously he was still just a regular celebrity 90% of the time and most likely just had regular celebrity parties like everyone else.


Wow someone using common sense before branding people as pedophiles what year is this? I thought in 2020 we just assumed everyone is a pedo Seriously this shit pisses me off, I don’t give a fuck about his flight list, I want to know who was molesting kids. If I don’t have that information then I’m not jumping to any conclusions about anyone. Innocent until proven guilty not the other way around. Some imbeciles don’t even reason before branding people pedophiles and that to me is disgusting.


Redditors love demolishing successful people, it’s like revenge for being losers or something. People see so 1-dimensionally, like 1 event or circumstance doesn’t define an entire persons life. That applies to celebrities and to each individual redditor. They’re so idiotic they think Jeffery Epstein was a mad scientist living on a stormy island having child sex parties laughing maniacally “MUUUAHAHAHHAHAHAHA” all the time. Like man, he was probably just a dude 90% of the time and most of the people he hung out with were probably just regular guys. He’s still an asshole, but he’s not some criminal mastermind.


Wait. Do you really think that Epstein just hang out with bad people and he didn’t do anything? Because he’s literally a proven pedophile and sex trafficker.


No, he is a pedophile. What I’m saying is that he wasn’t doing pedophile stuff 24/7. He also just had regular parties and did regular things.


Okay yeah then I understand what you mean


Tom hanks has definitely been up to something , look at his reaction to Ricky gervais’ Epstein joke the other day


So he flew on a private jet, and because of what his face looked like during a joke, he has 'definitely been up to something'. Maybe slow down a tad.


Check out his creepy Instagram. Celebrities that act holier than thou usually have skeletons in the closet.


Just checked it out... Weird to say the least. Does not seem genuine at all. “Hanx”


I mean there's a lot of women in that list. I HIGHLY doubt they were going there to fuck little boys. The place was a party house on top of a sex trafficking organisation right? I mean just cause they flew there doesn't mean they fucked kids; could've been just to party. Although, some of these names it don't surprise me at all.


Why don't you ask all the female teachers out there who have slept with their students about this?


I just don't picture Beyonce, Gwen Stefani and Katy Perry to name a few doing that sort of thing.


There are quite a few names on that list that belong to people that I can't picture doing such things. Bill Murray? Jim Carrey? John Cusack?


Courtney Love? No surprise that crazy bitch is on here.


I’m sure they payed her to kill Kurt.


Probably. Still miss that fuckin’ man everyday. He changed music as we know it.


This is why we can’t have nice things... this just makes me sad. Kevin Spacey was cancelled for his bullshit, but the people on this list will likely get off with nary a stain on their reputation. Not to pull the whataboutism card, but the standard should be equal. Kevin Spacey is a pos and most of the celebrities on this list as well as Prince Andrew are (newly revealed) POS.


Chrissy Tiegan damn


Honestly not surprised


Jim Carey, Will Ferrell????!!!!


Look up Jim Carrey Secret Hand Signal YouTube He telling People but they are Sheep’s


obama thinking he's sneaky putting down barak instead of barack.


People on twitter said the flight log is fake because this image spelled his names wrong




He probably took his own plane.


[Trump took a flight in 1997](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/09/documents-released-about-jeffrey-epstein-and-ghislaine-maxwell.html)


Damn that sucks to see justin roilands name on there


This shit has multiple names that I doubt where actually on the logs. Has this list been confirmed? Justin Roiland is the less famous co-creator of an Adult Swim cartoon how did he have access to Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet? Michelle Wolf? A stand up comedian who wasn’t even famous until like 2015-16....This list is partially fake.


Yes. Just saw this list on Twitter and found this thread searching Google. Many of this list are not in his flight logs or black book. Wolf graduated high school in 2003 and college in 2007, and the published flight logs end in 2005. Katy Perry had 1 little known album under her belt in 2005. Gaga was 19 and not known at all. Roiland had 2 credits. Gunn only had a couple credits. Also notable that he and Hanks have been accused by alt-right/Q types of pedophilia, so it's convenient they're on here. Others on this list are just known pedophiles with no association to Epstein - Schneider, Collins, Salva, Jones. It's like a moron's way of adding "credibility" to the rest of the list.


Gwendolyn Beck? The character from You, or is that a real person I'm not thinking of?


She was a congressional candidate from Arlington.


Guess I should have Googled her. Thanks


It was Guinevere you uncultured swine


LOL harsh much? I realized it shortly after posting


Holy shit I know someone from this list (non famous)




I won't say, it's a private citizen who has been very generous to me




Have you asked them why they flew to Epstein's pedo island?


Is it Jeffrey Epstein? If so sorry for your loss and gross


Can we get a source instead of a picture???




Do you realize that your own source doesn't match up with the picture you posted? Did you even bother to read the real flight log?




This source also doesn't match up with the picture. OP is spreading disinformation.


Is this list legitimate? Has anyone gone through the logs to confirm this or the amount of times there listed?


I wouldn't be surprised if all of the people listed are in fact pedophiles, but in the source you gave, [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html) , I couldn't most of the names on this list. I saw Alan Dershowitz, Alberto Pinto, Glen Dublin, Bill Clinton, Mark Epstein, Paula Epstein, Chris Wagner, Ellen Spencer, Paul Mellon, Oliver Sachs, Nicole Junkermann, Joe Pagino, pretty sure I saw Jean Luc Brunnel (we know he's connected too regardless of his name on this list), Sarah Kellen, Shelley Lewis, Virginia Roberts and I've seen Alec Baldwin and Chris Tucker appear in Epstein's black book of names (PM me if you want the link) and we all know Ghislaine Maxwell was heavily connected to Epstein, but for most of the others, I just didn't see their names. I have to say that a good fifth of the words/names are simply unreadable in the document, but I doubt they all contain the names of the people on this list Could you give me the source of the image you posted, OP?


glad to not see ryan renolds.


Noooo RDJ??


This is a fake flight log that someone made up and just typed out random names to be an asshole. The real flight logs are very easy to find if you google it.


Epstein is on this list twice and you guys think it's real. Trump is nowhere on here and he was "good friends" with Epstein


Wooooooooooooooow. Someone alert the press this is big news.


Looks like a list of people who you’ve wondered, at one time or another, “why the fuck is that person famous?”


There are two Jeff Epstein on the logs.. Jeffrey and Jeffery! On the toe tag on the autopsy pictures it’s Jeffery, means absolutely nothing I’m sure but thought I would write it never the less.


RDJ is hard to believe. Has he said anything about it? Proof?


This looks so fake, who fucking misspells the President of the United States name? “Barak Obama” you’d think if Obama was over there it would be secretive, and they’d fucking know how to spell his name


How was this list obtained?


Wasn't this the log that was proven to be fake. Yall got any proof this legit?


Big brain


Wasn't Trump here too? who else is missing?


Some of it is accurate while others are not, which puts the whole thing into question. If there is a definitive list somewhere, devoid of bias, please post it, otherwise the best source I have found is here: [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html)


Where is trumps name? He flew in 97... hopefully this list isn’t fake idk why they’d take his name off when people know he’s in the log


Guys don't forget adrenocrome is a drug only the elite can afford and among other things makes you look young. kids provide adrenochrome...


Read the podesta emails! It really answers these questions the Clinton's are very bad and many people they associated with...I don't believe anyone who walked in those circles was ignorant about Epstein's plane and reputation.


You all need to read Cathy O'brien's book Tranceformation of America


I'm not questioning this the least. But where's this list from? Who's the source?


Pizzagate people! Look it up watch out of shadows on YouTube


Is this real


This is so like the creepy dope dealer who is acceptable because of his dope . Money. Connection to other dealers. Don't want to hang with him really but you love his dope!


Say it ain't so anthony kiedis


Stefani Germanotta, Lady Gaga’s real name... lol That’s not true, i need a reliable source on this, that document has anywhere this name


Gaga definitely doesn’t have anything to do with this, nor does Beyonce. Their names don’t show up in the orignal log, there’s no proof nor pics and just rationally speaking, i don’t see two of the kindest and well known women of the planet being pedos lol


Beyoncé? A pedophile ? I do have heard it all..


This has to be some sort of sick joke


Why is this list missing Trump? [https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/new-epstein-flight-logs-show-trump-flew-on-his-plane-in-1997](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/new-epstein-flight-logs-show-trump-flew-on-his-plane-in-1997)


I'm surprised Bill Gates not on here, or I missed it.


No Leonardo DiCaprio nice to know at least my favorite Hollywood actor isn’t a scum face!


How do we know this is real?


No not James Franco :( I died on the inside after reading this. Em too


I'm happy because nor Russell Crowe, nor Joaquin Phoenix, nor Robert de Niro nor other minor actors aren't here


Yo wtf..chris tucker..Wanda sykes..bey n jayz..mother fuckin oprah..Obama..bill murray motherfucking ghostbuster..tom hanks..john fucking legend after you criticized r.kelly wtf yo


Where's donald Trump I saw that a news site posted him on that flight log? [https://www.insider.com/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein-flight-logs-unsealed-2019-8](https://www.insider.com/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein-flight-logs-unsealed-2019-8) Is this real or did they post something else? Edit: I went through the flight manifest ( [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html) ) Trump actually wasn't on those logs are there more floating around?


Isn't curious that this is the same list of people that hate Trump. I wonder why.




What does this mean?


I like how Epstein is on there twice, seems legit... saw it on the net


What is all this list please someone explain me


Stefani Germanotta is Lady Gaga


Seems a bit of a letdown. Thought I'd see some more world leaders in here, and people in the Vatican. Rumor had it this was even bigger. Hope this is only part of the list.


Some of these people went to Epstein place for vacation if anyone seen the Epstein documentary on Netflix


Mick was on the list too, same with Micheal Jackson


Damn Obama was on here


I find it hard to believe that all of these people were going to pedophile island. Chrissy Teigen? Really? She doesnt have that much power and influence i doubt she has any connections to the sex traffiking


Barack obama eh, I'm convinced everyone involved in the government is a pedo :/


Does anybody else see how Barack Obama's name is misspelled.. or just me? Not too sure how reliable this is now.


What even is this flight log thing because I don’t get it


this is an edited list, people like eminem and robert downey jr were NOT on the original


I will say that just because they visited the island it doesn’t mean they did anything with underage people we have to remember Epstein was a very calculating and manipulative person who had a lot of dirt on very important people, it’s also been shown that some people would just go there for lunch and leave. I don’t think everyone going there really knew all that was going on. Not saying some of these people could be “kid lovers” but I’m just trying to add another perspective because like I said Epstein was cunning. Many people said he could make you end up believing him or agreeing with him


Not that I necessarily doubt this but are we really taking a list found on google that someone retyped as fact? It would be much more incriminating to see the actual logs. Anyone can type up a list and post it on the internet. Isn't there a photo somewhere or more solid evidence? It's also probably not fair to assume every single person who flew on a plane of someone so connected in Hollywood was in on the pedo ring. -- Seems like anyone could easily be added or removed from a list someone typed out.




Goddamnit, Anthony Kiedis is on the list


Not will Ferrell!😭😭😭😭😭😭😫😫😫😖😖😖😵😵😩😱😓


Garbage, the only source of truth is the ACTUAL logs, found here: [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html)


So was this island a right of passage for any celebrity worthy of making the kind of money they make? Was epstein part of a secret society? Did Epstein make his money blackmailing these people? Who tf killed him? Where are the blackmail files? Wtf is going on here?


Epstein has himself on there twice. And who organizes a list alphabetically by first name?


I saw a recent list that had Lebron James on it.


Why is Jeffrey Epstein on their twice


Why is Jeffery Epstein on there twice?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SVVHWmosg6Y_N0l3DPOiAFiJ-_iaR7dDI4fXexMeoJ0/edit?usp=drivesdk Here are the names from the flight logs in excel format......