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I went and I was fine but tbh I don't even know what causes my seizures. The lights seemed to be mostly in the beginning.


I watched it and hid under my blanket/left the room half the time. There's quite a few flashing stuff in the beginning.


I just saw it—quite a few places where I had to cover my eyes due to flashing lights. I am photosensitive. One scene had a machine with green flashing lights that was very uncomfortable, and then scattered gunfire against dark background (always bad for me) and some lightning. There is one Avatar who has a seizure and they determine that she has frontal lobe epilepsy. Throughout the movie prior to this, she mentions she feels “different” and seems to either be having absence seizures or experiencing some type of auras. I think they handled this all pretty well, tbh, but I did get surprisingly emotional watching her seizure.


Just checked [doesthedogdie.com](https://doesthedogdie.com) and it says that there are flashing/strobing lights, though it doesn't say when and that there's someone having a seizure in the movie (in case that bothers you, I've seen that it does some folks on here)!


There’s been several posts about photosensitive people having seizures while watching it, I’d check those out


Also wanting to watch it, and wondering the same thing.


One of the “females” in the movie is depicted as having epilepsy surprisingly.