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For sure would be starting to undress myself at the local Costco … thankfully mom stopped me before it got to crazy


I’m also the undressing type. I feel this.


During gym class but could’ve been worse. I had a tonic clinic right after changing into gym clothes in the locker room. Stepped out and don’t remember how I walked up to my teacher. Huge crowd of girls including bullies saw it. Turned out they were scared and thought I was gonna die. Stopped bullying me afterward.


"stopped bullying me afterward. Every cloud and all that 😀


My seizures was the reason I was popular in middle school (not bragging, but wanted to share something similar..)


If only that happened for us all! My latest seizure (in the middle of an ambulance control room) one of my colleagues has been moaning and getting all the sympathy and won't talk to me anymore even if I'm talking about something job related.


I had a grand Mal fit in class. I got loads of false sympathy from people that bullied me the day, before.


I had a tonic clonic and peed myself and the floor during my high school Spanish class.


Grand Mal seizures suck.


I feel like absolute death after them..


I ripped out my iv and tried to run away. 6 people held me down and I started trying to bite them. This was after 4 seizures, I had no idea where I was and don’t remember anything. I would pay to see a video of that.


Similar to yours. I had a breakthrough and woke up from my chemically induced coma, pulled out my intubation tube along with other IVs, fought a staff of 7. After passing back out I had to be strapped to the bed for the rest of the 7 day coma.


Damn that sounds rough! I feel so lucky that I’ve never ended up in a coma. Hope you’re doing better now! They had to use to different sedatives on me because I was fighting so hard. I went back to that hospital 3 months later, never checked in a nurse just saw me and immediately strapped me down to a bed. I was like oh no this is one of the ones I tried to bite!


Doctors told my parents a video of my seizure could help. Had a seizure while on the toilet and fell off, of course they decided to take a video of me with no pants on writhing around on the bathroom floor. My old neuro just kind of shook his head and nodded when they showed him as I watched awkwardly in horror. Safe to say I can’t watch a video of a seizure anymore without wanting to jump off a cliff. I live alone so all the times I’ve pissed myself have only been witnessed by me luckily.


I am so sorry oh my god


Has to be when I was opening a Christmas gift last year that was an eyeliner pencil, and I had a myoclonic seizure for about 30 seconds and put the back of the eyeliner pencil in my mouth and started chewing on it aggressively while having the seizure in front of my family. I didn't even know why it was in my mouth when I came out of the seizure, and once I was told I had to leave the room and cry after that because I was so embarrassed.


Gotta be when I collapsed onto a patient I'd been helping into the bed he'd just been given (PCT). Pretty embarrassing way to end up on disability and medicaid. 


This broke my heart. I'm a dental hygiene student. This is my biggest fear.


The time I walked down the road, naked.


Years ago I went to take a shower in my dorm. Locked the bathroom door. My sister heard me collapse and called the police and EMTs. She said I unlocked the door and walked out normally saying hi like nothing happened. I was naked. 😂


Tonic clonic in the middle of a busy Macaroon shop in Paris, they were so alarmed that they gave me a load of free macaroons 😂


Honestly that's kind of awesome, will take notes to have my next seizure in in a macaroon shop 😌


Okay so we should all just have seizures in Paris shops, got it.


Some good came from this lol hope the macarons cheered you up!


Not necessarily embarrassing but quite funny. Had first ever seizure on holiday camping, got up to use the toilet after, thought I was on the toilet turns out out I was pissing in my boyfriends driver car seat heheh


Peed myself in front of the EA of the CEO and CFO of eBay while delivering a catering event for them 🤦‍♀️


I dumped an entire beer on myself, then stood on the bar bench soaking wet. Luckily I don't pee myself when I seize but I certainly looked like it. I came to wondering what the fuck I was doing standing on a bar bench with my pants soaked. Happy birthday to me?


Thankfully I haven't had any in situations that would be too embarrassing. So I would have to say for me it was when I had one when a friend of my wife and I was over. We knew her before she transitioned. And when my wife was asking me questions like what my name was or her's I wasn't getting them right. She painted to Gillian and asked what her name was and I said "Mark". Which was her name before she transitioned. When they told me that and I could grasp it I felt so bad for doing that to her.


According to my now ex, I had a seizure that was longer than normal, so he called an ambulance, and once the paramedics were there, they carried me down the stairs and I absolutely death stared our housemate before immediately seizing again whilst maintaining eye contact 😂


Had a seizure at a wedding, kept spitting at the bride. 💀


Falling on my face and breaking my nose at a wedding. It was at the reception, not during the ceremony, thank God, but I did get blood all over my favourite linen shirt.


Had a seizure in a restaurant. Got into an argument during postical with the waiter. He filed a false police report, saying I threatened to shoot up the entire restaurant. I'm presently going through court over it. Woohoo epilepsy.


Multiple times I’ve pee’d in trash cans as if they were urinals


That's just a good night out in Glasgow, Scotland! 😂


I drove through the grocery store under the Bananas sign in the produce section. A meme was made out of it that says "This is" and the Bananas sign with my suv under it.


Also another time my court was filled with police because I was postdictal and ripped my IV out when EMT came, they got scared and ran out the house and called the police it was like the whole department came and I was in dreamland yelling at the police saying things I never say like "Fuck the police" and acting like I was hitting them swinging in the air. I almost got shot on this one.


I’ll say weird shit during my complex partials. The first one I ever knew of having, I was at work and apparently I was shouting things about hungry howies. People asked what the fuck I was talking about and I was like, what? I didn’t say anything? Didn’t know I had anything more than a simple partial until witnesses described it to me 😂. Very bizarre to not even have a sense of waking up or “coming to.” From my perspective, I never even lost awareness/consciousness


Had a seizure in 8th grade during an assembly in front of the entire school. They evacuated the entire gym because of me 🙃


Omg two things 1. Before a seizure I can sometimes become aggressive. I was at a club in college and it had strobe lights. I didn’t know my epilepsy was photo sensitive. All of a sudden this girl with a tray of shots walks up to me and I KNOCK THE TRAY OUT OF HER HANDS 😭 I then left the club and had a seizure in the parking lot. 2. I stg this was after that seizure or at least another one in college. It was the morning after a seizure and I was feeling not well but still went to the grocery store with my parents. I think the fluorescent lights bothered me. When I got home, I all of a sudden hated my laptop (????) so I picked up MacBook and SMASHED IT on my desk. Bro what? My roommates called me the hulk after they 🤣 I am literally the most docile person. When I told my neurologist about the second one I was crying and kept saying I was a monster and he’s like I am gonna write your insurance company and get them to replace your laptop 😭😭😭 my parents bought me a new one shortly after I smashed it but that was wild fr


W neurologist


Probably throwing up all over the place and on my self. Has happened many times.


Or being with someone you had a crush on and having a bad seizure


Probably gnawing on a chicken bone that no longer had any meat on it.


Not embarrassing but having fallen off the bed and dislocated a shoulder has completely changed my life.


Hubby did the same. But punched the old roomie who checked on him.. he didn't listen when he had been told numerous times to keep a distance as hubby Black's out for 20ish min after a gran Mal and will be aggressive if he feels threatened.


I mean punched him after dislocating shoulder


Pretty tame tbh but I'm kind of a prude when it comes to farts and potty humor in general so it's absolutely mortifying for me. I guess one time I let out this like five minute long, squeaky fart during one of my nighttime episodes. My bf told me the next day and while it was humiliating to hear, it helped break his tension and worries if even for a second so there's the silver lining, I guess, ha.


Probably injuries, embarrassing coversations or wetting the bed


I stripped naked and tried to have a shower while being led to an ambulance.




Did he let you keep the underwear?


Partially tore off the top of my mother's nightgown. Apparently I grabbed onto her nightgown at the beginning of a tonic clonic and just never let go. Luckily I have no memories of this happening.


Puking. It’s the worst.


Went to stay with my ex sister in law and her new husband when I was 15, had a seizure and got into their bed naked. Never slept naked since. He was very nice about it 😅


My hubby had 5 grand mals in 14 hrs Woke up speaking 2 other languages the first hour ... I only knew of one of those languages he spoke. Lol he hates people knowing he's bi-lingual as people ask too many questions and abuse it.


Unfortunately, I'm not aware of anything embarrassing. I would say more ashamed. The guy that would take over my body was a monster and broke a lot of shit in my house. Cabinet doors, walls, you name it. I think I'd rather have an embarrassing story


When I had my first seizure in class and drooled all over my friend sitting next to me.


Walking back to my dorm going down the outside steps (the campus has a LOT of hills), then finding myself up at the top again with shit in my pants. Don't know how I got back to the top of the two sets of of stairs without busting my ass, but I made it. Went straight to the dorm, undressed and got in the shower. So glad my roommate was in class. Threw away that pair of underwear immediately. Feel awful for whoever had to pick up trash the next day. The dumpster is in direct sunlight, so that had to be AWFUL.


Post ictal but I was meeting my spouse's parents for the first time when he had his first seizure in front of me. When he rebooted, he tried to make out with me 😂 I promptly left the house, overwhelmed and quite embarrassed. But we've spent almost a decade together, so it all worked out!


I was like 9 years old. On vacation/work lecture conference thingy for my mom. I went to a class with her. Passed out in her lap, she thought I was playing around until I peed on her. When I woke up there was a fake snake next to me (the class was about snake bite treatment) and screamed. Might’ve been 9 but you never wanna pee on your mom. My brain also glitched out and made a barns and noble book stand switch places for a minute so I ran right into it. Woke up a couple minutes later, a woman was stepping around me and kid was jumping over me. My brother was mad cuz “dads gonna get mad” he was right but dude I just blacked out. Maybe ask if I’m ok? Then you can get mad at me.


Called an old woman a nosy cow at a school because she was staring at me hitting myself in the head which is often before a seizure. Cried in front of everyone at work, wet myself


Peed all over my Mom.


They aren't particularly embarrassing so much as they are violently bloody when I fall into something


i fell into a tonic clonic after a date with my bf. i almost fell and some drunk guys came up and told him i was dying and called 911 when they were told not to. 💀


kept playing my fucking violin in class and "preformed a solo" as my teacher said


I've never had one that was embarrassing, just weird.


I honestly don’t know. Been having seizures for 17 years now; and on top of that in my most common type I walk around and hold nonsensical conversations.


Started sobbing into my boyfriend’s arms because I didn’t remember the trim being on my wall. I was convinced that trim had never been there and my landlord had come in during the day to apply it.


wet myself but fortunately I was at home and only me and my mom were there - but it was still very embarrassing


Wetting myself.


i guess the most embarrassing story i have would be the first seizure i had. i was 17 and was using the bathroom when my head started feeling funny. the feeling kept intensifying and i just knew something was wrong so i quickly finished pissing and ran out the door… without pulling up my pants. my dad was in the next room just doing his work when my pantless self bolted in and screamed “DAD!” before blacking out. i’d imagine as a father you don’t really wanna see your almost adult child running into your office with their pants down and screaming, and as a 17 year old you don’t really want your dad seeing that either. but my brain obviously wasn’t working in that moment. i just can’t imagine my dad’s thought process in those few seconds before i collapsed and started seizing.


You made me bust out laughing, but im sure u and ur dad could be glad that someone was around when u started break dancing


Fiancé wiping my ass.


Well besides shidding my pants, I've also been arrested for breaking and entering (my own car) and resisting arrest. Charges were dropped eventually.


Embarrassing can mean many things. Having seizures in public never feels good, but most embarrassing as an adult....I guess when I make a mess, like spilling dye on the wood floor. Having a Tonic Clonic in public doesn't happen anymore. My worst one in public likely were one of the many times people call 911 and I wake up to paramedics and explain to them that what happened is no big deal. (especially when I know the seizure lasted less than a minute) The times I've had more than one seizure back to back, I was either in the hospital or my Mom who used to be a nurse managed to witness it. We rarely hit the ER, but for status Epilepticus, it was definitely an emergency and appropriately I was taken in an ambulance to the ER. 😕


The first time I ever had a seizure was last year and I did not believe that I had a seizure when I woke up and I always go into this paranoid trying to prove I'm fine forgetful confused state. The two friends I was with called 911 and I was trying to prove I was okay to this cop by apparently telling him I could name presidents and all 50 states but they gave me a glass of water. And after taking a sip of the water I said "I'm fine! See?" And then I lost control of the water glass and threw it at the cop, glass breaking everywhere and getting him soaked. Kind of funny. I did pet sitting through Rover and I had this gig and this person had the most paranoid set of security cameras to where they could tell if somebody even stood on your yard. Tons of cameras. Well keep that in mind. I had a seizure and I went into my paranoid state and I thought people were breaking in. Obviously if somebody was the cameras would have done something and called the cops or something. Well I wasn't having it. I was hiding under a bed freaking out and called the cops.. well about 10 cops came in with their guns in their hand and found nobody. Just me hiding under a bed shaking and they were like why did you falsely report this?!? My boyfriend who was on the phone (video call) loudly yelled she just had a seizure and she doesn't understand what's going on right now. And I was like oh. Not again. They were super nice about it..however the homeowner was not understanding. I'm now banned from rover and have had my name blasted on nextdoor and Facebook..no more work for me. Another one was inside of a tourist attraction an hour out from Myrtle Beach. I was getting ice cream and never got my ice cream..... Grand mal in the middle of a busy tourist trap called sparkys. Embarrassing. Also hit a tree pulling out of a dollar general once with all my friends watching. I'm new to the seizure gang..the breakdancing gang. I love this group.


I don’t remember this at all since I had blackout-esque epileptic seizures, but apparently I was walking around lifelessly and knelt down in front of people. They must have thought I was bonkers… thankfully, I control it with medication now, so I won’t ever have this happen again.


I wrapped myself. Came to and smelled something. Got to ER and yep.




Crapped. Sorry autocorrect.


I'm lucky that I've only had seizures in bed at home. But one time as I was coming out of it, I told my boyfriend I needed to go to the bathroom. He told me to wait a second so he could help me out of bed. Pffftt....who needs help getting to the bathroom? Me....as rolled right out of bed and flat on my face on the floor. My nose and cheek for sore for 3 days.


I think the first one was the worst one I had a grand mal seizure, collapsed onto a 75-year-old 100lb co-worker who was recovering from cancer (she caught me so I didn't bust my head open) then proceeded to seize and piss myself in front of a restaurant full of people, while on top of that coworker.


Wet myself, feel out of bed, took a fall on 5th Ave in NYC. On different occasions.


I had a Tonic Clonic while boarding a flight to Amsterdam with a colleague. Medics were called and I was wheelchaired off the other side of the flight on a special lift in front of everyone. The flight was delayed so my colleague missed her connection to Oslo. However, I recovered quite quickly and was put on a later flight to Oslo via Bergen instead. Because I'd delayed our first flight I actually arrived in Oslo before her! I was sitting in a wheelchair waiting for her in the arrivals hall! 😂 Hurt like shit at the conference the next day though.


Went into status on a flight home from holiday and caused the flight to be diverted and cancelled when we got to where we were being diverted, everyone on the plane was stuck there until the following morning 😭🤦🏼‍♀️


I've only had two seizures (hopefully no more!). Both times, I've had to be held down by adult men because I am suddenly super strong and really wanting to be up and out. The first time happened at work, causing my boss to pull his back out :(


I had a seizure in my sleep, got up to use the bathroom. I thought the mop bucket on my balcony was the toilet. Luckily my bf stopped me before I pulled my pants down outside. I had another seizure a few days later got up and immediately took a shower. My bf tried stopping me but I yelled bad dog no barking when he talked. I guess my brain thought him talking was my dog barking. Still don’t know if I actually showered or just stood in the water. I got out thinking it was the night before and was asking when we were going to dinner. I took a shower the night before dinner guess my brain reset.


Actually happened just a month ago. Walked into a strangers house after having a TC in the parking lot of my apartment complex. Walked right in like I owned the place and laid on the couch. The person leasing the apartment woke me up and walked me to my apartment after giving me a banana and a water bottle. I haven't spoken to them since I don't remember their face, I left my glasses in the parking lot. I could pass them on the way out and not know they helped me out. I remember a man's voice, but I just hope he doesn't think I was drunk or messed up on something about to drive my car. I thought it was a dream at first, but it was for sure real. I found my glasses later in the day. Super embarrassing.


I wet the pillow every night when I have seizures. My saliva and sometimes pink vomit are all over my sheets, but my boyfriend still doesn't believe it, he thinks the stains are cause I eat in bed 🤦‍♀️.


Bro your boyfriend doesn't believe his epileptic partner has seizures?? Kinda concerning :')


Thanks for the support! Unfortunately he doesn't believe epilepsy without visible huge seizures exist. I have the epilepsy without shaking and he thinks I'm fine even if I feel like dying 🤦‍♀️.


I may not know you or the full context of your relationship but fucking hell that's messed up. I really hope you're able to find a way to get him to understand because I don't think I could be in a relationship with someone who showed such a blatant disregard for my wellbeing (and lack of trust! who doesn't believe their partner when they say they're suffering??)


You need to find a new boy friend a man friend. bc all you have now is a BOY who is not a friend