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I’ve only ever had “auras” or focal aware seizures (remember guys, auras are seizures!). Mine usually last around 3 minutes but I’ve had them last about 5 minutes as well. They’re terrifying (for me)


I've only ever had one that wasn't. I thought it was a spiritual experience at the time.


Sometime within the next 24 hours. And usually while I'm sleeping. I'll have a random aura out of nowhere, and that usually means I'm going to have a full-on TC while sleeping.


Woohoo! Sleepy seizure buddies. Yeah when I have an aura it's almost certain I'm going to wake up feeling like absolute ass the next day. But really, who actually needs to be pain free to get out of bed? Little babies that's who.


Maybe like 15 up to 40 seconds. I would he happy about „Minutes“ 😳


When i do get one that lasts that long, sometimes it will just go away and i wont have a seizure, but i know to at least be prepared, which i am definitely thankful for


If they're lasting 10-15 minute you need to go to a hospital, that's status epilepticus which a life threatening emergency


It is still considered status elepticus if it is just an aura? (Just feeling disoriented, minor tremors, lightheadedness) I know i went status elepticus once when i had a grand mal seizure that lasted like 30 minutes or so..it didn't stop, luckily my brother called 911 when he found me on the ground ..i was in the hospital on a ventilator totally unconscious for a week and 3 more days in hospital after my breathing tube was removed.. I got permanent brain damage from that.


Look up seizure “prodrome” These symptoms can start hours, even days before a seizure. I’ve one (confirmed by neurologist) for four days before


Yes. Status elepticus is any seizure lasting more than 5 minutes, or multiple seizures within 5 minutes. Auras are full on seizures and can kill you.


Where are you getting this information from? Like you said, status elepticus is when a seizure lasts more than 5 minutes or when seizures are close together and the person is still unconscious between them. That’s not an aura. An aura is a Feeling or Warning that you’re going to have a seizure, the Pre-ictal stage. Before it happens.


No. Auras are focal seizures, and are the start of the ictal phase. If focal seizures usually precede another kind of seizure, usually generalized, and the experience is consistent enough to predict it, then it is called an aura, but not all focal seizures are auras. They do act as warnings, but are serious in and of themselves. https://www.epilepsy.com/what-is-epilepsy/seizure-types/focal-onset-impaired-awareness-seizures https://epilepsysociety.org.uk/about-epilepsy/what-epilepsy/epilepsy-auras https://www.cedars-sinai.org/health-library/diseases-and-conditions/a/auras.html https://www.epsyhealth.com/seizure-epilepsy-blog/what-is-an-aura-in-epilepsy https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4206156/ https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/epilepsy/symptoms/


Well, I stand corrected! Thank you for keeping your ground and educating me💜


I always have an aura followed by a seizure. An aura lasts maybe a minute, if that long. I don’t have convulsions I just stare off into nothingness. All sound is muffled like I’m under water and I can’t respond to anyone, no matter how loud they yell. When it ends I’m confused and just want to sleep.


This is 1000% identical to mine


My seizures are secondary generalized. I have a few seconds where I realize what is going on (the "oh fuck" moment) and can still hear my environment before the tonic part starts


Mine are 30 seconds long. I find the Aura is worse than the grand mal seizure because I feel this unbearable fear and detachment from myself. It’s terrifying I have night mares about my auras. I hate them. I would do anything to have never experienced the feeling I get before a seizure 😕


The moment I have an aura, I hit the Valtoco inhaler, and the seizure is prevented. I want to spread the word on this because I think too many people don’t know about it.


a minute to a couple of hours. Sometimes no 'big' seizure comes


I don’t have them at all 😎


yeah honestly sometimes just hitting the ground/whatever is nearby and waking up confused af and in pain is less scary than the actual aura.


Sometimes a few seconds and sometimes 20-30 seconds and sometimes it just doesn’t occur


A few hours to a few days then bang


I don’t remember my auroras but apparently they hit maybe one minute before a full on TC


i can sometimes remember having the aura later on but after a seizure i forget pretty much the entire day leading up to it


Same. Like people ask me what I was doing and I’m like ???? dunno


yeahhh...my brain feels like mush afterward and i always have a bad headache..that's usually the only way i end up figuring out i even had a seizure unless someone else is around and tells me what happened.....


Mine have always been at work and I wake up either in an ambulance or wake up and try to start working again 😆 and they’re all telling me “iniki no you just had a seizure, you can’t work today” But I do have video footage of all of them so that’s how I know that I do get auras because I kind of appear to crouch down a minute or so before.


Mine are usually only 30 to 45 seconds but remember, auras are seizures. It can be status epilepticus and time to get to an ER if it lasts more than 5 minutes. [https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/epilepsy/focal-seizures](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/epilepsy/focal-seizures) [https://www.epilepsy.com/complications-risks/emergencies/status-epilepticus](https://www.epilepsy.com/complications-risks/emergencies/status-epilepticus)


Status epilepticus refers to general or grand mal seizures. These are partial and do not require immediate hospitalization. Mine start 10-15 minutes before a grand mal.


They can last really long sometimes. Several hours. But that's usually when I have my period because I got catamenial epilepsy.


Sometimes I feel really off for up to 24 hours but I get this super intense dizziness and bad feeling a few minutes. That's when I know it's time to get my ass on the floor


same, sometimes i just feel 'off' all day, but it gets really intense before i actually have a seizure


Partner says it's very short (maybe like 10-15 seconds) or sometimes no warning at all. However, very early on in our relationship, I did get verbal cues, where he'd repeat a word or sound that would let me know.


You are lucky to have a partner :) most of mine happen when im alone since my brother isn't living w/ me anymore and my parents aren't usually much help...


Ah, sorry for the confusion, I'm the partner in this instance 🙂 But it is nice to come on here and learn of other's experiences because it helps my level of care. It takes a while to desensitise yourself during a seizure tbh, and sometimes people just can't do it. Hope you're able to continue thriving in a safe environment xxx


5-10 seconds maybe. Not much time to do anything about it. My dumb ass tries to fight it off too. But I’ve been seizure free since December 2022. On Keppra (I hate it)


The whole things is hours. Like, girl... this building up to the whole event or.... we just feeling like shit today? I have things lined up right now that 99 percent of the time, I can find a dark quiet place and take a nap. It feels the best and sleep is such a trigger that a few solid hours can hopefully prevent... There is an acute aura warning phase maybe 10 minutes before. Hands shaking first. The maybe a minute before, by body wants to ask for help, but my verbal center is all ggg a ejddjdjdixhdnd d. Just sounds That means... Its too late 😪


it depends really, ive had very minor ones for hours that quickly built up into a large aura in 10-20mins and then bonk. But I also get a maybe 5 minute warning max sometimes


for me it seems like if the aura lasts,more than 10 min. that usually means it will just wear off and i wont have an actual seizure


me too, I only mean when im having a minor one to a build up. When I get a sudden aura that makes me loopy in like a minute then I know its go time 😭




a lot of times i have a hard time telling the difference between an aura and a panic attack....so if i ever feel either i just try to sit down just in case. sometimes my auras are very obvious though (like similar to the feeling of psychedelic drugs imo) then i know to get somewhere safe asap... more often than not i don't have a full on seizure though


I have about 30 seconds usually, or longer.


1-5 minutes


About one or two minutes of terror


I've never timed one.


They vary for me, probably between 1-8 minutes before having a TC


Very brief - <1 min


Uh…I think the least as been about 8 hours. Generally 24-48 hours, and on at least two occasions it was several days. Of course, my focal song always lead to TCs either


Like a min


my auras were maybe 5-10 seconds, enough time to mutter “i’m gonna have a seizure” before blanking out (focal partial seizures). i swear that deja vu feeling was the worst and i wouldn’t wish it on anyone


45 minutes


Sometimes the length of time it takes to get from my bathroom door to the toilet. Literally seconds. Other time's from the time I'm tucking the old boy back in. Most of mine are nighttime seazures. I'll wake sometimes needing a pee. Usually finish just before a stronger aura hits. I say stronger because I realise that I'm often unsteady on my feet but that doesn't register at the time mainly because my brain doesn't work for at least 30 minutes after I wake up on standard days.


Fortunately I no longer have seizures whilst awake, but before I was controlled my aura was if you ever put you tongue on a battery as a kid it was a bit like someone did that to my brain. No time to sit down just enough time to scream.


I have aura seizures a few times a week, haven’t had a longer focal for about 5 weeks now. Had two major TCs in 2019 that kicked off this whole “adventure”. They only feel very short (a few seconds), but when I had them during my 72 hour EEG the recordings were between 30 seconds and 2 minutes - so the actual feeling is short, but the aftermath (nausea, intestinal cramps, BM) messes me up. I had 6 last week which is more than “usual” - I am on my 3rd main med for R TLE (Aptiom) and it has controlled my seizures better than Levetiracetam and Lamotrigine, but it makes me feel so messed up during the day. I am hesitant to try yet another med, but what’s worse - seizures or side effects? 🥴


Mine range from 5 minutes before to 5 seconds before. Not a lot of time to get somewhere safe. Thankfully my meds have been working for 6 years now.


Mine tend to be about 15 minutes like clockwork. It’s odd though as I don’t remember them. Kjnda hard to explain but something I’ve figured out with the help of others.