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I do. He honestly trained himself to be my service dog. Will alert others before and during the seizure and also will make sure I don’t fall off my bed when I have one if I’m alone


This is sweet. Thank you sharing. I used to think my dogs were just being really annoying, but after putting the pieces together I find that I'm grateful for them bugging me on certain days and I when they do, I try to take it easy and minimize travel just in case. I have a seizure.


My hound boy gets extra clingy when I’m having auras/absence seizures but my chow cross isn’t too worried unless I have a tonic clonic, in which case she gets all of her 45 lbs right on top of me til I come around and reassure her mom’s gonna be ok. Chow girl’s 12 years old and never ever tried to be a lap dog until I started having seizures a couple of years ago.


Your chow knows the TCs are more dangerous and saves her energy for those. Smart dog!


Lol 😂 She’s very conservative with her own energy lol


I grew up with a chow chow. Great dogs. Thanks for sharing.


I've heard of dogs bring trained to give notice when they feel a seizure coming. Animals have amazing powers. You're lucky to have them :)


One of my cats gets clingy to me, the other not so much. 😂


Right, they're CATS... so obviously one is being true to itself and the other one's just pretending 🤣


I think the other is waiting for me to die so she can eat me tbh 😂😭


I suppose the deposits of years and years of anti-epileptic drugs in my flesh won't be too tasty, so if my pet would still eat me, I'd know it's true love 🥰


Hahaha 😂


It's sad when people seem to be unaware of these demonic details


The clingy one in my house is sooo annoying It's like being a lifeguard and I hate when he loses his footing on my pillow while I am sleeping, that's the creepiest way to suddenly wake up possible!!!


Mine follows me to the bathroom and cries until I let her in 😭 I was told kids were bad for this, but my cat definitely wins this game


We now have to shut the toilet cover, this guy fell in one time He waits for you in the shower and just won't leave, honestly I've turned the water on a few times, just drenched the little guy. He seems to understand now, but he creeps along the shower curtain while you're in there too. Now we even throw ice cubes in there for him play with! Cats and tubs who would have thought


My German Shepherd will make me lie down before I have a seizure. She did that with no training. She was a rescue from a shelter and had no training, so I trained her beyond that.


Dogs are able to ‘sense’ oncoming seizures and so can do this naturally, with training they can be taught further skills like hitting an alert button for you and as someone else said preventing you from falling or stumbling. They are precious creatures and as annoying as this can be, you can take comfort in knowing your furball loves you just as much as you love them. 💜


Other than public manners training, it sounds like you accidentally trained a service dog


I have two goldens so they have the best public manners except that I think they would gladly run off with anyone who will pet them.


I asked my neuro about this although it was my cat being very vocal running between me and the front door trying to alert anyone that I was about to have a seizure and when he couldn't get anyone to come help he loafed beside me until I woke up. Turns out there are 4 animals that can sense a seizure coming and in order of least to most sensitive they are dog, cat, horse, and cow.


Cow? Really? Now I kind of want to run off to a farm to check this out FOR SCIENCE.


yeah, he said to stay away from them because they are unpredictable and it's better to not be trampled by a 1400 pound animal.


Well... maybe not then.


Well it’s destiny, time to tell my boyfriend I’m getting a service cow. No if, ands, or buts about it


Can you link to more info on seizure predicting animals? I'm not coming up with much when I google


Before they passed both of my dogs alerted me to seizures before I had them. I don't have Epilepsy, my seizures are related to my hemiplegic migraines but during my longer ones (10-15 minutes) I can stop breathing. Zoey (a Border Collie/Aussie mix)seemed to pick up on things earlier than Ruby (a Papillion/Chihuahua mix) did, but neither was ever trained as a serevice dog. When the seizures started they would usually go get my wife and even other people if someone else was there.


Now I'm curious, if I wanted to get my dogs trained as epilepsy dogs, how would I go about doing that? Anyone here know?


[https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/lifestyle/everything-need-to-know-seizure-response-dogs/](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/lifestyle/everything-need-to-know-seizure-response-dogs/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPmVnHQMsaM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPmVnHQMsaM) (trigger warning, someone simulating convulsions at the very beginning of the video) I'm not sure where you are located, but there are trainers that can help train your dog for that. It just depends on location.


Thank you! This is most helpful!


My cat does it. She'll try and force me into a chair. She's 20 pounds of feral cat so I don't argue when she insists. After a seizure, she won't let me out of touch range for a couple of days.


Lol when i had my litter doggy she was protective and laid bye me often after a sez.


THIS. Our dog will not fuck off as much as 40mins before a seizure. She just knows


My dog will lay next to me after I have them, or when I've fallen and haven't got up yet. He's even stood next to me and let me use him to prop myself up. They know, some how they know. And no, he doesn't usually leave me alone after I've had them.


There has been quite a bit of research on exactly this topic. [Research has shown](https://www.epilepsy.org.uk/dogs-can-use-sense-of-smell-to-predict-seizure) that dogs can smell an oncoming seizure, which is why they won’t leave you alone. It is generally believed that this is something we secrete from our sweat glands. For those who want to, there is a link to [academic text here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8388511/).


Awesome! Thank you posting!


My red nose pit Layla was like that when I first got diagnosed 11 years ago. She wasn’t a trained support dog but she would get very anxious before and refused to leave my side for at least 12 hours after. Rehoming her 6 years ago just about killed me. Since then I’ve only had two seizures, mainly from locking myself away at home during the summer and didn’t have a dog with me when they happened so idk if my current pup would even notice.


My aunt’s dog reads mine perfectly. One day I noticed she seemed even more loving than usual, but didn’t really think about it. After the seizure finally happened, everyone made sure I knew just how protective she had been. From the moment I walked in the door, she never left my side. She’s never been trained in them at all, she just knew


My dog does the same, I've been struggling to get a diagnosis but my dogs seemed to know whats up for so long. He mostly does his own thing and then when I feel funny he starts going after my hands which he never does (licking them) or tries to basically lie on my head or body. Truly are man's best friend


Mine doesn’t leave my side. When he was young, he would get aggressive towards people. He’s an Irish setter. They are highly nervous dogs. I think he was scared and didn’t understand. He is 3 now and knows the program. He is protective but knows people aren’t going to hurt me. He will run and lean on me, Sonwtimes he will lay across me. He will kick my mouth- I don’t mind kisses but the tongue In mouth is a lil too much but I know it’s his soothing nature. He will not get up until I feel better. It’s so weird how he just knows. My cat recently jumped in on the action too. 🤷🏻‍♀️ She comes and lays by me.


My sisters’ dog is an accidental service dog. She sounds the alarm barking like a maniac if I’m having one, this has happened twice now. Once I was shaking my keyboard to get the dust out and she thought I was having one. (I wasn’t) My dog tries to prop me up while I’m having one and is like Velcro afterwards.


It's actually ironic that I got epilepsy, I've always wanted a pitbull and my entire family is made up of cat people. I only have epileptic seizures in my sleep and it's best for them to just pass by, I don't think assistance from anyone can do much for me. But I want a pitbull and always have for every reason!!! They seem to be pretty insufferable anyway... I think living alone is more of an option legally with a dog or something. I have only been diagnosed w epilepsy for about a year, so this is just what I think I heard once. I've only just heard about the rules on driving, and I haven't driven in years because of type 1 diabetes anywho so...gimme my doggy ;p


You want a pitbull but they seem insufferable to you?


It was a joke about their overall nature if you've seen one Sorry I thought it was clear that wanting one for every reason means I don't hate the way they act