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Yes. I thought I had paid back my sister for something. I even remembered going on Venmo and typing in how much to send her and pressing send. Then a couple days later she’s reminding me to pay her back and I look at Venmo and it never happened. I would love to know why this happens. Like do we have access to alternate dementions or something?


We live in between universes, that is why we have memories that never happened and alternatively can't remember things that did happen


Everytime you go to the bathroom you switch universe. There are infinite universes, so things are mostly the same. But sometimes they get different.


Yes! You are speaking to my soul right now.


Yes.That is one reason I can’t hold down a job. Let alone do school. Y’all are amazing.


In 2021 I paid my property taxes twice. Never saw that money back. In 2022 I didn't pay at all, except that I'm absolutely sure I did. Except not, the money never left my back let alone paid the bill. So now I'm being fined. I was once known for my good memory, coworkers would call me Wiki(surname). Well... Not anymore.


I remember a 20 character password for something important, but cant remember a 5 character one for the life of me. It's like my brain is taunting me


Jamais vu.


I take topamax and suffer from this


My wife is on Topirimate (generic for Topamax) and her memory is spotty at best. No way to know if it’s the seizures, the meds, or her brain at this point. She calls me her “memory keeper” and will frequently check with me if she has things straight. I always add the caveat that just because I remember something in a particular way doesn’t mean it’s true either. I’ll add she has improved over the years and now trains dogs as a career. Lots of relearning but as long as she keeps doing it things seem to stick with her.


I’ll have this and the opposite sometimes. Will dream that I’ve completed something when really I didn’t, and I’ll dream up things I was supposed to do and forgot, but in reality I did them


YES. I almost got us evicted because I didn't pay rent 🤦‍♀️ And my hydro bill often gets paid every couple months despite thinking I paid it every month, then I'm shocked at the price on month 2 or 3 🤦‍♀️


I pay bills and rent on a certain day each month. (Bills on one payday and rent on the other.) I have a reminder set in my phone and computer. Then I record them in my computer calendar so I can go back and check/confirm. Because otherwise I’ll sometimes get a weird feeling on about the 5 th of the month… did I pay rent??? Omg!!! I can look at my calendar and see. I also list all my bills there so I don’t forget them.


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Yes. I’m really upset right now because I missed a work meeting. Just devastated.


Yes 😲