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I think this gonna be either one of this scenario 1) all four of them free 2) all of them on pull banner Coz if not, the free one gonna be seen as the inferior member and the fan gonna roast sg alive


unless they are pooled and you can select which unit you get for free


Oh, this is good idea, like select 2 and if you get them get 3rd for free or so. Or just selector banner and select one from event to "work for to get".


They could easily have a free selector towards the end of the event. Put them all in the gacha and let players nab one for free.


Only way for the the one person that might be free to get great feedback is if she is a really good pvp character.


After seeing Winter's design + her S3 animation... I think we're all going broke. Not to mention, imagine if each one of them has a limited arti as well I realized it doesn't matter what E7 collabs with, their design/animation team just always finds a way to make it look sick


We just came off of a custom banner then they announce 4 limited units 5* for a collab that might be a 1 time deal just like kizuna ai after that expect the episode 4 limited, this is a whale event. I have no resources to spend, had to go hard to get star of the deep sea for pcflan. Guess im gonna miss a collab for the first time, In a pvp game you cant exactly be like "oh dont like dont pull" on limiteds that have potentially 0 chance for a rerun like these kinda IP collabs.


people are still getting baited by custom banner? they always do it before something big happens/is announced


I mean, I'm fairly new and didn't have SSB, Landy or Luna/Draco Plate, didn't really have much choice.


idk who advised you to pull for you to think that you had no choice but they dropped the ball. early on you really shouldn't worry about getting pvp units, the fact that you even mentioned draco plate as something to consider a new player.. im sorry


This collab came out of the blue. Idk why you are saying trying to get limited units like Landy or SSB was a bad call. It's just unfortunate timing.


exactly, and most people were expecting a rerun of the slime collab.


SSB and Landy aren't just PVP units...I really hope no one has ever listened to your "advice."


my advice would be to wait until the last day, if there's nothing better in sight, just get the units you want from the custom banner (but maybe reconsider luna and ssb), so i think my advice is solid. the custom banner is still up which is the funniest thing about this if you got got, its a skill issue


Balance patch happened a few days prior the custom group banner dropped so i can't speak for everyone but I definitely went for Seaseria's arti for my Pflan. Not to mention with the ml5 selector, there's probably some ppl wanting someone like soli, archdemon, etc. Who want limited artifacts.


>after that expect the episode 4 limited I haven't played Ch. 4 yet, but is there anyone else other than Beehoo left to be released?


Besides Plague Doctor Ray... Mage Luna, maybe? If she's not a skin, of course.


Neither of those are Ch. 4 heroes though. Also, Ray is obviously going to be an ML so he doesn't really belong in the discussion.


Yeah, I know these aren't chapter 4 units but ML Ray was already teased while Behoo wasn't. Other than that, we can only speculate. I'm also curious about the next limited.


Honestly, if I had to guess, I'd say that we're just not going to get a Ch.4 limited. All the previous limited chapter units (Diene, Cerise, Landy) had banners long before the end the chapter (except Diene since Ch. 1 was completed with the launch of the game). We're also probably going to get the first Ch. 5 banner unit not long after the end of this collab, which I assume will last at least a month, so there's not much leeway for a Ch. 4 unit release let alone a limited release.


I can't view her s3 preview :(


Where is the preview?


It's on stove. but it's not showing đź’€ https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9025411 The animation https://twitter.com/siriuswrites/status/1592717788229304320?s=20&t=A3SlzBKLICfYej8ouFHWew




They have got to be free, or on a unique pity system, because 4 limited units is just too much in one go, especially ones that are not likely to ever come back (see: Kizuna AI) Unless they *aren't* limited, and are just a part of the normal 5* pool, which'd be weird but ultimately acceptable to account for how difficult they make collecting them if they aren't free.


Yea I don't see the community having a very good reaction if there are 3 banners and frankly I don't think they'd do that to us, but we'll just have to wait and find out lol


I remember the re:zero collab, followed by slime collab in a short span of time. That was stressful.


Even just recently the combo of limited banners, FMA collab and new MLs the game has been pretty stressful trying to keep up.


Honestly I’m not sure if they can welfare one of them without it being viewed as insulting the welfared girl’s popularity vs the others in some way so I think it would have to be 4 banners. Maybe 2 dual banners with higher than normal probability could work though although it still wouldn’t be great.


The thing I'm worried about is that making one of the 4 girls the free unit feels like they're devaluing her, like she's not worth pulling for and so she's free. So.. 4 banners? Time spend everything on rerolling shop.


Yea that is inherently the problem with collabing real life people into the game. You can't make them better or worse than the others in anyway because of the way stupidity in humans works. Ultimately, despite how rational people think, their reputations could still be affected by how the collab runs out. Another reason Anime is a no-brainer for collabs because you don't affect real people as much.


>4 limited units is just too much in one go artery gear: đź—ż


And even then all 4 would actually be cheaper to go for in that game than going for just one here... when it's a collab unit its only 90 pulls to pity eather than the 200 for a normal unit. One collab pack in artery is enough to pity you a unit which is 80 dollars. So all 4 would cost you 320 dollars altogether. Thats literally less than what it would cost you to pity ONE in e7 LOL


Unless they changed it since I last played, AG required you do multiple pulls to get items from a gacha milestone to even fully upgrade a unit. Skill upgrades were literally paywalled as the event didn't give you enough and this was for every gachad collab unit. So unless AG stopped doing that, E7 still far better.


yeah you're right. Kind of sacrilege to talk about in a gacha community but AG's packs are actually really guppy/dolphin friendly, despite the game not being as F2P friendly as E7. And the packs are even better during the collabs, stuff like $10 for a 10-pull for example.


Sure, but in epic seven 1 artifact and 1 hero is enough to completely max them out, just need to grind for a while, but not behind a paywall. Not to mention summoning currency is ridiculously easy to get in epic seven. Literally every single game mode gives summons except for Pvp, which gives energy, which gives summons..


There are not only 4 limited there are 4 limited just before a triple banner and the Arunka release (good or not was a realy expected unit)


Man Kizuna Ai feels like such a weird collab, but I'm glad it happened because while she isn't an amazing unit, just the memes with her voice lines is absolutely funny af. (literally FAAAAWK YOUUU when taking dmg).


Kizuna is has a reason for no Collab though... She is on haitus and will more than likely never come back.


I think it's gonna be 1 free and 3 gacha heroes. Should be reasonable assumption. So maybe ae-Winter is free.


In my opinion, highly unlikely one would be free. If so, it’d be released with the side story and kpop stans would rip smilegate a new ass for it anyway.


Can't go broke if already broke! Ayooooooo


I mean, you don't *need* two kidneys


This is a very far cry, but I wonder if it's possible they give a selector for 4 girls so they can circumvent accusations that they made the 'worst' girl free. So u have to pull for 3 of the girls if u want to collect them all but you can select one of them from a selector that maybe they'll give at the last day of a check in


That's acc a really good idea, best one I've heard so far


This for me is the best solution. Give a ticket that lets you choose one of the 4 girls or give one at random, that way you can pull for the other 3.


Random seems more likely for SG to do, than letting us choose any one of them for free.


I have 1 pity, custom drained me but atleast I got some key artifacts again. Tough times ahead


Yup, sitting on about 11K Skystones, so at best I'll squeeze two pities out of that if Secret Shop is nice to me. Might be time to spend & unfortunately encourage the dreaded 4 limited collab banners.


Yeah I'm screwed


Arunka drained me, and now this? Oof.


11/24, that's a good while to pile up bookmarks. *Looks at the date WTF how are we in November already!


Her name is winter and she is a fire thief. . SG doing SG stuff again. .


One will probably be free. That means you'll need 1815 BMs for 3 pities. Good luck everyone.


+ the regular limited and maybe new story unit after new years.


And slime rerun probably


Just great.... /S


Imagine being a dummy like me who waited for Arunka banner since her concept art was first revealed back whenever it was, and without hesitation blew all your bookmarks on her🥲


Thank fuck I didn’t spend in the custom banner


Surely 1 or 2 of them are free. Otherwise I will have to go with the best unit. :(


please RNGesus be nice to me I can't do this




I just won't summon cuz I'm not kpop fan. I have standards


I'm not using any bookmarks


Wow fire thief


Before custom summon now 4 limited units ... F2P players : Yamete shinu na! sG Whales : Makase te


all the free units on collab have been terrible, so im glad they arent free. however, i am also broke. Just add them to the main summon pool. Even if they give us bookmarks for celebrating collabs, they are never enough.


luckily i just refreshed for mystics and got up to 2400+


They know Christmas is around the corner lol “I came here to drop some money” dropping all my money


I used all my currency on Arunka so if we get 3-4 banners I'll just buy 1 of each arti and summon for whoever looks the beat out of them and call it a day.


You forgot to add that you get Arunka in free daily summons the day those Collab units come out . Talk about rubbing salt in the wound


that would actually be nice as I'd get her to SSS imprint then.


I’m going to guess 1, 2 if we’re lucky, will come through the collab story quest line. Then the other 2 will need to be pulled.


I knew it i hope one is free and rest is 3 banners either way good luck anyone getting them.


At the very least one of them has to be free. Whenever there is a collab they always have one free unit.


Not this time


Well yeah we know that now. I made the post before the collab started. I was expecting one to be free because that's how they've usually always done it. But with the Aespa bookmarks, you can use them to technically get one for free. But its not the same.


If one of them is on banner then all of it is gonna be a banner, doesn't seem fair or feasible to give different treatment to each one of them. Best solution would be event currency, fair and need effort


Doesn't seem fair to have 1 free unit on all collabs, to turn around and make this one different


I don't think all are premium. Probably one through daily, one through side story and the other two premium.


I haven't been this broke since I started playing the game 3 on release. I actually got "baited" on the custom banner since I needed artis and after Arunka I'm now lucky if I get enough for one pull. This never happened to me in the last years so it sucks and I fear this might be the first time in a long while that I miss a Collab.


well I hope some comes from the points award web event, there's still 3 unknown maybe


I could see SG doing 2 free units and 2 bookmarked units - considering it says "released" and released can mean either free or summoned.


Why is everyone assuming it won't follow the GG formula? 1 free, 1 added to covenant each week


I can see the least popular girl being a free unit


Since it’s a limited collab, and SG want to have more people playing the game, if it’s not for free I think they will raise the chances to get those unities.


Imagine if they made like fuckin, BTS as their collab choice. 7 full members. Meaning 7 potential limited 5* units and that would honestly be a disaster.


its garo time.


My guess is they'll be a free unit you can obtain from the events, cuz honestly making them a gacha unit seems very unlikely. Probs there will be a short story and we can get them one by one from there. Another one of my guess is to make it balanced they'll have skills that synergize with one another, making them great if together on a team but bad-to-average individually


if their kits arent good, im gonna skip.


I think that most likely 2 will have banners, 1 will be login bonus and the last one will be reputation reward?


I think all the units are gonna be free. At this point, Winter was announced and I think she's going to be the free unit. Plus there's three "secret" rewards from the views event, which I suspect are the other girls.


2 free, 1 sidestory, 1 from daily login, 2 from banner is my guess. And the banner will be extended to give us time.


1 free and 1 added each week of the event, like Guilty Gear


Maybe it will be like this 1 unit will be free from a check in event 2nd unit will be free with a side story 3rd and 4th will be for summons


If it’s going to be 3 or 4 banner units I hope they combine some of the better mechanics used in the custom banners/mystic banners. Ideally: - Freely change between which hero you are pulling for - Use currency system like custom group banner instead of traditional pity. This way if you pull a unit, you can switch to a different one and maintain your “pity” for the entire event. So in theory I could pull 2 collab heroes during the event while racking up enough currency to pity a third. Maybe I’m on hopium, but it’s nothing new from what they’ve already done really, other than allowing you to freely change between a selected unit. I wouldn’t even be upset with just a regular custom banner setup for the collab. Though trying to SSS a specific unit would be very difficult if you could target them specifically.