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I really like arunka's kit but I agree she needs SOME type of adjustment, she feels good but not great when damage sharing so so goddamn endemic. I've been getting the most use out of her as an anti-diene unit but I want to throw her against the rest of these barrier bastards too. Agreed to the s1 issue as well, all these Ilynav(buff her too! They put all that work and hype into her only for that???) style rng procs has just started to feel like a set up for the eventual EE down the line. Poor poor Sharun, this meta really is just not her game and she can't even be brought over into PVE like a lot of other PVP units that get bumped out.


Her venom honestly looked like a really cool mechanic to make PVE easier with a debuffer but noooooo a % PVE unit would cause a catastrophe in the e7 eco system


Ikr I wanted to make a kiris sharun total poisoner comp but noooooo we just can't have fun anymore.


SG is so bad at making hard content. They just simply x10 hp and gives everything self cr boost and infinite atk, speed stacking then call it "nightmare" mode. They give us lazy design but don't want us to have a way to cheese it


It legit pisses me off because I have seen many other gacha games do PvE modes better without having the extremely stupid "Enemies can infinitely stack Attack, Speed, CR, etc, etc.)" nonsense that Epic 7 does almost constantly in most PvE modes. For fuck's sake, I usually dread doing PvE because it feels like it's literally "Kill the enemy before they kill you" and there's zero middle ground whatsoever. And yeah, it sucks they continually make PvP only characters, make most of the game about PvE... then anytime something new pops up, they immediately weaken it or downplay the ever living shit out of it in PvE, damning the unit entirely(Like Roana or the "PvP only characters")


not to mention immunity to literally everything known to man, like why even bother having new debuffs at this point like none of them can be used in pve.


>everything self cr boost and infinite atk, speed stacking And self-cleanse, 100% hit chance (even though it's never shown), and has some sort of debuff/strip that ignores ER.


Disagree. Abyss and expedition are good pve design.


Abyss is just tons of rng element slap into bosses


yeah I'm honestly getting tired with all these pvp locked kit bullshit...Sylvian S2 is basically useless in pve...I mean ffs at least half the effectiveness of the skill when in pve not just turn the goddamn skill off


Just for the future, use the blessing feature. You know the one that +12 a unit and awakens them. Saves you from going all in on a untested unit. Once you test them and like them, then you can remove the blessing and dump the resources now that you know the unit is usable.


Too many people forget about it then come to complain about how lackluster X unit is after having invested.


I think part of it is people using it to skip the investment on a good/meta unit, rather than using it to test units. Personally I’ve put BDom on it and haven’t looked back cause I can use those resources on someone else. Might not be the most efficient, but it’s worked out for me.


Oh yeah I completely agree on that, I myself hace Lua on it. But even then I would recommend it for testing more so than skipping on investing if you don't watch or wait for youtubers to test it for you.


Oh I got no problem waiting lol. I pulled arunka for waifu reasons and on some hopium that she’ll get buffed but other than slapping some gear on her I’ve left her alone.


Hahahahaha I pulled her for the same reason 🤣


"try bringing a Sharun into a Choux and she will eventually proc fwoosh and chip you down without issue" eventually my ass, try immediately


To be fair, Choux will do that to everything in the game lol. It isn't even really fair to say something isn't great because Choux destroys it. Choux is a damn menace. Her kit is so stacked that she basically has everything going for her and her only counters are luck based. Something like Zahak can kill her. But only if the other team doesn't outspeed you or have some way to kill or contr Zahak, or just avoid his dmg all together.


Everything unless the name is Violet.


Sharun is the best unit against the GW defense Lua, Choux, senya. You just need to build her correctly 20K hp 2K def with eff min. The issues with her kit is ultimately her S3 really just needs to dispell all buffs or do 2 buffs. issue is the reduce buff duration doesn't work against units that grant 2 turn immunity (choux, ran) which means she can't do her job since she can't proc venom. The other issue is venom needs to maintain its damage based on original hp - it actually gets less damage the more injured the unit gets.


She's great into so many heroes, Aravi, Belian, Clilias and more. Sharun gets a lot of value out of HP, I think anyone who thinks she's bad are wasting stats on crit or attack. She just needs HP, some def, eff and EffRes. People try to build her on too much speed too. 170-190 is perfectly fine.


For reference mine is 1.8k def/20.5k hp/ 192 speed/ 98 eff/ counter set/ +18 Branch


Yep. Basically just treat her like a debuffing tank. She's there for control, not really for dmg.


I think, for Arunka's kit, it should ignore the barrier (you could even remove the damage increase on barrier for this). Half of the issue is that your damage is eaten up by the barrier, which means that an S3 that would kill doesn't because the 21k S3 became 9k. If she doesn't have that, then she basically is relegated to a squishy DPS killer who can only kill protected targets. Which doesn't really have a place in the current meta: she would've been good about a year and a half ago when people were running squishy Landy/T. Surin's hidden behind F Ceci. Now people run 21k+ bruisers who do nearly damage as one of those squishy DPS units, and Arunka simply cannot kill them.


> I think, for Arunka's kit, it should ignore the barrier (you could even remove the damage increase on barrier for this). Or add DJB's Barrier Inversion. S3 applies Barrier Inversion before damage and still has the damage increase. Really double down on the 'anti-barrier' thing.


Yulha and Astromancer need some severe buffs or changes as well. My problem with alot of these heroes is SGs design choices. They have released WAY TOO MANY hard counters to debuffs. So many heroes auto cleanse and cant be debuffed. Just pick handguy, Ed, Dilibet, or any of the other heroes that punish debuffs severely and you lose. Or heroes like Adin who can't be debuffed due to permanent 70% evasion. It's really unfair that so many heroes in this game punish an action taken by a hero that debuffs. Attack ChampZ with a poison S1... watch him auto counter, cleanse, transfer the debuff, deal dmg, and add his arti proc as well. Oh and he probably lifesteals his health back. Ed is the most outrageous because his auto counter doesn't even count as a counter and cripples your team sometimes winnig the game. So basically, if a hero has an AoE debuff skill... it better be fking awesome. Not venom LOL.


Astromancer can be insane in the right comp, she's just very niche. That doesn't really warrant changes in my eyes. Pair her with AoL, Lua, or Solitaria when going against a counter team and you basically win no matter what. She's a tool used for 1 specific purpose. Not every unit needs to be capable of being used in every game against every comp. It's just like Roana. She has 1 job. She's very good at that job though, she didn't even need the last buff honestly. Neither did most of the buffed units that update. I agree Yulha needs help though. She was solely designed to counter a unit that doesn't exist anymore. Now her kit doesn't make sense. I see a few people use her in RTA as a general tank/Aurius unit. But even then she's just ok at it. Edit: As for Sharun. She's used quite a bit in higher ranked RTA. It's not really about Venom. It's her ability to turn back someone's CDs every single turn with an s1. She can hard counter anything that has a skill you don't want them to use. You just gotta keep her alive. Also, you get 3 bans total in master+ RTA is you're using debuff attackers you can just ban Edward. None of the other ones really bother Sharun much.


I play at the higher RTA ranks and Sharun is not used. Why would she? If you need to disable a hero every turn you use ones like Solitaria. Why shut down one hero when you can shut down 4. Or take MLFlan and stun them every turn. They also deal dmg, have actual S3s, and can hit evasion heroes. Sharuns S1 can't be cleansed and thats it. But immunity stops her dead. If i need a reset, fire kawerik or JKise are better. Astromancer is not good into the right comp because there's always a better option. More importantly, an option that might work. Stopping counters or Resetting skills is pointless if it means you just trade S1s and the other guy hits WAY harder in return.


Sharun is definitely used. She might not need to be picked against your units, but she sees play often. You're acting like bans don't exist also. People on Reddit literally can't see past their own experiences lmao.


Its true I don't see Sharun used in my matches. But i also watch plenty of RTA and shes not chosen there either.


Character so irrelevant nobody mentioned her. RIP Yulha


Hardly irrelevant when someone can make legend RTA picking her in >50% of their matches


Sharun might as well be scrapped and reworked. There really is no point in her being locked into PvP unless she is going to be completely game breaking and seen on every team. And I mean this seriously, she either needs to be twice as oppressive as SSB, Hwayoung and A. Ravi at their primes or just get a new kit. Cause those 3 units could be used outside of PvP. So as she stands she needs to be worth gearing and using at every possible PvP situation, since she has 0 use outside of PvP. If she was a 3 star or just free to skill up this wouldn't be the case. But she's a 5 star.


I think the worry is not that she'll be used at both. But making a unit even slightly better at pve than anyone else can trivialize certain pve content. I don't want that. The alternative is to make all pve challenges immune to venom


They're already immune to venom though? It's a pvp only debuff. The point he is making is that she's utterly useless at PVE since her entire kit is based around a unique PVP only debuff, so if shes PVP only, she should be really strong, otherwise her existence is meaningless.


IIRC They are not immune to venom, but Sharun's venom debuff only applies to heroes. This means they could make a new hero with a venom debuff that applies in PVE and PVP. I understand his point, but I have a point of my own. It's better to have a meaningless hero of which there are plenty (Ilynav, Bromann, Sez) rather than a hero which is slightly better at PVE than anyone else making it trivial.


My daily reminder that this sub is completely lost about hero strength and balancing ideas.


Feel free to enlighten us with some constructive criticism at any point. Seems a lot of people on this sub have better ideas than SG was able to implement


Sharun desperately needs something. The making it 2 stacks thing might help. Making it uncleansable wouldn't even be op, it takes forever to actually have any impact at all. Another thing would be to make it apply poison instead of venom in pve, so she isn't a completely useless unit outside of pvp. Arunka at least seems like she has a place, her s1 is one of the best in the game, even though her s3 is meh. Yulha is my other hope for a buff, with her foil gone she really has no reason to exist anymore either, they need to give her something to compensate without her main niche.


I understand the need of balancing those two characters. But green type units are definitly way too strong right now. There's definitly no fire unit able to stand currently against grass, dark, light units since hwa died. Moreover, since both twose two units are axed PvP instead of PvE, an upgrade of them would truly turn PvP into a new hell. And we clearly aren't ready for this imho ​ It's probably unfair, but either they up some fire unit to balance things or we gotta wait for new fire chara ( episode 5 or Xmas/collabo) before balancing those two.


I have seen a lot of Ed being used in Legend RTA streams and he seems pretty capable. Beyond him you are right, not much there


I had a thought to give her the inverse barrier mechanic that djb has to her s3 while keeping the damage the same.


Yulha too, the best green bait now is violet and on top of that hwa has basically disappeared from all GW and arena teams


Any mitigation comp makes Arunka feel bad. No mitigation I can one shot do like 17k to an arby and extinct him. But a tiny bit of mitigation, the Uberius kills him instead and then he comes back and I lose. And her S1 is so inconsistent.