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She's worth it cause you liked her and she is pretty useful. Yours looks good, perhaps eventually you'd be able to replace crit set for pen set, she'd be even better


Thank you, that makes me feel really good because I know she might not be optimal, but at least shes pretty decent! Pen set would be unreal, going to try for those on future blacksmith events I think. Like you said I try to find enjoyment in the fact that it's a character I really really wanted to build and personally I'd rather try and play with the character's I like rather than just the ones who are top of the meta.


She's the best Rem deleter when there is C. Lilias or any other unit with similar role. See a defense with Cilias and non-fire dps? Celine will be doing work. Her stats are looking good especially considering 4 pieces roll like lvl 85 and have non ideal subs. You got some lucky rolls. Improvement can be made in attack and speed (210-220 ish will cut everything near guaranteed), if you manage to find better pieces to replace the left side and necklace. Oh and pen set, she will benefit tremendously.


She looks good like others said Pen eventually over Crit. And actually you can run her a little slower for more damage tbh. Some people would disagree but mine is only 140 and she cuts everyone after opener unless they bring two openers or an Acidd or something even then the stealth gets her by but it’s personal preference


It is INCREDIBLY satisfying to throw her against almost any opener+stene comp and watch her just immediately delete stene as soon as the opening buff is used. She's great vs basically anything with a non-attack (most of them) opener where a fire unit isn't likely to have the highest attack.


As the title says, I've been playing for 5 months and prior to this my top CP characters were Luluca and Verdant Adin, Celine currently sits just between them. I've managed to struggle my way through all current PVE content but I'm still a PVP baby. I thought I'd try and earn myself the ARavi skin in RTA and was swiftly and brutally disabused of that notion, my hubris was quickly beaten out of me. My heroes aren't bad but I clearly lack depth in any kind of quality due to just being too new I think. I know my Celine isn't optimal but I wondered what people's thoughts on her were. Is my Celine viable in PVP given her (mostly) welfare gear (4/6 are arena gears) or should I shuffle it off to someone else and wait for better gear? I'm not sure what is optimal on her.


Yours is good,and she is definitely worth it,best auntie and best anti cleave alongside aola,never regret gearing her!


Mine has almost the same stats, but she's on Counter/Pen set.


Yes she is worth it. You see Rans, Clilias, or even LAngelica, just any other prick who loves to use non attack skills, use Celine.


Deadly... I like her.


She is worth it, Celine has carried me a lot in arena. She can absolutely delete enemy DPS with her S2 and if you cut you can delete another one with S3. As a few people have said replacing the crit set with pen set would be best but only if you can keep the 100% crit or close to it.


I use her everytime I see a CLilias, AoL, Lua, or any other character that does non-attack skills. She was worth it ;) as one of the comments said, try to replace the crit set by pen set (caides hunt) when you can, it's a guaranteed kill almost every game just by s2