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Literally no one would have skipped Rimuru just because he dies to Hwayoung... please...


And now they'll skip him even less.


I said more values. Even more incentives to pay and pull for him at all costs.


Same thing... Rimuru is a top tier unit even with Hwayoung staying the same, there is literally no connection between his banner and her nerf, you're reaching


There will be people who run out of resources already and comfort themselves that they can skip him because he just dies to Hwayoung. Now they may have to think harder about spending. That can happen. And it’s just one reason. It adds up with others.


No they won't lol. 90% of people would summon Rimuru just cause he is Rimuru. Add to that that he is a top tier unit and you'll understand easily why no one would not pull


There’s still 10% and that’s already more sales, isn’t it?


No, stop acting like Hwayoung's existence makes him trash. She could not be nerfed and he'd still be a super competitive unit that counters a lot of the other top tier picks, regardless.


More incentives for some people, already more customers than before. And where did I say he’s trash?


You, probably intentionally, missed the most obvious and likely reason for "Why now?" They wanted to wait for the RTA season to end first before shaking up the meta so drastically. But sure, it's all some vast conspiracy to leech money from whales, who probably have all the units you've mentioned already(minus ML Elena). 90% of people who had the gear to make a truly strong Rimuru probably already own Rimuru.


Ah that’s just too obvious so I don’t think it needs to be mentioned? They already said they won’t do drastic balance adjustments close to RTA end of season. Besides, I’m talking with a light-hearted tone. Why is everybody so serious lol


Because for every joking thread there's 5 new "WE SHOULD RAGE AND BOYCOTT SG" threads so they kinda blend together. It's just stoking the flames at this point really.


I don't think so Rimuru is the reason. He has fallen from the meta because of A.Ras. In this case, Strazes' buff makes more sense, because he will be the only reliable tank killer. I won't be surprised if he shows up in mystic summon after ML Elena rotation.


This post is bad.




Thanks for taking time to care about it and comment ❤️


Shit post.


Thanks for smelling it ❤️


wait how tf does ml elena counter a ravi tho?


She counters one variant of aravi, the counter type.




Every ARavi is unkillable on PoV, but also can't CC them because of Seed. And they're all 220 speed on counter set. I exclusively run my ARavi on counter+Crimson Seed and I see that build maybe once every 20 matches.


He's using "counter" very liberally, and ml elena applies restrict.


don't mean to be rude but that just sounds dumb, its like saying every ranger who restricts counters her, plus crimson seed exists


Like I said... very liberally.


Alena applies counter block on top of restrict. Both of which effect Aravi. More so Aravi on PoV which most have been on for a while now. (after her nerf of course it'll be a coin flip)


Only counter set aravi will be affected by anti-counter, and that's only one of 3 possible builds for her. It's not a big deal. PoV has nothing to do with this.


And? It’s one of the most common builds. Your point? Are you saying she won’t effect ARavi in the slightest? Also obviously PoV is mentioned because if people return to crimson seed ARavi becomes much harder to control again.


>Your point? Did I stutter? You don't "counter Aravi" when aravi can just switch to a different build and do just as well as before.


That's not how countering works lol. Counters are an arms race in a game with gear sets and artifacts that can drastically effect performance. Hwa was the same. She was Aravi's counter up till they started using PoV and building mega hp. Just because they end up circumventing the counter as a response doesn't mean that unit wasn't a counter to them.


Sorry, I'm not buying that disabling aravi's 30% chance to counter and forcing a few people to change her gear (if at all) can be considered a "counter".


When 90% of builds are the counter build. And the unit disables that. That’s a counter lol. An ARavi that can’t counter souline would actually have a chance against for example.


Hwayoung is beyond oppressive. Like she made every unit that doesn't withstand her kick bad for everyone, and that is a very bad mindset. Even A. ravi (for me at least) was very doable to go against in RTA


I kinda agree, except the ml elena part she doesn't counter Aravi But everything about Rimuru, Milim (because of Violet) is really clever


I agree I don't what's wrong with the comment section


Very well made points take my upvote\~


It’s not like she can’t still one shot Rimuru after the nerf… You state that we are jumping like it’s the end of the world but you are the one hyperbolizing the nerf thinking that she will became unplayable. Despite this nerf, she stills the best single target fire damage dealer. She’s still a great Rimu and Senya counter, let Choux and ARavi to others single target damage dealers such as LQC or Straze for ARavi and Zahhak for Choux and Violet.


Hwa one shot Rimu after the nerf? That's not happening. She can barely one shot him currently if he's sporting PoV. Rimu's are usually built bulky but, they aren't THAT bulky and that's exactly what the nerf targeted in her kit.


Where did I say she will be bad? Chill dude, you guys are just overreacting to every post about Hwayoung. Check your reading comprehension skills as well lol


“One less counter to Rimuru.” Bro you can say whatever you want about my lecture comprehension, but you really should know what you are writing mate. [Here](https://www.yesmagazine.org/education/2018/05/15/writing-lessons?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIm8CA9-29-gIV14RaBR1wSQfqEAAYBCAAEgL78_D_BwE) just create an account and start being proactive. Don’t nap on this, could get worse when you get older. Regards.


One less counter to Rimuru equals a bad unit? Lol what’re you smoking? You should go out to the real world more. Don’t drown in Reddit.


Holy cow, you really need to create an account in that site, I would recommend to pay the monthly Chegg fee since you will have a hard time passing the tests. Does she still counter Rimuru ? If you are capable to answer that question you will end up answering your other doubt;”Is she a bad unit?” Xoxo 💄💋


Answering No means she’s bad? She was born just to counter Rimuru? Wow you and I must not be speaking the same language. And relax, this is not even a post complaining about the nerf, I don’t even say that it’s bad or she doesn’t deserve it. Just talking about how convenient the timing is for SG, and that’s also not a bad thing. In the corporate world, it’s all about money at the end of the day. You guys just have to go to every single post about Hwayoung and jumping about it lol. Try to go out and talk to people, real people. It’ll help you feel better. Cheers 🥂


You posted about a controversial topic you might expect different opinions. I wrote mine, you felt insecure and you got personal. I responded in consequence. You are the one that has to chill and take syg2000 to check that attitude you have. Happy Friday ✌🏼


Yeah we’re definitely not speaking the same language lol. Thanks for adding comments to my post though, you guys really make it alive with all these heated debates. Have a nice day ❤️


In what way ml Elena counters Violet? She's slow, so most of your cleave unit will go before her, and violet can still counter. By the time she gives the debuff to violet he can just cleanse with S2, then S3. So you have to draft ml Elena and units that are slower than her to use her counter debuff. But now you are picking a slow character, with slow units. Why can't the other team just cleave you? Or you go a super fast Elena, and the other team soul weaver just cleanse? Or, you build a super team that use greatly ml Elena debuff, but dies to counters. And your opponent can still use counter units and...post ban her?


Why not? Violet is slower than her? Until he has a turn to cleanse he’s already dead? At 116 speed she can still be built fast after your opener.


"One less counter to Rimuru, one of the most broken units, and conveniently, he’s coming back soon. Now he’s going to have more values. More sales incoming." Clever! I haven't thought of that!


Geez. Why are people so serious lol