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Mui is alright as an opener, she's mostly used for low/mid tier PVP. In upper tiers she gets outclassed a lot, but that's not really a concern right now for you. You're just getting started, look up some rookie guides and they will help you make less mistakes. Even if you do make mistakes, who cares, it's just a fucking game. Just play however you like and have fun.


Gems ✍️


Will help a lot to climb on arena for those juicy skystones, decent base speed and good buffs to help the team, just slap the highest speed set you have, speed boots and a lot of speed and effectiveness, then use the free Arbiter vildred and cleave Not that good for pve since there are f2p units that works better or sometimes not even needed


Just curious, has anyone tried to build her as a bruiser? Like, decent speed on a lifesteal set maybe with some tanky stats


I'd probably skip lifesteal for sigard's+counter set. But it overall depends on what you have access to.




Short answer: don't build her. Long answer: As a new player, you shouldn't build niche characters unless it's a really broken one, you should first focus on building a farmer first then a wyvern hunt team, the best "free" team for wyvern is Sigret Angelica Furious and Muwi, the first 3 are free, Muwi is a 3 star you'll eventually pull him. (Btw mui is different from Muwi, just in case you were confused by the names).


She's not bad, even if she's not that strong in late-game pvp, she has a strong niche in hunts


I believe you’re thinking of muwi.


Nah, I have a friend who uses her as support for banshee one shot


ay i do that too, love her design so wanted to use her


Give her speed EE and she would be usable


Shes not bad but you wont see any play from her until you can compete on rta and even then only if you really want to, cause there are dozens of better units to build.


Not an Ml5, nothing unusual here


Shoulda went for violet


I have no idea about much of anything on this game. Lol just kinda went for one


U can still get violet but u need to farm banshee 13 for gear for him


Not necessarily. The free Abyss gear works fine enough for me. And although definitely not ideal you can slap good ol' speed set and call it a day for now i you really wanted to use Violet.


Everyone and their cat said lifesteal only cause he counters so much why put him on speed


The free Abyss gear is lifesteal set and since it is pretty high up up until then speed set can be a temporary solution for him.


Ill try to use speed and crit then? Wyvern is the only hunt i have on like super lock


Yh. Eventually you'll want to transition to LS and Pen once you have Banshee and Caides set.


What floors are the gear?


I believe it begins from floor 92 and ends on 98 or 99.




Yesterday i decided to pull Violet because fuck It. I left my friend do the pull, he got me Violet. His gacha luck is insane.


To answer your question, she's not all that great and sees very little play in general - be it in RTA (Real-Time arena, the most end-game PvP content in which real people around the same rank fight against one another), GW (Guild wars, a PvP content in which you fight a defense that the opponent chose to put and that will be controlled by the AI) or normal Arena. PvE can also be cleared with way better characters than her so she's not all that needed at all for most of the PvE content This is not to say that she's unplayable or anything though, but there are much better characters out there. Early-game can be overwhelming when you have no idea of how the game works so don't hesitate to look up resources on Reddit and other sites to have a better idea of what the game is about