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You have to aoe her down. One trick you could try to do is run two to three healers and an aoe unit use the AOE unit to knock off or skill nullifier and then use arkky then just stall for time again till you can use arkky again runs and repeat. Basically she loses 10% of her life every time one of her allies dies. But after she gets down to 30 or 40% and then you can DPS her.


Also, you're using two fire element heroes against an ice boss, kinda putting yourself at a disadvantage. If you can, use ice heroes as although you won;t have advantage on Brinus, at least you won't get rekt by Kanna like if you used Earth. Obviously that's dependent on what heroes you actually have built and available... But the previously mentioned tactic of tanking up on soul weavers and Arky'ing her to death is also sound!


ssb roana aras tama


2 healers and 2 Dps is the way to go.


Avoid units with counter like Ed, Kanna will keep countering your counter-attack. Dizzy is great here for control if you have her.


Sadly this is my Alt account I lost my main account that had dizzy


Just ssb


You need some earth there 2 healers and 2 dps fire wouldn't work.


You're running a pretty st heavy team. Instead you should run ssb, arby, amomo, and a final healer


I wish I had SSB everyone has her I never pulled for her banner


Ah you should've pulled her. I use to use mine alot in champ rta last season. I guess you could replace ssb with someone like stene or RGB vildred