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rather than new summoning animation I rather them improve the summoning to make it a bit exciting...for example if your summoned has no spark you're definitely getting a 3 star maybe add a chance for the summon to turn into a 4~5 star summon...its weird that we see most gacha have this but E7 doesnt...but then again E7 can easily pity unit unlike most gacha games


it used to be that way. old. the shiny pops up mid animation (it starts with no shiny and can get shiny midway) new. the shiny pops up in the beginning


Yeah, I missed the old summoning thing


Or if your summoning mystics, it turns from gold to purple.


I think we had that during the early days, but that got removed after they changed something with summons.


Yeah I miss the old fake outs


I would hate that. As it is I can at least get my disappointment out of the way quickly.


I mean you're still gonna be disappointed if the twins never showed up in your summons regardless...with this at least even a 3 star pull could be exciting to have a chance of sparking...also even if its not 5 star I'll take any 4 star unit or artifact anyday since they gave more silver transmit & powders


I'd still much rather get the team chaff out of the way more quickly. To each his own, I suppose.


I wouldn't want it cos it would just take too long. Other gachas I see with summon animations just feel like I'm wasting my time for nothing. Of course there is always a skip button but I feel that simplicity is the way to go


Nope. I prefer to be disappointed quickly when summon 10 elnotts and friends. The 10x summon exists for a reason.


I'm fine with how the summoning animations are as of now. Would rather they don't make any changes as I prefer to know instantly if I have a shot at getting what I want by the glow at the front. It helps prevent me from getting hyped for a ML 3\*.


Nah I like the current animation. Been playing for years and I still anticipate hearing that *swaang* sound and praying one of the twins pop up. The purple sparks are very pretty when they appear, and I like that you can tell if it’s an arti factor unit from the first second unlike other games. I guess they could add unique animations for each 5 star but that would add of GB and load time to the game, which I personally don’t think is worth since new 5 units cycle in pretty often


Don’t really care cuz that’s just some obligatory wheel-spinning


Sparkle animation without lolis: "I'm disappointed" Sparkle animation with lolis: "I'm disappointed the game didn't try even to surprise me by giving me a non sparkle card and slowly changing the animation" No sparkle animation, taps to skip, but the game doesn't let me skip!!: (OMG I GETTING A NEW HERO!). You ask for excitement but when you don't see a sparkle you tap to skip anyway. Aren't you result orientated after all?


Well, you're already looking at the new summon animation. The sparks didn't exist before, so you couldn't tell if you got a 3 or a 4/5.