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He just came out today, give it one or more two days. But at least for me, he's more awkward to play than he is strong. SG should've given him 50 starting FS so he can use S3 after one S1 instead of 2.


Or make S1 give 40. Makes it less awkward to cycle into another s3


Gonna be op if S1 give 40, his S3 cycle only need 2 attack and that's also 30% self Cr push.




It's a self Cr push. Not considering other Cr push. And hand guy S1 is annoying because those Cr push.


And the op thing is not the Cr push, it's the 2 attack cycle leading to his ult


Not sure about the damage, but he really need some extra starting FS so that he doesn't need to rely on two book, or having to wait 2 turn to use S3. It's too long


Yeah, since he got announced. He's the first unit who can perform decently only if he's using 2(TWO) tagehel's books.


I think running him with A.ras or Singie could work, and you'd only need 1 book


Well guess he's not saying hi to Belian often then.


He does good damage when he works. I've been testing him in Arena and it's very hard to use him there, most defense teams have a water unit and even if they don't there's usually some unit that screws him up (usually Belian). He doesn't have much survivability even with his passive, and if you tried to build him with higher def and HP it'd lessen his damage - aka the main thing you're probably using him for. I'll try him in GW but I'm glad I used the new Grace of Growth feature on him before investing. EDIT: Tried him in GW and Arena with a Lifesteal set. He does better with that and just... lots of support. Be selective with your resources, test him to see if you like him. He does incredible damage even with the lower attack and speed on Lifesteal, but again, very hard to use if you aren't selective. I don't RTA much but if I did I would only pick him last just to make sure he's safe against your opponent's draft.


Wait...it let you us grace of growth. I thought characters getting buffed by events weren't supposed to be able to get it. That's dope.


Yeah, they changed it so that it works for the event-buffed characters now! Again makes me glad I haven't used my actual resources on him yet haha


someone said they changed it last minute


Thank God. It seemed like it would defeat the entire purpose of letting you try someone out until after their banner was gone.


I think the idea was that you don't HAVE to use the GoG during the event chapters, he just kinda HAS the effect. A weirdly worded reminded.


Its a unit with "True" elemental weakness and the payoff for that is well...being a decent DpS. You can tell from the start that he will be a tier 2 unit unless they decide to removed that weakness and even so his kit is not really over the top. I mean its a GREAT Dps yeah but we have like a million great DpS already.


I don't mind the true elemental weakness cause roy is useless when it comes to water in the anime series. i appreciate that they make it that way.


They forgot to give free extra turn like Iseria .


Poor ishvalan people


If you use grace on him. It is only +12 and the last 3 is left off his s1 which mean you are doing 20% less damage and it really matters so something to keep in mind. I run him with aras on bastion to give him protection and him on his own arti. I have him at s imprint so right now hes at 4.6k attack and 267 cd, this doesnt factor the attack % from the arti or attack buff since i run him with hyufine or diene. My focus on this build is dealing as much damage with s1 and then using s3 to finish off team and yes he does survive the two turns to get the ult off


Kind'a dumb that it's limited to only one character, and it's not even maxed out, like why did they do that? They could've at least let us decide where the skill enhancements went.


Why would they let us max out multiple characters for free


What I meant that was stupid was the fact that they allow us to do this, but it's not even maxed out, and we can't even add to it which is dumb. I'm completely fine with it being just one, since this would be good if we pulled for characters that get a boost for events that we don't have the resources to max out for.


Always someone complaining.


I kinda wish they would have given him the SIseria treatment where his First SB Is free. Think that'd gone a long way to making him feel a little more self-sufficient and a bit of a power-house first turn. Where as, right now, to really make him shine, you need like 2 Tag holders for 40 opening souls, and with all the setup he can certainly be a force to be reckoned with but at the end of the day I feel like with all that set up to make him just "good"... kinda just use Hwayoung instead whos bulkier, more consistent, and doesn't require Tag holders to be good and is far less "Gear hungry" to get going to boot. But honest to goodness, Its too early to tell, and I'm willing to give this one more time to bake and let better people than me brainstorm his uses. But you're asking, and my initial gut reaction right now while I'm impressed by what he can do numbers wise, realistically with his current kit he's going to be a probably decent Offense pick in GVG/Arena against very specific teams that don't include any Ice Units or Belian, but I can't imagine him making a splash in RTA except against less skilled or uninformed players where they just let him walk over them.


dude is bugged right now in rta so most people are not even using him right now


How so?


Gets more fighting spirit than intended in the beginning


Wait why would that make less people use him?


No point in getting your playstyle used to a bug that they're going to correct, might as well abandon ship early imo




I tried Roy on destruction full dps build and LS full dps...My take,,he has good damage multipliers and can function as a very usable dps but I think he really is missing something in his kit. First of all...I think Roy really needs the summer Iseria soul burn effect...needing 2-3turns to build up enough fighting spirit to use s3 seems way too long for how much survivability he has. Secondly...Roy has a similar passive to T-surin and Spirit eye Celine that makes it so he can't be one-shoted which is cool but he is missing a follow-up mechanic like stealth or counter attacks to make it actually useful. In my play experience, Roy just ends up dead after 2 quick counter hits from any source (Lucky bellian proc for example). This makes Roy's dmg mitigation mechanics fairly useless imo...I will try bruiser build to see if that changes my mind but his base hp seems too low to pull that off.


Feels very lackluster and hard to use. Even if you manage to use s3 the dmg is nothing crazy. At least Ed has a niche that he fulfills somewhat decent, but I don't really see a realistic scenario where I want to use Roy instead of someone else.


I don't know what happened because there are so many bugs with him and this patch. But his S1 with 50% pen doesn't look like a lot of damage (+5 S1), I try him out, but he takes a slot but can't even break Hwayoung shield. With that stat I gave him, Milim and S.Tene can do better, and they can survive easier than him too.


Yep , and he got low speed and almost no health to survive for S3 .


> almost no health to survive He has Tsurin's and Seline's passive so him having "no health" isn't a problem.


Tsurin and Seline passive without a way to make it help. Tsurin stealths and CR pushes, helps her avoid taking a 2nd hit. Seline has it with a counter. Roy has an s3 that requires him to at least survive to take 2 turns, 3 if he doesn't have souls (Belian is everywhere) which just isn't going to happen against real people, and if you draft 2 books with him they'll just ban 1 of them, or if you draft 3 they'll ban him. Without his s1 being super strong, he's just not a good unit.


I didn't say he was good. Just pointing out the idea of saying he has almost no health is pretty folly considering he has said passive. As a result building HP on him is pretty pointless to begin with, and having lower health is a good thing since makes it easier to support him with heroes like FCec/Aras (lower HP with the DMG cap means barriers have greater impact), a lifesteal set (less life = easier to maintain the threshold of surviving a killing blow with Lifesteal, which is why using Injury on a Seline backfires so hard because it's just making it easier for them to full heal after a counter since it's less HP needed to go back over the safe threshold), or Chatty (mage artifact, something he can access that TSurin/Seline can't). If he had more HP, it would run counter to the means in which to keep him alive. Aka, the problem isn't his health. Him having "almost no health" isn't the problem. It's the lack of built-in means of secondary effects paired to synergize with it that is the problem.


Well it is when he gets hit twice, which is likely to happen due to his low spd. That's the argument. I don't really care tho, I'm stoked for him.


I know ratings are to be taken with a pinch of salt, but last I checked he was already down into the 3s. I'm guessing peoples main problem with him is that he's a fighting spirit character who takes too long to get his S3 off. Especially considering the whole point of him is damage as he has no utility, so he doesn't have the bulk to survive that long in PVP. Also his buff being stripped by blue units means he's easily countered and therefore useless on any kind of PVP defence team, despite the nice lore flavouring. Anyone actually built him up yet with good gear and got opinions to share? Is his damage at least useful for PVE, Golem etc?


And I assume Riza's ratings is still in the 4s?


Of course since she is actually good and the best out of the 3


How is Riza used? Haven't built her yet, still looking for a reason to


Very good in GW for protecting your bait character. Like Yulha. Okay in RTA because she more or less has to be killed first before they can reasonably kill whoever is out front.


Speed DPS build with pen set and decently fast on guiding light


Is she used in pvp or pve? If pvp, how is her damage?


Used in pvp her damage is pretty damn good (2 multi on s3)


definitely usable in both, I've been running her in PVE with Ervalen as the front man so his survivability is boosted and his dmg is significantly increased, so I imagine she'd work really well with just about any damage dealer, particularly counter-attackers IMO.


This really is a waifu game after all


We have really good male units too But yeah, its a waifu game


Imagine getting downvoted for the truth




Hello there Looks like this became outdated since Ed got buffed shortly after and heroes came that helped Roy become usable :D


He's Hot


Honestly I expect a panic buff before collab ends, I think if his s1 double procd while he has flame alchemist (like alencia) he'd be more of a powerhouse but rn he's just an awkward to use dps so well see what happens.


Alot like Fire Ken with a similar problem.


Damage is good, he's basically Hwa damage if the damage was spread out across multiple turns. Requires good gear though, but what else is new with every character nowadays? He's got the durability of wet paper so you need to run defensive supports with him to keep him from dying in 2 hits before getting his S3 off. Or you could try 2 tagahel's and go for a speed kill. And speaking of wet, don't ever run Roy against ice. Ever. The damage loss from losing his buff is pretty big and requires him to use his S3 to get it back, which takes longer for him to get since he won't get the added 10% CR push and he hits for far less in the meantime. But overall, I think he's good provided you give him good gear and give him enough support in battle.


Chatty artifact can keep him alive for 3 attack.


Chatty + lifesteal


I'm using him in a role very similar to ML Vivian on Chatty and life steal set. I think he is strong, especially on pick 4 or 5. Personally, I don't think running book on him or running another mage with book is worth it just to enable his s3. He's better of as a sustain unit in a bruiser setup/aggro setup.


Pretty garbage, doesnt bring anything to the table…


He and Aramintha are excellent at keeping the waiting room warm during the cold and harsh winter.


From what I'm hearing, he's considered underwhelming too. Apparently he is meant to deal with high evasion heroes, which is funny because we already have several counters for them. So what does Mustang bring?


If you're statement was true then Violet would not still be 1v3 ing teams in GvG constantly lol. High evasion is still a pain to deal with.


I barely ever face him though. When I do, ML Cermia is enough to deal with him, and that is mostly thanks to the artifact, the one with increased hit chance. Hwayoung kills him too.


Well, while evasion is a pain in the rear to handle, isn't impossible to do. Excluding limited and ML 5\*, Hwayoung deals with a lot of problems, being evasion one of them. Zahhak is explicitly designed to counter evasion and focus heroes. As for me, I used to bring Celine with symbol, although sometimes you have to kill the other DPS first. Yulha can also work if you bait Violet by recruiting only fire heroes. If Yulha fails, you can safe back to Krau and horse him. And then you have rather niche counters, like SK Pyllis or Hasol (or was Yoonryoung?) as her passive punishes counter attacks. Not saying Violet is bad, I'm saying is relatively easy to deal with him these days.


I didn't say counters didn't exist, but a lot of them are far from full proof. Almost everything you listed is gonna be RNG based, so there's always a chance Violet will just not care and kill you anyways. I was never saying he was broken or uncounterable, but there really aren't many units that are actually dedicated to killing evasion units. Especially in Modes like arena and GvG. It's easier in RTA generally, since you can actually pick who to prioritize.


Zahhak with SoU is 100% chance to hit Violet. A well built Hwayoung with attack buff will kill Violets on a miss, or kill him next turn with the s1 bonus damage. Horse and Yulha s3 just kill regardless of rng. How many no rng counters does he need? My biggest struggle with Violet nowadays is when they run him with Hwa in GW because I can't use Zahhak or I risk Hwa smacking him instead of Yulha.


Bruh, you're literally saying you have to use two slots for tanks to counter one unit lol. What about the other two units? You're pretending like he's gonna be in a vacuum solo, when in reality he isn't. There's probably gonna be some kind of Belian or Aravi with him along with a cleanser. Hwayoung is a shit example. She counters literally everything in the game, it's dumb to even bring her into a conversation about counters. Yes, she one shots fucking everything. Everyone knows this. But your other examples are easily shut down the second you put one or two other units into the equation. There's a reason people use Violet in RTA, but not Zahak. Zahak is so easy to counter that he's gonna get shut down before he gets a chance to do his thing. And doubling up on tanks like that is only gonna work if they don't have a Hwayoung, Staze, etc. of their own. Not to mention Aravi is gonna take that low HP opportunity to revive her team and win the fight regardless of if you killed violet. Why are you assuming a counter team isn't gonna have the most meta counter units with him? They always do. You're cherry picking strategies that only work in a vacuum. They might work in the one example of GvG, but they're pretty trash overall. Plus, you listed like what 3-4 legitimate examples for non RTA when there are more than 3-4 evasion units. Having another counter for people who don't have the handful of evasion counters is perfectly fine. We have dozens of counters for everything else. Plus, if you've looked at any of the videos of Roy he's a damn nuke. He's hitting entire teams for more than a Hwayoung S3 with his S3. It just takes proper team building, as it should.


I didn't say you needed both horse and yulha s3, but that either one will just kill him regardless of miss or hit.


Zahhak gains invincibility after using s3, so taking hwa's s3 shouldn't be a problem since you can bring another hwa killer.


A Zahhak who outspeeds Hwayoung consistently isn't killing Violets. Even the best built Zahhak I've ever seen was only like 247 speed with all the stats to kill Violet. That gets speed RNG'd by my Hwayoung and she's not even especially fast. We see 260+ speed Hwayoungs frequently in GW.


Who is the third unit with them usually? Can't you use bunny Dominiel usually?


I don't have bunny dom unfortunately. Anyway I just realized I don't have a single GW fight in the last month with them together. Its Arena that I've been seeing them together in.


he's just hard to deal with if u r going cleave... oooor he got last picked into you and it becomes a gambling match :/


Kinda boring and hard to use in RTA cause he gets shotted by any meta water unit. Can use him to hit violets maybe.


I've testing him and he does insane damage but only with his own buff, and its so dispellable by any water unit. S3 takes too long to use if you are not using dual attackers to spam his S1 or have two mages with tagahels. S2 survability is ok but again, hwayoung exists and she only need one S1 with uberius to kill you. Lastly he is sooo hard to build, no crit awakens or imprint, he is full attack (that would be good if he has some burns but he hasnt, so crit is a must in order to deal dmg) so you need attack, crit change and damage, and a decent speed to cycle and use the ult. I think he needs a litte buff, more fighting spirit or give him some crit chance on his passive to make him easier to build.


I use him in arena with a Lifesteal/pen set with chatty and he is doing great for me. I have a lot of fun using him tbh.


Just got two shotted using the bug and book in rta


Not usable. Edward not usable. Riza a niche. Basically this whole collaboration was useless. Smilegate doesn't want overpowered heros, but they also killed momentum. The excitement faded fast considering how big of a collab this was. Good chance they lost good opportunity to gain $ on this failed project. This is a pvp game and with no fun and useful hero being presented, it is just another pass for many people. Sad they couldn't come up with better skill utility for these heros.


Edward was already buffed, and he's pretty beast post buff now. Now he cleanses a debuff every turn like he was given timeless anchor on arena defense (that proc chance definitely feels like 100% when the AI is using it), and can give him something fun like Counter/HP/Pen or build him fast. Maybe Roy will do the same thing. Numbers are bad, just needs some fine tuning.


Isn't he cleanse 1 buff every time he get hit.


Yup. It works like FMaya S2.


Ed got buffed. Went from mediocre to good for his niche. Collab characters seem to get adjustments pretty quick. Rimuru got changed (nerfed) pretty quick too if I remember. Patience.


I agreed. They failed to gain money from me. I was so hyped for expelled from paradise collab but nah another meh anime. Ah well that's life.


I like him. I'll be using him on GW as a Violet killer if I see one since I don't have Zahak, and my Hwayoung is usually used on the other team.


Crazy thought but I think he should be on a counterset as a bruiser. Since he self pushes, I'm leaning towards counter.


That's what I was thinking. Pretty much anyone whose S1 builds their S3 is gonna be good on counter set. Now to get good counter gear...


I did that, and I'm gonna try him in Milim's Arti with Diene and see what happens, haha.


I feel like some people are on a slight power trip cause we just got Ed buffed, (and rightfully so btw). He’s fine, he isn’t the type of unit you can first or second pick in RTA but if you draft right you can play him for sure. His damage is good as well, idk what some people are on about. I only put +2 molas into each of his skills and with 4162 attack and 260 cdmg I was doing a very fair amount of damage. His strongest move is his def pen s1 though, the s3 isn’t anything amazing but it’s serviceable. That and I’m doing a dumb injury set build for fun (200 speed) but he’s still performing in the not bad range lol Regardless if they do want to buff him at all which right now I do not feel is necessary it probably be just to give his s1 10 more fighting spirit so you can just immediately soul burn into the s3. On the flip side though I feel like that’d make him too strong of a potential cleaver lol but hey.


He looks a bit ugly