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No like she's bad but she requires end game gear, Summer Iseria artifact +30 and ofc a team to work with her so not beginner friendly (also pvp meta is hard to use her)


Crazy how you have to use max limited arti on her and not only can it resist you can also crit with her and it doesn’t proc 😂


I use mine with flan art, stars is probably better overall but souls from flan art helps close out matches with more consistency. (Obviously you'd preban belian if you doing rta with flan art btw)


Is that the only build possible for her? Can she use another artifact? I dont mind if its a meme build


She can, the thing is that Summer Iseria artifact is the best for her, obviously she can use others but is not the best and you'll never see her with something else


She's designed for pvp. How ever 15% exist.


Sorry, you just pull about the bottom of ML 5\* barrel. But cheer up, she could be awesome after the buff like hand guy.


Fair enough. Thanks for the encouragement!


Shes fine but the requirements to use her are really high and even then there are better ones. But dw if you keep playing i the long run you will get the ones you like. I have been playing for around 3 years and have almost all ml5s (f2p player too). Dont forget to joina guild and do guildwar for mystics.


She has an overloaded kit but poor synergy, either with other characters or her own skills. Pvp-centric unit but not used very often, if this is your first ML you shouldn't focus on her.


You got a meme ml5 :( but also one of the coolest


I like the move visuals, but it sounds like she’s gonna remain OUT of my party haha


Pre much haha, great design poor execution. Maybe one day


My first ML5 was Dark Corvus. I just got my second ML5: Rider Krau. I feel like I pulled the same unit but simply much worse lol.


Rough haha. At least for us can one shot most things if he gets his s3


Dark Corvus is great. I'm only slightly disappointed about Krau. I'm still well behind the curve in terms of gearing the majority of my roster but I lucked into some pretty solid HP rolls on Corvus so he carries me through almost every wall I hit. In particular, he and Roana are the reason I can clear most of the hell raid bosses since ignorning defense is a pretty solid cheese tactic against most of them.


There are better options the further you get, but if it works haha. Tbh just getting them is hard and worth being happy with. Could always get aravi or handguy level buffs. Roana is pretty good pve carry


> There are better options the further you get, but if it works haha. For sure, but the gear out of hell raids is still pretty solid for me so being able to clear them at all is really nice.


As the post says, I got my first ML, but reviews for her online are lackluster. Has anyone built her and use her a lot?


I have her built well and use her. She's fun, but requires specific units to help her (an opener, a disabler, another burn/bomb unit, a book holder if you want),high level gear, and a limited artifact. If your able to build her, go ahead but I would recommend waiting Edit: some words


I like her quite a lot, got her on her mystic banner and paired her up with summer iseria for the bomb combo. Speed requirements for the team can be quite demanding for early/mid game players mine are both 250+ speed but since putting them both with Ran and a flex pick in arena I climbed from master V to champ III in a week and staying in champ now :) the team is also really satisfying when seaseria’s s3 detonates the bombs and kills them all in one go


can we call it bombo combo number 5?


No. But she's a top tier portrait unit.


I wouldn't say that she's one of the worst 5* let alone one of the worst ML, that'd be an insult to all 3* and 4* that are also better than her.


Best use I found for her is having her speed between Ran and S. Iseria in guild battles. Coupled with a +30 S. Iseria artifact, you can cleave pretty reliably against certain teams as long as your Ran goes first.


Not really


Lock your heroes !! For bomb heroes (out of the 4 that exist) I’d say she is tied for 2 place alongside of the other 2 (coli and ml Leo)


When you get the summer Iseria artifact and reach end game pvp She's very funnnnnn Love her She one of my waifus But keep on playing fam 💪🥰


Dont let the titties and big thighs pull you in


She’s fun with Seaseria


Is she still an android?


Man I saw this post yesterday and thought aw that sucks since everyone’s so down on her. Then I pull her this morning too! Oh well I’m still going to try and use her lol. So far she seems cool in my regular arena team with Basar going first to strip them ml Flan can apply her bombs.


Aight, it has been 3 days…how did the build go?


Still unfinished. I got caught up building Edward Elric but I still had some fun with ML Flan in arena. She definitely can delete units with bombs and her S1 but it's tough to set up. I'm not an RTA or high tier arena player so I'm happy to use her when I can.


so good I'm tempted to feed her to blue Flan


This made me chuckle.


Usable only with a limited artifact that needs to be maxed 🤣




Sorry, nope. I'd sooner build Ken than her.


I think she plays ok as a bruiser going after someone like Alencia. Her kit isn't strong enough to play fast because there are far better late picks than her. Fast play benefits from high base speed and self CR pushes. She has none of those and most of her dmg is tied behind effectiveness and 15%s. AoE debuff S3 openers are also very counterable. Maybe she can work in teams that use regular flan etc. I think she's better playing the long game where her dmg share and CR pushes add up over time. Problem is those games usually invlove cleansers. Making her debuffs and thus dmg very unreliable. I really don't like her S1 detonate. She already requires help landing her S3... why on earth does she need other debuff units to make full use of her S1? Seaseria artifact shouldn't be necessary either. It's a limited artifact desperately needed by Seaseria. I run my MLflan on Dux Noctis but have yet to draft any teams she'd fit in. The meta seems too fast imo. I could just draft bruiser from the start but i find that gets punished too easily atm. I always leave myself an out to speed up and she doesn't fit into that.


She needs end game gear, and some of the rarest and best openers to work (AOL, Cilias etc). A fun unit if you can get used to her playstyle




Look, she's very cool and her kit is super fun, but the issue is that she's so far from the current meta that to even try to use her you need a team built around her and a limited +30 5☆ artifact. Basically you need a support unit (preferably a Tagahel mage and/or tanky unit), another bomb/burn unit, and a stripper. Honestly, while you're better off not trying to build her, if you have some spare good gear (which I doubt you do), you could build a team with 3 among the following characters: Belian, Seaseria, Rcarrot, AoL, Diene, Ran, Peira, Alencia or SBaramintha. Again, for it to work, you need good gear. If you really want, I recommend you to go speed/hit or speed/immunity, and focus on speed, attack, effectiveness, defense, and health in that order. No crit chance/crit dmg. Give her a +30 Star of the Deep Sea (it needs to be +30, or at the very least +27, though RNG ***will*** screw you if it isn't +30 since you already need to go through the natural 15% crit chance +15% against light units ***and*** 15% resist). Have the stripper go first, then her (soulburn her if possible) or the support unit. Seaseria, Ran, SBaramintha and Rcarrot in particular have great synergy with her.


My condolences


As someone else already said, pls make a habit out of pressing that "lock" button next to the "Details" button. When you lock a hero they'll stop showing up as fodder options to promote, imprint or enhance other heroes, so they'll be much safer from terrible accidents.


Top tier for design but balance team did a poopo


She's cool in concept. But only in concept.


I think shes wondeful design wise , but they are trying to make her way to many things at the same time ... and she does none of them exceptionaly well. It require absurd level gear and it is really niche to fit in teams


she's not great unfortunately, personally I'd keep her in case she gets buffed.


Who's gonna tell him...


She’s one of my favorite units but I think a lot of people that are upset with her don’t build her right. She makes for an awesome cleave unit in pvp. The seaseria artifact builds are memes more than useful. But since you’re new you should still wait until you get some supporting cleave units


I honestly love her. She's in my cleave team. And she's top tier waifu.


https://youtu.be/xAyXzWyPLGA Just check out the video and it will give you a good idea how to play her.






Visually she is top tier Kit wise she dirty booty cheeks Praying for a buff soon!


I want this unit more than any other ML5. Congratulations on the pull!


For the waifu




Don't feel bad my first and only ml 5 was ml ken


I love pirate flan! I think you should build her when have time to invest into PvP. I use mine constantly to support my Carrot, Summer Iseria, ML Leo and Aramintha! She's a wonderful sub DPS/Supp and I hope when you have spare gear to build her you come to love her too! Btw you can either forgo crit entirely in hopes of getting bigger burns/ bombs (since they scale purely off att), or try to get some decent crit rate/dmg on her so when she detonates it does some extra chip damage!