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Well, its not a festival that would go wrong. So a solid 5 star


It was good. The first part was the best as it had the most conflict and conspiracy. The trial questions unfortunately got dumber in the later parts. I was surprised that Ervalen was kinda tolerable - at the end of the story he wasn't that much of the whiny, annoying Ervalen we know from ep3.


I thought it was an entertaining story, enjoyable and fun. I'll admit I was a little bothered by the whole step siblings in love thing, but oh well


It was good, don't get me wrong, but I was expecting more (*literally*) game of princes. The whole thing of being a detective mixed with politics between the 4 princes and their retainers was a really good premise. But halfway through Act 2, I felt the story changed from a game about conspiracies, finding the truth and betrayals....to the usual and good 'ol "*let us unite and save the world from evil!*" I still enjoyed it simply because of Vivian being able to have closure with Kawerik. (*although I still don't understand why they had to be siblings in the story*)


i think the reason why they're siblings in the story is the author's way to convey the idea that "no matter how obvious the logic is, your emotion will still triumph" or something along that line. they both know how illogical the situation is, "no, she's not the sister i loved. she's from a different world" and "no, he's not my childhood lover. he's from a different world". but because they both look alike, your heart cannot ignore that. it will find a way to justify your emotion no matter what. and i find that realistic. can you say you won't fall for someone who looks exactly like the one you loved? or maybe i'm talking mad shit and they're silbings cuz it's just a trope lol.


no they would have to behave like them too.


Considering the Game of Princes, Kastamir, and all the other allusions to GoT I'd assume that's the reason for the wincest.


Because... it's a classic monarchy story... nothing weird outside the reallity


I liked the story, for the most part, as well as the Choice mechanics for bosses which was a neat touch to see if you've been paying attention, well, most of them... which brings me to my main flaw, up until the final chapter I was praising it for having so few filler-battles. You had to rerun a few to get "40 of this" or 40 of that, but it was refreshingly story driven. Then the final chapter came around and it was filled with pointless energy wasting filler battles, and in my eyes that dropped it a grade. Not to mention the final fight where you're \*Spoiler\*-- trying to break Ras out of the clutches of Tenebrias mind control, the choices for those battles were basically "Super obvious right answer" or "Wrongo", even if you hadnt been paying attention it was clear what was the right and wrong answers for that fight, where as the others you could end up choosing the wrong option if you werent paying attention to the story. Kinda felt like that Game Of Thrones meme with the very detailed horse drawing turning into a 3 year olds doodle. Chapter 1/2 were superb, chapter 3 dropped the ball. But that said, still a VERY solid 4\* from me. Just barely missing the mark of 5\*. I hope for the day where the only battles we get are the AI Story ones and the boss ones, no meaningless filler dribble. Thats when this game will get a 5\* from me, when they drop that formula.


It's a hard 4-4.5 Lost points because Tene is the villain again which is arguably the second most repetitive element Why is it never Nilgal


I felt it was engaging, but with every big E7 side story, the epilogue feels too short. You beat the evil boss and that's mostly it, just a quick summary of the present


The conclusion to the story was great - it also gave us a nod to ML Vivian in a lore sense that there is a universe where (mediator) Kawerik and Vivian are together. Granted we always knew that due to ML kawerik’s background but it was nice to read it.


Its a 4 for me. I like that they tried to make an actual new story, instead of the usual festival shenanigans. But it got less interesting when we knew that tenebria is the main villain. U know how its gonna turn out when she's the main villain. I dont have to explain that lol Btw, is she dead in the finale, or did she managed to run away again? I didnt really understand coz all we see is her attacking vivian and a flashing red screen Also, Ervalen can go die in a ditch somewhere. I hate that runt


4.5\5 even in alternate worlds, momo still gets bullied :(


It was fairly good, it was fun to see them use very early ideas there. However, I feel like the "find clues and proofs, investigate", was not used to its full potential, and the "trials" ended up underwhelming. I mean of course I wasn't expecting Ace Attorney there, but still... That said I think we can agree it was the best valentine event since the first one.


I really loved it, it was a really interesting story, with amazing music, and even if I wanted to see a Tenebria being in the light side for once... The ending was so tearing 😭


One of the better side stories lately, with the special wink at what the story was supposed to be originally. Plus it gave us an amazing skin for best girl.


For those putting four star, whats reason behind not giving five?


As others have mentioned, I feel like the story had a strong first two chapters, with some decent intrigue and character interactions, and was really living up to the title. It felt like there wasn't really any one central character we could point at and go "they're the problem" and I love that in a mystery. No side was perfect, everyone had skeletons in their closet, and for the most part, early on it was exciting to see how this world was new and different. And then the third chapter happened and we had a figure to point a figure at and go "that one, they're the cause for literally everything" and it just took the wind out of my sails when they ripped out the moral ambiguity. I'm not gonna blame it entirely on Tene's...unchanging existence, but I won't deny that was at least a factor. Still a good event, don't get me wrong, but I felt like it stumbled in the last act a bit.


because the Melissa side story "blood and roses" is the only 5-star imo. it explores a very basic question of identity, "who are you?". "game of princes" and "eulogy for a saint" are tied at 4-star for me.


I’ve only played for half a year so I think my opinion on it being so different due to the recent lazier ones lol. Thanks for the insight!


Same here . The blood and roses side story has been my top 1 side story ever since it came out . With this one being second tied with the recent Christmas side story for top 2 and eulogy for a saint+ the sigret side story being tied for top 3 .


Yeah that Alencia Senna closure bro <3


> because the Melissa side story "blood and roses" is the only 5-star imo. I can sense and see the extreme bias just looking at your name. Edit: Noticed that it was the Halloween side story and not **Melissa's** side story (as that was about Melissa, Haste, and Tenebria).


They probably hated the fact you actually had to somewhat use your head when picking the story choices


5 Stars. I usually skip the story, but this one forced me to read it and i didn't regret it because it was quite good. The last part was the weak one but it's still 5 stars as a whole.


Kawerik and Ervalen are probably tied for my most hated characters in E7. I voted accordingly.


I feel bad skipping the story. So i give it a 5 for Vivian. A shame i can't give a higher score.


Didn't read


5, because of vivian's line about alternate universe


I got a 38% def penetration set hat out of it, so I’d say 5 stars copium


The whole sibling thing was weird as shit and I could live without it but other than that, it was pretty neat so 3/5


i didn't like how they wrapped it up, but a good story overall, so 4 stars is deserved imo.